package; import de.hysky.skyblocker.utils.Location; import net.fabricmc.api.EnvType; import net.fabricmc.api.Environment; import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.event.Event; import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.event.EventFactory; @Environment(EnvType.CLIENT) public final class SkyblockEvents { public static final Event JOIN = EventFactory.createArrayBacked(SkyblockJoin.class, callbacks -> () -> { for (SkyblockEvents.SkyblockJoin callback : callbacks) { callback.onSkyblockJoin(); } }); public static final Event LEAVE = EventFactory.createArrayBacked(SkyblockLeave.class, callbacks -> () -> { for (SkyblockLeave callback : callbacks) { callback.onSkyblockLeave(); } }); public static final Event LOCATION_CHANGE = EventFactory.createArrayBacked(SkyblockLocationChange.class, callbacks -> location -> { for (SkyblockLocationChange callback : callbacks) { callback.onSkyblockLocationChange(location); } }); /** * Called when the player's Skyblock profile changes. * @implNote This is called upon receiving the chat message for the profile change rather than the exact moment of profile change, so it may be delayed by a few seconds. */ public static final Event PROFILE_CHANGE = EventFactory.createArrayBacked(ProfileChange.class, callbacks -> (prev, profile) -> { for (ProfileChange callback : callbacks) { callback.onSkyblockProfileChange(prev, profile); } }); @Environment(EnvType.CLIENT) @FunctionalInterface public interface SkyblockJoin { void onSkyblockJoin(); } @Environment(EnvType.CLIENT) @FunctionalInterface public interface SkyblockLeave { void onSkyblockLeave(); } @Environment(EnvType.CLIENT) @FunctionalInterface public interface SkyblockLocationChange { void onSkyblockLocationChange(Location location); } @Environment(EnvType.CLIENT) @FunctionalInterface public interface ProfileChange { void onSkyblockProfileChange(String prevProfileId, String profileId); } }