package de.hysky.skyblocker.skyblock.fancybars; import net.minecraft.client.gui.ScreenPos; import net.minecraft.client.gui.ScreenRect; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.*; public class BarPositioner { private final Map>> map = new HashMap<>(BarAnchor.values().length); public BarPositioner() { for (BarAnchor value : BarAnchor.values()) { map.put(value, new LinkedList<>()); } } public int getRowCount(@NotNull BarAnchor barAnchor) { return map.get(barAnchor).size(); } /** * Adds a row to the end of an anchor * * @param barAnchor the anchor */ public void addRow(@NotNull BarAnchor barAnchor) { map.get(barAnchor).add(new LinkedList<>()); } /** * Adds a row at the specified index * * @param barAnchor the anchor * @param row row index */ public void addRow(@NotNull BarAnchor barAnchor, int row) { map.get(barAnchor).add(row, new LinkedList<>()); } /** * adds a bar to the end of a row * * @param barAnchor the anchor * @param row the row * @param bar the bar to add */ public void addBar(@NotNull BarAnchor barAnchor, int row, StatusBar bar) { LinkedList statusBars = map.get(barAnchor).get(row); statusBars.add(bar); bar.gridY = row; bar.gridX = statusBars.lastIndexOf(bar); // optimization baby, start with the end! bar.anchor = barAnchor; } /** * adds a bar to the specified x in a row * * @param barAnchor the anchor * @param row the row * @param x the index in the row * @param bar the bar to add */ public void addBar(@NotNull BarAnchor barAnchor, int row, int x, StatusBar bar) { LinkedList statusBars = map.get(barAnchor).get(row); statusBars.add(x, bar); bar.gridY = row; bar.gridX = statusBars.indexOf(bar); bar.anchor = barAnchor; } /** * removes the specified bar at x on the row. If it's row is empty after being removed, the row will be auto removed * * @param barAnchor the anchor * @param row dah row * @param x dah x */ public void removeBar(@NotNull BarAnchor barAnchor, int row, int x) { LinkedList statusBars = map.get(barAnchor).get(row); StatusBar remove = statusBars.remove(x); remove.anchor = null; for (int i = x; i < statusBars.size(); i++) { statusBars.get(i).gridX--; } if (statusBars.isEmpty()) removeRow(barAnchor, row); } /** * removes the specified bar on the row. If it's row is empty after being removed, the row will be auto removed * * @param barAnchor the anchor * @param row dah row * @param bar dah bar */ public void removeBar(@NotNull BarAnchor barAnchor, int row, StatusBar bar) { LinkedList barRow = map.get(barAnchor).get(row); int x = barRow.indexOf(bar); if (x < 0) return; // probably a bad idea barRow.remove(bar); bar.anchor = null; for (int i = x; i < barRow.size(); i++) { barRow.get(i).gridX--; } if (barRow.isEmpty()) removeRow(barAnchor, row); } /** * row must be empty * * @param barAnchor the anchor * @param row the row to remove */ public void removeRow(@NotNull BarAnchor barAnchor, int row) { LinkedList barRow = map.get(barAnchor).get(row); if (!barRow.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalStateException("Can't remove a non-empty row (" + barAnchor + "," + row + ")"); map.get(barAnchor).remove(row); for (int i = row; i < map.get(barAnchor).size(); i++) { for (StatusBar statusBar : map.get(barAnchor).get(i)) { statusBar.gridY--; } } } public LinkedList getRow(@NotNull BarAnchor barAnchor, int row) { return map.get(barAnchor).get(row); } public StatusBar getBar(@NotNull BarAnchor barAnchor, int row, int x) { return map.get(barAnchor).get(row).get(x); } public boolean hasNeighbor(@NotNull BarAnchor barAnchor, int row, int x, boolean right) { LinkedList statusBars = map.get(barAnchor).get(row); if (barAnchor.isRight()) { return (right && x < statusBars.size() - 1) || (!right && x > 0); } else { return (right && x > 0) || (!right && x < statusBars.size() - 1); } } public enum BarAnchor { HOTBAR_LEFT(true, false, (scaledWidth, scaledHeight) -> new ScreenPos(scaledWidth / 2 - 91 - 2, scaledHeight - 5), SizeRule.freeSize(25, 2, 6)), HOTBAR_RIGHT(true, true, (scaledWidth, scaledHeight) -> new ScreenPos(scaledWidth / 2 + 91 + 2, scaledHeight - 5), SizeRule.freeSize(25, 2, 6)), HOTBAR_TOP(true, true, (scaledWidth, scaledHeight) -> new ScreenPos(scaledWidth / 2 - 91, scaledHeight - 23), SizeRule.targetSize(12, 182, 2), anchorPosition -> new ScreenRect(anchorPosition.x(), anchorPosition.y() - 20, 182, 20)), SCREEN_TOP_LEFT(false, true, ((scaledWidth, scaledHeight) -> new ScreenPos(5, 5)), SizeRule.freeSize(25, 2, 6) ), SCREEN_TOP_RIGHT(false, false, ((scaledWidth, scaledHeight) -> new ScreenPos(scaledWidth - 5, 5)), SizeRule.freeSize(25, 2, 6) ), SCREEN_BOTTOM_LEFT(true, true, ((scaledWidth, scaledHeight) -> new ScreenPos(5, scaledHeight - 5)), SizeRule.freeSize(25, 2, 6) ), SCREEN_BOTTOM_RIGHT(true, false, ((scaledWidth, scaledHeight) -> new ScreenPos(scaledWidth - 5, scaledHeight - 5)), SizeRule.freeSize(25, 2, 6) ), ; private final AnchorPositionProvider positionProvider; private final AnchorHitboxProvider hitboxProvider; private final boolean up; private final boolean right; private final SizeRule sizeRule; /** * @param up whether the rows stack towards the top of the screen from the anchor (false is bottom) * @param right whether the bars are line up towards the right of the screen from the anchor (false is left) * @param positionProvider provides the position of the anchor for a give screen size * @param sizeRule the rule the bars should follow. See {@link SizeRule} * @param hitboxProvider provides the hitbox for when the anchor has no bars for the config screen */ BarAnchor(boolean up, boolean right, AnchorPositionProvider positionProvider, SizeRule sizeRule, AnchorHitboxProvider hitboxProvider) { this.positionProvider = positionProvider; this.up = up; this.right = right; this.hitboxProvider = hitboxProvider; this.sizeRule = sizeRule; } BarAnchor(boolean up, boolean right, AnchorPositionProvider positionProvider, SizeRule sizeRule) { this(up, right, positionProvider, sizeRule, anchorPosition -> new ScreenRect(anchorPosition.x() - (right ? 0 : 20), anchorPosition.y() - (up ? 20 : 0), 20, 20)); } public ScreenPos getAnchorPosition(int scaledWidth, int scaledHeight) { return positionProvider.getPosition(scaledWidth, scaledHeight); } public ScreenRect getAnchorHitbox(ScreenPos anchorPosition) { return hitboxProvider.getHitbox(anchorPosition); } /** * whether the rows stack towards the top of the screen from the anchor (false is bottom) * * @return true if towards the top, false otherwise */ public boolean isUp() { return up; } /** * whether the bars are line up towards the right of the screen from the anchor (false is left) * * @return true if towards the right, false otherwise */ public boolean isRight() { return right; } public SizeRule getSizeRule() { return sizeRule; } private static final List cached = List.of(values()); /** * cached version of {@link BarAnchor#values()} * * @return the list of anchors */ public static List allAnchors() { return cached; } } /** * The rules the bars on an anchor should follow * * @param isTargetSize whether the bars went to fit to a target width * @param targetSize the size of all the bars on a row should add up to this (target size) * @param totalWidth the total width taken by all the bars on the row (target size) * @param widthPerSize the width of each size "unit" (free size) * @param minSize the minimum (free and target size) * @param maxSize the maximum (free and target size, THIS SHOULD BE THE SAME AS {@code targetSize} FOR {@code isTargetSize = true}) */ public record SizeRule(boolean isTargetSize, int targetSize, int totalWidth, int widthPerSize, int minSize, int maxSize) { public static SizeRule freeSize(int widthPerSize, int minSize, int maxSize) { return new SizeRule(false, -1, -1, widthPerSize, minSize, maxSize); } public static SizeRule targetSize(int targetSize, int totalWidth, int minSize) { return new SizeRule(true, targetSize, totalWidth, -1, minSize, targetSize); } } /** * A record representing a snapshot of a bar's position * * @param barAnchor * @param x * @param y the row */ public record BarLocation(@Nullable BarAnchor barAnchor, int x, int y) { public static final BarLocation NULL = new BarLocation(null, -1, -1); public static BarLocation of(StatusBar bar) { return new BarLocation(bar.anchor, bar.gridX, bar.gridY); } @Override public boolean equals(Object object) { if (this == object) return true; if (object == null || getClass() != object.getClass()) return false; BarLocation that = (BarLocation) object; return x == that.x && y == that.y && barAnchor == that.barAnchor; } public boolean equals(BarAnchor barAnchor, int x, int y) { return x == this.x && y == this.y && barAnchor == this.barAnchor; } } /** * provides the position of the anchor for a give screen size */ @FunctionalInterface interface AnchorPositionProvider { ScreenPos getPosition(int scaledWidth, int scaledHeight); } @FunctionalInterface interface AnchorHitboxProvider { /** * The hitbox, as in how large the area of "snapping" is if there are no bars on this anchor * * @param anchorPosition the position of the anchor * @return the rectangle that represents the hitbox */ ScreenRect getHitbox(ScreenPos anchorPosition); } }