package de.hysky.skyblocker.utils; import de.hysky.skyblocker.skyblock.SignCalculator; import net.minecraft.util.Util; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class Calculator { public enum TokenType { NUMBER, OPERATOR, L_PARENTHESIS, R_PARENTHESIS } public static class Token { public TokenType type; String value; int tokenLength; } private static final Pattern NUMBER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(\\d+\\.?\\d*)([kmbs]?)"); private static final HashMap magnitudeValues = Util.make(new HashMap<>(), map -> { map.put("s", 64); map.put("k", 1000); map.put("m", 1000000); map.put("b", 1000000000); }); private static List lex(String input) { List tokens = new ArrayList<>(); input = input.replace(" ", "").toLowerCase().replace("x","*"); int i = 0; while (i < input.length()) { Token token = new Token(); switch (input.charAt(i)) { case '+','-','*','/' -> { token.type = TokenType.OPERATOR; token.value = String.valueOf(input.charAt(i)); token.tokenLength = 1; } case '(' -> { token.type = TokenType.L_PARENTHESIS; token.value = String.valueOf(input.charAt(i)); token.tokenLength = 1; //add implicit multiplication when there is a number before brackets if (!tokens.isEmpty() ) { TokenType lastType = tokens.get(tokens.size()-1).type; if (lastType == TokenType.R_PARENTHESIS || lastType == TokenType.NUMBER) { Token mutliplyToken = new Token(); mutliplyToken.type = TokenType.OPERATOR; mutliplyToken.value = "*"; tokens.add(mutliplyToken); } } } case ')' -> { token.type = TokenType.R_PARENTHESIS; token.value = String.valueOf(input.charAt(i)); token.tokenLength = 1; } default -> { token.type = TokenType.NUMBER; Matcher numberMatcher = NUMBER_PATTERN.matcher(input.substring(i)); if (!numberMatcher.find()) {//invalid value to lex throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } int end = numberMatcher.end(); token.value = input.substring(i,i + end); token.tokenLength = end; } } tokens.add(token); i += token.tokenLength; } return tokens; } private static List shunt(List tokens) { // This is an implementation of the shunting yard algorithm // Converts equation to use reverse polish notation Deque operatorStack = new ArrayDeque<>(); List outputQueue = new ArrayList<>(); for (Token shuntingToken : tokens) switch (shuntingToken.type) { case NUMBER -> { outputQueue.add(shuntingToken); } case OPERATOR -> { int precedence = getPrecedence(shuntingToken.value); while (!operatorStack.isEmpty()) { Token leftToken = operatorStack.peek(); if (leftToken.type == TokenType.L_PARENTHESIS) { break; } assert (leftToken.type == TokenType.OPERATOR); //todo why is this here int leftPrecedence = getPrecedence(leftToken.value); if (leftPrecedence >= precedence) { outputQueue.add(operatorStack.pop()); continue; } break; } operatorStack.push(shuntingToken); } case L_PARENTHESIS -> { operatorStack.push(shuntingToken); } case R_PARENTHESIS -> { while (true) { if (operatorStack.isEmpty()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unbalanced left parenthesis"); } Token leftToken = operatorStack.pop(); if (leftToken.type == TokenType.L_PARENTHESIS) { break; } outputQueue.add(leftToken); } } } //empty the operator stack while (!operatorStack.isEmpty()) { Token leftToken = operatorStack.pop(); if (leftToken.type == TokenType.L_PARENTHESIS) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unbalanced left parenthesis"); } outputQueue.add(leftToken); } return; } private static int getPrecedence(String operator) { switch (operator) { case "+","-" -> { return 0; } case "*","/" -> { return 1; } default -> { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } } /** * * @param tokens list of Tokens in reverse polish notation * @return answer to equation */ private static double evaluate(List tokens) { Deque values = new ArrayDeque<>(); for (Token token : tokens) { switch (token.type) { case NUMBER -> { values.push(calculateValue(token.value)); } case OPERATOR -> { double right = values.pop(); double left = values.pop(); switch (token.value) { case "+" -> { values.push(left + right); } case "-" -> { values.push(left - right); } case "/" -> { values.push(left / right); } case "*" -> { values.push(left * right); } } } case L_PARENTHESIS, R_PARENTHESIS -> { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("equation is not in RPN"); } } } return values.pop(); } private static double calculateValue(String value) { Matcher numberMatcher = NUMBER_PATTERN.matcher(value.toLowerCase()); if (!numberMatcher.matches()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } double number = Double.parseDouble(; String magnitude =; if (!magnitude.isEmpty()) { if (!magnitudeValues.containsKey(magnitude)) {//its invalid if its another letter throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } number *= magnitudeValues.get(magnitude); } return number; } public static double calculate(String equation) { return evaluate(shunt(lex(equation))); } }