package de.hysky.skyblocker.skyblock.dungeon; import de.hysky.skyblocker.config.SkyblockerConfigManager; import de.hysky.skyblocker.skyblock.waypoint.FairySouls; import; import; import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient; import; import net.minecraft.text.Text; import net.minecraft.util.Formatting; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; public class Trivia extends ChatPatternListener { private static final Map answers; private List solutions = Collections.emptyList(); public Trivia() { super("^ +(?:([A-Za-z,' ]*\\?)|§6 ([ⓐⓑⓒ]) §a([a-zA-Z0-9 ]+))$"); } @Override public ChatFilterResult state() { return SkyblockerConfigManager.get().locations.dungeons.solveTrivia ? ChatFilterResult.FILTER : ChatFilterResult.PASS; } @Override public boolean onMatch(Text message, Matcher matcher) { String riddle =; if (riddle != null) { if (!solutions.contains(riddle)) { ClientPlayerEntity player = MinecraftClient.getInstance().player; if (player != null) MinecraftClient.getInstance().player.sendMessage(Text.of(" " + Formatting.GOLD + + Formatting.RED + " " + riddle), false); return player != null; } } else updateSolutions(; return false; } private void updateSolutions(String question) { String trimmedQuestion = question.trim(); if (trimmedQuestion.equals("What SkyBlock year is it?")) { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L; long diff = currentTime - 1560276000; int year = (int) (diff / 446400 + 1); solutions = Collections.singletonList("Year " + year); } else { solutions = Arrays.asList(answers.get(trimmedQuestion)); } } static { answers = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>()); answers.put("What is the status of The Watcher?", new String[]{"Stalker"}); answers.put("What is the status of Bonzo?", new String[]{"New Necromancer"}); answers.put("What is the status of Scarf?", new String[]{"Apprentice Necromancer"}); answers.put("What is the status of The Professor?", new String[]{"Professor"}); answers.put("What is the status of Thorn?", new String[]{"Shaman Necromancer"}); answers.put("What is the status of Livid?", new String[]{"Master Necromancer"}); answers.put("What is the status of Sadan?", new String[]{"Necromancer Lord"}); answers.put("What is the status of Maxor?", new String[]{"The Wither Lords"}); answers.put("What is the status of Goldor?", new String[]{"The Wither Lords"}); answers.put("What is the status of Storm?", new String[]{"The Wither Lords"}); answers.put("What is the status of Necron?", new String[]{"The Wither Lords"}); answers.put("What is the status of Maxor, Storm, Goldor and Necron?", new String[]{"The Wither Lords"}); answers.put("Which brother is on the Spider's Den?", new String[]{"Rick"}); answers.put("What is the name of Rick's brother?", new String[]{"Pat"}); answers.put("What is the name of the Painter in the Hub?", new String[]{"Marco"}); answers.put("What is the name of the person that upgrades pets?", new String[]{"Kat"}); answers.put("What is the name of the lady of the Nether?", new String[]{"Elle"}); answers.put("Which villager in the Village gives you a Rogue Sword?", new String[]{"Jamie"}); answers.put("How many unique minions are there?", new String[]{"59 Minions"}); answers.put("Which of these enemies does not spawn in the Spider's Den?", new String[]{"Zombie Spider", "Cave Spider", "Wither Skeleton", "Dashing Spooder", "Broodfather", "Night Spider"}); answers.put("Which of these monsters only spawns at night?", new String[]{"Zombie Villager", "Ghast"}); answers.put("Which of these is not a dragon in The End?", new String[]{"Zoomer Dragon", "Weak Dragon", "Stonk Dragon", "Holy Dragon", "Boomer Dragon", "Booger Dragon", "Older Dragon", "Elder Dragon", "Stable Dragon", "Professor Dragon"}); FairySouls.runAsyncAfterFairySoulsLoad(() -> { answers.put("How many total Fairy Souls are there?", getFairySoulsSizeString(null)); answers.put("How many Fairy Souls are there in Spider's Den?", getFairySoulsSizeString("combat_1")); answers.put("How many Fairy Souls are there in The End?", getFairySoulsSizeString("combat_3")); answers.put("How many Fairy Souls are there in The Farming Islands?", getFairySoulsSizeString("farming_1")); answers.put("How many Fairy Souls are there in Crimson Isle?", getFairySoulsSizeString("crimson_isle")); answers.put("How many Fairy Souls are there in The Park?", getFairySoulsSizeString("foraging_1")); answers.put("How many Fairy Souls are there in Jerry's Workshop?", getFairySoulsSizeString("winter")); answers.put("How many Fairy Souls are there in Hub?", getFairySoulsSizeString("hub")); answers.put("How many Fairy Souls are there in The Hub?", getFairySoulsSizeString("hub")); answers.put("How many Fairy Souls are there in Deep Caverns?", getFairySoulsSizeString("mining_2")); answers.put("How many Fairy Souls are there in Gold Mine?", getFairySoulsSizeString("mining_1")); answers.put("How many Fairy Souls are there in Dungeon Hub?", getFairySoulsSizeString("dungeon_hub")); }); } @NotNull private static String[] getFairySoulsSizeString(@Nullable String location) { return new String[]{"%d Fairy Souls".formatted(FairySouls.getFairySoulsSize(location))}; } }