path: root/features/bestiary
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'features/bestiary')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 258 deletions
diff --git a/features/bestiary/index.js b/features/bestiary/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d21fc2a..0000000
--- a/features/bestiary/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-/// <reference types="../../../CTAutocomplete" />
-/// <reference lib="es2015" />
-import Feature from "../../featureClass/class";
-import { numberWithCommas } from "../../utils/numberUtils";
-import HudTextElement from "../hud/HudTextElement";
-import DropdownSetting from "../settings/settingThings/dropdownSetting";
-import LocationSetting from "../settings/settingThings/location";
-import SettingBase from "../settings/settingThings/settingBase";
-import ToggleSetting from "../settings/settingThings/toggle";
-let dontUseApi = new Set()
-class Bestiary extends Feature {
- constructor() {
- super()
- }
- onEnable() {
- this.bestiaryData = JSON.parse(FileLib.read("soopyAddonsData", "bestiaryData.json") || "{}")
- this.bestiaryChanged = false
- this.bestiaryApiTracking = {}
- this.registerStep(true, 5, this.scanInv)
- this.registerStep(false, 5, this.saveData)
- this.bestiaryStatTypes = {
- "barbarian_duke_x": "Barbarian Duke X"
- }
- Object.keys(this.bestiaryData).forEach(k => {
- if (this.bestiaryData[k].guiName) this.bestiaryStatTypes[k] = this.bestiaryData[k].guiName
- })
- new SettingBase("NOTE: u need to open ur bestiary menu", "before this will work", true, "info_bestiary", this)
- this.hudStat = []
- for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- this.hudStat[i] = {}
- this.hudStat[i].enabled = new ToggleSetting("Bestiary Slot #" + (i + 1), "Allows you to render a custom besiary kills on your hud", false, "bestiary_stat_" + i, this)
- this.hudStat[i].type = new DropdownSetting("Bestiary Slot #" + (i + 1) + " Type", "The bestiary type", "barbarian_duke_x", "bestiary_stat_" + i + "_type", this, this.bestiaryStatTypes)
- this.hudStat[i].location = new LocationSetting("Bestiary Slot #" + (i + 1) + " Location", "Allows you to edit the location of the bestiary stat", "bestiary_stat_" + i + "_location", this, [10, 50 + i * 10, 1, 1]).editTempText("&6Bestiary Stat Stat&7> &f12,345")
- this.hudStat[i].textElement = new HudTextElement().setToggleSetting(this.hudStat[i].enabled).setLocationSetting(this.hudStat[i].location).setText("&6Bestiary Stat&7> &fLoading...")
- this.hudStat[i].onlySb = new ToggleSetting("Bestiary Slot #" + (i + 1) + " Only SB", "Only render this stat when you are in skyblock", true, "bestiary_stat_" + i + "_only_sb", this).requires(this.hudStat[i].enabled)
- this.hudStat[i].location.requires(this.hudStat[i].enabled)
- this.hudStat[i].type.requires(this.hudStat[i].enabled)
- if (this.hudStat[i - 1]) {
- this.hudStat[i].enabled.requires(this.hudStat[i - 1].enabled)
- }
- }
- this.registerStep(false, 5, this.updateHudElements)
- let lastThing = undefined
- let lastThingTime = 0
- this.registerChat("${chat}", (chat) => {
- let thing
- switch (chat.trim()) {
- thing = "mage_outlaw"
- break;
- thing = "barbarian_duke_x"
- break;
- thing = "bladesoul"
- break;
- case "ASHFANG DOWN!":
- thing = "ashfang"
- break;
- // case "MAGMA BOSS DOWN!":
- // thing = "magma_cube_boss"
- // break;
- case "ARACHNE DOWN!":
- lastThing = "arachne"
- lastThingTime = Date.now()
- break;
- case "HORSEMAN DOWN!":
- lastThing = "arachne"
- lastThingTime = Date.now()
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (chat.includes("DRAGON")) {
- lastThing = "dragon"
- lastThingTime = Date.now()
- }
- if (chat.trim().startsWith("Your Damage: ")) {
- let dmg = parseInt(chat.trim().split("Your Damage: ")[1].split(" ")[0])
- if (dmg > 0 && Date.now() - lastThingTime < 1000) {
- thing = lastThing
- lastThing = ""
- lastThingTime = 0
- }
- }
- if (thing) {
- this.bestiaryData[thing].guessCount++
- this.bestiaryChanged = true
- }
- })
- this.registerSoopy("apiLoad", this.apiLoad);
- if (this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"] && this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.lastApiData.skyblock_raw) {
- this.apiLoad(this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.lastApiData.skyblock_raw, "skyblock", false, true);
- }
- }
- getBestiaryCount(id) {
- if (!this.bestiaryData[id]) return "???"
- let count = this.bestiaryData[id].count
- if (!dontUseApi.has(id)) {
- let currApiData = this.bestiaryApiTracking[id]
- count += currApiData - this.bestiaryData[id].apiCount
- }
- count += this.bestiaryData[id].guessCount
- return count
- }
- updateHudElements() {
- if (!this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"]) return
- let insb = this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.isInSkyblock
- this.hudStat.forEach(stat => {
- if (stat.enabled.getValue()) {
- if (!insb && stat.onlySb.getValue()) {
- stat.textElement.setText("")
- return
- }
- let type = stat.type.getValue()
- stat.textElement.setText(`&6${this.bestiaryData[type]?.guiName}&7> &f${numberWithCommas(this.getBestiaryCount(type))}`)
- } else {
- stat.textElement.setText("")
- }
- })
- }
- apiLoad(data, dataType, isSoopyServer, isLatest) {
- if (isSoopyServer || !isLatest) return;
- if (dataType !== "skyblock") return;
- let currentProfile = {}
- let currentProfileTime = 0
- data.profiles.forEach(p => {
- if (p.members[Player.getUUID().toString().replace(/-/g, "")].last_save > currentProfileTime) {
- currentProfileTime = p.members[Player.getUUID().toString().replace(/-/g, "")].last_save
- currentProfile = p.members[Player.getUUID().toString().replace(/-/g, "")]
- }
- })
- Object.keys(currentProfile.stats).forEach(key => {
- if (key.startsWith("kills_")) {
- this.bestiaryApiTracking[key.replace("kills_", "")] = currentProfile.stats[key]
- }
- })
- }
- scanInv() {
- if (!Player.getContainer()) return
- if (!Player.getContainer().getName().startsWith("Bestiary ➜ ")) return
- let tempChanged = false
- let seen = new Set()
- for (let item of Player.getContainer().getItems()) {
- if (!item) continue
- let name = ChatLib.removeFormatting(item.getName()).split(" ")
- name.pop()
- let apiName = name.join("_").toLowerCase()
- if (seen.has(apiName)) continue
- seen.add(apiName)
- if (apiName === "skeletor_prime") continue
- if (this.bestiaryApiTracking[apiName] || dontUseApi.has(apiName)) {
- let count = 0
- for (let l of item.getLore()) {
- l = ChatLib.removeFormatting(l)
- if (l.startsWith("Kills: ")) {
- count = parseInt(l.split("Kills: ")[1].replace(/,/g, ""))
- break;
- }
- }
- let needsChange = !this.bestiaryData[apiName] || this.bestiaryData[apiName].guiName !== name.join(" ") || this.bestiaryData[apiName].count !== count || this.bestiaryData[apiName].apiCount !== (this.bestiaryApiTracking[apiName] || 0) || this.bestiaryData[apiName].guessCount !== 0
- if (needsChange) {
- this.bestiaryData[apiName] = {
- guiName: name.join(" "),
- count,
- apiCount: this.bestiaryApiTracking[apiName] || 0,
- guessCount: 0
- }
- this.bestiaryChanged = true
- tempChanged = true
- }
- }
- }
- if (tempChanged) {
- this.bestiaryStatTypes = {}
- Object.keys(this.bestiaryData).forEach(k => {
- if (this.bestiaryData[k]?.guiName) this.bestiaryStatTypes[k] = this.bestiaryData[k].guiName
- })
- this.hudStat.forEach(s => {
- s.type.dropdownObject.setOptions(this.bestiaryStatTypes)
- })
- this.updateHudElements()
- }
- start = Date.now()
- }
- saveData() {
- if (this.bestiaryChanged) {
- FileLib.write("soopyAddonsData", "bestiaryData.json", JSON.stringify(this.bestiaryData))
- }
- }
- onDisable() {
- this.hudStat.forEach(h => h.textElement.delete())
- this.saveData()
- }
-module.exports = {
- class: new Bestiary()
diff --git a/features/bestiary/metadata.json b/features/bestiary/metadata.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ff9383..0000000
--- a/features/bestiary/metadata.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- "name": "Bestiary",
- "description": "Bestiary trackers",
- "isHidden": false,
- "isTogglable": true,
- "defaultEnabled": true,
- "sortA": 0
-} \ No newline at end of file