path: root/features/dungeonMap/index.js
diff options
authorSoopyboo32 <49228220+Soopyboo32@users.noreply.github.com>2021-10-31 09:49:42 +0800
committerSoopyboo32 <49228220+Soopyboo32@users.noreply.github.com>2021-10-31 09:49:42 +0800
commit48653ec89538f1650106a5e77463412cad4684c2 (patch)
tree09687cd579462e04d539fd4615369fa6dae13902 /features/dungeonMap/index.js
first commit
Diffstat (limited to 'features/dungeonMap/index.js')
1 files changed, 299 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/features/dungeonMap/index.js b/features/dungeonMap/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12bd471
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/dungeonMap/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+/// <reference types="../../../CTAutocomplete" />
+/// <reference lib="es2015" />
+import Feature from "../../featureClass/class";
+const BufferedImage = Java.type("java.awt.image.BufferedImage")
+class DungeonMap extends Feature {
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ }
+ isInDungeon(){
+ return this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.isInDungeon
+ }
+ onEnable(){
+ this.initVariables()
+ this.defaultPlayerImage = new Image("skull-steve","https://cravatar.eu/avatar/dc8c39647b294e03ae9ed13ebd65dd29")
+ this.playerImages = {}
+ this.mapDataPlayers = {}
+ this.offset = []
+ this.mapScale = 1
+ this.puzzles = []
+ this.puzzlesTab = []
+ this.newPuzzlesTab = []
+ // this.registerEvent("tick", this.tick)
+ this.registerStep(true, 5, this.step)
+ this.registerEvent("renderOverlay", this.renderOverlay)
+ this.registerEvent("worldLoad", this.worldLoad)
+ }
+ worldLoad(){
+ this.mortLocation = undefined
+ this.playerImages = {}
+ this.mapDataPlayers = {}
+ this.offset = []
+ this.mapScale = 1
+ this.puzzles = []
+ this.puzzlesTab = []
+ this.newPuzzlesTab = []
+ }
+ renderOverlay(){
+ if(this.isInDungeon()){
+ if(this.mapImage){
+ this.mapImage.draw(50,50)
+ this.drawPlayersLocations()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ drawPlayersLocations(){
+ let uuidToPlayer = {}
+ World.getAllPlayers().forEach(player=>{
+ uuidToPlayer[player.getUUID().toString()] = player
+ })
+ Object.keys(this.mapDataPlayers).forEach((uuid)=>{
+ let player = uuidToPlayer[uuid]
+ if(player){
+ this.mapDataPlayers[uuid] = {
+ x: player.getX()/this.mapScale,
+ y: player.getZ()/this.mapScale,
+ rot: player.getYaw()+180
+ }
+ }
+ Renderer.translate(this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].x+50+this.offset[0], this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].y+50+this.offset[1])
+ Renderer.rotate(this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].rot)
+ this.getImageForPlayer(uuid).draw(-5,-5, 10, 10)
+ })
+ }
+ step(){
+ TabList.getNames().forEach(name=>{
+ name = ChatLib.removeFormatting(name).split()
+ if(name[1].trim() === "[✦]" && !name[0].includes("???") && !this.puzzlesTab.includes(name[0].trim())){
+ this.newPuzzlesTab.push(name[0].trim())
+ this.puzzlesTab.push(name[0].trim())
+ }
+ })
+ if(this.isInDungeon()){
+ this.updateMapImage()
+ }else{
+ this.mapImage = undefined
+ }
+ }
+ updateMapImage(){
+ World.getAllPlayers().forEach(player=>{
+ this.mapDataPlayers[Player.getUUID().toString()] = {
+ x: player.getX()/this.mapScale,
+ y: player.getZ()/this.mapScale,
+ rot: player.getYaw()+180
+ }
+ })
+ if(!this.mortLocation){
+ World.getAllEntities().forEach(entity=>{
+ if(ChatLib.removeFormatting(entity.getName()) === ("Mort")){
+ this.mortLocation = [
+ entity.getX(),
+ entity.getZ()
+ ]
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ let IMAGE_SIZE = 128
+ let newImage = new BufferedImage(IMAGE_SIZE,IMAGE_SIZE, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB)
+ let graphics = newImage.getGraphics()
+ graphics.fillRect(0,0,IMAGE_SIZE,IMAGE_SIZE)
+ let mapImage = new BufferedImage(128, 128, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)
+ let mapData
+ try {
+ let item = Player.getInventory().getStackInSlot(8)
+ mapData = item.getItem().func_77873_a(item.getItemStack(), World.getWorld()); // ItemStack.getItem().getMapData()
+ } catch (error) {
+ }
+ if(mapData){
+ mapData.field_76203_h.forEach((icon, vec4b) => {
+ let x = vec4b.func_176112_b()
+ let y = vec4b.func_176113_c()
+ let rot = vec4b.func_176111_d()
+ //wtf is this
+ //vec4b.func_176110_a()
+ let closestP = undefined
+ let closestDistance = Infinity
+ Object.keys(this.mapDataPlayers).forEach((uuid)=>{
+ if((x-this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].x)**2+(y-this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].y)**2 < closestDistance){
+ closestDistance = (x-this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].x)**2+(y-this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].y)**2
+ closestP = uuid
+ }
+ })
+ this.mapDataPlayers[closestP].x = x
+ this.mapDataPlayers[closestP].y = y
+ this.mapDataPlayers[closestP].rot = rot
+ });
+ // console.log("has map data poggies")
+ let bytes = mapData.field_76198_e
+ let x = 0
+ let y = 0
+ for(let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++){
+ // console.log(bytes[i]/4)
+ if(bytes[i] !== 0){
+ let j = bytes[i]&255
+ let color = net.minecraft.block.material.MapColor.field_76281_a[j>>2].func_151643_b(j & 3);
+ mapImage.setRGB(x, y, color)
+ newImage.setRGB(x, y, color)
+ }
+ x++
+ if(x >= 128){
+ x=0
+ y++
+ if(y>128) break
+ }
+ // mapImage.getRGB()
+ }
+ // newImage.setRGB(0,0,128,128, ints, 0, 1)
+ // graphics. ()
+ //room size is 18
+ //4 inbetween
+ //finding room offsets
+ let roomOffsets
+ let mortLocationOnMap = undefined
+ let roomWidth = 0
+ for(let x = 0;x<128;x++){
+ for(let y = 0;y<128;y++){
+ if(bytes[x+y*128] === 30 && bytes[(x-1)+(y-1)*128] === 0){
+ roomWidth++
+ }
+ }
+ if(roomWidth > 0) break;
+ }
+ roomWidth = Math.floor(roomWidth*5/4)
+ this.mapScale = 32/roomWidth
+ for(let x = 0;x<128;x++){
+ for(let y = 0;y<128;y++){
+ if(bytes[x+y*128] === 30 && bytes[(x-1)+(y-1)*128] === 0){
+ if(roomOffsets) break;
+ roomOffsets = [x%roomWidth-3, y%roomWidth-3]
+ let dir = roomWidth/2-5/this.mapScale
+ //top
+ for(let i = 0;i<roomWidth;i++){
+ if(bytes[(i+x-3)+(y-3)*128] !== 0){
+ mortLocationOnMap = [x-2+roomWidth/2, y-2+roomWidth/2-dir]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if(mortLocationOnMap) break
+ //bottom
+ for(let i = 0;i<roomWidth;i++){
+ if(bytes[(i+x-3)+(y+roomWidth-3)*128] !== 0){
+ mortLocationOnMap = [x-2+roomWidth/2, y-2+roomWidth/2+dir]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ //left
+ for(let i = 0;i<roomWidth;i++){
+ if(bytes[(x-3)+(i+y-3)*128] !== 0){
+ mortLocationOnMap = [x-2+roomWidth/2-dir, y-2+roomWidth/2]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ //right
+ for(let i = 0;i<roomWidth;i++){
+ if(bytes[(x+roomWidth-3)+(i+y-3)*128] !== 0){
+ mortLocationOnMap = [x-2+roomWidth/2+dir, y-2+roomWidth/2]
+ }
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ if(bytes[x+y*128] === 66 && bytes[(x-1)+(y)*128] === 0 && bytes[(x)+(y-1)*128] === 0){
+ if(!this.puzzles[x+y*128]){
+ this.puzzles[x+y*128] = this.newPuzzlesTab.shift()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(roomOffsets){
+ for(let x = 0;x<128;x++){
+ for(let y = 0;y<128;y++){
+ if((x-roomOffsets[0])%roomWidth===0 || (y-roomOffsets[1])%roomWidth===0){
+ newImage.setRGB(x, y, 0)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(mortLocationOnMap && this.mortLocation){
+ this.offset = [mortLocationOnMap[0]-this.mortLocation[0]/this.mapScale, mortLocationOnMap[1]-this.mortLocation[1]/this.mapScale]
+ newImage.setRGB(mortLocationOnMap[0], mortLocationOnMap[1], Renderer.color(255, 0, 0))
+ }
+ }
+ // console.log(bytes[Math.floor(Player.getX()/this.mapScale+this.offset[0])+Math.floor(Player.getZ()/this.mapScale + this.offset[1])*128])
+ }
+ this.mapImage = new Image(newImage)
+ }
+ getImageForPlayer(uuid){
+ uuid = uuid.replace(/-/g, "")
+ if(this.playerImages[uuid] === "Loading") return this.defaultPlayerImage
+ if(this.playerImages[uuid]) return this.playerImages[uuid]
+ this.playerImages[uuid]= "Loading"
+ new Thread(()=>{
+ this.playerImages[uuid] = new Image("skull-" + uuid,"https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/" + uuid)
+ }).start()
+ return this.defaultPlayerImage
+ }
+ initVariables(){
+ this.mapImage = undefined
+ this.defaultPlayerImage = undefined
+ this.mortLocation = undefined
+ this.playerImages = undefined
+ this.offset = undefined
+ this.puzzles = undefined
+ this.puzzlesTab = undefined
+ this.mapScale = undefined
+ this.newPuzzlesTab = undefined
+ }
+ onDisable(){
+ this.initVariables()
+ }
+module.exports = {
+ class: new DungeonMap()
+} \ No newline at end of file