package de.hysky.skyblocker.skyblock.dungeon.secrets; import; import; import; import; import; import com.mojang.brigadier.arguments.IntegerArgumentType; import com.mojang.brigadier.context.CommandContext; import com.mojang.serialization.Codec; import de.hysky.skyblocker.config.SkyblockerConfigManager; import; import de.hysky.skyblocker.utils.Constants; import de.hysky.skyblocker.utils.Tickable; import de.hysky.skyblocker.utils.render.RenderHelper; import de.hysky.skyblocker.utils.render.Renderable; import de.hysky.skyblocker.utils.scheduler.Scheduler; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntRBTreeSet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntSortedSet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntSortedSets; import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.command.v2.FabricClientCommandSource; import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.rendering.v1.WorldRenderContext; import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.util.TriState; import net.minecraft.block.BlockState; import net.minecraft.block.Blocks; import net.minecraft.block.MapColor; import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient; import; import; import net.minecraft.command.argument.EnumArgumentType; import net.minecraft.entity.ItemEntity; import net.minecraft.entity.mob.AmbientEntity; import net.minecraft.registry.Registries; import net.minecraft.text.Text; import net.minecraft.util.StringIdentifiable; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.math.Box; import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.MutableTriple; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Triple; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.joml.Vector2i; import org.joml.Vector2ic; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class Room implements Tickable, Renderable { private static final Pattern SECRET_INDEX = Pattern.compile("^(\\d+)"); private static final Pattern SECRETS = Pattern.compile("ยง7(\\d{1,2})/(\\d{1,2}) Secrets"); private static final String LOCKED_CHEST = "That chest is locked!"; private static final Vec3d DOOR_SIZE = new Vec3d(3, 4, 3); protected static final float[] RED_COLOR_COMPONENTS = {1, 0, 0}; protected static final float[] GREEN_COLOR_COMPONENTS = {0, 1, 0}; @NotNull private final Type type; @NotNull final Set segments; /** * The shape of the room. See {@link #getShape(IntSortedSet, IntSortedSet)}. */ @NotNull private final Shape shape; /** * The room data containing all rooms for a specific dungeon and {@link #shape}. */ protected Map roomsData; /** * Contains all possible dungeon rooms for this room. The list is gradually shrunk by checking blocks until only one room is left. */ protected List>> possibleRooms; /** * Contains all blocks that have been checked to prevent checking the same block multiple times. */ private Set checkedBlocks = new HashSet<>(); /** * The task that is used to check blocks. This is used to ensure only one such task can run at a time. */ protected CompletableFuture findRoom; private int doubleCheckBlocks; /** * Represents the matching state of the room with the following possible values: *
  • {@link MatchState#MATCHING} means that the room has not been checked, is being processed, or does not {@link Type#needsScanning() need to be processed}.
  • *
  • {@link MatchState#DOUBLE_CHECKING} means that the room has a unique match and is being double checked.
  • *
  • {@link MatchState#MATCHED} means that the room has a unique match ans has been double checked.
  • *
  • {@link MatchState#FAILED} means that the room has been checked and there is no match.
  • */ protected MatchState matchState = MatchState.MATCHING; private Table secretWaypoints; private String name; private Direction direction; private Vector2ic physicalCornerPos; protected List tickables = new ArrayList<>(); protected List renderables = new ArrayList<>(); private BlockPos lastChestSecret; private long lastChestSecretTime; /** * Stores the next room in the dungeon. Currently only used if the next room is the fairy room. */ @Nullable protected Room nextRoom; @Nullable private BlockPos doorPos; @Nullable private Box doorBox; protected boolean keyFound; public Room(@NotNull Type type, @NotNull Vector2ic... physicalPositions) { this.type = type; segments = Set.of(physicalPositions); IntSortedSet segmentsX = IntSortedSets.unmodifiable(new IntRBTreeSet(; IntSortedSet segmentsY = IntSortedSets.unmodifiable(new IntRBTreeSet(; shape = getShape(segmentsX, segmentsY); roomsData = DungeonManager.ROOMS_DATA.getOrDefault("catacombs", Collections.emptyMap()).getOrDefault(shape.shape.toLowerCase(), Collections.emptyMap()); possibleRooms = getPossibleRooms(segmentsX, segmentsY); } @NotNull public Type getType() { return type; } public boolean isMatched() { return matchState == MatchState.DOUBLE_CHECKING || matchState == MatchState.MATCHED; } /** * Not null if {@link #isMatched()}. */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Not null if {@link #isMatched()}. */ public Direction getDirection() { return direction; } @Override public String toString() { return "Room{type=%s, segments=%s, shape=%s, matchState=%s, name=%s, direction=%s, physicalCornerPos=%s}".formatted(type, Arrays.toString(segments.toArray()), shape, matchState, name, direction, physicalCornerPos); } @NotNull private Shape getShape(IntSortedSet segmentsX, IntSortedSet segmentsY) { return switch (type) { case PUZZLE -> Shape.PUZZLE; case TRAP -> Shape.TRAP; default -> switch (segments.size()) { case 1 -> Shape.ONE_BY_ONE; case 2 -> Shape.ONE_BY_TWO; case 3 -> segmentsX.size() == 2 && segmentsY.size() == 2 ? Shape.L_SHAPE : Shape.ONE_BY_THREE; case 4 -> segmentsX.size() == 2 && segmentsY.size() == 2 ? Shape.TWO_BY_TWO : Shape.ONE_BY_FOUR; default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException("There are no matching room shapes with this set of physical positions: " + Arrays.toString(segments.toArray())); }; }; } private List>> getPossibleRooms(IntSortedSet segmentsX, IntSortedSet segmentsY) { List possibleDirectionRooms = new ArrayList<>(roomsData.keySet()); List>> possibleRooms = new ArrayList<>(); for (Direction direction : getPossibleDirections(segmentsX, segmentsY)) { possibleRooms.add(MutableTriple.of(direction, DungeonMapUtils.getPhysicalCornerPos(direction, segmentsX, segmentsY), possibleDirectionRooms)); } return possibleRooms; } @NotNull private Direction[] getPossibleDirections(IntSortedSet segmentsX, IntSortedSet segmentsY) { return switch (shape) { case ONE_BY_ONE, TWO_BY_TWO, PUZZLE, TRAP -> Direction.values(); case ONE_BY_TWO, ONE_BY_THREE, ONE_BY_FOUR -> { if (segmentsX.size() > 1 && segmentsY.size() == 1) { yield new Direction[]{Direction.NW, Direction.SE}; } else if (segmentsX.size() == 1 && segmentsY.size() > 1) { yield new Direction[]{Direction.NE, Direction.SW}; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Shape " + shape.shape + " does not match segments: " + Arrays.toString(segments.toArray())); } case L_SHAPE -> { if (!segments.contains(new Vector2i(segmentsX.firstInt(), segmentsY.firstInt()))) { yield new Direction[]{Direction.SW}; } else if (!segments.contains(new Vector2i(segmentsX.firstInt(), segmentsY.lastInt()))) { yield new Direction[]{Direction.SE}; } else if (!segments.contains(new Vector2i(segmentsX.lastInt(), segmentsY.firstInt()))) { yield new Direction[]{Direction.NW}; } else if (!segments.contains(new Vector2i(segmentsX.lastInt(), segmentsY.lastInt()))) { yield new Direction[]{Direction.NE}; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Shape " + shape.shape + " does not match segments: " + Arrays.toString(segments.toArray())); } }; } /** * @see #addCustomWaypoint(int, SecretWaypoint.Category, Text, BlockPos) */ protected void addCustomWaypoint(CommandContext context, BlockPos pos) { int secretIndex = IntegerArgumentType.getInteger(context, "secretIndex"); SecretWaypoint.Category category = SecretWaypoint.Category.CategoryArgumentType.getCategory(context, "category"); Text waypointName = context.getArgument("name", Text.class); addCustomWaypoint(secretIndex, category, waypointName, pos); context.getSource().sendFeedback(Constants.PREFIX.get().append(Text.stringifiedTranslatable("skyblocker.dungeons.secrets.customWaypointAdded", pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ(), name, secretIndex, category, waypointName))); } /** * Adds a custom waypoint relative to this room to {@link DungeonManager#customWaypoints} and all existing instances of this room. * * @param secretIndex the index of the secret waypoint * @param category the category of the secret waypoint * @param waypointName the name of the secret waypoint * @param pos the position of the secret waypoint relative to this room */ @SuppressWarnings("JavadocReference") private void addCustomWaypoint(int secretIndex, SecretWaypoint.Category category, Text waypointName, BlockPos pos) { SecretWaypoint waypoint = new SecretWaypoint(secretIndex, category, waypointName, pos); DungeonManager.addCustomWaypoint(name, waypoint); DungeonManager.getRoomsStream().filter(r -> name.equals(r.getName())).forEach(r -> r.addCustomWaypoint(waypoint)); } /** * Adds a custom waypoint relative to this room to this instance of the room. * * @param relativeWaypoint the secret waypoint relative to this room to add */ private void addCustomWaypoint(SecretWaypoint relativeWaypoint) { SecretWaypoint actualWaypoint = relativeWaypoint.relativeToActual(this); secretWaypoints.put(actualWaypoint.secretIndex, actualWaypoint.pos, actualWaypoint); } /** * @see #removeCustomWaypoint(BlockPos) */ protected void removeCustomWaypoint(CommandContext context, BlockPos pos) { SecretWaypoint waypoint = removeCustomWaypoint(pos); if (waypoint != null) { context.getSource().sendFeedback(Constants.PREFIX.get().append(Text.translatable("skyblocker.dungeons.secrets.customWaypointRemoved", pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ(), name, waypoint.secretIndex, waypoint.category.asString(), waypoint.getName()))); } else { context.getSource().sendFeedback(Constants.PREFIX.get().append(Text.translatable("skyblocker.dungeons.secrets.customWaypointNotFound", pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ(), name))); } } /** * Removes a custom waypoint relative to this room from {@link DungeonManager#customWaypoints} and all existing instances of this room. * * @param pos the position of the secret waypoint relative to this room * @return the removed secret waypoint or {@code null} if there was no secret waypoint at the given position */ @SuppressWarnings("JavadocReference") @Nullable private SecretWaypoint removeCustomWaypoint(BlockPos pos) { SecretWaypoint waypoint = DungeonManager.removeCustomWaypoint(name, pos); if (waypoint != null) { DungeonManager.getRoomsStream().filter(r -> name.equals(r.getName())).forEach(r -> r.removeCustomWaypoint(waypoint.secretIndex, pos)); } return waypoint; } /** * Removes a custom waypoint relative to this room from this instance of the room. * * @param secretIndex the index of the secret waypoint * @param relativePos the position of the secret waypoint relative to this room */ private void removeCustomWaypoint(int secretIndex, BlockPos relativePos) { BlockPos actualPos = relativeToActual(relativePos); secretWaypoints.remove(secretIndex, actualPos); } public void addSubProcess(T process) { tickables.add(process); renderables.add(process); } /** * Updates the room. *

    * First, this method tries to find a wither door and blood door. * Then, this method returns immediately if any of the following conditions are met: *
    • The room does not need to be scanned and matched. (When the room is not of type {@link Type.ROOM}, {@link Type.PUZZLE}, or {@link Type.TRAP}. See {@link Type#needsScanning()})
    • *
    • The room has been matched or failed to match and is on cooldown. See {@link #matchState}.
    • *
    • {@link #findRoom The previous update} has not completed.
    • *
    * Then this method tries to match this room through: *
    • Iterate over a 11 by 11 by 11 box around the player.
    • *
    • Check it the block is part of this room and not part of a doorway. See {@link #segments} and {@link #notInDoorway(BlockPos)}.
    • *
    • Checks if the position has been checked and adds it to {@link #checkedBlocks}.
    • *
    • Calls {@link #checkBlock(ClientWorld, BlockPos)}
    • *
    */ @SuppressWarnings("JavadocReference") @Override public void tick(MinecraftClient client) { if ( == null) { return; } for (Tickable tickable : tickables) { tickable.tick(client); } // Wither and blood door if (SkyblockerConfigManager.get().dungeons.doorHighlight.enableDoorHighlight && doorPos == null) { doorPos = DungeonMapUtils.getWitherBloodDoorPos(, segments); if (doorPos != null) { doorBox = new Box(doorPos.getX(), doorPos.getY(), doorPos.getZ(), doorPos.getX() + DOOR_SIZE.getX(), doorPos.getY() + DOOR_SIZE.getY(), doorPos.getZ() + DOOR_SIZE.getZ()); } } // Room scanning and matching // Logical AND has higher precedence than logical OR if (!type.needsScanning() || matchState != MatchState.MATCHING && matchState != MatchState.DOUBLE_CHECKING || !DungeonManager.isRoomsLoaded() || findRoom != null && !findRoom.isDone()) { return; } ClientPlayerEntity player = client.player; if (player == null) { return; } findRoom = CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> { for (BlockPos pos : BlockPos.iterate(player.getBlockPos().add(-5, -5, -5), player.getBlockPos().add(5, 5, 5))) { if (segments.contains(DungeonMapUtils.getPhysicalRoomPos(pos)) && notInDoorway(pos) && checkedBlocks.add(pos) && checkBlock(, pos)) { break; } } }).exceptionally(e -> { DungeonManager.LOGGER.error("[Skyblocker Dungeon Secrets] Encountered an unknown exception while matching room {}", this, e); return null; }); } private static boolean notInDoorway(BlockPos pos) { if (pos.getY() < 66 || pos.getY() > 73) { return true; } int x = Math.floorMod(pos.getX() - 8, 32); int z = Math.floorMod(pos.getZ() - 8, 32); return (x < 13 || x > 17 || z > 2 && z < 28) && (z < 13 || z > 17 || x > 2 && x < 28); } /** * Filters out dungeon rooms which does not contain the block at the given position. *

    * This method: *
    • Checks if the block type is included in the dungeon rooms data. See {@link DungeonManager#NUMERIC_ID}.
    • *
    • For each possible direction:
    • *
      • Rotate and convert the position to a relative position. See {@link DungeonMapUtils#actualToRelative(Direction, Vector2ic, BlockPos)}.
      • *
      • Encode the block based on the relative position and the custom numeric block id. See {@link #posIdToInt(BlockPos, byte)}.
      • *
      • For each possible room in the current direction:
      • *
        • Check if {@link #roomsData} contains the encoded block.
        • *
        • If so, add the room to the new list of possible rooms for this direction.
        • *
      • Replace the old possible room list for the current direction with the new one.
      • *
    • If there are no matching rooms left:
    • *
      • Terminate matching by setting {@link #matchState} to {@link TriState#FALSE}.
      • *
      • Schedule another matching attempt in 50 ticks (2.5 seconds).
      • *
      • Reset {@link #possibleRooms} and {@link #checkedBlocks} with {@link #reset()}.
      • *
      • Return {@code true}
      • *
    • If there are exactly one room matching:
    • *
      • If {@link #matchState} is {@link MatchState#MATCHING}:
      • *
        • Call {@link #roomMatched()}.
        • *
        • Return {@code false}.
        • *
      • If {@link #matchState} is {@link MatchState#DOUBLE_CHECKING}:
      • *
        • Set the match state to {@link MatchState#MATCHED}.
        • *
        • Discard the no longer needed fields to save memory.
        • *
        • Return {@code true}.
        • *
    • Return {@code false}
    • *
    * * @param world the world to get the block from * @param pos the position of the block to check * @return whether room matching should end. Either a match is found or there are no valid rooms left */ protected boolean checkBlock(ClientWorld world, BlockPos pos) { byte id = DungeonManager.NUMERIC_ID.getByte(Registries.BLOCK.getId(world.getBlockState(pos).getBlock()).toString()); if (id == 0) { return false; } for (MutableTriple> directionRooms : possibleRooms) { int block = posIdToInt(DungeonMapUtils.actualToRelative(directionRooms.getLeft(), directionRooms.getMiddle(), pos), id); List possibleDirectionRooms = new ArrayList<>(); for (String room : directionRooms.getRight()) { if (Arrays.binarySearch(roomsData.get(room), block) >= 0) { possibleDirectionRooms.add(room); } } directionRooms.setRight(possibleDirectionRooms); } int matchingRoomsSize =; if (matchingRoomsSize == 0) synchronized (this) { // If no rooms match, reset the fields and scan again after 50 ticks. matchState = MatchState.FAILED; DungeonManager.LOGGER.warn("[Skyblocker Dungeon Secrets] No dungeon room matched after checking {} block(s) including double checking {} block(s)", checkedBlocks.size(), doubleCheckBlocks); Scheduler.INSTANCE.schedule(() -> matchState = MatchState.MATCHING, 50); reset(); return true; } else if (matchingRoomsSize == 1) { if (matchState == MatchState.MATCHING) { // If one room matches, load the secrets for that room and set state to double-checking. Triple> directionRoom = -> directionRooms.getRight().size() == 1).findAny().orElseThrow(); name = directionRoom.getRight().getFirst(); direction = directionRoom.getLeft(); physicalCornerPos = directionRoom.getMiddle();"[Skyblocker Dungeon Secrets] Room {} matched after checking {} block(s), starting double checking", name, checkedBlocks.size()); roomMatched(); return false; } else if (matchState == MatchState.DOUBLE_CHECKING && ++doubleCheckBlocks >= 10) { // If double-checked, set state to matched and discard the no longer needed fields. matchState = MatchState.MATCHED; DungeonEvents.ROOM_MATCHED.invoker().onRoomMatched(this);"[Skyblocker Dungeon Secrets] Room {} confirmed after checking {} block(s) including double checking {} block(s)", name, checkedBlocks.size(), doubleCheckBlocks); discard(); return true; } return false; } else { DungeonManager.LOGGER.debug("[Skyblocker Dungeon Secrets] {} room(s) remaining after checking {} block(s)", matchingRoomsSize, checkedBlocks.size()); return false; } } /** * Encodes a {@link BlockPos} and the custom numeric block id into an integer. * * @param pos the position of the block * @param id the custom numeric block id * @return the encoded integer */ protected int posIdToInt(BlockPos pos, byte id) { return pos.getX() << 24 | pos.getY() << 16 | pos.getZ() << 8 | id; } /** * Loads the secret waypoints for the room from {@link DungeonManager#waypointsJson} once it has been matched * and sets {@link #matchState} to {@link MatchState#DOUBLE_CHECKING}. * * @param directionRooms the direction, position, and name of the room */ @SuppressWarnings("JavadocReference") private void roomMatched() { secretWaypoints = HashBasedTable.create(); JsonArray secretWaypointsJson = DungeonManager.getRoomWaypoints(name); if (secretWaypointsJson != null) { for (JsonElement waypointElement : secretWaypointsJson) { JsonObject waypoint = waypointElement.getAsJsonObject(); String secretName = waypoint.get("secretName").getAsString(); Matcher secretIndexMatcher = SECRET_INDEX.matcher(secretName); int secretIndex = secretIndexMatcher.find() ? Integer.parseInt( : 0; BlockPos pos = DungeonMapUtils.relativeToActual(direction, physicalCornerPos, waypoint); secretWaypoints.put(secretIndex, pos, new SecretWaypoint(secretIndex, waypoint, secretName, pos)); } } DungeonManager.getCustomWaypoints(name).values().forEach(this::addCustomWaypoint); matchState = MatchState.DOUBLE_CHECKING; } /** * Resets fields for another round of matching after room matching fails. */ protected void reset() { IntSortedSet segmentsX = IntSortedSets.unmodifiable(new IntRBTreeSet(; IntSortedSet segmentsY = IntSortedSets.unmodifiable(new IntRBTreeSet(; possibleRooms = getPossibleRooms(segmentsX, segmentsY); checkedBlocks = new HashSet<>(); doubleCheckBlocks = 0; secretWaypoints = null; name = null; direction = null; physicalCornerPos = null; } /** * Discards fields after room matching completes when a room is found. * These fields are no longer needed and are discarded to save memory. */ private void discard() { roomsData = null; possibleRooms = null; checkedBlocks = null; doubleCheckBlocks = 0; } /** * Fails if !{@link #isMatched()} */ public BlockPos actualToRelative(BlockPos pos) { return DungeonMapUtils.actualToRelative(direction, physicalCornerPos, pos); } /** * Fails if !{@link #isMatched()} */ public BlockPos relativeToActual(BlockPos pos) { return DungeonMapUtils.relativeToActual(direction, physicalCornerPos, pos); } /** * Calls {@link SecretWaypoint#render(WorldRenderContext)} on {@link #secretWaypoints all secret waypoints} and renders a highlight around the wither or blood door, if it exists. */ @Override public void render(WorldRenderContext context) { for (Renderable renderable : renderables) { renderable.render(context); } synchronized (this) { if (SkyblockerConfigManager.get().dungeons.secretWaypoints.enableSecretWaypoints && isMatched()) { for (SecretWaypoint secretWaypoint : secretWaypoints.values()) { if (secretWaypoint.shouldRender()) { secretWaypoint.render(context); } } } } if (!SkyblockerConfigManager.get().dungeons.doorHighlight.enableDoorHighlight || doorPos == null) { return; } float[] colorComponents = keyFound ? GREEN_COLOR_COMPONENTS : RED_COLOR_COMPONENTS; switch (SkyblockerConfigManager.get().dungeons.doorHighlight.doorHighlightType) { case HIGHLIGHT -> RenderHelper.renderFilled(context, doorPos, DOOR_SIZE, colorComponents, 0.5f, true); case OUTLINED_HIGHLIGHT -> { RenderHelper.renderFilled(context, doorPos, DOOR_SIZE, colorComponents, 0.5f, true); RenderHelper.renderOutline(context, doorBox, colorComponents, 5, true); } case OUTLINE -> RenderHelper.renderOutline(context, doorBox, colorComponents, 5, true); } } /** * Sets all secrets as found if {@link #isAllSecretsFound(String)} and sets {@link #lastChestSecret} as missing if message equals {@link #LOCKED_CHEST}. */ protected void onChatMessage(String message) { if (isAllSecretsFound(message)) { secretWaypoints.values().forEach(SecretWaypoint::setFound); } else if (LOCKED_CHEST.equals(message) && lastChestSecretTime + 1000 > System.currentTimeMillis() && lastChestSecret != null) { secretWaypoints.column(lastChestSecret).values().stream().filter(SecretWaypoint::needsInteraction).findAny() .ifPresent(secretWaypoint -> markSecretsAndLogInfo(secretWaypoint, false, "[Skyblocker Dungeon Secrets] Detected locked chest interaction, setting secret #{} as missing", secretWaypoint.secretIndex)); } } /** * Checks if the number of found secrets is equals or greater than the total number of secrets in the room. * * @param message the message to check in * @return whether the number of found secrets is equals or greater than the total number of secrets in the room */ protected static boolean isAllSecretsFound(String message) { Matcher matcher = SECRETS.matcher(message); if (matcher.find()) { return Integer.parseInt( >= Integer.parseInt(; } return false; } /** * Marks the secret at the interaction position as found when the player interacts with a chest, player head, or lever * if there is a secret at the interaction position and saves the position to {@link #lastChestSecret} if the block is a chest. * * @param world the world to get the block from * @param pos the position of the block being interacted with * @see #markSecretsFoundAndLogInfo(SecretWaypoint, String, Object...) */ protected void onUseBlock(World world, BlockPos pos) { BlockState state = world.getBlockState(pos); if ((state.isOf(Blocks.CHEST) || state.isOf(Blocks.TRAPPED_CHEST)) && lastChestSecretTime + 1000 < System.currentTimeMillis() || state.isOf(Blocks.PLAYER_HEAD) || state.isOf(Blocks.PLAYER_WALL_HEAD)) { secretWaypoints.column(pos).values().stream().filter(SecretWaypoint::needsInteraction).findAny() .ifPresent(secretWaypoint -> markSecretsFoundAndLogInfo(secretWaypoint, "[Skyblocker Dungeon Secrets] Detected {} interaction, setting secret #{} as found", secretWaypoint.category, secretWaypoint.secretIndex)); if (state.isOf(Blocks.CHEST) || state.isOf(Blocks.TRAPPED_CHEST)) { lastChestSecret = pos; lastChestSecretTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } else if (state.isOf(Blocks.LEVER)) { secretWaypoints.column(pos).values().stream().filter(SecretWaypoint::isLever).forEach(SecretWaypoint::setFound); } } /** * Marks the closest secret that requires item pickup no greater than 6 blocks away as found when a secret item is removed from the world. * * @param itemEntity the item entity being picked up * @see #markSecretsFoundAndLogInfo(SecretWaypoint, String, Object...) */ protected void onItemPickup(ItemEntity itemEntity) { if ( { return; } secretWaypoints.values().stream().filter(SecretWaypoint::needsItemPickup).min(Comparator.comparingDouble(SecretWaypoint.getSquaredDistanceToFunction(itemEntity))).filter(SecretWaypoint.getRangePredicate(itemEntity)) .ifPresent(secretWaypoint -> markSecretsFoundAndLogInfo(secretWaypoint, "[Skyblocker Dungeon Secrets] Detected item {} removed from a {} secret, setting secret #{} as found", itemEntity.getName().getString(), secretWaypoint.category, secretWaypoint.secretIndex)); } /** * Marks the closest bat secret as found when a bat is killed. * * @param bat the bat being killed * @see #markSecretsFoundAndLogInfo(SecretWaypoint, String, Object...) */ protected void onBatRemoved(AmbientEntity bat) { secretWaypoints.values().stream().filter(SecretWaypoint::isBat).min(Comparator.comparingDouble(SecretWaypoint.getSquaredDistanceToFunction(bat))) .ifPresent(secretWaypoint -> markSecretsFoundAndLogInfo(secretWaypoint, "[Skyblocker Dungeon Secrets] Detected {} killed for a {} secret, setting secret #{} as found", bat.getName().getString(), secretWaypoint.category, secretWaypoint.secretIndex)); } /** * Marks all secret waypoints with the same index as the given {@link SecretWaypoint} as found and logs the given message. * * @param secretWaypoint the secret waypoint to read the index from. * @param msg the message to log * @param args the args for the {@link org.slf4j.Logger#info(String, Object...) Logger#info(String, Object...)} call */ private void markSecretsFoundAndLogInfo(SecretWaypoint secretWaypoint, String msg, Object... args) { markSecretsAndLogInfo(secretWaypoint, true, msg, args); } /** * Marks all secret waypoints with the same index as the given {@link SecretWaypoint} as found or missing and logs the given message. * @param secretWaypoint the secret waypoint to read the index from. * @param found whether to mark the secret as found or missing * @param msg the message to log * @param args the args for the {@link org.slf4j.Logger#info(String, Object...) Logger#info(String, Object...)} call */ private void markSecretsAndLogInfo(SecretWaypoint secretWaypoint, boolean found, String msg, Object... args) { markSecrets(secretWaypoint.secretIndex, found);, args); } protected boolean markSecrets(int secretIndex, boolean found) { Map secret = secretWaypoints.row(secretIndex); if (secret.isEmpty()) { return false; } else { secret.values().forEach(found ? SecretWaypoint::setFound : SecretWaypoint::setMissing); return true; } } protected void keyFound() { if (nextRoom != null && nextRoom.type == Type.FAIRY) { nextRoom.keyFound = true; } keyFound = true; } public enum Type { ENTRANCE(MapColor.DARK_GREEN.getRenderColorByte(MapColor.Brightness.HIGH)), ROOM(MapColor.ORANGE.getRenderColorByte(MapColor.Brightness.LOWEST)), PUZZLE(MapColor.MAGENTA.getRenderColorByte(MapColor.Brightness.HIGH)), TRAP(MapColor.ORANGE.getRenderColorByte(MapColor.Brightness.HIGH)), MINIBOSS(MapColor.YELLOW.getRenderColorByte(MapColor.Brightness.HIGH)), FAIRY(MapColor.PINK.getRenderColorByte(MapColor.Brightness.HIGH)), BLOOD(MapColor.BRIGHT_RED.getRenderColorByte(MapColor.Brightness.HIGH)), UNKNOWN(MapColor.GRAY.getRenderColorByte(MapColor.Brightness.NORMAL)); final byte color; Type(byte color) { this.color = color; } /** * @return whether this room type has secrets and needs to be scanned and matched. */ private boolean needsScanning() { return switch (this) { case ROOM, PUZZLE, TRAP -> true; default -> false; }; } } protected enum Shape { ONE_BY_ONE("1x1"), ONE_BY_TWO("1x2"), ONE_BY_THREE("1x3"), ONE_BY_FOUR("1x4"), L_SHAPE("L-shape"), TWO_BY_TWO("2x2"), PUZZLE("puzzle"), TRAP("trap"); final String shape; Shape(String shape) { this.shape = shape; } @Override public String toString() { return shape; } } public enum Direction implements StringIdentifiable { NW("northwest"), NE("northeast"), SW("southwest"), SE("southeast"); private static final Codec CODEC = StringIdentifiable.createCodec(Direction::values); private final String name; Direction(String name) { = name; } @Override public String asString() { return name; } static class DirectionArgumentType extends EnumArgumentType { DirectionArgumentType() { super(CODEC, Direction::values); } static DirectionArgumentType direction() { return new DirectionArgumentType(); } static Direction getDirection(CommandContext context, String name) { return context.getArgument(name, Direction.class); } } } protected enum MatchState { MATCHING, DOUBLE_CHECKING, MATCHED, FAILED } }