path: root/src/main/java/me/Danker/gui
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/me/Danker/gui')
2 files changed, 60 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/me/Danker/gui/DankerGui.java b/src/main/java/me/Danker/gui/DankerGui.java
index 15e0fa5..1bf7911 100644
--- a/src/main/java/me/Danker/gui/DankerGui.java
+++ b/src/main/java/me/Danker/gui/DankerGui.java
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import me.Danker.TheMod;
import me.Danker.commands.ToggleCommand;
import me.Danker.handlers.ConfigHandler;
+import me.Danker.handlers.TextRenderer;
import me.Danker.utils.Utils;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton;
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ public class DankerGui extends GuiScreen {
private GuiButton skill50Display;
private GuiButton outlineText;
private GuiButton midasStaffMessages;
+ private GuiButton cakeTimer;
private GuiButton lividSolver;
public DankerGui(int page) {
@@ -81,21 +83,24 @@ public class DankerGui extends GuiScreen {
dungeonTimer = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.6), "Display Dungeon Timers: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.dungeonTimerToggled));
coords = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.7), "Coordinate/Angle Display: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.coordsToggled));
// Page 2
- gparty = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.1), "Guild Party Notifications: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.gpartyToggled));
- goldenEnch = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.2), "Golden T10/T6/T4 Enchantments: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.goldenToggled));
- slayerCount = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.3), "Count Total 20% Drops: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.slayerCountTotal));
- chatMaddox = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.4), "Click Chat to Open Maddox: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.chatMaddoxToggled));
- spiritBearAlert = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.5), "Spirit Bear Spawn Alerts: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.spiritBearAlerts));
+ cakeTimer = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.1), "Cake Timer: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.cakeTimerToggled));
+ skill50Display = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.2), "Display Progress To Skill Level 50: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.skill50DisplayToggled));
+ gparty = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.3), "Guild Party Notifications: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.gpartyToggled));
+ slayerCount = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.4), "Count Total 20% Drops: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.slayerCountTotal));
+ chatMaddox = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.5), "Click Chat to Open Maddox: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.chatMaddoxToggled));
aotd = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.6), "Disable AOTD Ability: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.aotdToggled));
lividDagger = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.7), "Disable Livid Dagger Ability: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.lividDaggerToggled));
// Page 3
- sceptreMessages = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.1), "Spirit Sceptre Messages: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.sceptreMessages));
- midasStaffMessages = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.2), "Midas Staff Messages: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.midasStaffMessages));
- petColours = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.3), "Colour Pet Backgrounds: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.petColoursToggled));
- golemAlerts = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.4), "Alert When Golem Spawns: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.golemAlertToggled));
- expertiseLore = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.5), "Expertise Kills In Lore: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.expertiseLoreToggled));
- skill50Display = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.6), "Display Progress To Skill Level 50: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.skill50DisplayToggled));
+ spiritBearAlert = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.1), "Spirit Bear Spawn Alerts: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.spiritBearAlerts));
+ sceptreMessages = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.2), "Spirit Sceptre Messages: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.sceptreMessages));
+ midasStaffMessages = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.3), "Midas Staff Messages: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.midasStaffMessages));
+ goldenEnch = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.4), "Golden T10/T6/T4 Enchantments: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.goldenToggled));
+ petColours = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.5), "Colour Pet Backgrounds: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.petColoursToggled));
+ expertiseLore = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.6), "Expertise Kills In Lore: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.expertiseLoreToggled));
lividSolver = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.7), "Find Correct Livid: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.lividSolverToggled));
+ // Page 4
+ golemAlerts = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.1), "Alert When Golem Spawns: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.golemAlertToggled));
+ rngesusAlert = new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, (int) (height * 0.2), "RNGesus Alerts: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.rngesusAlerts));
if (page == 1) {
@@ -107,25 +112,31 @@ public class DankerGui extends GuiScreen {
} else if (page == 2) {
+ this.buttonList.add(cakeTimer);
+ this.buttonList.add(skill50Display);
- this.buttonList.add(goldenEnch);
- this.buttonList.add(spiritBearAlert);
} else if (page == 3) {
+ this.buttonList.add(spiritBearAlert);
+ this.buttonList.add(goldenEnch);
- this.buttonList.add(golemAlerts);
- this.buttonList.add(skill50Display);
+ this.buttonList.add(nextPage);
+ this.buttonList.add(backPage);
+ } else if (page == 4) {
+ this.buttonList.add(golemAlerts);
+ this.buttonList.add(rngesusAlert);
@@ -134,6 +145,9 @@ public class DankerGui extends GuiScreen {
public void drawScreen(int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) {
+ String pageText = "Page: " + page + "/4";
+ int pageWidth = mc.fontRendererObj.getStringWidth(pageText);
+ new TextRenderer(mc, pageText, width / 2 - pageWidth / 2, 10, 1D);
super.drawScreen(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks);
@@ -235,6 +249,14 @@ public class DankerGui extends GuiScreen {
ToggleCommand.lividSolverToggled = !ToggleCommand.lividSolverToggled;
ConfigHandler.writeBooleanConfig("toggles", "LividSolver", ToggleCommand.lividSolverToggled);
lividSolver.displayString = "Find Correct Livid: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.lividSolverToggled);
+ } else if (button == rngesusAlert) {
+ ToggleCommand.rngesusAlerts = !ToggleCommand.rngesusAlerts;
+ ConfigHandler.writeBooleanConfig("toggles", "RNGesusAlerts", ToggleCommand.rngesusAlerts);
+ rngesusAlert.displayString = "RNGesus Alerts: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.rngesusAlerts);
+ } else if (button == cakeTimer) {
+ ToggleCommand.cakeTimerToggled = !ToggleCommand.cakeTimerToggled;
+ ConfigHandler.writeBooleanConfig("toggles", "CakeTimer", ToggleCommand.cakeTimerToggled);
+ cakeTimer.displayString = "Cake Timer: " + Utils.getColouredBoolean(ToggleCommand.cakeTimerToggled);
diff --git a/src/main/java/me/Danker/gui/EditLocationsGui.java b/src/main/java/me/Danker/gui/EditLocationsGui.java
index c902c6c..d8034e6 100644
--- a/src/main/java/me/Danker/gui/EditLocationsGui.java
+++ b/src/main/java/me/Danker/gui/EditLocationsGui.java
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
package me.Danker.gui;
+import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import me.Danker.TheMod;
import me.Danker.commands.MoveCommand;
import me.Danker.commands.ScaleCommand;
import me.Danker.gui.buttons.LocationButton;
import me.Danker.handlers.ConfigHandler;
import me.Danker.utils.Utils;
+import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting;
@@ -21,6 +24,7 @@ public class EditLocationsGui extends GuiScreen {
private LocationButton coords;
private LocationButton skill50;
private LocationButton lividHP;
+ private LocationButton cakeTimer;
public boolean doesGuiPauseGame() {
@@ -75,10 +79,12 @@ public class EditLocationsGui extends GuiScreen {
coords = new LocationButton(0, moc.coordsXY[0], moc.coordsXY[1], 141 * sc.coordsScale, 12 * sc.coordsScale, sc.coordsScale, TheMod.COORDS_COLOUR + "74 / 14 / -26 (141.1 / 6.7)", null, null);
skill50 = new LocationButton(0, moc.skill50XY[0], moc.skill50XY[1], 233 * sc.skill50Scale, 12 * sc.skill50Scale, sc.skill50Scale, TheMod.SKILL_50_COLOUR + "+3.5 Farming (28,882,117.7/55,172,425) 52.34%", null, null);
lividHP = new LocationButton(0, moc.lividHpXY[0], moc.lividHpXY[1], 85 * sc.lividHpScale, 12 * sc.lividHpScale, sc.lividHpScale, EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + "﴾ Livid " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "6.9M" + EnumChatFormatting.RED + "❤ " + EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + "﴿", null, null);
+ cakeTimer = new LocationButton(0, moc.cakeTimerXY[0], moc.cakeTimerXY[1] + 5, 85 * sc.cakeTimerScale, 18 * sc.cakeTimerScale, sc.cakeTimerScale, TheMod.CAKE_COLOUR + " 11h16m", null, null);
+ this.buttonList.add(cakeTimer);
@@ -87,6 +93,14 @@ public class EditLocationsGui extends GuiScreen {
public void drawScreen(int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) {
mouseMoved(mouseX, mouseY);
+ double scale = ScaleCommand.cakeTimerScale;
+ double scaleReset = (double) Math.pow(scale, -1);
+ GL11.glScaled(scale, scale, scale);
+ mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(TheMod.CAKE_ICON);
+ Gui.drawModalRectWithCustomSizedTexture(MoveCommand.cakeTimerXY[0], MoveCommand.cakeTimerXY[1], 0, 0, 16, 16, 16, 16);
+ GL11.glScaled(scaleReset, scaleReset, scaleReset);
super.drawScreen(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks);
@@ -120,6 +134,11 @@ public class EditLocationsGui extends GuiScreen {
MoveCommand.lividHpXY[1] += yMoved;
lividHP.xPosition = MoveCommand.lividHpXY[0];
lividHP.yPosition = MoveCommand.lividHpXY[1];
+ } else if (moving.equals("cakeTimer")) {
+ MoveCommand.cakeTimerXY[0] += xMoved;
+ MoveCommand.cakeTimerXY[1] += yMoved;
+ cakeTimer.xPosition = MoveCommand.cakeTimerXY[0];
+ cakeTimer.yPosition = MoveCommand.cakeTimerXY[1];
@@ -142,6 +161,8 @@ public class EditLocationsGui extends GuiScreen {
moving = "skill50";
} else if (button == lividHP) {
moving = "lividHP";
+ } else if (button == cakeTimer) {
+ moving = "cakeTimer";
@@ -160,6 +181,8 @@ public class EditLocationsGui extends GuiScreen {
ConfigHandler.writeIntConfig("locations", "skill50Y", MoveCommand.skill50XY[1]);
ConfigHandler.writeIntConfig("locations", "lividHpX", MoveCommand.lividHpXY[0]);
ConfigHandler.writeIntConfig("locations", "lividHpY", MoveCommand.lividHpXY[1]);
+ ConfigHandler.writeIntConfig("locations", "cakeTimerX", MoveCommand.cakeTimerXY[0]);
+ ConfigHandler.writeIntConfig("locations", "cakeTimerY", MoveCommand.cakeTimerXY[1]);