path: root/src/main
diff options
authorsyeyoung <cyong06@naver.com>2021-01-30 16:54:18 +0900
committersyeyoung <cyong06@naver.com>2021-01-30 16:54:18 +0900
commit35788e6f46a35499bd024cb3227d27ce9e6a76a3 (patch)
treeb8ce5d6696edbd33e816ff653fe5326e0c1e2bb4 /src/main
parent4dc90bc278a2ae0789ca9b810cc7af7d28b28ab2 (diff)
few more messages
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/kr/syeyoung/dungeonsguide/features/impl/etc/FeatureDisableMessage.java b/src/main/java/kr/syeyoung/dungeonsguide/features/impl/etc/FeatureDisableMessage.java
index 5558b2c5..2c562883 100644
--- a/src/main/java/kr/syeyoung/dungeonsguide/features/impl/etc/FeatureDisableMessage.java
+++ b/src/main/java/kr/syeyoung/dungeonsguide/features/impl/etc/FeatureDisableMessage.java
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ public class FeatureDisableMessage extends SimpleFeature implements ChatListener
private static final MessageData[] PRE_DEFINED = new MessageData[] {
new MessageData(Pattern.compile("§r§cThere are blocks in the way!§r"), "Aote block message", "\"There are blocks in the way!\"", "aote"),
new MessageData(Pattern.compile("§r§cThis ability is currently on cooldown for .+ more seconds?\\.§r"), "Ability cooldown message", "\"This ability is currently on cooldown for 3 more seconds.\"", "cooldown"),
+ new MessageData(Pattern.compile("§r§cThis ability is on cooldown for .+s\\.§r"), "Ability cooldown message2", "\"This ability is on cooldown for 3s.\"", "cooldown2"),
new MessageData(Pattern.compile("§r§cWhow! Slow down there!§r"), "Grappling hook cooldown", "\"Whow! Slow down there!\"", "grappling"),
new MessageData(Pattern.compile("§r§cNo more charges, next one in §r§e.+§r§cs!§r"), "Zombie Sword Charging", "\"No more charges, next one in 3s!\"", "zombie"),
new MessageData(Pattern.compile("§r§7Your .+ hit §r§c.+ §r§7enem(?:y|ies) for §r§c.+ §r§7damage\\.§r"), "Ability Damage", "\"Your blahblah hit 42 enemy for a lots of damage\"", "ability"),
@@ -31,7 +32,8 @@ public class FeatureDisableMessage extends SimpleFeature implements ChatListener
new MessageData(Pattern.compile("§r§aUsed §r.+§r§a!§r"), "Dungeon Ability Usage", "\"Used Guided Sheep!\" and such", "dungeonability"),
new MessageData(Pattern.compile("§r.+§r§a is ready to use! Press §r.+§r§a to activate it!§r"), "Ready to use message", "\"Blah is ready to use! Press F to activate it!", "readytouse"),
new MessageData(Pattern.compile("§r.+ §r§ais now available!§r"), "Ability Available","\"blah is now available!\"", "available"),
- new MessageData(Pattern.compile("§r§cThe Stone doesn't seem to do anything here\\.§r"), "Stone Message", "\"The Stone doesn't seem to do anything here\"", "stone")
+ new MessageData(Pattern.compile("§r§cThe Stone doesn't seem to do anything here\\.§r"), "Stone Message", "\"The Stone doesn't seem to do anything here\"", "stone"),
+ new MessageData(Pattern.compile("§r§cNo target found!§r"), "Voodoo Doll No Target", "\"No target found!\"", "voodotarget")
public FeatureDisableMessage() {