From ab3d2e8535500225eb0b71b03026853999aef381 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kevin <>
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2023 21:02:02 -0500
Subject: Update mod to 1.16.0+1.20.4 (#444)
--- | 276 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
1 file changed, 157 insertions(+), 119 deletions(-)
(limited to '')
diff --git a/ b/
index b8868a59..9cf2e0c3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,18 +1,163 @@
-## Skyblocker
+# Skyblocker
-Hypixel Skyblock Mod for Minecraft 1.20.2
+Hypixel Skyblock Mod for Minecraft 1.20.x
-## 🔧 Configuration - [Mod Menu]( not required
-open config with modmenu \
-or **/skyblocker config**
-Skyblocker has a variety of configurations. \
-To access the configuration menu, you must install [Mod Menu](
Skyblocker config
+## 📖 Features
+ Dungeon Features
+- **Secrets Waypoint Highlight:** Fully customizable
+- **Minimap**
+- **Starred Mob Glow**
+- **Croesus Helper**
+- **Puzzle Solver:**
+ - *Three Weirdos*
+ - *Blaze*
+ - *Creeper Beams*
+ - *Quiz - Ouro the Omniscient*
+ - *Tic Tac Toe*
+ - *Terminal:*
+ - *Order*
+ - *Coloured Items*
+ - *Item Name*
+- **Rare Drop Special Effects**
+- **Chest Profit Calculator**
+- **F3/M3 Fire Freeze Staff Timer**
+- **F3/M3 Guardian Health Display**
+- **F5/M5 Livid Color Highlight**
+- **Reparty:** Type /rp to reparty and enable auto-rejoin.
+- **AOTV & Pearl Secret Waypoints**
+- **Player Secrets Tracker**
+- **Wither & Blood Door Highlight**
+ Item and Armor Customization
+- *Item Renaming*
+- *Custom Armor Dye Colors*
+- *Custom Armor Trims*
+ Health and Status Bars
+- **Bars:**
+ - *Health and absorption*
+ - *Mana*
+ - *Defense*
+ - *XP*
+ Dwarven Mines
+- **Dwarven Mines Solver:**
+ - *Fetchur*
+ - *Puzzler*
+- **Commission HUD**
+ - *Provides information on Dwarven Mines quests*
+ Rift Features
+- **Mirrorverse Waypoints**
+ Spider's Den Features
+- **Hidden Relic Helper**
+ Slayer Helper
+- **Vampire:**
+ - *Effigy Waypoints*
+ - *Healing Melon Indicator*
+ - *Twinclaws Ice Indicator*
+ - *Steak Stake Indicator*
+ Visual Enhancements
+- **Fancy Tab HUD:** Fully configurable with a resource pack.
+- **1.8 Hitbox for Lever and Farmland**
+- **Hide Status Effect Overlay**
+- **Personal Compactor/Deletor Preview**
+- **Hide Fake Players in Social Interactions Screen**
+- **Item Rarity Backgrounds**
+- **Item Cooldown Display**
+- **Configure Fire-Overlay Height**
+ User Interface Enhancements
+- **Attribute Shard Info Display**
+- **Drill Fuel and Pickonimbus 2000 in Item Durability Bar**
+- **Hotbar Slot Lock Keybind:** Select the hotbar slot you want to lock/unlock and press the lock button.
+- **Price Tooltip:** (Provides information on)
+ - *NPC Prices*
+ - *Motes Prices*
+ - *bazaar (average, lowest bin)*
+ - *Auction House*
+ - *Museum*
+- **Quicknav:** (Fully customizeable) Fast navigation between pets, armor, enderchest, skill, collection, crafting, enchant, anvil, warp dungeon, and warp hub.
+- **Recipe Book:** Lists all Skyblock items in the vanilla recipe book, allowing you to see the recipe of the item.
+- **Backpack Preview:** After clicking your backpack or enderchest once, you can hover over the backpack or enderchest and hold Shift to preview its contents.
+ Barn Features
+- **Barn Solver:**
+ - *Treasure Hunter*
+ - *Hungry Hiker*
+ Chat Features
+- **Hide Messages:**
+ - *Ability Cooldown*
+ - *Heal*
+ - *Aspect of the End (AOTE)*
+ - *Implosion*
+ - *Molten Wave*
+ - *`/show command`*
+ - *Teleport Pad Messages*
+ Miscellaneous Solvers
-### List of Configuration
+- **Experiments Solvers**
+- **Fishing Helper:** Includes sound notifications.
+ Miscellaneous Features
+- **Roughly Enough Items (REI) and EMI Support**
+- **Item Protection**
+- **Discord Rich Presence:** Allows users to show their Piggy, Bits, or location, along with a custom message.
+- **Wiki Lookup:** Press F4 to open the wiki page about the held item.
+- **OptiFabric Compatibility**
+## 🔧 Configuration
+Open the config menu with **/skyblocker config**
+or through [Mod Menu](
+### Config Options
@@ -408,123 +553,15 @@ Used to display multiple titles at once, Example use: Vampire Slayer
| Custom Message | Show a custom message |
## 🖼️ Images
Click [#Gallery]( for images to this mod
-## 📖Features
-### Dungeon Features:
-- **Secrets Highlight:** Fully configurable
-- **Minimap**
-- **Starred Mob Glow**
-- **Puzzle Helper:**
- - *Croesus*
- - *Three Weirdos*
- - *Blaze*
- - *Creeper Beams*
- - *Trivia*
- - *Tic Tac Toe*
- - *Terminal:*
- - *Order*
- - *Coloured Items*
- - *Item Name*
-- **Rare Drop Special Effects**
-- **Chest Profit Calculator**
-- **Livid Color Helper**
-- **Reparty:** Type /rp to reparty and enable auto-rejoin.
-### Item and Armor Customization:
-- *Item Renaming*
-- *Custom Armor Dye Colors*
-- *Custom Armor Trims*
-### Health and Status Bars:
-- **Bars:**
- - *Health and absorption*
- - *Mana*
- - *Defense*
- - *XP*
-### Dwarven Mines:
-- **Dwarven Mines Solver:**
- - *Fetchur*
- - *Puzzler*
-- **Commission HUD**
- - *Provides information on Dwarven Mines quests*
-### Rift Features:
-- **Mirrorverse Waypoints**
-### Spider's Den Features:
-- **Hidden Relic Helper**
-### Slayer Helper:
-- **Vampire:**
- - *Effigy Waypoints*
- - *Healing Melon Indicator*
- - *Twinclaws Ice Indicator*
- - *Steak Stake Indicator*
-### Visual Enhancements:
-- **Fancy Tab HUD:** Fully configurable with a resource pack.
-- **1.8 Hitbox for Lever and Farmland**
-- **Hide Status Effect Overlay**
-- **Personal Compactor/Deletor Preview**
-- **Hide Fake Players in Social Interactions Screen**
-- **Item Rarity Backgrounds**
-- **Item Cooldown Display**
-- **Configure Fire-Overlay Height**
-### User Interface Enhancements:
-- **Attribute Shard Info Display**
-- **Drill Fuel and Pickonimbus 2000 in Item Durability Bar**
-- **Hotbar Slot Lock Keybind:** Select the hotbar slot you want to lock/unlock and press the lock button.
-- **Price Tooltip:** (Provides information on)
- - *NPC Prices*
- - *Motes Prices*
- - *bazaar (average, lowest bin)*
- - *Auction House*
- - *Museum*
-- **Quicknav:** (Fully customizeable) Fast navigation between pets, armor, enderchest, skill, collection, crafting, enchant, anvil, warp dungeon, and warp hub.
-- **Recipe Book:** Lists all Skyblock items in the vanilla recipe book, allowing you to see the recipe of the item.
-- **Backpack Preview:** After clicking your backpack or enderchest once, you can hover over the backpack or enderchest and hold Shift to preview its contents.
-### Barn Features:
-- **Barn Solver:**
- - *Treasure Hunter*
- - *Hungry Hiker*
-### Chat Features:
-- **Hide Messages:**
- - *Ability Cooldown*
- - *Heal*
- - *Aspect of the End (AOTE)*
- - *Implosion*
- - *Molten Wave*
- - *`/show command`*
- - *Teleport Pad Messages*
-### Miscellaneous Solvers:
-- **Experiments Solvers**
-- **Fishing Helper:** Includes sound notifications.
-### Miscellaneous Features:
-- **Roughly Enough Items (REI) and EMI Support**
-- **Item Protection**
-- **Discord Rich Presence:** Allows users to show their Piggy, Bits, or location, along with a custom message.
-- **Wiki Lookup:** Press F4 to open the wiki page about the held item.
-- **OptiFabric Compatibility**
## [Modpack](
+Installation Instructions
1. [Here]( is a tutorial how to install it easy with a launcher.
2. Download the [Skyblocker Modpack](
@@ -532,6 +569,7 @@ Click [#Gallery]( for images to
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