path: root/src/main
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authorhannibal2 <>2024-03-07 12:03:36 +0100
committerhannibal2 <>2024-03-07 12:03:36 +0100
commit6fb015799c12a7abeac9e6970fb6bbd31a97cfa9 (patch)
treef039fb1f5e0d51ce14a831621a65effe07c4457a /src/main
parent1274ae2a31ae8b152b13346fae11c8a9e64c01b1 (diff)
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main')
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/Main.kt b/src/main/kotlin/Main.kt
index 3025076..3a86372 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/Main.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/Main.kt
@@ -61,11 +61,52 @@ fun main() {
fun readPrs(prs: List<PullRequest>, firstPr: Int, hideWhenError: Boolean, title: String, whatToDo: WhatToDo) {
val categories = mutableListOf<Category>()
val allChanges = mutableListOf<Change>()
- findAllChanges(prs, allChanges, categories, firstPr, hideWhenError, whatToDo)
+ var errors = 0
+ var done = 0
+ // TODO find better solution for this sorting logic
+ val filtered = when (whatToDo) {
+ WhatToDo.NEXT_BETA -> prs.filter { it.mergedAt != null }
+ .map { it to it.mergedAt }
+ WhatToDo.OPEN_PRS -> prs
+ .map { it to it.updatedAt }
+ }
+ .map { it.first to Long.MAX_VALUE - Instant.parse(it.second).toEpochMilli() }
+ .sortedBy { it.second }
+ .map { it.first }
+ for (pr in filtered) {
+ val number = pr.number
+ val prLink = pr.htmlUrl
+ val body = pr.body
+ val description = body?.split(System.lineSeparator()) ?: emptyList()
+ try {
+ allChanges.addAll(parseChanges(description, prLink, categories))
+ done++
+ } catch (t: Throwable) {
+ println("")
+ println("Error in #$number ($prLink)")
+ println(t.message)
+ errors++
+ }
+ if (whatToDo == WhatToDo.NEXT_BETA) {
+ if (number == firstPr) break
+ }
+ }
+ println("")
for (type in OutputType.entries) {
print(categories, allChanges, type, title)
+ println("")
+ println("Found $errors PRs with errors")
+ println("Loaded $done PRs correctly")
+ if (errors > 0) {
+ if (hideWhenError) {
+ exitProcess(-1)
+ }
+ }
enum class OutputType {
@@ -126,58 +167,6 @@ fun getChangePrefix(name: String, outputType: OutputType): String = when (output
-private fun findAllChanges(
- prs: List<PullRequest>,
- changes: MutableList<Change>,
- categories: MutableList<Category>,
- firstPr: Int,
- hideWhenError: Boolean,
- whatToDo: WhatToDo,
-) {
- var errors = 0
- var done = 0
- // TODO find better solution for this sorting logic
- val filtered = when (whatToDo) {
- WhatToDo.NEXT_BETA -> prs.filter { it.mergedAt != null }
- .map { it to it.mergedAt }
- WhatToDo.OPEN_PRS -> prs
- .map { it to it.updatedAt }
- }
- .map { it.first to Long.MAX_VALUE - Instant.parse(it.second).toEpochMilli() }
- .sortedBy { it.second }
- .map { it.first }
- for (pr in filtered) {
- val number = pr.number
- val prLink = pr.htmlUrl
- val body = pr.body
- val description = body?.split(System.lineSeparator()) ?: emptyList()
- try {
- changes.addAll(parseChanges(description, prLink, categories))
- done++
- } catch (t: Throwable) {
- println("")
- println("Error in #$number ($prLink)")
- println(t.message)
- errors++
- }
- if (whatToDo == WhatToDo.NEXT_BETA) {
- if (number == firstPr) break
- }
- }
- println("")
- println("Found $errors PRs with errors")
- println("Loaded $done PRs correctly")
- if (errors > 0) {
- if (hideWhenError) {
- exitProcess(-1)
- }
- }
inline fun <T> Pattern.matchMatcher(text: String, consumer: Matcher.() -> T) =
matcher(text).let { if (it.matches()) consumer(it) else null }