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# Dungeons Guide The most intelligent Hypixel Skyblock Dungeons Mod. ## Official Support Discord Join Our [Discord!]( ## Features ### Solvers - **F7 Terminal Solvers** (Shows the correct solution/order.) - **Creeper Solver** (Shows what sea lanterns to hit.) - **Simon Says Solver** (Shows correct buttons to hit.) - **Blaze Room Solver** (Shows what order to kill the blazes in.) - **Advanced Water Board Solver** (Shows you what buttons to hit.) - **Tic-Tac-Toe Solver** (Shows the correct tic-tac-toe solution.) - **Riddle Solver** (Tells you the correct person, requires you to click all three characters first.) - **Ice Fill Solver** (Shows the correct path through the ice puzzle.) - **Silverfish Solver** (Shows what way you should hit the silverfish.) - **Bomb Defuse Solver** (Shows the path through the pressure plates. Requires you to visit the left side and press a key to save the solution first, Required to be this way to follow Hypixel rules.) - **Secret Finder** (Creates a line from the player towards the nearest secret. [Video demonstrating this feature]( - **Fairy Soul Finder** (Shows the location of dungeon fairy souls.) ### QOL Features - **Secrets Chest Close** (Hit any key while in a secret chest to close it.) - **Ability Cooldown** (Shows ability cooldowns.) - **Spirit Boots Fixer** (Fixes spirit boots changing your hand to air.) - **Blood Room Warning** (Shows dungeon progress and if you should enter the boss arena or not.) - **Box Secret Bats** (Creates a box around secret bats to make them easier to find, does not change their hitbox.) - **Box Real Livid** (Creates a coloured box around the real Livid.) - **Box Skeleton Masters** (Places a box around skeleton masters to make them easier to see.) - **Highlight Starred Mobs** (Highlight starred mobs to make them easier to spot and kill.) - **Dungeon Map** (See the layout of a dungeon, room progress, other players positions and the total secrets in each room.) - **Reparty/Auto reparty** (Disbands and reinvites all members of the party.) - **Disable Ability Messages** (Prevents messages such as *you were hit for X Damage* showing in chat.) - **Spirit Bear Summon Percentage** (Shows how close the spirit bear is to spawning.) - **Low-Health Warning** (Shows a player name and health if they have less than 500 hp left. - **Custom Party Finder GUI** (A nicer party finder gui.) ### Statistics Related Features - **View Room Name** (Shows the name of your current room in a dungeon.) - **Party Profile Viewer** (Hover over the view button in chat to view a persons armour, total secrets, lily weight, talismans and additional configurable statistics.) - **Profit Calculator** (Shows how much you will profit/lose my opening a dungeons chest.) - **Price Viewer** (Shows the BIN and AH price of an item.) - **See Boss Health** (Allows you to see the health of most bosses in dungeons, including mini-bosses such as guardians and giants.) - **Dungeon Items Stats** (Shows what floor the item originated from and what quality the item is (percentage).) - **Real-Time Indicator** (Shows how much time has passed since starting the dungeon.) - **In-Game Time Indicator** (Shows how much time Hypixel thinks has passed since starting the dungeon.) - **Dungeon Cooldown Indicator** (Counts 20 seconds since you left the dungeon.) - **Dungeon Death Indicator** (Shows who died and how many times, also shows the total number of deaths.) - **Dungeon Score Pre-Calculator** (Pre-calculates dungeon score then shows how many secrets need to be found to progress to the next rank (i.e S -> S+).) - **Obtained Secret Indicator** (Shows how many secrets have been found and exist in the current dungeon. Shown as found secrets/total secrets.) - **Broken Crypts Indicator** (Same as what Tab-list shows, but without pressing the tab.) - **Current Milestone Indicator** (Shows the current milestone you have achieved.) ### Assorted Other Features - **Discord Rich Presence** (Shows basic information in DRP. Supports ask to join.) ## Bannable Features such as **Secret Finder** are allowed under Hypixel rules as the waypoints are based on a static set of coordinates from a corner of the room a player is in. This is similar to fairy soul waypoints (which Simon has confirmed are allowed) since it is not scanning for the secrets but rather displaying a waypoint over a set coordinate. Dungeon Guide itself has been confirmed allowed on hypixel by an [admin](