package de.hysky.skyblocker.skyblock.item; import; import de.hysky.skyblocker.config.SkyblockerConfigManager; import de.hysky.skyblocker.utils.ItemUtils; import de.hysky.skyblocker.utils.ProfileUtils; import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.event.client.player.ClientPlayerBlockBreakEvents; import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.event.player.UseItemCallback; import net.minecraft.block.BlockState; import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.registry.tag.BlockTags; import net.minecraft.util.Hand; import net.minecraft.util.TypedActionResult; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class ItemCooldowns { private static final String JUNGLE_AXE_ID = "JUNGLE_AXE"; private static final String TREECAPITATOR_ID = "TREECAPITATOR_AXE"; private static final String GRAPPLING_HOOK_ID = "GRAPPLING_HOOK"; private static final List BAT_ARMOR_IDS = List.of("BAT_PERSON_HELMET", "BAT_PERSON_CHESTPLATE", "BAT_PERSON_LEGGINGS", "BAT_PERSON_BOOTS"); private static final Map ITEM_COOLDOWNS = new HashMap<>(); private static final int[] EXPERIENCE_LEVELS = { 0, 660, 730, 800, 880, 960, 1050, 1150, 1260, 1380, 1510, 1650, 1800, 1960, 2130, 2310, 2500, 2700, 2920, 3160, 3420, 3700, 4000, 4350, 4750, 5200, 5700, 6300, 7000, 7800, 8700, 9700, 10800, 12000, 13300, 14700, 16200, 17800, 19500, 21300, 23200, 25200, 27400, 29800, 32400, 35200, 38200, 41400, 44800, 48400, 52200, 56200, 60400, 64800, 69400, 74200, 79200, 84700, 90700, 97200, 104200, 111700, 119700, 128200, 137200, 147700, 156700, 167700, 179700, 192700, 206700, 221700, 237700, 254700, 272700, 291700, 311700, 333700, 357700, 383700, 411700, 441700, 476700, 516700, 561700, 611700, 666700, 726700, 791700, 861700, 936700, 1016700, 1101700, 1191700, 1286700, 1386700, 1496700, 1616700, 1746700, 1886700 }; public static int monkeyLevel = 1; public static double monkeyExp = 0; public static void init() { ClientPlayerBlockBreakEvents.AFTER.register(ItemCooldowns::afterBlockBreak); UseItemCallback.EVENT.register(ItemCooldowns::onItemInteract); } public static void updateCooldown() { ProfileUtils.updateProfile().thenAccept(player -> { for (JsonElement pet : player.getAsJsonObject("pets_data").getAsJsonArray("pets")) { if (!pet.getAsJsonObject().get("type").getAsString().equals("MONKEY")) continue; if (!pet.getAsJsonObject().get("active").getAsString().equals("true")) continue; if (pet.getAsJsonObject().get("tier").getAsString().equals("LEGENDARY")) { monkeyExp = Double.parseDouble(pet.getAsJsonObject().get("exp").getAsString()); monkeyLevel = 0; for (int xpLevel : EXPERIENCE_LEVELS) { if (monkeyExp < xpLevel) { break; } else { monkeyExp -= xpLevel; monkeyLevel++; } } } } }).exceptionally(e -> { ProfileUtils.LOGGER.error("[Skyblocker Item Cooldown] Failed to get Player Pet Data, is the API Down/Limited?", e); return null; }); } private static int getCooldown() { int baseCooldown = 2000; int monkeyPetCooldownReduction = baseCooldown * monkeyLevel / 200; return baseCooldown - monkeyPetCooldownReduction; } public static void afterBlockBreak(World world, PlayerEntity player, BlockPos pos, BlockState state) { if (!SkyblockerConfigManager.get().uiAndVisuals.itemCooldown.enableItemCooldowns) return; String usedItemId = ItemUtils.getItemId(player.getMainHandStack()); if (usedItemId.isEmpty()) return; if (state.isIn(BlockTags.LOGS)) { if (usedItemId.equals(JUNGLE_AXE_ID) || usedItemId.equals(TREECAPITATOR_ID)) { updateCooldown(); if (!isOnCooldown(JUNGLE_AXE_ID) || !isOnCooldown(TREECAPITATOR_ID)) { ITEM_COOLDOWNS.put(usedItemId, new CooldownEntry(getCooldown())); } } } } private static TypedActionResult onItemInteract(PlayerEntity player, World world, Hand hand) { if (!SkyblockerConfigManager.get().uiAndVisuals.itemCooldown.enableItemCooldowns) return TypedActionResult.pass(ItemStack.EMPTY); String usedItemId = ItemUtils.getItemId(player.getMainHandStack()); if (usedItemId.equals(GRAPPLING_HOOK_ID) && player.fishHook != null) { if (!isOnCooldown(GRAPPLING_HOOK_ID) && !isWearingBatArmor(player)) { ITEM_COOLDOWNS.put(GRAPPLING_HOOK_ID, new CooldownEntry(2000)); } } return TypedActionResult.pass(ItemStack.EMPTY); } public static boolean isOnCooldown(ItemStack itemStack) { return isOnCooldown(ItemUtils.getItemId(itemStack)); } private static boolean isOnCooldown(String itemId) { if (ITEM_COOLDOWNS.containsKey(itemId)) { CooldownEntry cooldownEntry = ITEM_COOLDOWNS.get(itemId); if (cooldownEntry.isOnCooldown()) { return true; } else { ITEM_COOLDOWNS.remove(itemId); return false; } } return false; } public static CooldownEntry getItemCooldownEntry(ItemStack itemStack) { return ITEM_COOLDOWNS.get(ItemUtils.getItemId(itemStack)); } private static boolean isWearingBatArmor(PlayerEntity player) { for (ItemStack stack : player.getArmorItems()) { String itemId = ItemUtils.getItemId(stack); if (!BAT_ARMOR_IDS.contains(itemId)) { return false; } } return true; } public record CooldownEntry(int cooldown, long startTime) { public CooldownEntry(int cooldown) { this(cooldown, System.currentTimeMillis()); } public boolean isOnCooldown() { return (this.startTime + this.cooldown) > System.currentTimeMillis(); } public long getRemainingCooldown() { long time = (this.startTime + this.cooldown) - System.currentTimeMillis(); return Math.max(time, 0); } public float getRemainingCooldownPercent() { return this.isOnCooldown() ? (float) this.getRemainingCooldown() / cooldown : 0.0f; } } }