package de.hysky.skyblocker.utils; import java.util.OptionalDouble; import java.util.OptionalInt; import java.util.OptionalLong; import java.util.regex.Matcher; public class RegexUtils { /** * @return An OptionalLong of the first group in the matcher, or an empty OptionalLong if the matcher doesn't find anything. */ public static OptionalLong getLongFromMatcher(Matcher matcher) { return getLongFromMatcher(matcher, matcher.hasMatch() ? matcher.end() : 0); } /** * @return An OptionalLong of the first group in the matcher, or an empty OptionalLong if the matcher doesn't find anything. */ public static OptionalLong getLongFromMatcher(Matcher matcher, int startingIndex) { if (!matcher.find(startingIndex)) return OptionalLong.empty(); return OptionalLong.of(Long.parseLong(",", ""))); } /** * @return An OptionalInt of the first group in the matcher, or an empty OptionalInt if the matcher doesn't find anything. */ public static OptionalInt getIntFromMatcher(Matcher matcher) { return getIntFromMatcher(matcher, matcher.hasMatch() ? matcher.end() : 0); } /** * @return An OptionalInt of the first group in the matcher, or an empty OptionalInt if the matcher doesn't find anything. */ public static OptionalInt getIntFromMatcher(Matcher matcher, int startingIndex) { if (!matcher.find(startingIndex)) return OptionalInt.empty(); return OptionalInt.of(Integer.parseInt(",", ""))); } /** * @return An OptionalDouble of the first group in the matcher, or an empty OptionalDouble if the matcher doesn't find anything. * @implNote Assumes the decimal separator is `.` */ public static OptionalDouble getDoubleFromMatcher(Matcher matcher) { return getDoubleFromMatcher(matcher, matcher.hasMatch() ? matcher.end() : 0); } /** * @return An OptionalDouble of the first group in the matcher, or an empty OptionalDouble if the matcher doesn't find anything. * @implNote Assumes the decimal separator is `.` */ public static OptionalDouble getDoubleFromMatcher(Matcher matcher, int startingIndex) { if (!matcher.find(startingIndex)) return OptionalDouble.empty(); return OptionalDouble.of(Double.parseDouble(",", ""))); } }