package me.xmrvizzy.skyblocker.skyblock.dungeon; import; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; class TriviaTest extends ChatListenerTest { public TriviaTest() { super(new Trivia()); } @Test void anyQuestion1() { assertGroup(" What is the first question?", 1, "What is the first question?"); } @Test void anyQestion2() { assertGroup(" How many questions are there?", 1, "How many questions are there?"); } @Test void answer1() { assertGroup(" §6 ⓐ §aAnswer 1", 3, "Answer 1"); } @Test void answer2() { assertGroup(" §6 ⓑ §aAnswer 2", 3, "Answer 2"); } @Test void answer3() { assertGroup(" §6 ⓒ §aAnswer 3", 3, "Answer 3"); } }