### Dungeon Features:
- **Secrets Waypoint Highlight:** Fully configurable
- **Minimap**
- **Starred Mob Glow**
- **Croesus Helper**
- **Puzzle Solver:**
    - *Three Weirdos*
    - *Blaze*
    - *Creeper Beams*
    - *Quiz - Ouro the Omniscient*
    - *Tic Tac Toe*
    - *Terminal:*
        - *Order*
        - *Coloured Items*
        - *Item Name*
- **Rare Drop Special Effects**
- **Chest Profit Calculator**
- **Livid Color Helper**
- **Reparty:** Type /rp to reparty and enable auto-rejoin.

### Item and Armor Customization:
- *Item Renaming*
- *Custom Armor Dye Colors*
- *Custom Armor Trims*

### Health and Status Bars:
- **Bars:**
    - *Health and absorption*
    - *Mana*
    - *Defense*
    - *XP*

### Dwarven Mines:
- **Dwarven Mines Solver:**
    - *Fetchur*
    - *Puzzler*
- **Commission HUD**
    - *Provides information on Dwarven Mines quests*

### Rift Features:
- **Mirrorverse Waypoints**

### Spider's Den Features:
- **Hidden Relic Helper**

### Slayer Helper:
- **Vampire:**
    - *Effigy Waypoints*
    - *Healing Melon Indicator*
    - *Twinclaws Ice Indicator*
    - *Steak Stake Indicator*

### Visual Enhancements:
- **Fancy Tab HUD:** Fully configurable with a resource pack.
- **1.8 Hitbox for Lever and Farmland**
- **Hide Status Effect Overlay**
- **Personal Compactor/Deletor Preview**
- **Hide Fake Players in Social Interactions Screen**
- **Item Rarity Backgrounds**
- **Item Cooldown Display**
- **Configure Fire-Overlay Height**

### User Interface Enhancements:
- **Attribute Shard Info Display**
- **Drill Fuel and Pickonimbus 2000 in Item Durability Bar**
- **Hotbar Slot Lock Keybind:** Select the hotbar slot you want to lock/unlock and press the lock button.
- **Price Tooltip:** (Provides information on)
    - *NPC Prices*
    - *Motes Prices*
    - *bazaar (average, lowest bin)*
    - *Auction House*
    - *Museum*
- **Quicknav:** (Fully customizeable) Fast navigation between pets, armor, enderchest, skill, collection, crafting, enchant, anvil, warp dungeon, and warp hub.
- **Recipe Book:** Lists all Skyblock items in the vanilla recipe book, allowing you to see the recipe of the item.
- **Backpack Preview:** After clicking your backpack or enderchest once, you can hover over the backpack or enderchest and hold Shift to preview its contents.

### Barn Features:
- **Barn Solver:**
    - *Treasure Hunter*
    - *Hungry Hiker*

### Chat Features:
- **Hide Messages:**
    - *Ability Cooldown*
    - *Heal*
    - *Aspect of the End (AOTE)*
    - *Implosion*
    - *Molten Wave*
    - *`/show command`*
    - *Teleport Pad Messages*

### Miscellaneous Solvers:
- **Experiments Solvers**
- **Fishing Helper:** Includes sound notifications.

### Miscellaneous Features:
- **Roughly Enough Items (REI) and EMI Support**
- **Item Protection**
- **Discord Rich Presence:** Allows users to show their Piggy, Bits, or location, along with a custom message.
- **Wiki Lookup:** Press F4 to open the wiki page about the held item.
- **OptiFabric Compatibility**