path: root/features/betterGuis/dungeonReadyGui.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'features/betterGuis/dungeonReadyGui.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 284 deletions
diff --git a/features/betterGuis/dungeonReadyGui.js b/features/betterGuis/dungeonReadyGui.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ad9a5dd..0000000
--- a/features/betterGuis/dungeonReadyGui.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-import { SoopyGui, SoopyRenderEvent } from "../../../guimanager"
-import SoopyKeyPressEvent from "../../../guimanager/EventListener/SoopyKeyPressEvent"
-import SoopyMouseClickEvent from "../../../guimanager/EventListener/SoopyMouseClickEvent"
-import BoxWithTextAndDescription from "../../../guimanager/GuiElement/BoxWithTextAndDescription"
-import ButtonWithArrow from "../../../guimanager/GuiElement/ButtonWithArrow"
-import SoopyGuiElement from "../../../guimanager/GuiElement/SoopyGuiElement"
-import SoopyTextElement from "../../../guimanager/GuiElement/SoopyTextElement"
-const ContainerChest = Java.type("net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerChest");
-class DungeonReadyGui {
- constructor() {
- this.checkMenu = false;
- this.soopyGui = new SoopyGui();
- this.soopyGui.optimisedLocations = true;
- this.mainPage = new SoopyGuiElement().setLocation(0, 0, 1, 1);
- this.soopyGui.element.addChild(this.mainPage);
- this.soopyGui.element.addEvent(new SoopyKeyPressEvent().setHandler((...args) =>
- this.keyPress(...args)
- ));
- this.startButton = new ButtonWithArrow()
- .setText("§0Start Dungeon")
- .setLocation(0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5)
- .addEvent(new SoopyMouseClickEvent().setHandler(() =>
- this.startDungeon()
- ));
- this.soopyGui.element.addChild(this.startButton);
- this.startButton.desc = new SoopyTextElement()
- .setMaxTextScale(2)
- .setLocation(0.05, 0.6, 0.7, 0.4)
- .setText("");
- this.startButton.addChild(this.startButton.desc);
- this.closeMenu = 0;
- this.nameToId = {};
- this.nextId = 0;
- this.currPlayers = 1;
- this.readyBoxes = [];
- this.confirmationCooldown = 0;
- for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- let readyBox = new BoxWithTextAndDescription()
- .setText("§0")
- .setDesc("§0")
- .setLocation(0.1 + 0.2 * i, 0.75, 0.15, 0.15)
- .setColor(255, 150, 150);
- this.readyBoxes.push(readyBox);
- readyBox.text.setLocation(0, 0, 1, 0.6);
- readyBox.description.setLocation(0.05, 0.6, 0.9, 0.4);
- readyBox.visable = false;
- this.mainPage.addChild(readyBox);
- }
- this.classBoxes = [];
- this.currentPlayerClass = -1;
- this.classes = {
- "Healer": new Item("minecraft:potion"),
- "Mage": new Item("minecraft:blaze_rod"),
- "Berserker": new Item("minecraft:iron_sword"),
- "Archer": new Item("minecraft:bow"),
- "Tank": new Item("minecraft:leather_chestplate")
- };
- Object.keys(this.classes).forEach((clas, i) => {
- let classBox = new BoxWithTextAndDescription()
- .setText("§0" + clas + "&7 - 0")
- .setDesc("§0")
- .setLocation(0.1 + 0.1625 * i, 0.1, 0.15, 0.1);
- this.classBoxes.push(classBox);
- let classIndex = i;
- classBox.text.setLocation(0, 0, 1, 0.6);
- classBox.description.setLocation(0.05, 0.6, 0.9, 0.4);
- classBox.addEvent(new SoopyRenderEvent()
- .setHandler(() => {
- let scale = 16 / Math.min(classBox.location.getWidthExact(), classBox.location.getHeightExact() / 2) * 3;
- this.classes[clas].draw(classBox.location.getXExact() + classBox.location.getWidthExact() / 2 - 16 * scale / 2, classBox.location.getYExact() + classBox.location.getHeightExact() - 16 * scale - 4, scale);
- })).addEvent(new SoopyMouseClickEvent().setHandler(() =>
- this.clickedClass(classIndex)
- ));
- this.mainPage.addChild(classBox)
- })
- this.playerReadyButton = new ButtonWithArrow()
- .setText("§0Ready")
- .setLocation(0.33, 0.33, 0.33, 0.33)
- .setColor(255, 150, 150)
- .addEvent(new SoopyMouseClickEvent()
- .setHandler(() => this.ready()));
- this.mainPage.addChild(this.playerReadyButton);
- }
- joinedDungeon(players) {
- this.currPlayers = players;
- }
- startDungeon() {
- if (Player.getContainer().getName() !== "Start Dungeon?") return;
- if (!this.confirmationCooldown && World.getAllPlayers().filter(p => p.getPing() === 1).length !== this.currPlayers && !(World.getAllPlayers().filter(p => p.getPing() === 1).length === 1 && this.currPlayers === 2)) {
- this.startButton.setText("§0Confirm starting Dungeon? (3s)");
- this.startButton.desc.setText("§0(" + World.getAllPlayers().filter(p => p.getPing() === 1).length + "/" + this.currPlayers + " in dungeon)");
- this.confirmationCooldown = Date.now() + 3000;
- return;
- }
- if (Date.now() < this.confirmationCooldown) return;
- this.startButton.visable = false;
- Player.getContainer().click(13, false, "MIDDLE");
- }
- ready() {
- if (!Player.getContainer().getName().startsWith("Catacombs - Floor ")) return;
- this.playerReadyButton.setColor(150, 150, 150);
- for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- if (ChatLib.removeFormatting(Player.getContainer().getStackInSlot(3 + i).getName().split(" ").pop()) === Player.getName())
- Player.getContainer().drop(12 + i, false);
- }
- }
- clickedClass(classIndex) {
- if (!Player.getContainer().getName().startsWith("Catacombs - Floor ")) return;
- Player.getContainer().drop(2 + 4 * 9 + classIndex, false);
- this.classBoxes[classIndex].setColor(150, 150, 150);
- if (this.currentPlayerClass !== -1) this.classBoxes[this.currentPlayerClass].setColor(253, 255, 227);
- }
- reset() {
- this.startButton.visable = true;
- this.playerReadyButton.setColor(255, 150, 150);
- this.nameToId = {};
- this.nextId = 0;
- this.closeMenu = 0;
- this.startButton.setText("§0Start Dungeon");
- this.startButton.desc.setText("");
- this.confirmationCooldown = 0;
- this.readyBoxes.forEach(b => b.visable = false);
- }
- readyInOneSecond() {
- this.closeMenu = Date.now() + 1000;
- }
- tick() {
- if (!this.soopyGui.ctGui.isOpen()) return;
- if (this.closeMenu > 0 && Date.now() > this.closeMenu) {
- this.soopyGui.close();
- Client.currentGui.close();
- this.closeMenu = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (Player.getContainer().getName().startsWith("Catacombs - Floor ")) {
- this.startButton.visable = false;
- let clickingClassButton = -1;
- for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- //ready up buttons
- if (Player.getContainer().getStackInSlot(3 + i)) {
- if (ChatLib.removeFormatting(Player.getContainer().getStackInSlot(3 + i).getName().split(" ").pop()) === Player.getName()) {
- if (Player.getContainer().getStackInSlot(12 + i)) {
- if (ChatLib.removeFormatting(Player.getContainer().getStackInSlot(12 + i).getName()) === "Ready") {
- this.playerReadyButton.setColor(150, 255, 150);
- } else {
- this.playerReadyButton.setColor(255, 150, 150);
- }
- } else {
- this.playerReadyButton.setColor(150, 150, 150);
- }
- } else {
- let boxId = this.nameToId[ChatLib.removeFormatting(Player.getContainer().getStackInSlot(3 + i).getName().split(" ").pop())];
- if (boxId) {
- this.readyBoxes[boxId].setColor(255, 150, 150);
- if (ChatLib.removeFormatting(Player.getContainer().getStackInSlot(12 + i).getName()) === "Ready")
- this.readyBoxes[boxId].setColor(150, 255, 150);
- this.readyBoxes[boxId].setLore(Player.getContainer().getStackInSlot(3 + i).getLore());
- this.readyBoxes[boxId].setDesc("§0" + ChatLib.removeFormatting(Player.getContainer().getStackInSlot(3 + i).getLore()[2]));
- }
- }
- }
- //select class buttons
- if (Player.getContainer().getStackInSlot(2 + 4 * 9 + i)) {
- this.classBoxes[i].setColor(253, 255, 227);
- if (Player.getContainer().getStackInSlot(2 + 4 * 9 + i).getDamage() === 10)
- this.classBoxes[i].setColor(250, 255, 150);
- this.classBoxes[i]
- .setText("§0" + Object.keys(this.classes)[i] + "§7 - " + ChatLib.removeFormatting(Player.getContainer().getStackInSlot(2 + 4 * 9 + i).getName().split(" ")[0]))
- .setLore(Player.getContainer().getStackInSlot(2 + 4 * 9 + i).getLore());
- let isPlayerClass = false;
- Player.getContainer().getStackInSlot(2 + 4 * 9 + i).getLore().forEach(line => {
- if (!ChatLib.removeFormatting(line).startsWith(" - ")) return;
- if (ChatLib.removeFormatting(line.split(" ").pop()) === Player.getName())
- isPlayerClass = true;
- })
- if (isPlayerClass) {
- this.currentPlayerClass = i;
- this.classBoxes[i].setColor(150, 255, 150);
- }
- } else clickingClassButton = i;
- }
- if (clickingClassButton !== -1) {
- this.classBoxes[clickingClassButton].setColor(150, 150, 150);
- if (this.currentPlayerClass !== -1) this.classBoxes[this.currentPlayerClass].setColor(253, 255, 227);
- }
- };
- if (this.confirmationCooldown) {
- this.startButton.setText("§0Confirm starting Dungeon? (" + Math.ceil(Math.max(0, this.confirmationCooldown - Date.now()) / 1000) + "s)");
- };
- World.getAllPlayers().filter(p => p.getPing() === 1).forEach(p => {
- if (p.getUUID().toString() === Player.getUUID().toString()) return;
- if (p.getName() in this.nameToId) return;
- this.nameToId[p.getName()] = this.nextId++;
- this.readyBoxes[this.nameToId[p.getName()]].setText("§0" + p.getName()).visable = true;
- });
- }
- guiOpened(event) {
- let name = "";
- if (event.gui && event.gui.field_147002_h instanceof ContainerChest)
- name = event.gui.field_147002_h.func_85151_d().func_145748_c_().func_150260_c();
- if (this.soopyGui.ctGui.isOpen()) {
- if (!event.gui || !event.gui.field_147002_h) return;
- Player.getPlayer().field_71070_bA = event.gui.field_147002_h
- if (!Player.getContainer().getName().startsWith("Catacombs - Floor ")) return;
- event.gui = this.soopyGui.ctGui
- this.soopyGui.ctGui.open();
- return
- }
- if (name === "Start Dungeon?" || name.startsWith("Catacombs - Floor ")) {
- if (event.gui && event.gui.field_147002_h) Player.getPlayer().field_71070_bA = event.gui.field_147002_h;
- this.soopyGui.open();
- event.gui = this.soopyGui.ctGui;
- }
- }
- keyPress(key, keyId) {
- if (keyId === 1) //escape key
- // this.dontOpen = 1
- Client.currentGui.close();
- if (keyId === 18) //'e' key
- Client.currentGui.close();
- }
-export default DungeonReadyGui; \ No newline at end of file