{ "sackList": [ "Wheat", "Carrot", "Potato", "Pumpkin", "Melon", "Seeds", "Mushroom", "Cocoa Beans", "Cactus", "Sugar Cane", "Nether Wart", "Cactus Green", "Hay Bale", "Poisonous Potato", "Cropie", "Squash", "Feather", "Leather", "Raw Porkchop", "Raw Chicken", "Egg", "Mutton", "Raw Rabbit", "White Wool", "Cobblestone", "Coal", "Iron Ingot", "Gold Ingot", "Diamond", "Lapis Lazuli", "Emerald", "Redstone", "Nether Quartz", "Obsidian", "Glowstone Dust", "Gravel", "Netherrack", "Sand", "End Stone", "Mithril", "Titanium", "Treasurite", "Starfall", "Hard Stone", "Flint", "Red Sand", "Mycelium", "Plasma", "Volta", "Oil Barrel", "Rotten Flesh", "Bone", "String", "Spider Eye", "Gunpowder", "Ender Pearl", "Ghast Tear", "Slimeball", "Blaze Rod", "Magma Cream", "Oak Wood", "Spruce Wood", "Birch Wood", "Dark Oak Wood", "Acacia Wood", "Jungle Wood", "Apple", "Oak Sapling", "Birch Sapling", "Spruce Sapling", "Acacia Sapling", "Dark Oak Sapling", "Jungle Sapling", "Raw Fish", "Raw Salmon", "Clownfish", "Pufferfish", "Prismarine Shard", "Prismarine Crystals", "Clay", "Lily Pad", "Ink Sack", "Sponge", "Chum", "Glowing Mushroom", "Nurse Shark Tooth", "Blue Shark Tooth", "Tiger Shark Tooth", "Shark Fin", "Rough Ruby Gemstone", "Flawed Ruby Gemstone", "Fine Ruby Gemstone", "Flawless Ruby Gemstone", "Rough Amber Gemstone", "Flawed Amber Gemstone", "Fine Amber Gemstone", "Flawless Amber Gemstone", "Rough Sapphire Gemstone", "Flawed Sapphire Gemstone", "Fine Sapphire Gemstone", "Flawless Sapphire Gemstone", "Rough Jade Gemstone", "Flawed Jade Gemstone", "Fine Jade Gemstone", "Flawless Jade Gemstone", "Rough Amethyst Gemstone", "Flawed Amethyst Gemstone", "Fine Amethyst Gemstone", "Flawless Amethyst Gemstone", "Rough Topaz Gemstone", "Flawed Topaz Gemstone", "Fine Topaz Gemstone", "Flawless Topaz Gemstone", "Rough Jasper Gemstone", "Flawed Jasper Gemstone", "Fine Jasper Gemstone", "Flawless Jasper Gemstone", "Sulphur", "Red Sand", "Mycelium", "Netherrack", "Magma Cream", "Blaze Rod", "Ghast Tear", "Nether Quartz", "Glowstone Dust", "Nether Wart", "Spectre Dust", "Blaze Ashes", "Mutated Blaze Ashes", "Wither Soul", "Magma Chunk", "Bezos", "Burning Eye", "Tentacle Meat", "Digested Mushrooms", "Kada Lead", "Magmag", "Gazing Pearl", "Leather Cloth", "Spell Powder", "Compact Ooze", "Lumino Fiber", "Hallowed Skull", "Corrupted Fragment", "Corrupted Fragment", "Nether Star", "Kuudra Teeth", "Heavy Pearl", "Flames", "Millenia-Old Blaze Ashes", "Rekindled Ember Fragment", "X", "Y", "Z", "Blaze Powder", "Enchanted Coal", "Cup of Blood", "Flaming Heart", "Horn of Taurus", "Lump of Magma", "Enchanted Magma Cream", "Magmafish", "Moogma Pelt", "Enchanted Netherrack", "Orb of Energy", "Pyroclastic Scale", "Lava Shell", "Thunder Shards", "Protector Dragon Fragment", "Old Dragon Fragment", "Unstable Dragon Fragment", "Strong Dragon Fragment", "Young Dragon Fragment", "Wise Dragon Fragment", "Superior Dragon Fragment", "Holy Dragon Fragment", "Mite Gel", "Ritual Residue", "Crystal Fragment", "Enchanted Carrot", "Enchanted Golden Carrot", "Enchanted Potato", "Enchanted Baked Potato", "Enchanted Pumpkin", "Polished Pumpkin", "Enchanted Melon", "Enchanted Melon Block", "Enchanted Seeds", "Box of Seeds", "Enchanted Brown Mushroom", "Enchanted Brown Mushroom Block", "Enchanted Red Mushroom", "Enchanted Brown Mushroom Block", "Enchanted Cocoa Bean", "Enchanted Cookie", "Enchanted Cactus", "Enchanted Cactus Green", "Enchanted Sugar", "Enchanted Sugar Cane", "Enchanted Nether Wart", "Mutant Nether Wart", "Enchanted Bread", "Enchanted Poisonous Potato", "Enchanted Feather", "Enchanted Leather", "Enchanted Pork", "Enchanted Grilled Pork", "Enchanted Raw Chicken", "Enchanted Egg", "Super Enchanted Egg", "Enchanted Mutton", "Enchanted Cooked Mutton", "Enchanted Raw Rabbit", "Enchanted Wool", "Enchanted Cobblestone", "Enchanted Coal", "Enchanted Coal Block", "Enchanted Iron", "Enchanted Iron Block", "Enchanted Gold", "Enchanted Gold Block", "Enchanted Diamond", "Enchanted Diamond Block", "Enchanted Lapis Lazuli", "Enchanted Lapis Block", "Enchanted Emerald", "Enchanted Emerald Block", "Enchanted Redstone", "Enchanted Redstone Block", "Enchanted Quartz", "Enchanted Quartz Block", "Enchanted Obsidian", "Enchanted Glowstone Dust", "Enchanted Glowstone", "Enchanted Flint", "Enchanted Ice", "Enchanted Sand", "Enchanted End Stone", "Enchanted Mithril", "Enchanted Titanium", "Enchanted Red Sand", "Enchanted Red Sand Cube", "Enchanted Mycelium", "Enchanted Mycelium Cube", "Enchanted Sulphur", "Enchanted Sulphur Block", "Enchanted Rotten Flesh", "Enchanted Bone", "Enchanted Bone Block", "Enchanted String", "Enchanted Spider Eye", "Enchanted Fermented Spider Eye", "Enchanted Gunpowder", "Enchanted Firework Rocket", "Enchanted Ender Pearl", "Absolute Ender Pearl", "Enchanted Ghast Tear", "Enchanted Slimeball", "Enchanted Slime Block", "Enchanted Blaze Powder", "Enchanted Blaze Rod", "Enchanted Magma Cream", "Whipped Magma Cream", "Enchanted Oak Wood", "Enchanted Spruce Wood", "Enchanted Birch Wood", "Enchanted Dark Oak Wood", "Enchanted Acacia Wood", "Enchanted Jungle Wood", "Enchanted Raw Fish", "Enchanted Raw Salmon", "Enchanted Clownfish", "Enchanted Pufferfish", "Enchanted Prismarine Shard", "Enchanted Prismarine Crystals", "Enchanted Clay", "Enchanted Lily Pad", "Enchanted Ink Sack", "Enchanted Sponge", "Enchanted Shark Fin", "White Gift", "Green Gift", "Red Gift", "Enchanted Snow Block", "Snowball", "Enchanted Ice", "Enchanted Packed Ice", "Hunk of Ice", "Hunk of Blue Ice", "Green Candy", "Purple Candy", "Pumpkin Guts", "Ectoplasm", "Werewolf Skin", "Spooky Shard", "Revenant Flesh", "Undead Catalyst", "Revenant Catalyst", "Tarantula Web", "Spider Catalyst", "Wolf Tooth", "Null Sphere", "Raw Soulflow", "Soulflow", "Null Atom", "Derelict Ashe", "Crude Gabagool", "Spirit Leap", "Trap", "Inflatable Jerry", "Decoy", "Superboom TNT", "Bonzo Fragment", "Scarf Fragment", "Livid Fragment", "Mimic Fragment", "Healing Tissue", "Jolly Pink Rock", "L.A.S.R.'s Eye", "Wither Catalyst", "Ancient Rose", "Fel Pearl", "Thorn Fragment", "Poppy", "Dandelion", "Blue Orchid", "Allium", "Azure Bluet", "Red Tulip", "Orange Tulip", "White Tulip", "Pink Tulip", "Oxeye Daisy", "Sunflower", "Lilac", "Rose Bush", "Peony", "Endstone Rose", "Enchanted Dandelion", "Enchanted Poppy", "Plasma", "Volta", "Sorrow", "Glacite Jewel", "Goblin Egg", "Green Goblin Egg", "Yellow Goblin Egg", "Red Goblin Egg", "Blue Goblin Egg", "Robotron Reflector", "FTX 3070", "Control Switch", "Electron Transmitter", "Synthetic Heart", "Superlite Motor", "Bob-omb", "Jungle Key", "Yoggie", "Sludge Juice", "Corleonite", "Oil Barrel", "Blobfish", "Flyfish", "Golden Fish", "Gusher", "Karate Fish", "Lavahorse", "Mana Ray", "Moldfin", "Skeleton Fish", "Slugfish", "Soul Fish", "Steaming-Hot Flounder", "Sulphur Skitter", "Vanille", "Volcanic Stonefish", "Obfuscated 1", "Obfuscated 2", "Obfuscated 3", "Wishing Compass", "Ascension Rope" ] }