using System;
using System.Threading;
using StardewModdingAPI.Framework;
using Monitor = StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Monitor;
namespace StardewModdingAPI
/// A singleton which logs messages to the SMAPI console and log file.
[Obsolete("Use " + nameof(Mod) + "." + nameof(Mod.Monitor))]
public static class Log
** Accessors
/// The underlying logger.
internal static Monitor Monitor;
/// Tracks the installed mods.
internal static ModRegistry ModRegistry;
** Public methods
** Exceptions
/// Log an exception event.
/// The event sender.
/// The event arguments.
public static void CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
Log.Monitor.Log($"Critical app domain exception: {e.ExceptionObject}", LogLevel.Error);
/// Log a thread exception event.
/// The event sender.
/// The event arguments.
public static void Application_ThreadException(object sender, ThreadExceptionEventArgs e)
Log.Monitor.Log($"Critical thread exception: {e.Exception}", LogLevel.Error);
** Synchronous logging
/// Synchronously log a message to the console. NOTE: synchronous logging is discouraged; use asynchronous methods instead.
/// The message to log.
/// The message color.
public static void SyncColour(object message, ConsoleColor color)
Log.Monitor.LegacyLog(Log.GetModName(), message?.ToString(), color);
** Asynchronous logging
/// Asynchronously log a message to the console with the specified color.
/// The message to log.
/// The message color.
public static void AsyncColour(object message, ConsoleColor color)
Log.Monitor.LegacyLog(Log.GetModName(), message?.ToString(), color);
/// Asynchronously log a message to the console.
/// The message to log.
public static void Async(object message)
Log.Monitor.LegacyLog(Log.GetModName(), message?.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Gray);
/// Asynchronously log a red message to the console.
/// The message to log.
public static void AsyncR(object message)
Log.Monitor.LegacyLog(Log.GetModName(), message?.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Red);
/// Asynchronously log an orange message to the console.
/// The message to log.
public static void AsyncO(object message)
Log.Monitor.LegacyLog(Log.GetModName(), message?.ToString(), ConsoleColor.DarkYellow);
/// Asynchronously log a yellow message to the console.
/// The message to log.
public static void AsyncY(object message)
Log.Monitor.LegacyLog(Log.GetModName(), message?.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Yellow);
/// Asynchronously log a green message to the console.
/// The message to log.
public static void AsyncG(object message)
Log.Monitor.LegacyLog(Log.GetModName(), message?.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green);
/// Asynchronously log a cyan message to the console.
/// The message to log.
public static void AsyncC(object message)
Log.Monitor.LegacyLog(Log.GetModName(), message?.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Cyan);
/// Asynchronously log a magenta message to the console.
/// The message to log.
public static void AsyncM(object message)
Log.Monitor.LegacyLog(Log.GetModName(), message?.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Magenta);
/// Asynchronously log a warning to the console.
/// The message to log.
public static void Warning(object message)
Log.Monitor.LegacyLog(Log.GetModName(), message?.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Yellow, LogLevel.Warn);
/// Asynchronously log an error to the console.
/// The message to log.
public static void Error(object message)
Log.Monitor.LegacyLog(Log.GetModName(), message?.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Red, LogLevel.Error);
/// Asynchronously log a success message to the console.
/// The message to log.
public static void Success(object message)
/// Asynchronously log an info message to the console.
/// The message to log.
public static void Info(object message)
Log.Monitor.LegacyLog(Log.GetModName(), message?.ToString(), ConsoleColor.White, LogLevel.Info);
/// Asynchronously log an info message to the console.
/// The message to log.
public static void Out(object message)
Log.Async($"[OUT] {message}");
/// Asynchronously log a debug message to the console.
/// The message to log.
public static void Debug(object message)
Log.Monitor.LegacyLog(Log.GetModName(), message?.ToString(), ConsoleColor.DarkGray);
/// Asynchronously log a message to the file that's not shown in the console.
/// The message to log.
internal static void LogToFile(string message)
Log.Monitor.LegacyLog(Log.GetModName(), message, ConsoleColor.DarkGray, LogLevel.Trace);
** Private methods
/// Raise a deprecation warning.
private static void WarnDeprecated()
Program.DeprecationManager.Warn($"the {nameof(Log)} class", "1.1", DeprecationLevel.Notice);
/// Get the name of the mod logging a message from the stack.
private static string GetModName()
return Log.ModRegistry.GetModFromStack() ?? "";