{ "bingo_tips": { "Collecting Data": { "difficulty": "medium", "note": [ "Self-explanatory" ] }, "Powder Collector": { "difficulty": "hard", "note": [ "Doing daily Fetchur and Puzzler when it is", "2x Powder and opening crystal hollows chests" ] }, "Fairy Finder": { "difficulty": "easy", "note": [ "Self-explanatory " ] }, "Obsidian Treasure": { "difficulty": "medium", "note": [ "Unlocked by getting a Score of 270+ (S)", "250k cost to open (Floor 1) " ] }, "Now We\u0027re In Business": { "difficulty": "medium", "note": [ "Unlocked from Diamond Collection 6 (5k)", "(8 Vines from Builder and 1 Enchanted Diamond)", "Easily be done in Crystal Hollows or Dwarven Mines" ] }, "Compact Crafting": { "difficulty": "hard", "note": [ "Unlocked from Cobblestone Collection 10 (70k)", "(448 Enchanted Cobblestone and 1 Enchanted Redstone Block)", "You can easily do this on your island with", "a cobblestone generator or use the bridge in Dwarven Mines" ] }, "Petsitter": { "difficulty": "easy", "note": [ "Self-explanatory (Pets to do for this can be common", "Rock pet or common Bee pet)" ] }, "Collector": { "difficulty": "hard", "note": [ "Cobblestone (10k), Diamond (10k), Redstone (10k),", "Sand (5k), Leather (10k), Oak Wood (5k) " ] }, "Leather Collector": { "difficulty": "hard", "note": [ "Kill cows in the barn or Kill mooshroom cows in the desert to get minions" ] }, "Sea Summoner": { "difficulty": "easy", "note": [ "Visit (Normal Profile) §elQONIQ_ §7or §evalkeea", "with a fishing rod in your hand", "with the enchantment Angler on it" ] }, "Topaz Crystal": { "difficulty": "medium", "note": [ "Kill Bal in Crystal Hollows and", "click the crystal when it spawns" ] }, "Exterminator": { "difficulty": "medium", "note": [ "Self-explanatory " ] }, "A Lost Cause": { "difficulty": "medium", "note": [ "Any floor of dungeons, you need the", "finalhit to get this goal you don\u0027t", "need to be the only one to kill it" ] }, "Lumberjack": { "difficulty": "medium", "note": [ "Grinding Oak Wood in Hubs (Golden Axe) " ] }, "Experienced": { "difficulty": "medium", "note": [ "Can get this from getting the collection,", "fishing, or end nodes " ] }, "Minion Machine": { "difficulty": "easy", "note": [ "Self-explanatory" ] }, "Critical": { "difficulty": "easy", "note": [ "Can get this from getting God Splash" ] }, "Ender Menace": { "difficulty": "medium", "note": [ "Void Sword with full end armor and reforge", "on sharp/spicy and talismans on warrior " ] }, "Strange Effects": { "difficulty": "easy", "note": [ "Self-explanatory " ] }, "Meiser": { "difficulty": "hard", "note": [ "Rare Rock pet selling to George will give you 500k,", "killing endermen and sell the armor,", "end nodes are very useful for money as well", "and jerry boxes as jerry will be mayor this bingo!" ] } } }