{ "bingo_tips": { "Skilled (Community Goal)": { "difficulty": "Medium", "note": [ "Gain Fishing XP" ], "guide": [ "Fish using a Chum Rod", "(and Glowy Chum Bait)", "from Moby in the Desert Island." ] }, "Poseidon (Community Goal)": { "difficulty": "Medium", "note": [ "Summon Sea Creatures" ], "guide": [ "Fish using a Chum Rod", "(and Glowy Chum Bait)", "from Moby in the Desert Island." ] }, "Scarf Offensive (Community Goal)": { "difficulty": "Medium", "note": [ "Defeat Scarf in Floor 2" ], "guide": [ "Use Party Finder or other carries.", "Will need Combat 15 and a completion", "of the previous floors." ] }, "Enderman Slayer (Community Goal)": { "difficulty": "Easy", "note": [ "Kill Endermen" ], "guide": [ "Use a Dreadlord Sword from Dungeons", "or a Void Sword from the Lone Adventurer", "in The End (200k coins). Will need Combat 12." ] }, "A Hard Day's Work (Community Goal)": { "difficulty": "Easy", "note": [ "Collect Jacobs Tickets" ], "guide": [ "Participate in Farming Contests", "using Hub crops or The Garden.", "Don't forget to claim the contest rewards", "from Jacob before Bingo ends ;-)" ] }, "Reinforced Reforger": { "difficulty": "Easy", "note": [ "Apply the Rare Diamond Reforge Stone" ], "guide": [ "Mine Diamonds in the Deep Caverns until", "you get a Rare Diamond to apply.", "A safe spot to do this is between the Diamond Reserve", "and the Obsidian Sanctuary (-20 27 70).", "Mobs don't spawn there." ] }, "Gunpowder Collector": { "difficulty": "Hard", "note": [ "55k Gunpowder collection" ], "guide": [ "Kill Sneaky Creepers in the Gunpowder Mines", "to unlock Creeper Minions.", "§cDo not use any Intimidation Talisman for this!", "Buy more gunpowder from the Adventurer NPC", "in the Hub to craft minions.", "Place as many minions as you can", "give them a medium storage and the best fuel", "you can. Collect them in time." ] }, "Pair Up!": { "difficulty": "Easy", "note": [ "Find 1 Pair in the Experimentation Table" ], "guide": [ "Get Enchanting Level 10 and play", "the first tier in the Experimentation Table." ] }, "Lumberjack": { "difficulty": "Hard", "note": [ "Foraging 20" ], "guide": [ "Optimal tool:", "Golden Axe with Efficiency 5", "Reforges: Lumberjack's or Moil", "Get Haste 3 from a splash to instamine wood.", "Try to combine the Birch Wood grind", "with foraging less competetive wood types." ] }, "High Score!": { "difficulty": "Medium", "note": [ "230+ Score in Floor 1" ], "guide": [ "You can try your luck", "with party finder for this,", "ask your friends or", "check the bingo Discords for carries." ] }, "Esteemed Enchanter": { "difficulty": "Medium", "note": [ "Obtain a Level VI Enchantment" ], "guide": [ "When you complete High Score!", "open a Free Chest to get", "Infinite Quiver or Feather Falling VI." ] }, "Minion Machine": { "difficulty": "Easy", "note": [ "25 unique Minion crafts" ], "guide": [ "Doing this will bring you decently close", "to your 8th Minion Slot.", "Try to craft every cheap minion you can", "get your hands on while doing other things." ] }, "Lynx": { "difficulty": "Medium", "note": [ "Obtain the Lynx Talisman" ], "guide": [ "Obtained from Guildford in the Dungeon Hub,", "gotten after completing two 4/4 races from the NPC.", "You can use the Pearl Skip strategy to make this easier." ] }, "Slayer": { "difficulty": "Medium", "note": [ "Reach Slayer Level 4" ], "guide": [ "Kill T2-T3 Revenant Horrors until you unlock this", "or get carries in higher tier bosses." ] }, "Now We're In Business": { "difficulty": "Easy", "note": [ "Craft a Diamond Spreading" ], "guide": [ "This unlocks at Diamond Collection 6. To craft it, you need", "1 Enchanted Diamond and 8 Vines (costs: 40 Jungle Leaves,", "needs: Jungle Wood Collection 4 to unlock in the /trades menu.)", "You might get close to that by going for Reinforced Reforger." ] }, "Bedazzled": { "difficulty": "Medium", "note": [ "17 unique Accessories" ], "guide": [ "List of more than 17 talismans:", "Buy all 6 Talismans for 26k from the Adventurer in The Hub", "Collection Talismans:", "Night Vision Charm, Farming Talisman, Vaccine Talisman,", "Gravity Talisman, Talisman of Coins, Magnetic Talisman,", "Emerald Ring, Wood Affinity Talisman, Speed Talisman,", "Potion Affinity Talisman", "Other:", "Archaeologists Compass, Ring of Love, King Talisman,", "Campfire Initiate Badge, Lynx Talisman, Spider Talisman,", "Red Claw Talisman, Candy Talisman, Frozen Chicken,", "New Year Cake Bag, Glacial Talisman (Frozen Treasure).", "Optional: 4 Bonus accessory bag slots from", "the Redstone Miner (costs 1920 Redstone total)" ] }, "Skill Average": { "difficulty": "Easy", "note": [ "Skill Average of 8" ], "guide": [ "You will most likely get this while going", "for other goals. To help with this,", "try to make bigger crafts", "by hand for Carpentry levels.", "Also do your daily experiments and make sure", "to have a pet active at all times", "(any pet works, even level 100)." ] }, "Birch Wood Collector": { "difficulty": "Hard", "note": [ "70k Birch Wood Collection" ], "guide": [ "Optimal tool:", "Golden Axe with Efficiency 5", "Reforges: Double-Bit or Lush", "Get Haste 3 from a splash to instamine wood", "Forage in the Birch Park (-276 82 -13)", "in The Park (/warp park).", "Place as many minions as you can", "give them a medium storage and the best fuel", "you can. Collect them in time." ] }, "Hard Worker": { "difficulty": "Medium", "note": [ "Craft a t11 minion" ], "guide": [ "You will most likely get this", "by crafting a Wheat Minion from", "the Wheat you get from going for", "Wheat Collector." ] }, "Sightseer": { "difficulty": "Easy", "note": [ "7 public islands" ], "guide": [ "You can visit all Islands by using the warp command.", "The Hub (/hub), Spider's Den (/warp spider), The End (/warp end),", "Gold Mine (/warp gold), Deep Caverns (/warp deep),", "Farming Isles (/warp barn & /warp desert)", "Remember that some of them require certain skill levels to enter." ] }, "Love Is All Around": { "difficulty": "Easy", "note": [ "Obtain a Mediocre Ring of Love" ], "guide": [ "Obtained after doing the first 3 parts of the", "Romero and Juliette Quest.", "(Yellow Rock, 15 Poppies and 64 Emeralds)" ] }, "Petsitter": { "difficulty": "Easy", "note": [ "Upgrade a pet with Kat" ], "guide": [ "Upgrade a Common Bee to Uncommon for this.", "This will cost 5k coins and 128 Coal Blocks", "and take 1 hour." ] }, "Wheat Collector": { "difficulty": "Medium", "note": [ "95k Wheat Collection" ], "guide": [ "Use The Garden for this,", "A full plot is 7,896 Seeds or 50 Enchanted Seeds.", "Using an Advanced Gardening Hoe (25 copper)", "will make this easier." ] }, "Eagle-Eyed": { "difficulty": "Easy", "note": [ "Complete a timed Target Practice" ], "guide": [ "Talk to Jax in the Hub (5 61 -134)", "and beat the first Target Practice.", "Use an Artisanal Shortbow for this." ] }, "Pet Hoarder": { "difficulty": "Hard", "note": [ "12 unique Pets" ], "guide": [ "No eggs:", "Bingo, Enderman, Grandma Wolf, Armadillo, Bee,", "Dolphin, Reindeer, Rock, Tarantula, Owl and Oringo Pets", "Eggs:", "Jerry, Silverfish, Pig, Rabbit, Endermite and Bat", "If you go for Eggs, you will need 2.5k Chicken Collection." ] } } }