package de.hysky.skyblocker.skyblock.dungeon; import de.hysky.skyblocker.config.SkyblockerConfigManager; import de.hysky.skyblocker.utils.Utils; import de.hysky.skyblocker.utils.render.RenderHelper; import de.hysky.skyblocker.utils.scheduler.Scheduler; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectIntPair; import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.rendering.v1.WorldRenderContext; import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.rendering.v1.WorldRenderEvents; import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient; import; import; import net.minecraft.entity.decoration.ArmorStandEntity; import net.minecraft.predicate.entity.EntityPredicates; import net.minecraft.util.math.Box; import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; /** * This class provides functionality to render outlines around Blaze entities */ public class DungeonBlaze { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DungeonBlaze.class.getName()); private static final float[] GREEN_COLOR_COMPONENTS = {0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F}; private static final float[] WHITE_COLOR_COMPONENTS = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}; private static ArmorStandEntity highestBlaze = null; private static ArmorStandEntity lowestBlaze = null; private static ArmorStandEntity nextHighestBlaze = null; private static ArmorStandEntity nextLowestBlaze = null; public static void init() { Scheduler.INSTANCE.scheduleCyclic(DungeonBlaze::update, 4); WorldRenderEvents.BEFORE_DEBUG_RENDER.register(DungeonBlaze::blazeRenderer); } /** * Updates the state of Blaze entities and triggers the rendering process if necessary. */ public static void update() { ClientWorld world = MinecraftClient.getInstance().world; ClientPlayerEntity player = MinecraftClient.getInstance().player; if (world == null || player == null || !Utils.isInDungeons()) return; List> blazes = getBlazesInWorld(world, player); sortBlazes(blazes); updateBlazeEntities(blazes); } /** * Retrieves Blaze entities in the world and parses their health information. * * @param world The client world to search for Blaze entities. * @return A list of Blaze entities and their associated health. */ private static List> getBlazesInWorld(ClientWorld world, ClientPlayerEntity player) { List> blazes = new ArrayList<>(); for (ArmorStandEntity blaze : world.getEntitiesByClass(ArmorStandEntity.class, player.getBoundingBox().expand(500D), EntityPredicates.NOT_MOUNTED)) { String blazeName = blaze.getName().getString(); if (blazeName.contains("Blaze") && blazeName.contains("/")) { try { int health = Integer.parseInt((blazeName.substring(blazeName.indexOf("/") + 1, blazeName.length() - 1)).replaceAll(",", "")); blazes.add(ObjectIntPair.of(blaze, health)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { handleException(e); } } } return blazes; } /** * Sorts the Blaze entities based on their health values. * * @param blazes The list of Blaze entities to be sorted. */ private static void sortBlazes(List> blazes) { blazes.sort(Comparator.comparingInt(ObjectIntPair::rightInt)); } /** * Updates information about Blaze entities based on sorted list. * * @param blazes The sorted list of Blaze entities with associated health values. */ private static void updateBlazeEntities(List> blazes) { if (!blazes.isEmpty()) { lowestBlaze = blazes.get(0).left(); int highestIndex = blazes.size() - 1; highestBlaze = blazes.get(highestIndex).left(); if (blazes.size() > 1) { nextLowestBlaze = blazes.get(1).left(); nextHighestBlaze = blazes.get(highestIndex - 1).left(); } } } /** * Renders outlines for Blaze entities based on health and position. * * @param wrc The WorldRenderContext used for rendering. */ public static void blazeRenderer(WorldRenderContext wrc) { try { if (highestBlaze != null && lowestBlaze != null && highestBlaze.isAlive() && lowestBlaze.isAlive() && SkyblockerConfigManager.get().locations.dungeons.blazeSolver) { if (highestBlaze.getY() < 69) { renderBlazeOutline(highestBlaze, nextHighestBlaze, wrc); } if (lowestBlaze.getY() > 69) { renderBlazeOutline(lowestBlaze, nextLowestBlaze, wrc); } } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } } /** * Renders outlines for Blaze entities and connections between them. * * @param blaze The Blaze entity for which to render an outline. * @param nextBlaze The next Blaze entity for connection rendering. * @param wrc The WorldRenderContext used for rendering. */ private static void renderBlazeOutline(ArmorStandEntity blaze, ArmorStandEntity nextBlaze, WorldRenderContext wrc) { Box blazeBox = blaze.getBoundingBox().expand(0.3, 0.9, 0.3).offset(0, -1.1, 0); RenderHelper.renderOutline(wrc, blazeBox, GREEN_COLOR_COMPONENTS, 5f); if (nextBlaze != null && nextBlaze.isAlive() && nextBlaze != blaze) { Box nextBlazeBox = nextBlaze.getBoundingBox().expand(0.3, 0.9, 0.3).offset(0, -1.1, 0); RenderHelper.renderOutline(wrc, nextBlazeBox, WHITE_COLOR_COMPONENTS, 5f); Vec3d blazeCenter = blazeBox.getCenter(); Vec3d nextBlazeCenter = nextBlazeBox.getCenter(); RenderHelper.renderLinesFromPoints(wrc, new Vec3d[]{blazeCenter, nextBlazeCenter}, WHITE_COLOR_COMPONENTS, 1f, 5f); } } /** * Handles exceptions by logging and printing stack traces. * * @param e The exception to handle. */ private static void handleException(Exception e) { LOGGER.error("[Skyblocker BlazeRenderer] Encountered an unknown exception", e); } }