path: root/src/main/java
diff options
authorYasin <LifeIsAParadox@users.noreply.github.com>2023-10-14 23:04:31 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2023-10-14 17:04:31 -0400
commit8c2a1040c2a167fcaad273edb203aff42f18848f (patch)
treeeae0907743cc9a8918bfe364fce3dad5ff188f93 /src/main/java
parenta41b069db0216c571bce269a0ea9866c1d701b87 (diff)
Fix Quick Nav background texture (#359)
fix quick nav background texture fixes #329 added javadoc [use drawGuiTexture instead of drawTexture](https://fabricmc.net/2023/09/12/1202.html#gui)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/skyblock/quicknav/QuickNavButton.java b/src/main/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/skyblock/quicknav/QuickNavButton.java
index 5e76427a..eb744389 100644
--- a/src/main/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/skyblock/quicknav/QuickNavButton.java
+++ b/src/main/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/skyblock/quicknav/QuickNavButton.java
@@ -12,22 +12,32 @@ import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.HandledScreen;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.narration.NarrationMessageBuilder;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ClickableWidget;
-import net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.text.Text;
import net.minecraft.util.Identifier;
public class QuickNavButton extends ClickableWidget {
- private static final Identifier BUTTON_TEXTURE = new Identifier("textures/gui/container/creative_inventory/tabs.png");
private final int index;
private boolean toggled;
- private int u;
- private int v;
private final String command;
private final ItemStack icon;
+ /**
+ * Checks if the current tab is a top tab based on its index.
+ * @return true if the index is less than 6, false otherwise.
+ */
+ private boolean isTopTab() {
+ return index < 6;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new QuickNavButton with the given parameters.
+ * @param index the index of the button.
+ * @param toggled the toggled state of the button.
+ * @param command the command to execute when the button is clicked.
+ * @param icon the icon to display on the button.
+ */
public QuickNavButton(int index, boolean toggled, String command, ItemStack icon) {
super(0, 0, 26, 32, Text.empty());
this.index = index;
@@ -45,11 +55,15 @@ public class QuickNavButton extends ClickableWidget {
if (h > 166) --h; // why is this even a thing
this.setX(x + this.index % 6 * 26 + 4);
this.setY(this.index < 6 ? y - 26 : y + h - 4);
- this.u = 26;
- this.v = (index < 6 ? 0 : 64) + (toggled ? 32 : 0);
+ /**
+ * Handles click events. If the button is not currently toggled,
+ * it sets the toggled state to true and sends a message with the command after cooldown.
+ * @param mouseX the x-coordinate of the mouse click
+ * @param mouseY the y-coordinate of the mouse click
+ */
public void onClick(double mouseX, double mouseY) {
if (!this.toggled) {
@@ -59,43 +73,40 @@ public class QuickNavButton extends ClickableWidget {
+ /**
+ * Renders the button on screen. This includes both its texture and its icon.
+ * The method first updates the coordinates of the button,
+ * then calculates appropriate values for rendering based on its current state,
+ * and finally draws both the background and icon of the button on screen.
+ * @param context the context in which to render the button
+ * @param mouseX the x-coordinate of the mouse cursor
+ * @param mouseY the y-coordinate of the mouse cursor
+ */
public void renderButton(DrawContext context, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- MatrixStack matrices = context.getMatrices();
- // render button background
- if (!this.toggled) {
- if (this.index >= 6)
- // this.drawTexture(matrices, this.x, this.y + 4, this.u, this.v + 4, this.width, this.height - 4);
- context.drawTexture(BUTTON_TEXTURE, this.getX(), this.getY() + 4, this.u, this.v + 4, this.width, this.height - 4);
- else
- // this.drawTexture(matrices, this.x, this.y, this.u, this.v, this.width, this.height - 4);
- context.drawTexture(BUTTON_TEXTURE, this.getX(), this.getY() - 2, this.u, this.v, this.width, this.height - 4);
- // } else this.drawTexture(matrices, this.x, this.y, this.u, this.v, this.width, this.height);
- } else {
- matrices.push();
- //Move the top buttons 2 pixels up if they're selected
- if (this.index < 6) matrices.translate(0f, -2f, 0f);
- context.drawTexture(BUTTON_TEXTURE, this.getX(), this.getY(), this.u, this.v, this.width, this.height);
- matrices.pop();
- }
- // render button icon
- if (!this.toggled) {
- if (this.index >= 6)
- // CLIENT.getItemRenderer().renderInGui(this.icon,this.x + 6, this.y + 6);
- context.drawItem(this.icon,this.getX() + 5, this.getY() + 6);
- else
- // CLIENT.getItemRenderer().renderInGui(this.icon,this.x + 6, this.y + 9);
- context.drawItem(this.icon,this.getX() + 5, this.getY() + 7);
+ // Construct the texture identifier based on the index and toggled state
+ String tabType = isTopTab() ? "top" : "bottom";
+ Identifier BUTTON_TEXTURES = new Identifier("container/creative_inventory/tab_" + tabType +
+ (toggled ? "_selected_" : "_unselected_") + 2);
+ // Render the button texture
+ int y = this.getY();
+ if (this.toggled) {
+ if (this.index < 6) y -= 2;
} else {
- if (this.index >= 6)
- // CLIENT.getItemRenderer().renderInGui(this.icon,this.x + 6, this.y + 9);
- context.drawItem(this.icon,this.getX() + 5, this.getY() + 9);
- else
- // CLIENT.getItemRenderer().renderInGui(this.icon,this.x + 6, this.y + 6);
- context.drawItem(this.icon,this.getX() + 5, this.getY() + 6);
+ y += (this.index >= 6) ? 4 : -2;
+ int height = this.height - ((this.toggled ) ? 0 : 4);
+ context.drawGuiTexture(BUTTON_TEXTURES, this.getX(), y, this.width, height);
+ // Render the button icon
+ int yOffset = !this.toggled && this.index < 6 ? 1 : 0;
+ context.drawItem(this.icon, this.getX() + 5, this.getY() + 6 + yOffset);