package me.Danker.features; import me.Danker.DankersSkyblockMod; import me.Danker.commands.MoveCommand; import me.Danker.commands.ScaleCommand; import me.Danker.commands.ToggleCommand; import; import me.Danker.handlers.TextRenderer; import me.Danker.utils.Utils; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting; import net.minecraftforge.client.event.ClientChatReceivedEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.EventPriority; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.gameevent.TickEvent; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.Locale; public class Skill50Display { public static int SKILL_TIME; public static int skillTimer = -1; public static boolean showSkill = false; public static String skillText = ""; public static String SKILL_50_COLOUR; @SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST) public void onChat(ClientChatReceivedEvent event) { if (!Utils.inSkyblock || event.type != 2) return; String[] actionBarSections = event.message.getUnformattedText().split(" {3,}"); for (String section : actionBarSections) { if (ToggleCommand.skill50DisplayToggled && section.contains("+") && section.contains("(") && section.contains(")") && !section.contains("Runecrafting")) { if (section.contains("/")) { String xpGained = section.substring(section.indexOf("+"), section.indexOf("(") - 1); double currentXp = Double.parseDouble(section.substring(section.indexOf("(") + 1, section.indexOf("/")).replace(",", "")); int limit; int totalXp; if (section.contains("Farming") || section.contains("Enchanting") || section.contains("Mining") || section.contains("Combat")) { limit = 60; totalXp = 111672425; } else { limit = 50; totalXp = 55172425; } int previousXp = Utils.getPastXpEarned(Integer.parseInt(section.substring(section.indexOf("/") + 1, section.indexOf(")")).replaceAll(",", "")), limit); double percentage = Math.floor(((currentXp + previousXp) / totalXp) * 10000D) / 100D; NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.US); skillTimer = SKILL_TIME; showSkill = true; skillText = SKILL_50_COLOUR + xpGained + " (" + nf.format(currentXp + previousXp) + "/" + nf.format(totalXp) + ") " + percentage + "%"; } else { if (!Utils.skillsInitialized()) { return; } String xpGained = section.substring(section.indexOf("+"), section.indexOf("(") - 1); double percentage = Double.parseDouble(section.substring(section.indexOf("(") + 1, section.indexOf("%"))); int level = 1; if (section.contains("Farming")) { level = DankersSkyblockMod.farmingLevel; } else if (section.contains("Mining")) { level = DankersSkyblockMod.miningLevel; } else if (section.contains("Combat")) { level = DankersSkyblockMod.combatLevel; } else if (section.contains("Foraging")) { level = DankersSkyblockMod.foragingLevel; } else if (section.contains("Fishing")) { level = DankersSkyblockMod.fishingLevel; } else if (section.contains("Enchanting")) { level = DankersSkyblockMod.enchantingLevel; } else if (section.contains("Alchemy")) { level = DankersSkyblockMod.alchemyLevel; } else if (section.contains("Carpentry")) { level = DankersSkyblockMod.carpentryLevel; } double currentXp = Utils.getTotalXpEarned(level, percentage); int totalXp = section.contains("Farming") || section.contains("Enchanting") || section.contains("Mining") || section.contains("Combat") ? 111672425 : 55172425; double percentageTo50 = Math.floor((currentXp / totalXp) * 10000D) / 100D; NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.US); skillTimer = SKILL_TIME; showSkill = true; skillText = SKILL_50_COLOUR + xpGained + " (" + nf.format(currentXp) + "/" + nf.format(totalXp) + ") " + percentageTo50 + "%"; } } } } @SubscribeEvent public void onTick(TickEvent.ClientTickEvent event) { if (event.phase != TickEvent.Phase.START) return; if (skillTimer >= 0) { if (skillTimer == 0) { showSkill = false; } skillTimer--; } } @SubscribeEvent public void renderPlayerInfo(RenderOverlay event) { if (!Utils.skillsInitialized()) { new TextRenderer(Minecraft.getMinecraft(), EnumChatFormatting.RED + "Please open the skill menu to use skill features.", MoveCommand.skill50XY[0], MoveCommand.skill50XY[0], ScaleCommand.skill50Scale); return; } if (showSkill) { new TextRenderer(Minecraft.getMinecraft(), skillText, MoveCommand.skill50XY[0], MoveCommand.skill50XY[1], ScaleCommand.skill50Scale); } } }