path: root/src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/config
diff options
authorTymanWasTaken <tyman@tyman.tech>2021-07-06 17:27:11 -0400
committerTymanWasTaken <tyman@tyman.tech>2021-07-06 17:27:11 -0400
commit804767ebfc26e2a1252bc327def02389b35dfc6e (patch)
treee3e06c24454080f059355133d633e5a076d85ad3 /src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/config
parent98ee5a2ae8090c061b1e61e7955d793416991822 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/config')
2 files changed, 23 insertions, 140 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/config/SBHConfig.java b/src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/config/SBHConfig.java
index c8f6d53..90f4c19 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/config/SBHConfig.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/config/SBHConfig.java
@@ -12,18 +12,7 @@ import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
public class SBHConfig extends Config {
private void editOverlay(String activeConfig, int width, int height, Position position) {
- Minecraft
- .getMinecraft()
- .displayGuiScreen(
- new GuiPositionEditor(
- position,
- width,
- height,
- () -> {},
- () -> {},
- () -> SkyblockHud.screenToOpen = new GuiScreenElementWrapper(new SBHConfigEditor(SkyblockHud.config, activeConfig))
- )
- );
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().displayGuiScreen(new GuiPositionEditor(position, width, height, () -> {}, () -> {}, () -> SkyblockHud.screenToOpen = new GuiScreenElementWrapper(new SBHConfigEditor(SkyblockHud.config, activeConfig))));
@@ -121,10 +110,7 @@ public class SBHConfig extends Config {
public boolean bossShiftHud = true;
- @ConfigOption(
- name = "Require Redstone",
- desc = "Allows to make it so that the redstone percentage requires you to hold a redstone item to show."
- )
+ @ConfigOption(name = "Require Redstone", desc = "Allows to make it so that the redstone percentage requires you to hold a redstone item to show.")
public boolean requireRedstone = true;
@@ -230,10 +216,7 @@ public class SBHConfig extends Config {
public static class Renderer {
- @ConfigOption(
- name = "Hide Boss Bar",
- desc = "Hides Boss Bar when certain conditions are met such as the name is just wither or it starts with objective:"
- )
+ @ConfigOption(name = "Hide Boss Bar", desc = "Hides Boss Bar when certain conditions are met such as the name is just wither or it starts with objective:")
public boolean hideBossBar = true;
@@ -271,18 +254,12 @@ public class SBHConfig extends Config {
public static class Map {
- @ConfigOption(
- name = "Show Player Location",
- desc = "This feature is off by default as Hypixel's rules are so vague that this would fall under their disallowed modifications."
- )
+ @ConfigOption(name = "Show Player Location", desc = "This feature is off by default as Hypixel's rules are so vague that this would fall under their disallowed modifications.")
public boolean showPlayerLocation = false;
- @ConfigOption(
- name = "Show Mini-Map",
- desc = "Shows the Mini-Map on your overlay if turned off you can still use /sbhmap to see the map in fullscreen."
- )
+ @ConfigOption(name = "Show Mini-Map", desc = "Shows the Mini-Map on your overlay if turned off you can still use /sbhmap to see the map in fullscreen.")
public boolean showMiniMap = false;
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/config/SBHConfigEditor.java b/src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/config/SBHConfigEditor.java
index 7dee8e6..0496a8f 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/config/SBHConfigEditor.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/config/SBHConfigEditor.java
@@ -119,15 +119,7 @@ public class SBHConfigEditor extends GuiElement {
int mouseY = height - Mouse.getY() * height / Minecraft.getMinecraft().displayHeight - 1;
float opacityFactor = LerpUtils.sigmoidZeroOne(delta / 500f);
- RenderUtils.drawGradientRect(
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- width,
- height,
- (int) (0x80 * opacityFactor) << 24 | 0x101010,
- (int) (0x90 * opacityFactor) << 24 | 0x101010
- );
+ RenderUtils.drawGradientRect(0, 0, 0, width, height, (int) (0x80 * opacityFactor) << 24 | 0x101010, (int) (0x90 * opacityFactor) << 24 | 0x101010);
int xSize = Math.min(scaledResolution.getScaledWidth() - 100 / scaledResolution.getScaleFactor(), 500);
int ySize = Math.min(scaledResolution.getScaledHeight() - 100 / scaledResolution.getScaleFactor(), 400);
@@ -145,39 +137,14 @@ public class SBHConfigEditor extends GuiElement {
} else if (delta < 300) {
openingYSize = 5 + (int) (delta - 150) * (ySize - 5) / 150;
- RenderUtils.drawFloatingRectDark(
- (scaledResolution.getScaledWidth() - openingXSize) / 2,
- (scaledResolution.getScaledHeight() - openingYSize) / 2,
- openingXSize,
- openingYSize
- );
+ RenderUtils.drawFloatingRectDark((scaledResolution.getScaledWidth() - openingXSize) / 2, (scaledResolution.getScaledHeight() - openingYSize) / 2, openingXSize, openingYSize);
- GlScissorStack.push(
- (scaledResolution.getScaledWidth() - openingXSize) / 2,
- (scaledResolution.getScaledHeight() - openingYSize) / 2,
- (scaledResolution.getScaledWidth() + openingXSize) / 2,
- (scaledResolution.getScaledHeight() + openingYSize) / 2,
- scaledResolution
- );
+ GlScissorStack.push((scaledResolution.getScaledWidth() - openingXSize) / 2, (scaledResolution.getScaledHeight() - openingYSize) / 2, (scaledResolution.getScaledWidth() + openingXSize) / 2, (scaledResolution.getScaledHeight() + openingYSize) / 2, scaledResolution);
RenderUtils.drawFloatingRectDark(x + 5, y + 5, xSize - 10, 20, false);
FontRenderer fr = Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj;
- TextRenderUtils.drawStringCenteredScaledMaxWidth(
- "SkyBlockHud by " +
- EnumChatFormatting.RED +
- "ThatGravyBoat" +
- EnumChatFormatting.RESET +
- ", config by " +
- EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE +
- "Moulberry",
- fr,
- x + xSize / 2f,
- y + 15,
- false,
- 200,
- 0xa0a0a0
- );
+ TextRenderUtils.drawStringCenteredScaledMaxWidth("SkyBlockHud by " + EnumChatFormatting.RED + "ThatGravyBoat" + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + ", config by " + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE + "Moulberry", fr, x + xSize / 2f, y + 15, false, 200, 0xa0a0a0);
RenderUtils.drawFloatingRectDark(x + 4, y + 49 - 20, 140, ySize - 54 + 20, false);
@@ -222,25 +189,15 @@ public class SBHConfigEditor extends GuiElement {
catBarEnd = 1;
if (categoryScroll.getTarget() / (float) (catY + categoryScroll.getValue()) + catBarSize < 1) {
int target = optionsScroll.getTarget();
- categoryScroll.setValue(
- (int) Math.ceil((catY + 5 + categoryScroll.getValue()) - catBarSize * (catY + 5 + categoryScroll.getValue()))
- );
+ categoryScroll.setValue((int) Math.ceil((catY + 5 + categoryScroll.getValue()) - catBarSize * (catY + 5 + categoryScroll.getValue())));
} else {
- categoryScroll.setValue(
- (int) Math.ceil((catY + 5 + categoryScroll.getValue()) - catBarSize * (catY + 5 + categoryScroll.getValue()))
- );
+ categoryScroll.setValue((int) Math.ceil((catY + 5 + categoryScroll.getValue()) - catBarSize * (catY + 5 + categoryScroll.getValue())));
int catDist = innerBottom - innerTop - 12;
Gui.drawRect(innerLeft + 2, innerTop + 5, innerLeft + 7, innerBottom - 5, 0xff101010);
- Gui.drawRect(
- innerLeft + 3,
- innerTop + 6 + (int) (catDist * catBarStart),
- innerLeft + 6,
- innerTop + 6 + (int) (catDist * catBarEnd),
- 0xff303030
- );
+ Gui.drawRect(innerLeft + 3, innerTop + 6 + (int) (catDist * catBarStart), innerLeft + 6, innerTop + 6 + (int) (catDist * catBarEnd), 0xff303030);
@@ -258,15 +215,7 @@ public class SBHConfigEditor extends GuiElement {
if (getSelectedCategory() != null && currentConfigEditing.containsKey(getSelectedCategory())) {
ConfigProcessor.ProcessedCategory cat = currentConfigEditing.get(getSelectedCategory());
- TextRenderUtils.drawStringScaledMaxWidth(
- cat.desc,
- fr,
- innerLeft + 5,
- y + 40,
- true,
- innerRight - innerLeft - rightStuffLen - 10,
- 0xb0b0b0
- );
+ TextRenderUtils.drawStringScaledMaxWidth(cat.desc, fr, innerLeft + 5, y + 40, true, innerRight - innerLeft - rightStuffLen - 10, 0xb0b0b0);
Gui.drawRect(innerLeft, innerTop, innerLeft + 1, innerBottom, 0xff08080E); //Left
@@ -361,25 +310,15 @@ public class SBHConfigEditor extends GuiElement {
barEnd = 1;
if (optionsScroll.getTarget() / (float) (optionY + optionsScroll.getValue()) + barSize < 1) {
int target = optionsScroll.getTarget();
- optionsScroll.setValue(
- (int) Math.ceil((optionY + 5 + optionsScroll.getValue()) - barSize * (optionY + 5 + optionsScroll.getValue()))
- );
+ optionsScroll.setValue((int) Math.ceil((optionY + 5 + optionsScroll.getValue()) - barSize * (optionY + 5 + optionsScroll.getValue())));
} else {
- optionsScroll.setValue(
- (int) Math.ceil((optionY + 5 + optionsScroll.getValue()) - barSize * (optionY + 5 + optionsScroll.getValue()))
- );
+ optionsScroll.setValue((int) Math.ceil((optionY + 5 + optionsScroll.getValue()) - barSize * (optionY + 5 + optionsScroll.getValue())));
int dist = innerBottom - innerTop - 12;
Gui.drawRect(innerRight - 10, innerTop + 5, innerRight - 5, innerBottom - 5, 0xff101010);
- Gui.drawRect(
- innerRight - 9,
- innerTop + 6 + (int) (dist * barStart),
- innerRight - 6,
- innerTop + 6 + (int) (dist * barEnd),
- 0xff303030
- );
+ Gui.drawRect(innerRight - 9, innerTop + 6 + (int) (dist * barStart), innerRight - 6, innerTop + 6 + (int) (dist * barEnd), 0xff303030);
for (int socialIndex = 0; socialIndex < socialsIco.length; socialIndex++) {
@@ -388,8 +327,7 @@ public class SBHConfigEditor extends GuiElement {
RenderUtils.drawTexturedRect(socialLeft, y + 7, 16, 16, GL11.GL_LINEAR);
if (mouseX >= socialLeft && mouseX <= socialLeft + 16 && mouseY >= y + 6 && mouseY <= y + 23) {
- tooltipToDisplay =
- Lists.newArrayList(EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "Go to: " + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + socialsLink[socialIndex]);
+ tooltipToDisplay = Lists.newArrayList(EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "Go to: " + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + socialsLink[socialIndex]);
@@ -462,11 +400,7 @@ public class SBHConfigEditor extends GuiElement {
float barSize = 1;
int optionY = -newTarget;
- if (
- getSelectedCategory() != null &&
- getCurrentConfigEditing() != null &&
- getCurrentConfigEditing().containsKey(getSelectedCategory())
- ) {
+ if (getSelectedCategory() != null && getCurrentConfigEditing() != null && getCurrentConfigEditing().containsKey(getSelectedCategory())) {
ConfigProcessor.ProcessedCategory cat = getCurrentConfigEditing().get(getSelectedCategory());
Set<Integer> activeAccordions = new HashSet<>();
for (ConfigProcessor.ProcessedOption option : getOptionsInCategory(cat).values()) {
@@ -530,11 +464,7 @@ public class SBHConfigEditor extends GuiElement {
int optionY = -optionsScroll.getValue();
- if (
- getSelectedCategory() != null &&
- getCurrentConfigEditing() != null &&
- getCurrentConfigEditing().containsKey(getSelectedCategory())
- ) {
+ if (getSelectedCategory() != null && getCurrentConfigEditing() != null && getCurrentConfigEditing().containsKey(getSelectedCategory())) {
int optionWidthDefault = innerRight - innerLeft - 20;
ConfigProcessor.ProcessedCategory cat = getCurrentConfigEditing().get(getSelectedCategory());
Set<Integer> activeAccordions = new HashSet<>();
@@ -557,15 +487,7 @@ public class SBHConfigEditor extends GuiElement {
- if (
- editor.mouseInputOverlay(
- (innerLeft + innerRight - optionWidth) / 2 - 5,
- innerTop + 5 + optionY,
- optionWidth,
- mouseX,
- mouseY
- )
- ) {
+ if (editor.mouseInputOverlay((innerLeft + innerRight - optionWidth) / 2 - 5, innerTop + 5 + optionY, optionWidth, mouseX, mouseY)) {
return true;
optionY += editor.getHeight() + 5;
@@ -574,11 +496,7 @@ public class SBHConfigEditor extends GuiElement {
if (mouseX > innerLeft && mouseX < innerRight && mouseY > innerTop && mouseY < innerBottom) {
optionY = -optionsScroll.getValue();
- if (
- getSelectedCategory() != null &&
- getCurrentConfigEditing() != null &&
- getCurrentConfigEditing().containsKey(getSelectedCategory())
- ) {
+ if (getSelectedCategory() != null && getCurrentConfigEditing() != null && getCurrentConfigEditing().containsKey(getSelectedCategory())) {
int optionWidthDefault = innerRight - innerLeft - 20;
ConfigProcessor.ProcessedCategory cat = getCurrentConfigEditing().get(getSelectedCategory());
Set<Integer> activeAccordions = new HashSet<>();
@@ -601,15 +519,7 @@ public class SBHConfigEditor extends GuiElement {
- if (
- editor.mouseInput(
- (innerLeft + innerRight - optionWidth) / 2 - 5,
- innerTop + 5 + optionY,
- optionWidth,
- mouseX,
- mouseY
- )
- ) {
+ if (editor.mouseInput((innerLeft + innerRight - optionWidth) / 2 - 5, innerTop + 5 + optionY, optionWidth, mouseX, mouseY)) {
return true;
optionY += editor.getHeight() + 5;
@@ -631,11 +541,7 @@ public class SBHConfigEditor extends GuiElement {
int innerPadding = 20 / adjScaleFactor;
int innerWidth = xSize - 154 - innerPadding * 2;
- if (
- getSelectedCategory() != null &&
- getCurrentConfigEditing() != null &&
- getCurrentConfigEditing().containsKey(getSelectedCategory())
- ) {
+ if (getSelectedCategory() != null && getCurrentConfigEditing() != null && getCurrentConfigEditing().containsKey(getSelectedCategory())) {
ConfigProcessor.ProcessedCategory cat = getCurrentConfigEditing().get(getSelectedCategory());
Set<Integer> activeAccordions = new HashSet<>();
for (ConfigProcessor.ProcessedOption option : getOptionsInCategory(cat).values()) {