package de.hysky.skyblocker.skyblock.crimson.dojo; import de.hysky.skyblocker.config.SkyblockerConfigManager; import de.hysky.skyblocker.utils.Utils; import de.hysky.skyblocker.utils.scheduler.Scheduler; import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.event.lifecycle.v1.ClientEntityEvents; import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.message.v1.ClientReceiveMessageEvents; import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.networking.v1.ClientPlayConnectionEvents; import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.rendering.v1.WorldRenderContext; import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.rendering.v1.WorldRenderEvents; import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.event.player.AttackEntityCallback; import net.minecraft.block.BlockState; import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient; import; import; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity; import; import; import net.minecraft.text.Text; import net.minecraft.util.ActionResult; import net.minecraft.util.Formatting; import net.minecraft.util.Hand; import net.minecraft.util.Util; import net.minecraft.util.hit.EntityHitResult; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class DojoManager { private static final MinecraftClient CLIENT = MinecraftClient.getInstance(); private static final String START_MESSAGE = "[NPC] Master Tao: Ahhh, here we go! Let's get you into the Arena."; private static final Pattern TEST_OF_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\s+Test of (\\w+) OBJECTIVES"); private static final String CHALLENGE_FINISHED_REGEX = "\\s+CHALLENGE ((COMPLETED)|(FAILED))"; protected enum DojoChallenges { NONE("none", enabled -> false), FORCE("Force", enabled -> SkyblockerConfigManager.get().crimsonIsle.dojo.enableForceHelper), STAMINA("Stamina", enabled -> SkyblockerConfigManager.get().crimsonIsle.dojo.enableStaminaHelper), MASTERY("Mastery", enabled -> SkyblockerConfigManager.get().crimsonIsle.dojo.enableMasteryHelper), DISCIPLINE("Discipline", enabled -> SkyblockerConfigManager.get().crimsonIsle.dojo.enableDisciplineHelper), SWIFTNESS("Swiftness", enabled -> SkyblockerConfigManager.get().crimsonIsle.dojo.enableSwiftnessHelper), CONTROL("Control", enabled -> SkyblockerConfigManager.get().crimsonIsle.dojo.enableControlHelper), TENACITY("Tenacity", enabled -> SkyblockerConfigManager.get().crimsonIsle.dojo.enableTenacityHelper); private final String name; private final Predicate enabled; DojoChallenges(String name, Predicate enabled) { = name; this.enabled = enabled; } public static DojoChallenges from(String name) { return -> name.equals(; } } protected static DojoChallenges currentChallenge = DojoChallenges.NONE; public static boolean inArena = false; protected static long ping = -1; public static void init() { ClientReceiveMessageEvents.GAME.register(DojoManager::onMessage); WorldRenderEvents.AFTER_TRANSLUCENT.register(DojoManager::render); ClientPlayConnectionEvents.JOIN.register((_handler, _sender, _client) -> reset()); ClientEntityEvents.ENTITY_LOAD.register(DojoManager::onEntitySpawn); ClientEntityEvents.ENTITY_UNLOAD.register(DojoManager::onEntityDespawn); AttackEntityCallback.EVENT.register(DojoManager::onEntityAttacked); Scheduler.INSTANCE.scheduleCyclic(DojoManager::update, 3); } private static void reset() { inArena = false; currentChallenge = DojoChallenges.NONE; ForceTestHelper.reset(); StaminaTestHelper.reset(); MasteryTestHelper.reset(); SwiftnessTestHelper.reset(); ControlTestHelper.reset(); TenacityTestHelper.reset(); } /** * works out if the player is in dojo and if so what challenge based on chat messages * * @param text message * @param overlay is overlay */ private static void onMessage(Text text, Boolean overlay) { if (!Utils.isInCrimson() || overlay) { return; } if (Objects.equals(Formatting.strip(text.getString()), START_MESSAGE)) { inArena = true; //update the players ping getPing(); return; } if (!inArena) { return; } if (text.getString().matches(CHALLENGE_FINISHED_REGEX)) { reset(); return; } //look for a message saying what challenge is starting if one has not already been found if (currentChallenge != DojoChallenges.NONE) { return; } Matcher nextChallenge = TEST_OF_PATTERN.matcher(text.getString()); if (nextChallenge.matches()) { currentChallenge = DojoChallenges.from(; if (!currentChallenge.enabled.test(true)) { currentChallenge = DojoChallenges.NONE; } } } private static void getPing() { ClientPlayNetworkHandler networkHandler = CLIENT.getNetworkHandler(); if (networkHandler != null) { networkHandler.sendPacket(new QueryPingC2SPacket(Util.getMeasuringTimeMs())); } } public static void onPingResult(long ping) { = ping; } private static void update() { if (!Utils.isInCrimson() || !inArena) { return; } switch (currentChallenge) { case STAMINA -> StaminaTestHelper.update(); case CONTROL -> ControlTestHelper.update(); } } /** * called from the {@link de.hysky.skyblocker.skyblock.entity.MobGlow} class and checks the current challenge to see if zombies should be glowing * * @param name name of the zombie * @return if the zombie should glow */ public static boolean shouldGlow(String name) { if (!Utils.isInCrimson() || !inArena) { return false; } return switch (currentChallenge) { case FORCE -> ForceTestHelper.shouldGlow(name); case DISCIPLINE -> DisciplineTestHelper.shouldGlow(name); default -> false; }; } /** * called from the {@link de.hysky.skyblocker.skyblock.entity.MobGlow} class and checks the current challenge to see zombie outline color * * @return if the zombie should glow */ public static int getColor() { if (!Utils.isInCrimson() || !inArena) { return 0xf57738; } return switch (currentChallenge) { case FORCE -> ForceTestHelper.getColor(); case DISCIPLINE -> DisciplineTestHelper.getColor(); default -> 0xf57738; }; } /** * when a block is updated check the current challenge and send the packet to correct helper * * @param pos the location of the updated block * @param state the state of the new block */ public static void onBlockUpdate(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) { if (!Utils.isInCrimson() || !inArena) { return; } switch (currentChallenge) { case MASTERY -> MasteryTestHelper.onBlockUpdate(pos, state); case SWIFTNESS -> SwiftnessTestHelper.onBlockUpdate(pos, state); } } private static void onEntitySpawn(Entity entity, ClientWorld clientWorld) { if (!Utils.isInCrimson() || !inArena || CLIENT == null || CLIENT.player == null) { return; } // Check if within 50 blocks and 5 blocks vertically if (entity.squaredDistanceTo(CLIENT.player) > 2500 || Math.abs(entity.getBlockY() - CLIENT.player.getBlockY()) > 5) { return; } switch (currentChallenge) { case FORCE -> ForceTestHelper.onEntitySpawn(entity); case CONTROL -> ControlTestHelper.onEntitySpawn(entity); case TENACITY -> TenacityTestHelper.onEntitySpawn(entity); } } private static void onEntityDespawn(Entity entity, ClientWorld clientWorld) { if (!Utils.isInCrimson() || !inArena) { return; } switch (currentChallenge) { case FORCE -> ForceTestHelper.onEntityDespawn(entity); case TENACITY -> TenacityTestHelper.onEntityDespawn(entity); } } private static ActionResult onEntityAttacked(PlayerEntity playerEntity, World world, Hand hand, Entity entity, EntityHitResult entityHitResult) { if (!Utils.isInCrimson() || !inArena) { return ActionResult.PASS; } if (currentChallenge == DojoChallenges.FORCE) { ForceTestHelper.onEntityAttacked(entity); } return ActionResult.PASS; } public static void onParticle(ParticleS2CPacket packet) { if (!Utils.isInCrimson() || !inArena) { return; } if (currentChallenge == DojoChallenges.TENACITY) { TenacityTestHelper.onParticle(packet); } } private static void render(WorldRenderContext context) { if (!Utils.isInCrimson() || !inArena) { return; } switch (currentChallenge) { case FORCE -> ForceTestHelper.render(context); case STAMINA -> StaminaTestHelper.render(context); case MASTERY -> MasteryTestHelper.render(context); case SWIFTNESS -> SwiftnessTestHelper.render(context); case CONTROL -> ControlTestHelper.render(context); case TENACITY -> TenacityTestHelper.render(context); } } }