AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-12-05Merge branch 'development' of https://github.com/My-Name-Is-Jeff/SkyblockMod ...My-Name-Is-Jeff
2020-12-05Update DankersSkyblockMod.javaMy-Name-Is-Jeff
2020-12-05Add renderItem function from SBAMy-Name-Is-Jeff
2020-12-05Fix Array out of bounds exceptionMy-Name-Is-Jeff
2020-12-05Allow middle mouse click for mouse eventsMy-Name-Is-Jeff
2020-12-05Fixed super pairsMy-Name-Is-Jeff
2020-12-05Update DankersSkyblockMod.javaMy-Name-Is-Jeff
2020-12-05Fix mistakeMy-Name-Is-Jeff
2020-12-05Add Superpairs helperMy-Name-Is-Jeff
2020-12-05Add Chronomatron solverbowser0000
2020-12-04Add support for enchanting 60bowser0000
2020-12-04Add ultrasequencer solverbowser0000
2020-12-04Add Tic Tac Toe puzzle solverbowser0000
2020-12-02Fix /display spider setting as zombiebowser0000
2020-12-02Fix being over skill level 50 returning wrong past xp earnedbowser0000
2020-12-02Fix config not saving anythingbowser0000
2020-12-01Fix warnings Eclipse didn't tell me aboutbowser0000
2020-12-01Add ability to disable Implosion messagesbowser0000
2020-12-01Fix past experience returning 0bowser0000
2020-12-01Fix terminal solvers not being saved to configbowser0000
2020-11-30Add support for LabyMod + Sidebar Mod Revampbowser0000
2020-11-30Add total coins to /bankbowser0000
2020-11-29Change version to 1.8.3bowser0000
2020-11-28Add myth tracker to auto displaybowser0000
2020-11-28Add time until next level to skill xp/hour counterbowser0000
2020-11-28Revert blaze puzzle changesbowser0000
2020-11-28Add F7 stage 3 arrow and 2 terminal puzzle solversbowser0000
2020-11-27Fix Siamese Lynx detection, add toggle for only showing correct blazebowser0000
2020-11-26Change version to 1.8.2bowser0000
2020-11-26Possibly fix blaze hitbox issues, add more colours to configbowser0000
2020-11-25Add low health alertsbowser0000
2020-11-25Only show hitbox for correct blaze and make water room detection betterbowser0000
2020-11-24Add mythological event tracker that *might* work, bug fixes and changesbowser0000
2020-11-23Add skill xp/hour tracker, add Necron's Handle and bug fixesbowser0000
2020-11-22Add F7 trackerbowser0000
2020-11-21Access static methods in static ways and remove unused importsbowser0000
2020-11-20Change chat maddox to anywhere while chat is open, fix some dungeon lootbowser0000
2020-11-19Add water puzzle solver, bug fixesbowser0000
2020-11-14Add option to hide heal messagesbowser0000
2020-11-14Make incorrect trivia answers red in chat, fix blaze puzzle issuebowser0000
2020-11-10Add display for time until century cakes run outbowser0000
2020-11-09Add config values for colours and many bug fixesbowser0000
2020-11-06Add support for farming 60bowser0000
2020-11-02Change version to 1.8.1bowser0000
2020-11-02Add spooky fishing, fix fishing detection and bug fixesbowser0000
2020-11-01Add correct livid finder, change dungeon timer to only display in dungeons, b...bowser0000
2020-10-28Add molten wave message hider, add skill50display time to config and bug fixesbowser0000