{ "areas": { "Wyld Woods": [ { "name": "Tough Bark", "position": "-15:91:94" }, { "name": "Next to Enigma", "position": "-27:71:90" }, { "name": "Woods Flower Pot", "position": "-6:60:226" }, { "name": "Wither Cage", "position": "-142:68:174" }, { "name": "Pressurized", "position": "-137:51:120" }, { "name": "Two Plates", "position": "-129:72:77" }, { "name": "Fleespook", "position": "-27:89:136" }, { "name": "Up in the Sky", "position": "-137:133:156" }, { "name": "Between Branches", "position": "-108:117:123" } ], "Black Lagoon": [ { "name": "Tel Kar", "position": "-115:69:61" }, { "name": "Lagoon Cave", "position": "43:91:56" }, { "name": "Mushroom Guy", "position": "-168:81:12" }, { "name": "Roy", "position": "-204:75:49" }, { "name": "Spinning Runes", "position": "-93:73:36" } ], "West Village": [ { "name": "Hot Dog Contest", "position": "-102:72:-103" }, { "name": "Fake Neuroscience", "position": "-34:71:-88" }, { "name": "2 Players", "position": "-106:78:-101" }, { "name": "Cake House #1", "position": "-95:76:-82" }, { "name": "Cake House #2", "position": "-94:70:-84" }, { "name": "Dolphin Parkour", "position": "-38:44:130" }, { "name": "Between Roofs", "position": "-88:79:-102" } ], "Dreadfarm": [ { "name": "Farm Flower Pot", "position": "-76:90:-149" }, { "name": "Beanstalk", "position": "-106:249:-149" }, { "name": "Buttons", "position": "-74:65:-119" }, { "name": "Farm Balloons", "position": "-77:72:-176" } ], "Village Plaza": [ { "name": "Rabbit in the Hat!", "position": "-21:72:-18" }, { "name": "Back to Basics", "position": "-88:20:0" }, { "name": "Buy BZT Today", "position": "27:71:-77" }, { "name": "Plaza Fleespook", "position": "42:88:-91" }, { "name": "Plaza Balloons", "position": "47:68:-59" }, { "name": "Lonely Ävaeìkx", "position": "-34:66:-25" }, { "name": "Between Cooler Roofs", "position": "-23:84:-92" }, { "name": "Horsing Around", "position": "40:70:27" } ], "Living Cave": [ { "name": "Behind a Living Wall", "position": "38:63:-198" }, { "name": "Flowery Message", "position": "3:68:-204" } ], "Colosseum": [ { "name": "Full Circle", "position": "-161:98:-72" } ], "Stillgore Château": [ { "name": "Standing there", "position": "255:74:160" }, { "name": "Between Towers", "position": "262:118:94" }, { "name": "Castle Fleespook", "position": "182:92:124" }, { "name": "Castle Flower Pot", "position": "266:60:145" }, { "name": "Castle Balloons", "position": "232:94:168" }, { "name": "Fairylosopher", "position": "256:130:75" } ] } }