AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-07-16Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/hannibal00212/SkyHanni-REPOMaximilian Franke
2022-07-16add white wool to npc sellLorenz
2022-07-15Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/hannibal00212/SkyHanni-REPOMaximilian Franke
2022-07-15Slug Boots & coMaximilian Franke
2022-07-15add not auctionable to repoLorenz
2022-07-15More NPCMaximilian Franke
2022-07-15add hide player trade to repoLorenz
2022-07-15add salvage items to repoLorenz
2022-07-15Edit 1 NPCMaximilian Franke
2022-07-15added more trade npcsLorenz
2022-07-15added trade npc listLorenz
2022-07-15renamed hide backpack to hide in storageLorenz
2022-07-15added hide npc sell for all runes tier 1Lorenz
2022-07-15add tripwire hook to npcLorenz
2022-07-15add backpack itemsLorenz
2022-07-15Create LICENSEhannibal2
2022-07-15Create .gitignorehannibal2
2022-07-15Create HideNotClickableItems.jsonhannibal2