diff options
6 files changed, 154 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/features/events/index.js b/features/events/index.js
index 62e8ec7..bf955c5 100644
--- a/features/events/index.js
+++ b/features/events/index.js
@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ class Events extends Feature {
this.loadFromParticles = new ToggleSetting("Load burrials from particles", "Will load particles from burrows in the world", true, "burrial_from_partles", this)
this.showBurrialGuess = new ToggleSetting("Estimate burrial location from ability", "Will show a line + box where it thinks the burrial is", true, "burrial_guess", this)
- new SettingBase("There is also a hotkey to warp near", "see minecraft controls menu", true, "warp_info_hotkey", this)
new ButtonSetting("NOTE: You must have music disabled", "for burrial guessess to work (/togglemusic)", "togglemusis_button", this, "toggle", () => {
}, false).requires(this.showBurrialGuess)
@@ -82,12 +81,14 @@ class Events extends Feature {
this.dingIndex = 0
this.dingSlope = []
- this.warpBindDefault = new TextSetting("Default keybind", "Eg KEY_F", "CHAR_NONE", "inquis_keybind_default", this, "", false)
+ new SettingBase("There is also a hotkey to warp near", "see minecraft controls menu", true, "warp_info_hotkey", this)
+ this.warpBindDefault = new TextSetting("Default warp keybind", "Eg KEY_F", "CHAR_NONE", "inquis_keybind_default", this, "", false)
try {
this.warpBind = getKeyBindFromKey(Keyboard[this.warpBindDefault.getValue()], "Warp to nearest location to burrial guess");
} catch (e) {
ChatLib.chat(this.FeatureManager.messagePrefix + this.warpBindDefault.getValue() + " is an invalid keyboard key, see https://legacy.lwjgl.org/javadoc/org/lwjgl/input/Keyboard.html")
+ this.warpBind = getKeyBindFromKey("CHAR_NONE", "Warp to nearest location to burrial guess");
this.slayerLocationDataH = {}
@@ -257,7 +258,7 @@ class Events extends Feature {
this.todoE.forEach(e => {
e = new Entity(e)
- if (e.getName().toLowerCase().includes("inquis") && Math.abs(e.getY() - Player.getY()) < 10 && Math.abs(e.getX() - Player.getX()) < 10 && Math.abs(e.getZ() - Player.getZ()) < 10) {
+ if (e.getName().toLowerCase().includes("inquis") && !e.getName().includes("'") && Math.abs(e.getY() - Player.getY()) < 10 && Math.abs(e.getX() - Player.getX()) < 10 && Math.abs(e.getZ() - Player.getZ()) < 10) {
let loc = [e.getX(), e.getY() - 1, e.getZ()]
let self = false
this.burrialData.locations.forEach(a => {
diff --git a/features/globalSettings/firstLoadPages.js b/features/globalSettings/firstLoadPages.js
index 50b9eee..19562a0 100644
--- a/features/globalSettings/firstLoadPages.js
+++ b/features/globalSettings/firstLoadPages.js
@@ -6,21 +6,21 @@ import Notification from "../../../guimanager/Notification";
import FeatureManager from "../../featureClass/featureManager";
import FirstLoadPage from "./firstLoadPage";
-class WelcomePage extends FirstLoadPage{
- constructor(){
+class WelcomePage extends FirstLoadPage {
+ constructor() {
- this.addChild(new SoopyTextElement().setText("§0Welcome to SoopyAddons V2!").setLocation(0.1, 0.05,0.8,0.1).setMaxTextScale(10));
+ this.addChild(new SoopyTextElement().setText("§0Welcome to SoopyAddons V2!").setLocation(0.1, 0.05, 0.8, 0.1).setMaxTextScale(10));
- this.addChild(new SoopyTextElement().setText("§7First lets get privacy settings out of the way.").setLocation(0.1, 0.15,0.8,0.075).setMaxTextScale(10));
+ // this.addChild(new SoopyTextElement().setText("§7First lets get privacy settings out of the way.").setLocation(0.1, 0.15,0.8,0.075).setMaxTextScale(10));
- this.settingsArea = new SoopyGuiElement().setLocation(0.1, 0.25,0.8,0.75);
+ this.settingsArea = new SoopyGuiElement().setLocation(0.1, 0.25, 0.8, 0.75);
- load(){
+ load() {
let y = 0
this.guiPage.mainThing.privacySettings.forEach(setting => {
@@ -30,25 +30,25 @@ class WelcomePage extends FirstLoadPage{
- y += 0.045+setting.location.size.y.get()
+ y += 0.045 + setting.location.size.y.get()
-class ApiKeyPage extends FirstLoadPage{
- constructor(){
+class ApiKeyPage extends FirstLoadPage {
+ constructor() {
- this.addChild(new SoopyTextElement().setText("§0Next lets setup your api key!").setLocation(0.1, 0.05,0.8,0.1).setMaxTextScale(10));
+ this.addChild(new SoopyTextElement().setText("§0Next lets setup your api key!").setLocation(0.1, 0.05, 0.8, 0.1).setMaxTextScale(10));
- this.addChild(new SoopyTextElement().setText("§7You can skip this but some features may not work").setLocation(0.1, 0.15,0.8,0.075).setMaxTextScale(10));
+ this.addChild(new SoopyTextElement().setText("§7You can skip this but some features may not work").setLocation(0.1, 0.15, 0.8, 0.075).setMaxTextScale(10));
- this.settingsArea = new SoopyGuiElement().setLocation(0.1, 0.25,0.8,0.75);
+ this.settingsArea = new SoopyGuiElement().setLocation(0.1, 0.25, 0.8, 0.75);
- load(){
+ load() {
let y = 0
let settings = [this.guiPage.mainThing.apiKeySetting, this.guiPage.mainThing.verifyApiKey, this.guiPage.mainThing.findApiKey, this.guiPage.mainThing.newApiKey]
@@ -59,30 +59,30 @@ class ApiKeyPage extends FirstLoadPage{
- y += 0.045+setting.location.size.y.get()
+ y += 0.045 + setting.location.size.y.get()
-class HowToOpenMenuPage extends FirstLoadPage{
- constructor(){
+class HowToOpenMenuPage extends FirstLoadPage {
+ constructor() {
- this.addChild(new SoopyTextElement().setText("§0Your all set!").setLocation(0.1, 0.1,0.8,0.3).setMaxTextScale(10));
+ this.addChild(new SoopyTextElement().setText("§0Your all set!").setLocation(0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.3).setMaxTextScale(10));
- this.addChild(new SoopyTextElement().setText("§7To change any settings, or to access this menu again run §2/soopy§7.").setLocation(0.1, 0.3,0.8,0.1).setMaxTextScale(10));
+ this.addChild(new SoopyTextElement().setText("§7To change any settings, or to access this menu again run §2/soopy§7.").setLocation(0.1, 0.3, 0.8, 0.1).setMaxTextScale(10));
- let openSettingsButton = new ButtonWithArrow().setText("§0Open settings").setLocation(0.1, 0.5,0.3,0.2).setDirectionRight(false)
+ let openSettingsButton = new ButtonWithArrow().setText("§0Open settings").setLocation(0.1, 0.5, 0.3, 0.2).setDirectionRight(false)
- openSettingsButton.addEvent(new SoopyMouseClickEvent().setHandler(()=>{
+ openSettingsButton.addEvent(new SoopyMouseClickEvent().setHandler(() => {
ChatLib.command("soopyv2", true)
- let closeButton = new ButtonWithArrow().setText("§0Close").setLocation(0.6, 0.5,0.3,0.2)
+ let closeButton = new ButtonWithArrow().setText("§0Close").setLocation(0.6, 0.5, 0.3, 0.2)
- closeButton.addEvent(new SoopyMouseClickEvent().setHandler(()=>{
+ closeButton.addEvent(new SoopyMouseClickEvent().setHandler(() => {
@@ -91,34 +91,34 @@ class HowToOpenMenuPage extends FirstLoadPage{
-class DisableFeatures extends FirstLoadPage{
- constructor(){
+class DisableFeatures extends FirstLoadPage {
+ constructor() {
- this.addChild(new SoopyTextElement().setText("§0Lastly do you want to disable all features?").setLocation(0.1, 0.1,0.8,0.3).setMaxTextScale(10));
+ this.addChild(new SoopyTextElement().setText("§0Lastly do you want to disable all features?").setLocation(0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.3).setMaxTextScale(10));
- this.addChild(new SoopyTextElement().setText("§7(So you can only enable the ones you want)").setLocation(0.1, 0.3,0.8,0.1).setMaxTextScale(10));
+ this.addChild(new SoopyTextElement().setText("§7(So you can only enable the ones you want)").setLocation(0.1, 0.3, 0.8, 0.1).setMaxTextScale(10));
- let openSettingsButton = new ButtonWithArrow().setText("§0Disable all features").setLocation(0.35, 0.5,0.3,0.2)
+ let openSettingsButton = new ButtonWithArrow().setText("§0Disable all features").setLocation(0.35, 0.5, 0.3, 0.2)
- openSettingsButton.addEvent(new SoopyMouseClickEvent().setHandler(()=>{
- new Thread(()=>{
+ openSettingsButton.addEvent(new SoopyMouseClickEvent().setHandler(() => {
+ new Thread(() => {
new Notification("Disabling features...", [])
- Object.keys(FeatureManager.featureMetas).forEach((f)=>{
+ Object.keys(FeatureManager.featureMetas).forEach((f) => {
let meta = FeatureManager.featureMetas[f]
let isHidden = meta.isHidden
- if(typeof isHidden === "string"){
+ if (typeof isHidden === "string") {
- if(isHidden) return
- if(!meta.isTogglable) return
+ if (isHidden) return
+ if (!meta.isTogglable) return
FeatureManager.featureSettingsData[f].enabled = false
FeatureManager.featureSettingsDataLastUpdated = true
- if(FeatureManager.isFeatureLoaded(f)){
+ if (FeatureManager.isFeatureLoaded(f)) {
diff --git a/features/globalSettings/index.js b/features/globalSettings/index.js
index 8ce9f7e..c215ae8 100644
--- a/features/globalSettings/index.js
+++ b/features/globalSettings/index.js
@@ -44,18 +44,18 @@ class GlobalSettings extends Feature {
this.darkTheme = new ToggleSetting("Dark theme", "This might be scuffed because guis are still made in light theme", false, "dark_theme", this)
// this.linkPreview = new ToggleSetting("Link preview", "Shows a preview of where a link will take you", true, "link_preview", this)
- this.reportErrorsSetting = new ToggleSetting("Send module errors to soopy server", "This will allow me to more effectivly fix them", false, "privacy_send_errors", this)
+ // this.reportErrorsSetting = new ToggleSetting("Send module errors to soopy server", "This will allow me to more effectivly fix them", false, "privacy_send_errors", this)
this.hideFallingBlocks = new ToggleSetting("Hide falling blocks", "NOTE: this may cause more lag because of render entity event", false, "hide_falling_sand", this)
this.twitchCommands = new ToggleSetting("Ingame twitch bot commands", "Allows u to use twitch bot commands ingame (eg -sa)", true, "twitch_commands_ingame", this)
- this.privacySettings = [this.reportErrorsSetting]
+ this.privacySettings = []
this.firstLoadPageData = JSON.parse(FileLib.read("soopyAddonsData", "soopyv2firstloaddata.json") || "{}") || {}
this.GuiPage = new FirstLoadingPage(this)
- soopyV2Server.reportErrorsSetting = this.reportErrorsSetting
+ // soopyV2Server.reportErrorsSetting = this.reportErrorsSetting
this.registerChat("&aYour new API key is &r&b${key}&r", this.newKey)
const EntityFallingBlock = Java.type("net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock");
diff --git a/features/hud/index.js b/features/hud/index.js
index 661509a..bb8d613 100644
--- a/features/hud/index.js
+++ b/features/hud/index.js
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ import { addNotation, numberWithCommas } from "../../utils/numberUtils.js";
const ProcessBuilder = Java.type("java.lang.ProcessBuilder")
const Scanner = Java.type("java.util.Scanner")
+let OldServerPinger = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.network.OldServerPinger")
+let serverPinger = new OldServerPinger()
class Hud extends Feature {
constructor() {
@@ -147,6 +150,15 @@ class Hud extends Feature {
this.showLobbyDayOnlyUnder30 = new ToggleSetting("Show Current Lobby Day ONLY WHEN under day 30", "", true, "lobby_day_30", this)
+ this.showPing = new ToggleSetting("Show Current Ping", "(Updates every 30s)", true, "show_ping", this)
+ this.pingElement = new HudTextElement()
+ .setText("&6Ping&7> &fLoading...")
+ .setToggleSetting(this.showPing)
+ .setLocationSetting(new LocationSetting("Ping Location", "Allows you to edit the location of the ping text", "show_ping_location", this, [10, 100, 1, 1])
+ .requires(this.showPing)
+ .editTempText("&6Ping&7> &c312ms"))
+ this.hudElements.push(this.pingElement)
let hudStatTypes = {
"cata": "Catacombs level + Exp",
"totaldeaths": "Total deaths"
@@ -258,6 +270,45 @@ class Hud extends Feature {
this.registerEvent("renderWorld", this.renderWorld).registeredWhen(() => this.fpsEnabledSetting.getValue() && this.fpsFastSetting.getValue())
this.registerEvent("worldLoad", this.worldLoad)
+ this.registerStep(false, 30, () => {
+ if (this.showPing.getValue() && Client.getMinecraft().func_147104_D()) {
+ let pingNum = Client.getMinecraft().func_147104_D().field_78844_e
+ let pingT = "&a" + pingNum + "ms"
+ if (pingNum > 150) {
+ pingT = "&e" + pingNum + "ms"
+ }
+ if (pingNum > 250) {
+ pingT = "&c" + pingNum + "ms"
+ }
+ if (pingNum === -1) {
+ pingT = "Loading..."
+ }
+ this.pingElement.setText("&6Ping&7> " + pingT)
+ serverPinger[m.ping](Client.getMinecraft().func_147104_D());
+ }
+ })
+ this.registerStep(false, 5, () => {
+ if (this.showPing.getValue() && Client.getMinecraft().func_147104_D()) {
+ let pingNum = Client.getMinecraft().func_147104_D().field_78844_e
+ let pingT = "&a" + pingNum + "ms"
+ if (pingNum > 150) {
+ pingT = "&e" + pingNum + "ms"
+ }
+ if (pingNum > 250) {
+ pingT = "&c" + pingNum + "ms"
+ }
+ if (pingNum === -1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.pingElement.setText("&6Ping&7> " + pingT)
+ }
+ })
this.petLevels = {}
this.petText = "&6Pet&7> &fLoading..."
@@ -572,6 +623,7 @@ class Hud extends Feature {
step_5second() {
if (!this.soulflowEnabledSetting.getValue()) return
if (!Player.getPlayer()) return
if (!Player.getInventory()) return
diff --git a/features/stat_next_to_name/index.js b/features/stat_next_to_name/index.js
index e534aba..46a7c8b 100644
--- a/features/stat_next_to_name/index.js
+++ b/features/stat_next_to_name/index.js
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import soopyV2Server from "../../socketConnection";
import SettingBase from "../settings/settingThings/settingBase";
import * as numberUtils from "../../utils/numberUtils";
import DropdownSetting from "../settings/settingThings/dropdownSetting";
+import { fetch } from "../../utils/networkUtils"
+import ToggleSetting from "../settings/settingThings/toggle";
class StatNextToName extends Feature {
constructor() {
@@ -39,15 +41,46 @@ class StatNextToName extends Feature {
this.loadingStats = []
this.lastWorldLoad = undefined
+ this.apiKeyThing = new ToggleSetting("Use ur api key for data loading", "Max of 12 requests/min", true, "api_key_stat_load", this)
soopyV2Server.onPlayerStatsLoaded = (stats) => { this.playerStatsLoaded.call(this, stats) }
+ soopyV2Server.apithingo = (uuid, packetId) => {
+ let key = this.FeatureManager.features["globalSettings"].class.apiKeySetting.getValue()
+ if (!key) return
+ fetch(`https://api.hypixel.net/skyblock/profiles?key=${key}&uuid=${uuid}`).text(t => {
+ soopyV2Server.respondQueue(packetId, t)
+ })
+ }
this.registerStep(false, 5, this.loadPlayerStatsTick)
this.registerEvent("worldLoad", this.worldLoad)
this.registerEvent("playerJoined", this.playerJoined)
+ // respondQueue(id, data) {
+ // this.sendData({
+ // type: "api",
+ // id,
+ // data
+ // })
+ // }
+ this.registerStep(false, 5, () => {
+ if (keyValid && this.apiKeyThing.getValue()) soopyV2Server.joinApiQ()
+ })
+ let keyValid = false
+ let key = this.FeatureManager.features["globalSettings"].class.apiKeySetting.getValue()
+ fetch("https://api.hypixel.net/key?key=" + key).json(d => {
+ if (d.success) {
+ keyValid = true
+ }
+ })
loadPlayerStatsTick() {
diff --git a/socketConnection.js b/socketConnection.js
index cd8f684..8750336 100644
--- a/socketConnection.js
+++ b/socketConnection.js
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ class SoopyV2Server extends WebsiteCommunicator {
this.reportErrorsSetting = undefined
this.onPlayerStatsLoaded = undefined
+ this.apithingo = undefined
this.userCosmeticPermissions = undefined
@@ -26,6 +27,8 @@ class SoopyV2Server extends WebsiteCommunicator {
this.cookieData = undefined
this.cookieDataUpdated = 0
+ this.inApiQ = false
this.chEvent = ["???", "???"]
register("step", () => {
@@ -36,6 +39,23 @@ class SoopyV2Server extends WebsiteCommunicator {
+ joinApiQ() {
+ if (this.inApiQ) return
+ this.inApiQ = true
+ this.sendData({
+ type: "apiready"
+ })
+ }
+ respondQueue(id, data) {
+ this.sendData({
+ type: "api",
+ id,
+ data
+ })
+ }
onData(data) {
if (data.type === "updateCosmeticPermissions") {
this.userCosmeticPermissions = data.permissions
@@ -93,6 +113,11 @@ class SoopyV2Server extends WebsiteCommunicator {
if (data.type === "chEvent") {
this.chEvent = data.event
+ if (data.type === "api") {
+ this.inApiQ = false
+ if (this.apithingo) this.apithingo(data.uuid, data.packetId)
+ }
onConnect() {
@@ -105,6 +130,7 @@ class SoopyV2Server extends WebsiteCommunicator {
this.errorsToReport = []
+ this.inApiQ = false
updateCosmeticsData(data) {
@@ -124,6 +150,7 @@ class SoopyV2Server extends WebsiteCommunicator {
reportError(error, description) {
// ChatLib.chat(JSON.stringify(error))
+ return
if (this.reportErrorsSetting && !this.reportErrorsSetting.getValue()) return
let data = {
lineNumber: error.lineNumber,