package me.xmrvizzy.skyblocker.skyblock.dungeon; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntBooleanPair; import me.xmrvizzy.skyblocker.config.SkyblockerConfig; import me.xmrvizzy.skyblocker.skyblock.item.PriceInfoTooltip; import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient; import net.minecraft.client.item.TooltipContext; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.screen.GenericContainerScreenHandler; import net.minecraft.screen.slot.Slot; import net.minecraft.text.MutableText; import net.minecraft.text.Style; import net.minecraft.text.Text; import net.minecraft.util.Formatting; public class DungeonChestProfit { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DungeonChestProfit.class); private static final Pattern ESSENCE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(?[A-Za-z]+) Essence x(?[0-9]+)"); private static final DecimalFormat FORMATTER = new DecimalFormat("#,###"); private static final Style GRAY = Style.EMPTY.withColor(Formatting.GRAY); private static final Style GOLD = Style.EMPTY.withColor(0xd4a72c); private static final Style DARK_GREEN = Style.EMPTY.withColor(Formatting.DARK_GREEN); private static final Style DARK_RED = Style.EMPTY.withColor(Formatting.DARK_RED); public static Text getChestProfit(GenericContainerScreenHandler handler, Text title, MinecraftClient client) { try { if (SkyblockerConfig.get().locations.dungeons.dungeonChestProfit.enableProfitCalculator && isDungeonChest(title.getString())) { int profit = 0; boolean hasIncompleteData = false, usedKismet = false; List slots = handler.slots.subList(0, handler.getRows() * 9); //If the item stack for the "Open Reward Chest" button or the kismet button hasn't been sent to the client yet if (slots.get(31).getStack().isEmpty() || slots.get(50).getStack().isEmpty()) return title; for (Slot slot : slots) { ItemStack stack = slot.getStack(); if (!stack.isEmpty()) { String name = stack.getName().getString(); String id = PriceInfoTooltip.getInternalNameFromNBT(stack, false); //Regular item price if (id != null) { IntBooleanPair priceData = getItemPrice(id); if (priceData.rightBoolean() == false) hasIncompleteData = true; //Add the item price to the profit profit += priceData.leftInt(); continue; } //Essence price if (name.contains("Essence")) { Matcher matcher = ESSENCE_PATTERN.matcher(name); if (matcher.matches()) { String type ="type"); int amount = Integer.parseInt("amount")); IntBooleanPair priceData = getItemPrice(("ESSENCE_" + type).toUpperCase()); if (priceData.rightBoolean() == false) hasIncompleteData = true; //Add the price of the essence to the profit profit += priceData.leftInt() * amount; continue; } } //Determine the cost of the chest if (name.contains("Open Reward Chest")) { String foundString = searchLoreFor(stack, client, "Coins"); //Incase we're searching the free chest if (!StringUtils.isBlank(foundString)) { profit -= Integer.parseInt(foundString.replaceAll("[^0-9]", "")); } continue; } //Determine if a kismet was used or not if (name.contains("Reroll Chest")) { usedKismet = !StringUtils.isBlank(searchLoreFor(stack, client, "You already rerolled a chest!")); continue; } } } if (SkyblockerConfig.get().locations.dungeons.dungeonChestProfit.includeKismet && usedKismet) { IntBooleanPair kismetPriceData = getItemPrice("KISMET_FEATHER"); if (kismetPriceData.rightBoolean() == false) hasIncompleteData = true; profit -= kismetPriceData.leftInt(); } return ((MutableText) Text.literal(title.getString())).append(getProfitText(profit, hasIncompleteData)); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("[Skyblocker Profit Calculator] Failed to calculate dungeon chest profit! ", e); } return title; } /** * * @return An {@link IntBooleanPair} with the {@code left int} representing the item's price, and the {@code right boolean} indicating if the price * was based on complete data. */ private static IntBooleanPair getItemPrice(String id) { JsonObject bazaarPrices = PriceInfoTooltip.getBazaarPrices(); JsonObject lbinPrices = PriceInfoTooltip.getLBINPrices(); if (bazaarPrices == null || lbinPrices == null) return IntBooleanPair.of(0, false); if (bazaarPrices.has(id)) { JsonObject item = bazaarPrices.get(id).getAsJsonObject(); boolean isPriceNull = item.get("sellPrice").isJsonNull(); return IntBooleanPair.of(isPriceNull ? 0 : (int) item.get("sellPrice").getAsDouble(), !isPriceNull); } if (lbinPrices.has(id)) { return IntBooleanPair.of((int) lbinPrices.get(id).getAsDouble(), true); } return IntBooleanPair.of(0, false); } /** * Searches for a specific string of characters in the name and lore of an item */ private static String searchLoreFor(ItemStack stack, MinecraftClient client, String searchString) { List lore = stack.getTooltip(client.player, TooltipContext.BASIC); for (int i = 0; i < lore.size(); i++) { String line = lore.get(i).getString(); if (line.contains(searchString)) { return line; } } return null; } private static boolean isDungeonChest(String name) { return name.equals("Wood Chest") || name.equals("Gold Chest") || name.equals("Diamond Chest") || name.equals("Emerald Chest") || name.equals("Obsidian Chest") || name.equals("Bedrock Chest"); } private static Text getProfitText(int profit, boolean hasIncompleteData) { return (profit == 0) ? Text.literal(" " + FORMATTER.format(profit)).setStyle(hasIncompleteData ? GOLD : GRAY) : (profit > 0) ? Text.literal(" +" + FORMATTER.format(profit)).setStyle(hasIncompleteData ? GOLD : DARK_GREEN) : Text.literal(" " + FORMATTER.format(profit)).setStyle(hasIncompleteData ? GOLD : DARK_RED); } }