path: root/src/main/java/kr/syeyoung/dungeonsguide
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-01-31- Fix Custom Party List flickering and sometimes not displaying elementssyeyoung
2022-01-31- Fix mimic messing up secret detectionsyeyoung
2022-01-31- Add 3 new pathfinding algorithmssyeyoung
2022-01-31- Fix cursor turning into colored square when it has failed to load cursors f...syeyoung
2022-01-31- add "Party was transfered to X because Y left"syeyoung
2022-01-26- Very subtle typo in pathfind logicsyeyoung
2022-01-26- Move session check to separate threadsyeyoung
2022-01-12- Fix undisocvered room cnt getting reset to 0 on bossfightsyeyoung
2022-01-12- Fix value "false" getting removed in data collectionsyeyoung
2022-01-12- Fix Timescore approximation with datasyeyoung
2022-01-12- Fix false being set to empty in data collectionsyeyoung
2022-01-12- Fix time score going over 100syeyoung
2022-01-11- Fix Keys repeating and re-implement key repeat mechanics using Keyboard.ena...syeyoung
2022-01-11- M5 Support Fixsyeyoung
2022-01-11- M5 Support.syeyoung
2021-12-23- Collect room complete percentage and if player is in bossroomsyeyoung
2021-12-23- Fix Discord alarms appearing while feature is disabledsyeyoung
2021-12-19- Ceil total secretssyeyoung
2021-12-19- Fix Dungeon Realtime resetting time on dungeon end instead of dungeon leavesyeyoung
2021-12-19- Remove loggingsyeyoung
2021-12-19- Collect Scoresyeyoung
2021-12-18- Suggestion 353syeyoung
2021-12-18- Fix Typo in pathfindersyeyoung
2021-12-18- Index out of bounds (-1)syeyoung
2021-11-28- wrong Bloodrush toggle messagesyeyoung
2021-11-28- Disable ask-to-join while not being able to invite playersyeyoung
2021-11-28- chest price default to disabledsyeyoung
2021-11-28- default to disabledsyeyoung
2021-11-28- Blood Rush toggle keysyeyoung
2021-11-28- Button resetsyeyoung
2021-11-28- Typo in pathfindersyeyoung
2021-11-28- Party Readyness Indicatorsyeyoung
2021-11-28- Suggestion 255syeyoung
2021-11-27- Suggestion 266syeyoung
2021-11-27- Consistency across namingsyeyoung
2021-11-27- Fix typo disableDepth -> enableDepthsyeyoung
2021-11-27- Bug Report 180syeyoung
2021-11-27- New Reparty using new PartyManagersyeyoung
2021-11-27- Deadlock on ApiFetchur (Waits until lilyweight data and lilyweight data fet...syeyoung
2021-11-26- Suggestion 186syeyoung
2021-11-26- Fix simon says not working (temporary fix)syeyoung
2021-11-26- Occasional NPE when objectMouseOver == nullsyeyoung
2021-11-26- Ctrl press to add or subtract 5syeyoung
2021-11-06- Remove unnecessary castsyeyoung
2021-11-04- Remove unnecessary soutsyeyoung
2021-11-04- Bug report 289: Mod conflict with neu (change /socialoptions -> /pv)syeyoung
2021-11-04- Better creeper solversyeyoung
2021-11-04- NPE on disabled apisyeyoung
2021-10-27- Fix Glitchy Quiz Answer highlightsyeyoung
2021-10-13- Fix Talisman/Weight renderer throwing errorsyeyoung