package; import de.hysky.skyblocker.mixin.accessor.SlotAccessor; import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient; import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerInventory; import net.minecraft.inventory.Inventory; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.screen.GenericContainerScreenHandler; import net.minecraft.screen.ScreenHandlerType; import net.minecraft.screen.slot.Slot; public class AuctionHouseScreenHandler extends GenericContainerScreenHandler { public AuctionHouseScreenHandler(ScreenHandlerType type, int syncId, PlayerInventory playerInventory, Inventory inventory, int rows, boolean isView) { super(type, syncId, playerInventory, inventory, rows); int yOffset = (rows - 4) * 18; // Shift player inventory by 2 pixels and also remove the yOffset for (int i = rows*9; i < slots.size(); i++) { Slot slot = slots.get(i); SlotAccessor slotAccessor = (SlotAccessor) slot; slotAccessor.setY(slot.y+2-yOffset); } // disable ALL THE OTHER SLOTS MWAHAHAHA and also move the good ones around and stuff for (int i = 0; i < rows*9; i++) { int lineI = i % 9; Slot slot = slots.get(i); if (!isView && i>9 && i<(rows-1)*9 && lineI > 1 && lineI < 8) { int miniInventorySlot = lineI - 2 + (i/9 - 1)*6; SlotAccessor slotAccessor = (SlotAccessor) slot; slotAccessor.setX(8 + miniInventorySlot%8 * 18); slotAccessor.setY(18 + miniInventorySlot/8 * 18); } else { slots.set(i, new Slot(slot.inventory, slot.getIndex(), slot.x, slot.y){ @Override public boolean isEnabled() { return false; } }); } } } public static AuctionHouseScreenHandler of(GenericContainerScreenHandler original, boolean isView) { return new AuctionHouseScreenHandler(original.getType(), original.syncId, MinecraftClient.getInstance().player.getInventory(), original.getInventory(), original.getRows(), isView); } @Override public void setStackInSlot(int slot, int revision, ItemStack stack) { super.setStackInSlot(slot, revision, stack); onContentChanged(slots.get(slot).inventory); } }