{ "skyblocker.config.uiAndVisuals.bars": "Health, Mana, Defence & XP Bars", "skyblocker.config.dungeons.croesusHelper.@Tooltip": "Grey out chests that have already been opened.", "skyblocker.config.dungeons.livid": "Livid Colour", "skyblocker.config.dungeons.livid.enableLividColorText": "Enable Livid Colour Text", "skyblocker.config.dungeons.livid.enableLividColorText.@Tooltip": "Send the livid colour in the chat during the Livid boss fight.", "skyblocker.config.dungeons.livid.lividColorText": "Livid Colour Text", "skyblocker.config.dungeons.livid.lividColorText.@Tooltip": "Text which will be sent in the chat during the Livid boss fight. The string \"[color]\" will be replaced with the livid colour.", "skyblocker.config.dungeons.terminals.solveColor": "Solve Select Coloured", "skyblocker.customDyeColors.notDyeable": "§cThis item isn't a dyeable armour piece!", "skyblocker.customDyeColors.added": "§fSet a custom dye colour for your currently held item!", "skyblocker.customDyeColors.noItemUuid": "§cYou must be holding an item that has a uuid in order to set a custom dye colour!", "skyblocker.customArmorTrims.neverHad": "§fThis item doesn't have an armour trim set, but why not add one? ;)", "skyblocker.customArmorTrims.added": "§fSet a custom armour trim for your currently held item!", "skyblocker.customArmorTrims.unableToSetTrim": "§cUnable to set a custom armour trim :( (Are you in skyblock?, are you holding an item?)", "skyblocker.customDyeColors.invalidHex": "§cInvalid HEX colour code!", "skyblocker.customDyeColors.removed": "§fRemoved this item's custom dye colour.", "skyblocker.customDyeColors.neverHad": "§fThis item doesn't have a custom dye colour set, but why not add one? ;)", "skyblocker.customDyeColors.unableToSetColor": "§cUnable to set a custom dye colour :( (Are you in skyblock?, are you holding an item?)", "skyblocker.customArmorTrims.notAnArmorPiece": "§cThis item isn't an armour piece!", "skyblocker.customArmorTrims.removed": "§fRemoved this item's custom armour trim.", "skyblocker.customArmorTrims.noItemUuid": "§cYou must be holding an item that has a uuid in order to set a custom armour trim!", "skyblocker.config.dungeons.dungeonChestProfit.enableProfitCalculator.@Tooltip": "Displays the profit of a dungeon chest in the chest screen's title.\nGreen if there's profit.\nRed if there isn't profit.\nGrey if you don't gain or lose anything.\nBlue if calculations were based on incomplete data.", "skyblocker.config.dungeons.dungeonChestProfit.neutralColor": "Neutral Colour", "skyblocker.config.dungeons.dungeonChestProfit.profitColor": "Profit Colour", "skyblocker.config.dungeons.dungeonChestProfit.lossColor": "Loss Colour", "skyblocker.config.general.itemInfoDisplay.itemRarityBackgrounds.@Tooltip": "Displays a coloured background behind an item, the colour represents the item's rarity.", "skyblocker.config.general.itemTooltip.enableExoticTooltip.@Tooltip": "Displays the type of exotic below the item's name if an armour piece is exotic.", "skyblocker.config.dungeons.livid.enableLividColorGlow": "Enable Livid Colour Glow", "skyblocker.tips.customArmorDyeColors": "Apply a custom dye colour to your leather armour with /skyblocker custom dyeColor", "skyblocker.tips.customArmorTrims": "You can set custom armour trims on your armour using /skyblocker custom armorTrim.", "skyblocker.config.dungeons.livid.enableLividColorTitle": "Enable Livid Colour Title", "skyblocker.config.dungeons.livid.enableLividColorTitle.@Tooltip": "Display the livid colour in the title during the Livid boss fight.", "skyblocker.end.hud.protectorLocations.center": "Centre", "skyblocker.waypoints.ordered.add.invalidHexColor": "§cInvalid HEX colour code!", "skyblocker.config.chat.chatRules.screen.ruleScreen.replace.@Tooltip": "Input a new message to output (can be formatted using minecraft colour codes).", "skyblocker.tips.customAnimatedDyes": "You can apply a custom animated dye to your leather armour with /skyblocker custom animatedDye!", "skyblocker.customAnimatedDyes.invalidHex": "§cAn invalid HEX colour code was supplied!", "skyblocker.customAnimatedDyes.notDyeable": "§cThis item isn't a dyeable armour piece!", "skyblocker.dwarvenMines.metalDetectorHelper.foundCenter": "Found the centre of mines, now working faster", "skyblocker.bars.config.defense": "Defence", "skyblocker.bars.config.mainColor": "Main Colour", "skyblocker.bars.config.overflowColor": "Overflow Colour", "skyblocker.bars.config.textColor": "Text Colour", "skyblocker.debug.toggledShowingInvisibleArmorStands": "Toggled showing invisible armour stands to %s", "skyblocker.config.uiAndVisuals.compactDamage.critDamageGradientEnd": "Crit Damage Gradient End Colour", "skyblocker.config.uiAndVisuals.compactDamage.critDamageGradientStart": "Crit Damage Gradient Start Colour", "skyblocker.config.uiAndVisuals.compactDamage.normalDamageColor": "Normal Damage Colour" }