package me.xmrvizzy.skyblocker.skyblock.dungeon; import me.xmrvizzy.skyblocker.SkyblockerMod; import; import; import me.xmrvizzy.skyblocker.config.SkyblockerConfig; import me.xmrvizzy.skyblocker.utils.Utils; import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.command.v2.ClientCommandManager; import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.command.v2.ClientCommandRegistrationCallback; import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient; import; import net.minecraft.text.Text; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class Reparty extends ChatPatternListener { private static final MinecraftClient client = MinecraftClient.getInstance(); public static final Pattern PLAYER = Pattern.compile(" ([a-zA-Z0-9_]{2,16}) ●"); private static final int BASE_DELAY = 10; private String[] players; private int playersSoFar; private boolean repartying; private String partyLeader; public Reparty() { super("^(?:You are not currently in a party\\." + "|Party (?:Membe|Moderato)rs(?: \\(([0-9]+)\\)|:( .*))" + "|([\\[A-z+\\]]* )?(?.*) has disbanded .*" + "|.*\n([\\[A-z+\\]]* )?(?.*) has invited you to join their party!" + "\nYou have 60 seconds to accept. Click here to join!\n.*)$"); this.repartying = false; ClientCommandRegistrationCallback.EVENT.register((dispatcher, registryAccess) -> dispatcher.register(ClientCommandManager.literal("rp").executes(context -> { if (!Utils.isOnSkyblock() || this.repartying || client.player == null) return 0; this.repartying = true; SkyblockerMod.getInstance().messageScheduler.sendMessageAfterCooldown("/p list"); return 0; }))); } @Override public ChatFilterResult state() { return (SkyblockerConfig.get().general.acceptReparty || this.repartying) ? ChatFilterResult.FILTER : ChatFilterResult.PASS; } @Override public boolean onMatch(Text message, Matcher matcher) { if ( != null && repartying) { this.playersSoFar = 0; this.players = new String[Integer.parseInt( - 1]; } else if ( != null && repartying) { Matcher m = PLAYER.matcher(; while (m.find()) { this.players[playersSoFar++] =; } } else if ("disband") != null && !"disband").equals(client.getSession().getUsername())) { partyLeader ="disband"); SkyblockerMod.getInstance().scheduler.schedule(() -> partyLeader = null, 21); return false; } else if ("invite") != null &&"invite").equals(partyLeader)) { String command = "/party accept " + partyLeader; sendCommand(command, 0); return false; } else { this.repartying = false; return false; } if (this.playersSoFar == this.players.length) { reparty(); } return false; } private void reparty() { ClientPlayerEntity playerEntity = client.player; if (playerEntity == null) { this.repartying = false; return; } sendCommand("/p disband", 1); for (int i = 0; i < this.players.length; ++i) { String command = "/p invite " + this.players[i]; sendCommand(command, i + 2); } SkyblockerMod.getInstance().scheduler.schedule(() -> this.repartying = false, this.players.length + 2); } private void sendCommand(String command, int delay) { SkyblockerMod.getInstance().messageScheduler.queueMessage(command, delay * BASE_DELAY); } }