path: root/me/Danker/commands/ImportFishingCommand.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'me/Danker/commands/ImportFishingCommand.java')
1 files changed, 227 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/me/Danker/commands/ImportFishingCommand.java b/me/Danker/commands/ImportFishingCommand.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..158b4a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/me/Danker/commands/ImportFishingCommand.java
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+package me.Danker.commands;
+import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
+import me.Danker.handlers.APIHandler;
+import me.Danker.handlers.ConfigHandler;
+import net.minecraft.command.CommandBase;
+import net.minecraft.command.CommandException;
+import net.minecraft.command.ICommandSender;
+import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
+import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentText;
+import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting;
+public class ImportFishingCommand extends CommandBase {
+ @Override
+ public String getCommandName() {
+ return "importfishing";
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String getCommandUsage(ICommandSender arg0) {
+ return getCommandName();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getRequiredPermissionLevel() {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void processCommand(ICommandSender arg0, String[] arg1) throws CommandException {
+ new Thread(() -> {
+ APIHandler ah = new APIHandler();
+ LootCommand lc = new LootCommand();
+ ConfigHandler cf = new ConfigHandler();
+ EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) arg0;
+ player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "Importing your fishing stats..."));
+ // Check key
+ String key = cf.getString("api", "APIKey");
+ if (key.equals("")) {
+ player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(EnumChatFormatting.RED + "API key not set. Use /setkey."));
+ }
+ // Get UUID for Hypixel API requests
+ String username = player.getName();
+ String uuid = player.getUniqueID().toString().replaceAll("[\\-]", "");
+ String latestProfile = ah.getLatestProfileID(uuid, key);
+ if (latestProfile == null) return;
+ String profileURL = "https://api.hypixel.net/skyblock/profile?profile=" + latestProfile + "&key=" + key;
+ System.out.println("Fetching profile...");
+ JsonObject profileResponse = ah.getResponse(profileURL);
+ if (!profileResponse.get("success").getAsBoolean()) {
+ String reason = profileResponse.get("cause").getAsString();
+ player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(EnumChatFormatting.RED + "Failed with reason: " + reason));
+ return;
+ }
+ System.out.println("Fetching fishing stats...");
+ JsonObject statsObject = profileResponse.get("profile").getAsJsonObject().get("members").getAsJsonObject().get(uuid).getAsJsonObject().get("stats").getAsJsonObject();
+ lc.greatCatches = 0;
+ lc.goodCatches = 0;
+ if (statsObject.has("items_fished_treasure")) {
+ if (statsObject.has("items_fished_large_treasure")) {
+ lc.greatCatches = statsObject.get("items_fished_large_treasure").getAsInt();
+ lc.goodCatches = statsObject.get("items_fished_treasure").getAsInt() - lc.greatCatches;
+ } else {
+ lc.goodCatches = statsObject.get("items_fished_treasure").getAsInt();
+ }
+ }
+ lc.seaCreatures = 0;
+ lc.squids = 0;
+ if (statsObject.has("kills_pond_squid")) {
+ lc.squids = statsObject.get("kills_pond_squid").getAsInt();
+ }
+ lc.seaCreatures += lc.squids;
+ lc.seaWalkers = 0;
+ if (statsObject.has("kills_sea_walker")) {
+ lc.seaWalkers = statsObject.get("kills_sea_walker").getAsInt();
+ }
+ lc.seaCreatures += lc.seaWalkers;
+ lc.nightSquids = 0;
+ if (statsObject.has("kills_night_squid")) {
+ lc.nightSquids = statsObject.get("kills_night_squid").getAsInt();
+ }
+ lc.seaCreatures += lc.nightSquids;
+ lc.seaGuardians = 0;
+ if (statsObject.has("kills_sea_guardian")) {
+ lc.seaGuardians = statsObject.get("kills_sea_guardian").getAsInt();
+ }
+ lc.seaCreatures += lc.seaGuardians;
+ lc.seaWitches = 0;
+ if (statsObject.has("kills_sea_witch")) {
+ lc.seaWitches = statsObject.get("kills_sea_witch").getAsInt();
+ }
+ lc.seaCreatures += lc.seaWitches;
+ lc.seaArchers = 0;
+ if (statsObject.has("kills_sea_archer")) {
+ lc.seaArchers = statsObject.get("kills_sea_archer").getAsInt();
+ }
+ lc.seaCreatures += lc.seaArchers;
+ lc.monsterOfTheDeeps = 0;
+ if (statsObject.has("kills_zombie_deep")) {
+ if (statsObject.has("kills_chicken_deep")) {
+ lc.monsterOfTheDeeps = statsObject.get("kills_zombie_deep").getAsInt() + statsObject.get("kills_chicken_deep").getAsInt();
+ } else {
+ lc.monsterOfTheDeeps = statsObject.get("kills_zombie_deep").getAsInt();
+ }
+ } else if (statsObject.has("kills_chicken_deep")) {
+ lc.monsterOfTheDeeps = statsObject.get("kills_chicken_deep").getAsInt();
+ }
+ lc.seaCreatures += lc.monsterOfTheDeeps;
+ lc.catfishes = 0;
+ if (statsObject.has("kills_catfish")) {
+ lc.catfishes = statsObject.get("kills_catfish").getAsInt();
+ }
+ lc.seaCreatures += lc.catfishes;
+ lc.carrotKings = 0;
+ if (statsObject.has("kills_carrot_king")) {
+ lc.carrotKings = statsObject.get("kills_carrot_king").getAsInt();
+ }
+ lc.seaCreatures += lc.carrotKings;
+ lc.seaLeeches = 0;
+ if (statsObject.has("kills_sea_leech")) {
+ lc.seaLeeches = statsObject.get("kills_sea_leech").getAsInt();
+ }
+ lc.seaCreatures += lc.seaLeeches;
+ lc.guardianDefenders = 0;
+ if (statsObject.has("kills_guardian_defender")) {
+ lc.guardianDefenders = statsObject.get("kills_guardian_defender").getAsInt();
+ }
+ lc.seaCreatures += lc.guardianDefenders;
+ lc.deepSeaProtectors = 0;
+ if (statsObject.has("kills_deep_sea_protector")) {
+ lc.deepSeaProtectors = statsObject.get("kills_deep_sea_protector").getAsInt();
+ }
+ lc.seaCreatures += lc.deepSeaProtectors;
+ lc.hydras = 0;
+ if (statsObject.has("kills_water_hydra")) {
+ // Hydra splits
+ lc.hydras = statsObject.get("kills_water_hydra").getAsInt() / 2;
+ }
+ lc.seaCreatures += lc.hydras;
+ lc.seaEmperors = 0;
+ if (statsObject.has("kills_skeleton_emperor")) {
+ if (statsObject.has("kills_guardian_emperor")) {
+ lc.seaEmperors = statsObject.get("kills_skeleton_emperor").getAsInt() + statsObject.get("kills_guardian_emperor").getAsInt();
+ } else {
+ lc.seaEmperors = statsObject.get("kills_skeleton_emperor").getAsInt();
+ }
+ } else if (statsObject.has("kills_guardian_emperor")) {
+ lc.seaEmperors = statsObject.get("kills_guardian_emperor").getAsInt();
+ }
+ lc.seaCreatures += lc.seaEmperors;
+ lc.frozenSteves = 0;
+ if (statsObject.has("kills_frozen_steve")) {
+ lc.frozenSteves = statsObject.get("kills_frozen_steve").getAsInt();
+ }
+ lc.seaCreatures += lc.frozenSteves;
+ lc.frostyTheSnowmans = 0;
+ if (statsObject.has("kills_frosty_the_snowman")) {
+ lc.frostyTheSnowmans = statsObject.get("kills_frosty_the_snowman").getAsInt();
+ }
+ lc.seaCreatures += lc.frostyTheSnowmans;
+ lc.grinches = 0;
+ if (statsObject.has("kills_grinch")) {
+ lc.grinches = statsObject.get("kills_grinch").getAsInt();
+ }
+ lc.seaCreatures += lc.grinches;
+ lc.yetis = 0;
+ if (statsObject.has("kills_yeti")) {
+ lc.yetis = statsObject.get("kills_yeti").getAsInt();
+ }
+ lc.seaCreatures += lc.yetis;
+ System.out.println("Writing to config...");
+ cf.writeIntConfig("fishing", "goodCatch", lc.goodCatches);
+ cf.writeIntConfig("fishing", "greatCatch", lc.greatCatches);
+ cf.writeIntConfig("fishing", "seaCreature", lc.seaCreatures);
+ cf.writeIntConfig("fishing", "squid", lc.squids);
+ cf.writeIntConfig("fishing", "seaWalker", lc.seaWalkers);
+ cf.writeIntConfig("fishing", "nightSquid", lc.nightSquids);
+ cf.writeIntConfig("fishing", "seaGuardian", lc.seaGuardians);
+ cf.writeIntConfig("fishing", "seaWitch", lc.seaWitches);
+ cf.writeIntConfig("fishing", "seaArcher", lc.seaArchers);
+ cf.writeIntConfig("fishing", "monsterOfDeep", lc.monsterOfTheDeeps);
+ cf.writeIntConfig("fishing", "catfish", lc.catfishes);
+ cf.writeIntConfig("fishing", "carrotKing", lc.carrotKings);
+ cf.writeIntConfig("fishing", "seaLeech", lc.seaLeeches);
+ cf.writeIntConfig("fishing", "guardianDefender", lc.guardianDefenders);
+ cf.writeIntConfig("fishing", "deepSeaProtector", lc.deepSeaProtectors);
+ cf.writeIntConfig("fishing", "hydra", lc.hydras);
+ cf.writeIntConfig("fishing", "seaEmperor", lc.seaEmperors);
+ cf.writeIntConfig("fishing", "frozenSteve", lc.frozenSteves);
+ cf.writeIntConfig("fishing", "snowman", lc.frostyTheSnowmans);
+ cf.writeIntConfig("fishing", "grinch", lc.grinches);
+ cf.writeIntConfig("fishing", "yeti", lc.yetis);
+ player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "Fishing stats imported."));
+ }).start();
+ }