path: root/features/dungeonSolvers/index.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'features/dungeonSolvers/index.js')
1 files changed, 678 insertions, 507 deletions
diff --git a/features/dungeonSolvers/index.js b/features/dungeonSolvers/index.js
index 8e95961..b4f1793 100644
--- a/features/dungeonSolvers/index.js
+++ b/features/dungeonSolvers/index.js
@@ -9,224 +9,369 @@ import HudTextElement from "../hud/HudTextElement";
import LocationSetting from "../settings/settingThings/location";
import ToggleSetting from "../settings/settingThings/toggle";
-const EntityArrow = Java.type("net.minecraft.entity.projectile.EntityArrow")
-const EntityBlaze = Java.type("net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntityBlaze")
-const AxisAlignedBB = Java.type("net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB")
-let translate
- translate = net.minecraft.util.StringTranslate.func_74808_a()
+const EntityArrow = Java.type("net.minecraft.entity.projectile.EntityArrow");
+const EntityBlaze = Java.type("net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntityBlaze");
+const AxisAlignedBB = Java.type("net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB");
+let translate;
+try {
+ translate = net.minecraft.util.StringTranslate.func_74808_a();
+} catch (e) {
//player doesent have translate (using english default)
class DungeonSolvers extends Feature {
- constructor() {
- super();
- }
- onEnable() {
- this.initVariables();
- this.lividData = {};
- this.lividData.lividColor = {
- Vendetta: "&f",
- Crossed: "&d",
- Hockey: "&c",
- Doctor: "&7",
- Frog: "&2",
- Smile: "&a",
- Scream: "&9",
- Purple: "&5",
- Arcade: "&e",
- };
- this.onWorldLoad();
- this.lividFindEnabled = new ToggleSetting("Correct livid finder", "Finds the real livid to kill in the f5 boss fight", true, "livid_find_enabled", this);
- this.lividFindHud = new ToggleSetting("Show Livid Hp", "Shows the nametag of the correct livid", true, "livid_hud_enabled", this).requires(this.lividFindEnabled);
- this.lividHpElement = new HudTextElement().setToggleSetting(this.lividFindHud).setLocationSetting(new LocationSetting("Correct Livid Hp Location", "Allows you to edit the location of the correct livid hp text", "livid_hp_location", this, [10, 50, 1, 1]).requires(this.lividFindHud).editTempText("§r§e﴾ §c§lLivid§r §a7M§c❤ §e﴿§r"));
- this.hudElements.push(this.lividHpElement);
- this.lividFindBox = new ToggleSetting("Put a box around the correct livid", "This helps to locate it in the group", true, "livid_box_enabled", this).requires(this.lividFindEnabled);
- this.lividFindNametags = new ToggleSetting("Hide the nametags of incorrect livids", "This helps to locate it in the group", true, "livid_nametags_enabled", this).requires(this.lividFindEnabled);
- this.spiritBowDestroyTimer = new ToggleSetting("Timer for when the spirit bow will self destruct", "", true, "spirit_bow_destroy_timer", this);
- this.spiritBowDestroyElement = new HudTextElement().setToggleSetting(this.spiritBowDestroyTimer).setLocationSetting(new LocationSetting("Spirit bow destroy timer location", "Allows you to edit the location of the timer", "spirit_destroy_location", this, [10, 70, 3, 1]).requires(this.spiritBowDestroyTimer).editTempText("&dBow Destroyed in: &c15s"));
- this.spiritBearSpawnTimer = new ToggleSetting("Timer for when the spirit bear will spawn", "", true, "spirit_bear_spawn_timer", this);
- this.spiritBearSpawnElement = new HudTextElement().setToggleSetting(this.spiritBearSpawnTimer).setLocationSetting(new LocationSetting("Spirit bear spawn timer location", "Allows you to edit the location of the timer", "spirit_bear_spawn_location", this, [10, 70, 3, 1]).requires(this.spiritBearSpawnTimer).editTempText("&dBear spawned in: &c1.57s"));
- this.hudElements.push(this.spiritBearSpawnElement);
- this.hudElements.push(this.spiritBowDestroyElement);
- this.bloodCampAssist = new ToggleSetting("Assist blood camp", "Helps guess where and when blood mobs will spawn", true, "blood_camp_assist", this);
- this.runSpeedRates = new ToggleSetting("Show run speed and exp rates", "(Run speed includes downtime inbetween runs, only shows while doing dungeon runs)", true, "run_speed_rates", this);
- this.runSpeedRatesElement = new HudTextElement()
- .setText("&6Run speed&7> &fLoading...\n&6Exp/hour&7> &fLoading...\n&6Runs/hour&7> &fLoading...")
- .setToggleSetting(this.runSpeedRates)
- .setLocationSetting(new LocationSetting("Run speed and exp rates location", "Allows you to edit the location of the information", "run_speed_rates_location", this, [10, 100, 1, 1]).requires(this.runSpeedRates).editTempText("&6Run speed&7> &f4:30\n&6Exp/hour&7> &f1,234,567\n&6Runs/hour&7> &f17"));
- this.hudElements.push(this.runSpeedRatesElement);
- this.blazeSolver = new ToggleSetting("Blaze Puzzle Solver", "Shows what order to kill the blazes in", true, "blaze_solver", this);
- this.lastDungFinishes = [];
- this.lastDungExps = [];
- this.registerChat("${start}+&r&3${exp} Catacombs Experience&r", (start, exp) => {
- if (ChatLib.removeFormatting(start).replace(/ /gi, "").length > 0) return;
- this.lastDungExps.push(parseFloat(exp.replace(/,/gi, "")));
- if (this.lastDungExps.length > 5) {
- this.lastDungExps.shift();
- }
- this.lastDungFinishes.push(Date.now());
- if (this.lastDungFinishes.length > 5) {
- this.lastDungFinishes.shift();
- }
- });
- this.forgorEnabled = new ToggleSetting("Change withermancer death message to forgor ", "", true, "withermancer_forgor", this);
- this.registerChat("&r&c ☠ &r${player} were killed by Withermancer&r&7 and became a ghost&r&7.&r", (player, e) => {
- if (this.forgorEnabled.getValue()) {
- cancel(e);
- ChatLib.chat(player + " forgor ☠");
- }
- });
- this.registerChat("&r&c ☠ &r${player} was killed by Withermancer&r&7 and became a ghost&r&7.&r", (player, e) => {
- if (this.forgorEnabled.getValue()) {
- cancel(e);
- ChatLib.chat(player + " forgor ☠");
- }
- });
- this.spiritBowPickUps = [];
- this.registerChat("&r&aYou picked up the &r&5Spirit Bow&r&a! Use it to attack &r&cThorn&r&a!&r", () => {
- this.spiritBowPickUps.push(Date.now());
- });
- this.bearSpawning = 0
- this.registerChat("&r&a&lThe &r&5&lSpirit Bow &r&a&lhas dropped!&r", ()=>{
- this.bearSpawning = -Date.now()
- })
- this.todoE = [];
- this.eMovingThing = {};
- this.bloodX = -1;
- this.bloodY = -1;
- this.startSpawningTime = 0;
- this.spawnIdThing = 0;
- this.checkingPing = false;
- this.lastPingCheck = 0;
- this.lastPings = [undefined, undefined, undefined];
- this.ping = 0;
- this.pingI = 0;
- this.arrows = []
- this.blazes = []
- this.blazeX = -1;
- this.blazeY = -1;
- this.registerStep(true, 2, this.step);
- this.registerStep(true, 10, this.step2);
- this.registerEvent("worldLoad", this.onWorldLoad);
- this.registerEvent("renderOverlay", this.renderHud);
- this.registerEvent("renderWorld", this.renderWorld);
- this.registerChat("&b&bYou are currently connected to server &6${*}&r", (e) => {
- if (this.checkingPing) {
- this.lastPings[this.pingI % 3] = Date.now() - this.lastPingCheck;
- cancel(e);
- this.checkingPing = false;
- if (this.lastPings.includes(undefined)) {
- this.ping = this.lastPings[this.pingI % 3];
- } else {
- this.ping = [...this.lastPings].sort((a, b) => a - b)[1];
- }
- this.pingI++;
- }
- });
- this.registerForge(net.minecraftforge.event.entity.EntityJoinWorldEvent, this.entityJoinWorldEvent);
- // this.registerEvent("renderEntity", this.renderEntity)
- this.renderEntityEvent = undefined;
- this.onWorldLoad();
- }
- entityJoinWorldEvent(event) {
- if (this.bloodCampAssist.getValue()) this.todoE.push(event.entity);
- // if(event.entity instanceof EntityArrow){
- // this.arrows.push(new Entity(event.entity))
- // }
- if(event.entity instanceof EntityBlaze){
- // console.log("Blaze joined world")
- this.addBlaze(new Entity(event.entity))
+ constructor() {
+ super();
- }
- renderWorld(ticks) {
- if (this.lividFindBox.getValue()) {
- if (this.lividData.correctLividEntity) {
- renderUtils.drawBoxAtEntity(this.lividData.correctLividEntity, 255, 0, 0, 0.75, -2, ticks);
- }
- }
+ onEnable() {
+ this.initVariables();
+ this.lividData = {};
+ this.lividData.lividColor = {
+ Vendetta: "&f",
+ Crossed: "&d",
+ Hockey: "&c",
+ Doctor: "&7",
+ Frog: "&2",
+ Smile: "&a",
+ Scream: "&9",
+ Purple: "&5",
+ Arcade: "&e",
+ };
+ this.onWorldLoad();
+ this.lividFindEnabled = new ToggleSetting("Correct livid finder", "Finds the real livid to kill in the f5 boss fight", true, "livid_find_enabled", this);
+ this.lividFindHud = new ToggleSetting("Show Livid Hp", "Shows the nametag of the correct livid", true, "livid_hud_enabled", this).requires(this.lividFindEnabled);
+ this.lividHpElement = new HudTextElement().setToggleSetting(this.lividFindHud).setLocationSetting(new LocationSetting("Correct Livid Hp Location", "Allows you to edit the location of the correct livid hp text", "livid_hp_location", this, [10, 50, 1, 1]).requires(this.lividFindHud).editTempText("§r§e﴾ §c§lLivid§r §a7M§c❤ §e﴿§r"));
+ this.hudElements.push(this.lividHpElement);
+ this.lividFindBox = new ToggleSetting("Put a box around the correct livid", "This helps to locate it in the group", true, "livid_box_enabled", this).requires(this.lividFindEnabled);
+ this.lividFindNametags = new ToggleSetting("Hide the nametags of incorrect livids", "This helps to locate it in the group", true, "livid_nametags_enabled", this).requires(this.lividFindEnabled);
+ this.spiritBowDestroyTimer = new ToggleSetting("Timer for when the spirit bow will self destruct", "", true, "spirit_bow_destroy_timer", this);
+ this.spiritBowDestroyElement = new HudTextElement().setToggleSetting(this.spiritBowDestroyTimer).setLocationSetting(new LocationSetting("Spirit bow destroy timer location", "Allows you to edit the location of the timer", "spirit_destroy_location", this, [10, 70, 3, 1]).requires(this.spiritBowDestroyTimer).editTempText("&dBow Destroyed in: &c15s"));
+ this.spiritBearSpawnTimer = new ToggleSetting("Timer for when the spirit bear will spawn", "", true, "spirit_bear_spawn_timer", this);
+ this.spiritBearSpawnElement = new HudTextElement().setToggleSetting(this.spiritBearSpawnTimer).setLocationSetting(new LocationSetting("Spirit bear spawn timer location", "Allows you to edit the location of the timer", "spirit_bear_spawn_location", this, [10, 70, 3, 1]).requires(this.spiritBearSpawnTimer).editTempText("&dBear spawned in: &c1.57s"));
+ this.hudElements.push(this.spiritBearSpawnElement);
+ this.hudElements.push(this.spiritBowDestroyElement);
+ this.bloodCampAssist = new ToggleSetting("Assist blood camp", "Helps guess where and when blood mobs will spawn", true, "blood_camp_assist", this);
+ this.runSpeedRates = new ToggleSetting("Show run speed and exp rates", "(Run speed includes downtime inbetween runs, only shows while doing dungeon runs)", true, "run_speed_rates", this);
+ this.runSpeedRatesElement = new HudTextElement()
+ .setText("&6Run speed&7> &fLoading...\n&6Exp/hour&7> &fLoading...\n&6Runs/hour&7> &fLoading...")
+ .setToggleSetting(this.runSpeedRates)
+ .setLocationSetting(new LocationSetting("Run speed and exp rates location", "Allows you to edit the location of the information", "run_speed_rates_location", this, [10, 100, 1, 1]).requires(this.runSpeedRates).editTempText("&6Run speed&7> &f4:30\n&6Exp/hour&7> &f1,234,567\n&6Runs/hour&7> &f17"));
+ this.scoreCalculation = new ToggleSetting("Show score calculation", "", true, "run_score_calc", this);
+ this.scoreElement = new HudTextElement().setToggleSetting(this.scoreCalculation).setLocationSetting(new LocationSetting("Score calculation location", "Allows you to edit the location of the score calc", "score_calc_location", this, [10, 130, 1, 1]).requires(this.scoreCalculation).editTempText("Editing temp text here"));
+ this.hudElements.push(this.runSpeedRatesElement);
+ this.hudElements.push(this.scoreElement);
+ this.blazeSolver = new ToggleSetting("Blaze Puzzle Solver", "Shows what order to kill the blazes in", true, "blaze_solver", this);
+ this.lastDungFinishes = [];
+ this.lastDungExps = [];
+ this.registerChat("${start}+&r&3${exp} Catacombs Experience&r", (start, exp) => {
+ if (ChatLib.removeFormatting(start).replace(/ /gi, "").length > 0) return;
+ this.lastDungExps.push(parseFloat(exp.replace(/,/gi, "")));
+ if (this.lastDungExps.length > 5) {
+ this.lastDungExps.shift();
+ }
+ this.lastDungFinishes.push(Date.now());
+ if (this.lastDungFinishes.length > 5) {
+ this.lastDungFinishes.shift();
+ }
+ });
+ this.forgorEnabled = new ToggleSetting("Change withermancer death message to forgor ", "", true, "withermancer_forgor", this);
- if (this.bloodCampAssist.getValue()) {
- this.skulls.forEach((skull) => {
- let skullE = skull.getEntity();
- // renderUtils.drawBoxAtEntity(skull, 255, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, ticks)
+ this.registerChat("&r&c ☠ &r${player} were killed by Withermancer&r&7 and became a ghost&r&7.&r", (player, e) => {
+ if (this.forgorEnabled.getValue()) {
+ cancel(e);
+ ChatLib.chat(player + " forgor ☠");
+ }
+ });
+ this.registerChat("&r&c ☠ &r${player} was killed by Withermancer&r&7 and became a ghost&r&7.&r", (player, e) => {
+ if (this.forgorEnabled.getValue()) {
+ cancel(e);
+ ChatLib.chat(player + " forgor ☠");
+ }
+ });
- if (this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()] && this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook) {
- let startPoint = [skullE[f.posX.Entity], skullE[f.posY.Entity], skullE[f.posZ.Entity]];
+ this.spiritBowPickUps = [];
+ this.registerChat("&r&aYou picked up the &r&5Spirit Bow&r&a! Use it to attack &r&cThorn&r&a!&r", () => {
+ this.spiritBowPickUps.push(Date.now());
+ });
- let xSpeed2 = (startPoint[0] - this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].startX) / this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook;
- let ySpeed2 = (startPoint[1] - this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].startY) / this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook;
- let zSpeed2 = (startPoint[2] - this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].startZ) / this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook;
+ this.bearSpawning = 0;
+ this.registerChat("&r&a&lThe &r&5&lSpirit Bow &r&a&lhas dropped!&r", () => {
+ this.bearSpawning = -Date.now();
+ });
- let time = (this.spawnIdThing >= 4 ? 2900 : 4850) - this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook;
- let endPoint1 = this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].endPoint;
- let endPoint2 = this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].endPointLast;
- let endPointUpdated = Math.min(Date.now() - this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].endPointUpdated, 100);
- if(!endPoint2) return
- let endPoint = [endPoint2[0] + ((endPoint1[0] - endPoint2[0]) * endPointUpdated) / 100, endPoint2[1] + ((endPoint1[1] - endPoint2[1]) * endPointUpdated) / 100, endPoint2[2] + ((endPoint1[2] - endPoint2[2]) * endPointUpdated) / 100];
- let pingPoint = [startPoint[0] + xSpeed2 * this.ping, startPoint[1] + ySpeed2 * this.ping, startPoint[2] + zSpeed2 * this.ping];
+ this.todoE = [];
+ this.eMovingThing = {};
+ this.bloodX = -1;
+ this.bloodY = -1;
+ this.startSpawningTime = 0;
+ this.spawnIdThing = 0;
+ this.failedPuzzleCount = 0;
+ this.totalPuzzleCount = 0;
+ this.completedPuzzleCount = 0;
+ this.checkingPing = false;
+ this.lastPingCheck = 0;
+ this.lastPings = [undefined, undefined, undefined];
+ this.ping = 0;
+ this.pingI = 0;
+ this.arrows = [];
+ this.blazes = [];
+ this.blazeX = -1;
+ this.blazeY = -1;
+ this.dungeonSecretRquired = {
+ 1: 0.3,
+ 2: 0.4,
+ 3: 0.5,
+ 4: 0.6,
+ 5: 0.7,
+ 6: 0.85,
+ 7: 1,
+ };
+ this.floorSecondMod = {
+ 1: 120,
+ 2: 120,
+ 3: 120,
+ 4: 120,
+ 5: 240,
+ 6: 120,
+ 7: 360,
+ };
+ this.registerStep(true, 2, this.step);
+ this.registerStep(true, 10, this.step2);
+ this.registerEvent("worldLoad", this.onWorldLoad);
+ this.registerEvent("renderOverlay", this.renderHud);
+ this.registerEvent("renderWorld", this.renderWorld);
+ this.bloodOpenedBonus = false;
+ this.goneInBonus = false;
+ this.registerChat("&r&cThe &r&c&lBLOOD DOOR&r&c has been opened!&r", () => {
+ this.bloodOpenedBonus = true;
+ this.goneInBonus = true;
+ });
+ this.registerChat("&r&c[BOSS] The Watcher&r&f: You have proven yourself. You may pass.&r", () => {
+ this.bloodOpenedBonus = false;
+ this.goneInBonus = true;
+ });
+ let enteredBossMessages = ["&r&4[BOSS] Maxor&r&c: &r&cWELL WELL WELL LOOK WHO’S HERE!&r", "&r&c[BOSS] Livid&r&f: Welcome, you arrive right on time. I am Livid, the Master of Shadows.&r", "&r&c[BOSS] Thorn&r&f: Welcome Adventurers! I am Thorn, the Spirit! And host of the Vegan Trials!&r", "&r&c[BOSS] The Professor&r&f: I was burdened with terrible news recently...&r", "&r&c[BOSS] Scarf&r&f: This is where the journey ends for you, Adventurers.&r", "&r&c[BOSS] Bonzo&r&f: Gratz for making it this far, but I’m basically unbeatable.&r", "&r&c[BOSS] Sadan&r&f: So you made it all the way &r&fhere...and&r&f you wish to defy me? Sadan?!&r"]
+ enteredBossMessages.forEach(msg => {
+ this.registerChat(msg, () => {
+ this.goneInBonus = false;
+ this.bloodOpenedBonus = false;
+ });
+ })
- renderUtils.drawLineWithDepth(startPoint[0], startPoint[1] + 2, startPoint[2], endPoint[0], endPoint[1] + 2, endPoint[2], 255, 0, 0, 2);
+ this.registerChat("&b&bYou are currently connected to server &6${*}&r", (e) => {
+ if (this.checkingPing) {
+ this.lastPings[this.pingI % 3] = Date.now() - this.lastPingCheck;
+ cancel(e);
+ this.checkingPing = false;
- if (this.ping < time) {
- renderUtils.drawBoxAtBlockNotVisThruWalls(pingPoint[0] - 0.5, pingPoint[1] + 1.5, pingPoint[2] - 0.5, 0, 255, 0);
- renderUtils.drawBoxAtBlockNotVisThruWalls(endPoint[0] - 0.5, endPoint[1] + 1.5, endPoint[2] - 0.5, 255, 0, 0);
+ if (this.lastPings.includes(undefined)) {
+ this.ping = this.lastPings[this.pingI % 3];
} else {
- renderUtils.drawBoxAtBlockNotVisThruWalls(endPoint[0] - 0.5, endPoint[1] + 1.5, endPoint[2] - 0.5, 0, 0, 255);
+ this.ping = [...this.lastPings].sort((a, b) => a - b)[1];
- // if(this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()] && this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook){
- // Tessellator.drawString((time/1000).toFixed(3)+"s", endPoint[0], endPoint[1]+2, endPoint[2])
- // }
+ this.pingI++;
- }
- if(this.blazeX !== -1 && this.blazes.length > 0 && this.blazeSolver.getValue()){
- renderUtils.drawBoxAtEntity(this.blazes[0], 255, 0, 0, 1, 2, ticks, 2)
+ this.registerForge(net.minecraftforge.event.entity.EntityJoinWorldEvent, this.entityJoinWorldEvent);
+ // this.registerEvent("renderEntity", this.renderEntity)
+ this.renderEntityEvent = undefined;
+ this.onWorldLoad();
+ }
+ calculateDungeonScore() {
+ if (!this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonFloor) {
+ this.scoreElement.setText("");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Information about the dungeon
+ let deaths = parseInt(this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.stats.Deaths.replace("(", "").replace(")", ""));
+ let firstDeathHadSpirit = false; //TODO: this
+ let seconds = 0;
+ if (this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.stats.Time !== "Soon!") {
+ let data = this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.stats.Time.split(" ");
+ seconds += parseInt(data.pop() || 0);
+ seconds += parseInt(data.pop() || 0) * 60;
+ seconds += parseInt(data.pop() || 0) * 60 * 60;
+ }
+ let timeLimit = this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonFloor[0] === "M" ? 480 : this.floorSecondMod[this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonFloor[1]];
+ let inDungeonSeconds = seconds - timeLimit;
- let lastLoc = [this.blazes[0].getX(), this.blazes[0].getY()+1.5, this.blazes[0].getZ()]
- this.blazes.forEach((blaze, i) => {
- if(i<3 && i!==0){
- renderUtils.drawLineWithDepth(lastLoc[0], lastLoc[1], lastLoc[2], blaze.getX(), blaze.getY()+1.5, blaze.getZ(), i===1?0:255, i===1?255:0, 0, 3/i)
- lastLoc = [blaze.getX(), blaze.getY()+1.5,blaze.getZ()]
+ let clearedPercent = this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonPercentCleared;
+ let dungeonFloor = this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonFloor[1];
+ let secretPercentRequired = this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonFloor[0] === "M" ? 1 : this.dungeonSecretRquired[dungeonFloor];
+ let clearedRooms = parseInt(this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.stats["Completed Rooms"]);
+ let totalRooms = clearedRooms / clearedPercent || 25;
+ let currentSecretsFound = parseInt(this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.stats["Secrets Found"]);
+ let currentSecretPercent = parseFloat(this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.stats["Secrets Found%"].replace("%", "")) / 100;
+ let mimicKilled = false; //TODO: this
+ let crypts = parseInt(this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.stats["Crypts"]);
+ let ezpz = false;
+ let maxSecrets = currentSecretsFound / currentSecretPercent || 50;
+ //Actual Score Calculation
+ let skillScore = Math.floor(Math.max(20, (20 - (this.totalPuzzleCount - this.completedPuzzleCount) * 10 + (((80 * (clearedRooms + this.bloodOpenedBonus + this.goneInBonus)) / totalRooms) - deaths * 2 + firstDeathHadSpirit))));
+ let exploreScore = (Math.floor((60 * (clearedRooms + this.bloodOpenedBonus + this.goneInBonus)) / totalRooms) + Math.floor(Math.min(40, (40 * currentSecretsFound) / secretPercentRequired / maxSecrets)));
+ let speedScore;
+ if (inDungeonSeconds < 480) {
+ speedScore = 100;
+ } else if (inDungeonSeconds < 600) {
+ speedScore = Math.ceil(140 - inDungeonSeconds / 12);
+ } else if (inDungeonSeconds < 840) {
+ speedScore = Math.ceil(115 - inDungeonSeconds / 24);
+ } else if (inDungeonSeconds < 1140) {
+ speedScore = Math.ceil(108 - inDungeonSeconds / 30);
+ } else if (inDungeonSeconds < 3940) {
+ speedScore = Math.ceil(98.5 - inDungeonSeconds / 40);
+ } else {
+ speedScore = 0;
+ }
+ let bonus = Math.min(5, crypts) + mimicKilled * 2 + ezpz * 10;
+ //Calculating secrets for s/s+
+ let hypotheticalSkillScore = Math.floor(Math.max(20, (20 - (this.failedPuzzleCount) * 10 + 80 - deaths * 2 + firstDeathHadSpirit)));
+ let hypotheticalSpeedScore = speedScore
+ //Calculating for S
+ let hypotheticalBonusScoreS = Math.min(5, crypts) + mimicKilled * 2 + ezpz * 10;
+ let sNeededSecrets = Math.min(maxSecrets * secretPercentRequired, Math.ceil((270 - hypotheticalSkillScore - hypotheticalBonusScoreS - hypotheticalSpeedScore - 60) * maxSecrets * secretPercentRequired / 40));
+ sNeededSecrets = Math.max(currentSecretsFound, sNeededSecrets)
+ let hypotheticalScoreGottenS = hypotheticalSkillScore + hypotheticalSpeedScore + hypotheticalBonusScoreS + 60 + Math.floor(Math.min(40, (40 * sNeededSecrets) / secretPercentRequired / maxSecrets));
+ let sCryptsNeeded = Math.max(crypts, Math.min(5, (270 - hypotheticalScoreGottenS)))
+ hypotheticalScoreGottenS -= hypotheticalBonusScoreS
+ hypotheticalBonusScoreS = sCryptsNeeded + mimicKilled * 2 + ezpz * 10
+ hypotheticalScoreGottenS += hypotheticalBonusScoreS
+ let sPossible = hypotheticalScoreGottenS >= 270
+ //Calculating for S+
+ let hypotheticalBonusScoreSplus = 5 + mimicKilled * 2 + ezpz * 10;
+ let splusNeededSecrets = Math.ceil((300 - hypotheticalSkillScore - hypotheticalBonusScoreSplus - hypotheticalSpeedScore - 60) * maxSecrets * secretPercentRequired / 40);
+ let splusPossible = splusNeededSecrets <= maxSecrets * secretPercentRequired
+ splusNeededSecrets = Math.max(currentSecretsFound, splusNeededSecrets)
+ let hypotheticalScoreGottenSPlus = hypotheticalSkillScore + hypotheticalSpeedScore + hypotheticalBonusScoreSplus + 60 + Math.floor(Math.min(40, (40 * splusNeededSecrets) / secretPercentRequired / maxSecrets));
+ let splusCryptsNeeded = Math.max(crypts, 5 - (hypotheticalScoreGottenSPlus - 300))
+ hypotheticalScoreGottenSPlus -= hypotheticalBonusScoreSplus
+ hypotheticalBonusScoreSplus = splusCryptsNeeded + mimicKilled * 2 + ezpz * 10
+ hypotheticalScoreGottenSPlus += hypotheticalBonusScoreSplus
+ //Setting hud element
+ let sPlusText = currentSecretsFound === 0 ? "??" : (skillScore + exploreScore + speedScore + bonus) >= 300 ? ": ✔" : splusPossible ? `(${hypotheticalScoreGottenSPlus}): ${currentSecretsFound}/${splusNeededSecrets} +${crypts}c/${splusCryptsNeeded}` : "✖"
+ let sText = currentSecretsFound === 0 ? " ??" : (skillScore + exploreScore + speedScore + bonus) >= 270 ? " : ✔" : sPossible ? `(${hypotheticalScoreGottenS}): ${currentSecretsFound}/${sNeededSecrets} +${crypts}c/${sCryptsNeeded}` : "✖"
+ this.scoreElement.setText(`&dScore: ${skillScore + exploreScore + speedScore + bonus}\n&aS+ ${sPlusText}\n&aS ${sText}`);
+ }
+ entityJoinWorldEvent(event) {
+ if (this.bloodCampAssist.getValue()) this.todoE.push(event.entity);
+ // if(event.entity instanceof EntityArrow){
+ // this.arrows.push(new Entity(event.entity))
+ // }
+ if (event.entity instanceof EntityBlaze) {
+ // console.log("Blaze joined world")
+ this.addBlaze(new Entity(event.entity));
+ }
+ }
+ renderWorld(ticks) {
+ if (this.lividFindBox.getValue()) {
+ if (this.lividData.correctLividEntity) {
+ renderUtils.drawBoxAtEntity(this.lividData.correctLividEntity, 255, 0, 0, 0.75, -2, ticks);
- })
+ }
+ if (this.bloodCampAssist.getValue()) {
+ this.skulls.forEach((skull) => {
+ let skullE = skull.getEntity();
+ // renderUtils.drawBoxAtEntity(skull, 255, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, ticks)
+ if (this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()] && this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook) {
+ let startPoint = [skullE[f.posX.Entity], skullE[f.posY.Entity], skullE[f.posZ.Entity]];
+ let xSpeed2 = (startPoint[0] - this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].startX) / this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook;
+ let ySpeed2 = (startPoint[1] - this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].startY) / this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook;
+ let zSpeed2 = (startPoint[2] - this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].startZ) / this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook;
+ let time = (this.spawnIdThing >= 4 ? 2900 : 4850) - this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook;
+ let endPoint1 = this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].endPoint;
+ let endPoint2 = this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].endPointLast;
+ let endPointUpdated = Math.min(Date.now() - this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].endPointUpdated, 100);
+ if (!endPoint2) return;
+ let endPoint = [endPoint2[0] + ((endPoint1[0] - endPoint2[0]) * endPointUpdated) / 100, endPoint2[1] + ((endPoint1[1] - endPoint2[1]) * endPointUpdated) / 100, endPoint2[2] + ((endPoint1[2] - endPoint2[2]) * endPointUpdated) / 100];
+ let pingPoint = [startPoint[0] + xSpeed2 * this.ping, startPoint[1] + ySpeed2 * this.ping, startPoint[2] + zSpeed2 * this.ping];
+ renderUtils.drawLineWithDepth(startPoint[0], startPoint[1] + 2, startPoint[2], endPoint[0], endPoint[1] + 2, endPoint[2], 255, 0, 0, 2);
+ if (this.ping < time) {
+ renderUtils.drawBoxAtBlockNotVisThruWalls(pingPoint[0] - 0.5, pingPoint[1] + 1.5, pingPoint[2] - 0.5, 0, 255, 0);
+ renderUtils.drawBoxAtBlockNotVisThruWalls(endPoint[0] - 0.5, endPoint[1] + 1.5, endPoint[2] - 0.5, 255, 0, 0);
+ } else {
+ renderUtils.drawBoxAtBlockNotVisThruWalls(endPoint[0] - 0.5, endPoint[1] + 1.5, endPoint[2] - 0.5, 0, 0, 255);
+ }
+ // if(this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()] && this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook){
+ // Tessellator.drawString((time/1000).toFixed(3)+"s", endPoint[0], endPoint[1]+2, endPoint[2])
+ // }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.blazeX !== -1 && this.blazes.length > 0 && this.blazeSolver.getValue()) {
+ renderUtils.drawBoxAtEntity(this.blazes[0], 255, 0, 0, 1, 2, ticks, 2);
+ let lastLoc = [this.blazes[0].getX(), this.blazes[0].getY() + 1.5, this.blazes[0].getZ()];
+ this.blazes.forEach((blaze, i) => {
+ if (i < 3 && i !== 0) {
+ renderUtils.drawLineWithDepth(lastLoc[0], lastLoc[1], lastLoc[2], blaze.getX(), blaze.getY() + 1.5, blaze.getZ(), i === 1 ? 0 : 255, i === 1 ? 255 : 0, 0, 3 / i);
+ lastLoc = [blaze.getX(), blaze.getY() + 1.5, blaze.getZ()];
+ }
+ });
+ }
- }
- renderEntity(entity, position, ticks, event) {
+ renderEntity(entity, position, ticks, event) {
if (this.lividFindNametags.getValue()) {
if (this.lividData.correctLividEntity) {
if (entity.getName().includes("Livid") && entity.getName().includes("❤") && entity.getUUID() !== this.lividData.correctLividEntity.getUUID()) {
@@ -234,353 +379,379 @@ class DungeonSolvers extends Feature {
- }
- renderHud() {
- if(this.bearSpawning && this.bearSpawning > 0){
- this.spiritBearSpawnElement.setText("&dBear spawned in: &c" + (Math.max(0,this.bearSpawning-Date.now())/1000).toFixed(2) + "s")
- }else{
- this.spiritBearSpawnElement.setText("")
- for (let element of this.hudElements) {
- element.render();
- }
- }
- onWorldLoad() {
- this.lividData.correctLividColor = undefined;
- this.lividData.correctLividColorHP = undefined;
- this.lividData.sayLividColors = [];
- this.lividData.sayLividColors2 = [];
- this.lividData.correctLividEntity = undefined;
- this.lividHpElement && this.lividHpElement.setText("");
- this.startSpawningTime = 0;
- this.spawnIdThing = 0;
- this.eMovingThing = {};
- this.bloodX = -1;
- this.bloodY = -1;
- this.blazeX = -1;
- this.blazeY = -1;
- this.skulls = [];
- this.arrows = []
- this.blazes = []
- World.getAllEntitiesOfType(net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityArmorStand).forEach((e) => {
- if (e.getEntity()[m.getEquipmentInSlot](4) && e.getEntity()[m.getEquipmentInSlot](4)[m.getDisplayName.ItemStack]().endsWith(getSkullName())) {
- this.addSkull(e);
+ renderHud() {
+ if (this.bearSpawning && this.bearSpawning > 0) {
+ this.spiritBearSpawnElement.setText("&dBear spawned in: &c" + (Math.max(0, this.bearSpawning - Date.now()) / 1000).toFixed(2) + "s");
+ } else {
+ this.spiritBearSpawnElement.setText("");
- });
- World.getAllEntitiesOfType(EntityBlaze).forEach((e) => {
- this.addBlaze(e)
- });
- // World.getAllEntitiesOfType(EntityArrow).forEach((e) => {
- // this.arrows.push(e)
- // });
- }
- step2() {
- if (this.bloodCampAssist.getValue()) {
- this.skulls.forEach((skull) => {
- let skullE = skull.getEntity();
- // renderUtils.drawBoxAtEntity(skull, 255, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, ticks)
- let xSpeed = skullE[f.posX.Entity] - skullE[f.lastTickPosX];
- let ySpeed = skullE[f.posY.Entity] - skullE[f.lastTickPosY];
- let zSpeed = skullE[f.posZ.Entity] - skullE[f.lastTickPosZ];
- if (this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()] && Date.now() - this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].startMovingTime > 5000) {
- this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].logged = true;
- this.spawnIdThing++;
- delete this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()];
- this.skulls = this.skulls.filter((e) => {
- if (e.getUUID().toString() === skull.getUUID().toString()) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- });
- return;
- }
- if (xSpeed !== 0 || ySpeed !== 0) {
- if (!this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()]) this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()] = { startMovingTime: Date.now(), startX: skullE[f.posX.Entity], startY: skullE[f.posY.Entity], startZ: skullE[f.posZ.Entity] };
- if (this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].lastX !== skullE[f.posX.Entity] || this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].lastY !== skullE[f.posY.Entity]) {
- this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook = Date.now() - this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].startMovingTime;
- } else if (!this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].logged && (skullE[f.isDead] || !skullE[m.getEquipmentInSlot](4) || !skullE[m.getEquipmentInSlot](4)[m.getDisplayName.ItemStack]().endsWith(getSkullName()))) {
- this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].logged = true;
- this.spawnIdThing++;
- delete this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()];
- this.skulls = this.skulls.filter((e) => {
- if (e.getUUID().toString() === skull.getUUID().toString()) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- });
- return;
- }
- this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].lastX = skullE[f.posX.Entity];
- this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].lastY = skullE[f.posY.Entity];
- if (!this.startSpawningTime) this.startSpawningTime = Date.now();
- }
- if (this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()] && this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook) {
- let startPoint = [skullE[f.posX.Entity], skullE[f.posY.Entity], skullE[f.posZ.Entity]];
- let xSpeed2 = (startPoint[0] - this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].startX) / this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook;
- let ySpeed2 = (startPoint[1] - this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].startY) / this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook;
- let zSpeed2 = (startPoint[2] - this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].startZ) / this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook;
- let time = (this.spawnIdThing >= 4 ? 2900 : 4875) - this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook;
- let endPoint = [startPoint[0] + xSpeed2 * time, startPoint[1] + ySpeed2 * time, startPoint[2] + zSpeed2 * time];
- this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].endPointLast = this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].endPoint;
- this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].endPoint = endPoint;
- this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].endPointUpdated = Date.now();
- // if(this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()] && this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook){
- // Tessellator.drawString((time/1000).toFixed(3)+"s", endPoint[0], endPoint[1]+2, endPoint[2])
- // }
- }
- });
- }
- if(this.blazeX !== -1){
- this.blazes = this.blazes.filter(e=>!e.getEntity()[f.isDead])
- this.blazes.sort((a, b)=>a.getEntity().func_110143_aJ()-b.getEntity().func_110143_aJ())
- if(World.getBlockAt(this.blazeX+17-43, 18, this.blazeY+16-43).getType().getID() === 9){
- this.blazes = this.blazes.reverse()
+ for (let element of this.hudElements) {
+ element.render();
- // this.arrows = this.arrows.filter(e=>{
- // let x = e.getX()
- // let y = e.getY()
- // let z = e.getZ()
+ onWorldLoad() {
+ this.goneInBonus = false;
+ this.bloodOpenedBonus = false;
+ this.lividData.correctLividColor = undefined;
+ this.lividData.correctLividColorHP = undefined;
+ this.lividData.sayLividColors = [];
+ this.lividData.sayLividColors2 = [];
+ this.lividData.correctLividEntity = undefined;
+ this.lividHpElement && this.lividHpElement.setText("");
+ this.startSpawningTime = 0;
+ this.spawnIdThing = 0;
+ this.eMovingThing = {};
+ this.bloodX = -1;
+ this.bloodY = -1;
+ this.blazeX = -1;
+ this.blazeY = -1;
+ this.skulls = [];
+ this.arrows = [];
+ this.blazes = [];
+ World.getAllEntitiesOfType(net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityArmorStand).forEach((e) => {
+ if (e.getEntity()[m.getEquipmentInSlot](4) && e.getEntity()[m.getEquipmentInSlot](4)[m.getDisplayName.ItemStack]().endsWith(getSkullName())) {
+ this.addSkull(e);
+ }
+ });
+ World.getAllEntitiesOfType(EntityBlaze).forEach((e) => {
+ this.addBlaze(e);
+ });
+ // World.getAllEntitiesOfType(EntityArrow).forEach((e) => {
+ // this.arrows.push(e)
+ // });
+ }
+ step2() {
+ if (this.scoreCalculation.getValue()) this.calculateDungeonScore();
+ if (this.bloodCampAssist.getValue()) {
+ this.skulls.forEach((skull) => {
+ let skullE = skull.getEntity();
+ // renderUtils.drawBoxAtEntity(skull, 255, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, ticks)
+ let xSpeed = skullE[f.posX.Entity] - skullE[f.lastTickPosX];
+ let ySpeed = skullE[f.posY.Entity] - skullE[f.lastTickPosY];
+ let zSpeed = skullE[f.posZ.Entity] - skullE[f.lastTickPosZ];
+ if (this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()] && Date.now() - this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].startMovingTime > 5000) {
+ this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].logged = true;
+ this.spawnIdThing++;
+ delete this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()];
+ this.skulls = this.skulls.filter((e) => {
+ if (e.getUUID().toString() === skull.getUUID().toString()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ if (xSpeed !== 0 || ySpeed !== 0) {
+ if (!this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()]) this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()] = { startMovingTime: Date.now(), startX: skullE[f.posX.Entity], startY: skullE[f.posY.Entity], startZ: skullE[f.posZ.Entity] };
+ if (this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].lastX !== skullE[f.posX.Entity] || this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].lastY !== skullE[f.posY.Entity]) {
+ this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook = Date.now() - this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].startMovingTime;
+ } else if (!this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].logged && (skullE[f.isDead] || !skullE[m.getEquipmentInSlot](4) || !skullE[m.getEquipmentInSlot](4)[m.getDisplayName.ItemStack]().endsWith(getSkullName()))) {
+ this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].logged = true;
+ this.spawnIdThing++;
+ delete this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()];
+ this.skulls = this.skulls.filter((e) => {
+ if (e.getUUID().toString() === skull.getUUID().toString()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].lastX = skullE[f.posX.Entity];
+ this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].lastY = skullE[f.posY.Entity];
- // let mX = e.getMotionX()
- // let mY = e.getMotionY()
- // let mZ = e.getMotionZ()
+ if (!this.startSpawningTime) this.startSpawningTime = Date.now();
+ }
+ if (this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()] && this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook) {
+ let startPoint = [skullE[f.posX.Entity], skullE[f.posY.Entity], skullE[f.posZ.Entity]];
+ let xSpeed2 = (startPoint[0] - this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].startX) / this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook;
+ let ySpeed2 = (startPoint[1] - this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].startY) / this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook;
+ let zSpeed2 = (startPoint[2] - this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].startZ) / this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook;
+ let time = (this.spawnIdThing >= 4 ? 2900 : 4875) - this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook;
+ let endPoint = [startPoint[0] + xSpeed2 * time, startPoint[1] + ySpeed2 * time, startPoint[2] + zSpeed2 * time];
+ this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].endPointLast = this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].endPoint;
+ this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].endPoint = endPoint;
+ this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].endPointUpdated = Date.now();
+ // if(this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()] && this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].timeTook){
+ // Tessellator.drawString((time/1000).toFixed(3)+"s", endPoint[0], endPoint[1]+2, endPoint[2])
+ // }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.blazeX !== -1) {
+ this.blazes = this.blazes.filter((e) => !e.getEntity()[f.isDead]);
- // for(let i = 0;i<100;i++){
- // x+=mX
- // y+=mY
- // z+=mZ
+ this.blazes.sort((a, b) => a.getEntity().func_110143_aJ() - b.getEntity().func_110143_aJ());
+ if (
+ World.getBlockAt(this.blazeX + 17 - 43, 18, this.blazeY + 16 - 43)
+ .getType()
+ .getID() === 9
+ ) {
+ this.blazes = this.blazes.reverse();
+ }
+ }
+ // this.arrows = this.arrows.filter(e=>{
+ // let x = e.getX()
+ // let y = e.getY()
+ // let z = e.getZ()
+ // let mX = e.getMotionX()
+ // let mY = e.getMotionY()
+ // let mZ = e.getMotionZ()
+ // for(let i = 0;i<100;i++){
+ // x+=mX
+ // y+=mY
+ // z+=mZ
- // mX*=0.99
- // mY*=0.99
- // mZ*=0.99
+ // mX*=0.99
+ // mY*=0.99
+ // mZ*=0.99
- // mY-=0.05
+ // mY-=0.05
- // this.blazes = this.blazes.filter(e1=>{
- // let boundingBox = e1.getEntity().func_174813_aQ()
+ // this.blazes = this.blazes.filter(e1=>{
+ // let boundingBox = e1.getEntity().func_174813_aQ()
- // if(boundingBox.intersectsWith(new AxisAlignedBB(x-e.getEntity().field_70130_N/2,y,z-e.getEntity().field_70130_N/2,x+e.getEntity().field_70130_N/2,y+e.getEntity().field_70131_O,z+e.getEntity().field_70130_N/2))){
- // return false
- // }
- // return true
- // })
- // if(World.getBlockAt(x, y, z).getType().getID() !== 0){
- // break;
- // }
- // }
+ // if(boundingBox.intersectsWith(new AxisAlignedBB(x-e.getEntity().field_70130_N/2,y,z-e.getEntity().field_70130_N/2,x+e.getEntity().field_70130_N/2,y+e.getEntity().field_70131_O,z+e.getEntity().field_70130_N/2))){
+ // return false
+ // }
+ // return true
+ // })
- // return !e.getEntity()[f.isDead]
- // })
+ // if(World.getBlockAt(x, y, z).getType().getID() !== 0){
+ // break;
+ // }
+ // }
- if(this.spiritBearSpawnTimer.getValue() && (this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonFloor === "F4" || this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonFloor === "M4")){
- let id = World.getBlockAt(7, 77, 34).type.getID()
+ // return !e.getEntity()[f.isDead]
+ // })
- if((!this.bearSpawning || (this.bearSpawning<0 && this.bearSpawning>-Date.now()+500)) && id === 169){
- this.bearSpawning = Date.now()+3500
+ if (this.spiritBearSpawnTimer.getValue() && (this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonFloor === "F4" || this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonFloor === "M4")) {
+ let id = World.getBlockAt(7, 77, 34).type.getID();
+ if ((!this.bearSpawning || (this.bearSpawning < 0 && this.bearSpawning > -Date.now() + 500)) && id === 169) {
+ this.bearSpawning = Date.now() + 3500;
+ }
- }
- addSkull(skull) {
- if (this.bloodX !== -1) {
- let xA = (skull.getX()+8) - ((skull.getX()+8) % 32);
- let yA = (skull.getZ()+8) - ((skull.getZ()+8) % 32);
- if (xA !== this.bloodX || yA !== this.bloodY) return;
- } else {
- if (skull.getEntity()[m.getEquipmentInSlot](4)[m.getDisplayName.ItemStack]().trim() === getPlayerHeadName().replace("%s",Player.getName())) {
- this.bloodX = (skull.getX()+8) - ((skull.getX()+8) % 32);
- this.bloodY = (skull.getZ()+8) - ((skull.getZ()+8) % 32);
- this.skulls = [];
- World.getAllEntitiesOfType(net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityArmorStand).forEach((e) => {
- if (e.getEntity()[m.getEquipmentInSlot](4) && e.getEntity()[m.getEquipmentInSlot](4)[m.getDisplayName.ItemStack]().endsWith(getSkullName())) {
- this.addSkull(e);
- }
- });
- }
- return;
- }
- this.skulls.push(skull);
- }
- addBlaze(blaze){
- if(!this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonFloor) return
- if(this.blazeX === -1){
- this.blazes.push(blaze)
- let locs = {}
- this.blazes.forEach(b=>{
- if(!locs[((b.getX()+8)-((b.getX()+8)%32))+"_"+((b.getZ()+8)-((b.getZ()+8)%32))])locs[((b.getX()+8)-((b.getX()+8)%32))+"_"+((b.getZ()+8)-((b.getZ()+8)%32))] = 0
- locs[((b.getX()+8)-((b.getX()+8)%32))+"_"+((b.getZ()+8)-((b.getZ()+8)%32))]++
- })
- Object.keys(locs).forEach(k=>{
- if(locs[k] === 4){
- [this.blazeX, this.blazeY] = k.split("_").map(a=>~~a)
+ addSkull(skull) {
+ if (this.bloodX !== -1) {
+ let xA = skull.getX() + 8 - ((skull.getX() + 8) % 32);
+ let yA = skull.getZ() + 8 - ((skull.getZ() + 8) % 32);
+ if (xA !== this.bloodX || yA !== this.bloodY) return;
+ } else {
+ if (skull.getEntity()[m.getEquipmentInSlot](4)[m.getDisplayName.ItemStack]().trim() === getPlayerHeadName().replace("%s", Player.getName())) {
+ this.bloodX = skull.getX() + 8 - ((skull.getX() + 8) % 32);
+ this.bloodY = skull.getZ() + 8 - ((skull.getZ() + 8) % 32);
+ this.skulls = [];
+ World.getAllEntitiesOfType(net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityArmorStand).forEach((e) => {
+ if (e.getEntity()[m.getEquipmentInSlot](4) && e.getEntity()[m.getEquipmentInSlot](4)[m.getDisplayName.ItemStack]().endsWith(getSkullName())) {
+ this.addSkull(e);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ this.skulls.push(skull);
+ }
+ addBlaze(blaze) {
+ if (!this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonFloor) return;
+ if (this.blazeX === -1) {
+ this.blazes.push(blaze);
+ let locs = {};
+ this.blazes.forEach((b) => {
+ if (!locs[b.getX() + 8 - ((b.getX() + 8) % 32) + "_" + (b.getZ() + 8 - ((b.getZ() + 8) % 32))]) locs[b.getX() + 8 - ((b.getX() + 8) % 32) + "_" + (b.getZ() + 8 - ((b.getZ() + 8) % 32))] = 0;
+ locs[b.getX() + 8 - ((b.getX() + 8) % 32) + "_" + (b.getZ() + 8 - ((b.getZ() + 8) % 32))]++;
+ });
+ Object.keys(locs).forEach((k) => {
+ if (locs[k] === 4) {
+ [this.blazeX, this.blazeY] = k.split("_").map((a) => ~~a);
- })
+ });
- if(this.blazeX !== -1){
- this.blazes = []
- World.getAllEntitiesOfType(EntityBlaze).forEach((e)=>{
- if((e.getX()+8)-(e.getX()+8)%32 === this.blazeX && (e.getZ()+8)-(e.getZ()+8)%32 === this.blazeY){
- this.blazes.push(e)
+ if (this.blazeX !== -1) {
+ this.blazes = [];
+ World.getAllEntitiesOfType(EntityBlaze).forEach((e) => {
+ if (e.getX() + 8 - ((e.getX() + 8) % 32) === this.blazeX && e.getZ() + 8 - ((e.getZ() + 8) % 32) === this.blazeY) {
+ this.blazes.push(e);
- })
+ });
- }else{
- if((blaze.getX()+8)-(blaze.getX()+8)%32 === this.blazeX && (blaze.getZ()+8)-(blaze.getZ()+8)%32 === this.blazeY){
- this.blazes.push(blaze)
- this.blazes.sort((a, b)=>a.getEntity().func_110143_aJ()-b.getEntity().func_110143_aJ())
- if(World.getBlockAt(this.blazeX+17-43, 18, this.blazeY+16-43).getType().getID() === 9){
- this.blazes = this.blazes.reverse()
+ } else {
+ if (blaze.getX() + 8 - ((blaze.getX() + 8) % 32) === this.blazeX && blaze.getZ() + 8 - ((blaze.getZ() + 8) % 32) === this.blazeY) {
+ this.blazes.push(blaze);
+ this.blazes.sort((a, b) => a.getEntity().func_110143_aJ() - b.getEntity().func_110143_aJ());
+ if (
+ World.getBlockAt(this.blazeX + 17 - 43, 18, this.blazeY + 16 - 43)
+ .getType()
+ .getID() === 9
+ ) {
+ this.blazes = this.blazes.reverse();
- step() {
- //2fps
- if (this.lividFindEnabled.getValue() && (this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonFloor === "F5" || this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonFloor === "M5")) {
- let type = World.getBlockAt(3, 108, 30).getMetadata();
- let typeReplace = {
- 0: "Vendetta",
- 2: "Crossed",
- 4: "Arcade",
- 5: "Smile",
- 6: "Crossed",
- 7: "Doctor",
- 8: "Doctor",
- 10: "Purple",
- 11: "Scream",
- 13: "Frog",
- 14: "Hockey",
- };
- World.getAllEntities().forEach((entity) => {
- let entityName = entity.getName();
- if (entityName.includes("Livid") && entityName.includes("❤")) {
- // ChatLib.chat("D: " + entityName.substr(1, 1) + " asd " + this.lividData.lividColor[typeReplace[type]].split("").pop())
- if (entityName.substr(1, 1) === this.lividData.lividColor[typeReplace[type]].split("").pop()) {
- this.lividHpElement.setText(entityName);
- this.lividData.correctLividEntity = entity;
- }
- }
- });
- }
- if (this.lividData.correctLividEntity) {
- if (!this.renderEntityEvent) {
- this.renderEntityEvent = this.registerEvent("renderEntity", this.renderEntity);
- }
- } else {
- if (this.renderEntityEvent) {
- this.unregisterEvent(this.renderEntityEvent);
- this.renderEntityEvent = undefined;
- }
- }
- this.spiritBowPickUps = this.spiritBowPickUps.filter((pickUp) => Date.now() - pickUp < 20000);
- if (this.spiritBowPickUps[0]) {
- this.spiritBowDestroyElement.setText("&dBow Destroyed in: &c" + Math.round((this.spiritBowPickUps[0] + 20000 - Date.now()) / 1000) + "s");
- } else {
- this.spiritBowDestroyElement.setText("");
- }
- // this.spiritBowPickUps
- if (this.bloodCampAssist.getValue()) {
- this.todoE.forEach((e) => {
- let en = new Entity(e);
- // console.log(en.getName())
- if (en.getName().trim() === getArmorStandName() && e[m.getEquipmentInSlot](4) && e[m.getEquipmentInSlot](4)[m.getDisplayName.ItemStack]().endsWith(getSkullName())) {
- this.addSkull(en);
- }
- });
- this.todoE = [];
- if (Date.now() - this.lastPingCheck > 60000 * 30 || (Date.now() - this.lastPingCheck > 60000 && this.lastPings.includes(undefined)) && this.bloodX!== -1) {
- this.lastPingCheck = Date.now();
- ChatLib.command("whereami");
- this.checkingPing = true;
- }
- }
- let averageExp = this.lastDungExps.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / this.lastDungExps.length;
- let averageLength = (this.lastDungFinishes[this.lastDungFinishes.length - 1] - this.lastDungFinishes[0]) / (this.lastDungFinishes.length - 1);
- let runsperHour = (60000 * 60) / averageLength;
- let expPerHour = averageExp * runsperHour;
- if (Date.now() - this.lastDungFinishes[this.lastDungFinishes.length - 1] < 60000 * 5 || this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonFloor) {
- if (this.lastDungFinishes.length > 1) {
- this.runSpeedRatesElement.setText("&6Run speed&7> &f" + Math.floor(averageLength / 60000) + ":" + ((Math.floor(averageLength / 1000) % 60 < 10 ? "0" : "") + (Math.floor(averageLength / 1000) % 60)) + "\n&6Exp/hour&7> &f" + numberWithCommas(Math.round(expPerHour)) + "\n&6Runs/hour&7> &f" + Math.floor(runsperHour));
- } else {
- this.runSpeedRatesElement.setText("&6Run speed&7> &fLoading...\n&6Exp/hour&7> &fLoading...\n&6Runs/hour&7> &fLoading...");
- }
- } else {
- this.runSpeedRatesElement.setText("");
- }
- }
- initVariables() {
- this.lividFindEnabled = undefined;
- this.lividData = undefined;
- this.hudElements = [];
- }
- onDisable() {
- this.initVariables();
- }
+ step() {
+ this.failedPuzzleCount = 0;
+ this.totalPuzzleCount = 0;
+ this.completedPuzzleCount = 0;
+ TabList.getNames().forEach((n) => {
+ let name = ChatLib.removeFormatting(n).trim().split(" ");
+ let end = name.pop();
+ // console.log(end) Water Board: [✔]
+ if (end !== "[✦]" && end !== "[✔]" && end !== "[✖]") {
+ end = name.pop();
+ // console.log(end) Water Board: [✔]
+ if (end !== "[✦]" && end !== "[✔]" && end !== "[✖]") return;
+ }
+ this.totalPuzzleCount++;
+ if (end === "[✖]") this.failedPuzzleCount++;
+ if (end === "[✔]") this.completedPuzzleCount++;
+ });
+ if (this.lividFindEnabled.getValue() && (this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonFloor === "F5" || this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonFloor === "M5")) {
+ let type = World.getBlockAt(3, 108, 30).getMetadata();
+ let typeReplace = {
+ 0: "Vendetta",
+ 2: "Crossed",
+ 4: "Arcade",
+ 5: "Smile",
+ 6: "Crossed",
+ 7: "Doctor",
+ 8: "Doctor",
+ 10: "Purple",
+ 11: "Scream",
+ 13: "Frog",
+ 14: "Hockey",
+ };
+ World.getAllEntities().forEach((entity) => {
+ let entityName = entity.getName();
+ if (entityName.includes("Livid") && entityName.includes("❤")) {
+ // ChatLib.chat("D: " + entityName.substr(1, 1) + " asd " + this.lividData.lividColor[typeReplace[type]].split("").pop())
+ if (entityName.substr(1, 1) === this.lividData.lividColor[typeReplace[type]].split("").pop()) {
+ this.lividHpElement.setText(entityName);
+ this.lividData.correctLividEntity = entity;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.lividData.correctLividEntity) {
+ if (!this.renderEntityEvent) {
+ this.renderEntityEvent = this.registerEvent("renderEntity", this.renderEntity);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (this.renderEntityEvent) {
+ this.unregisterEvent(this.renderEntityEvent);
+ this.renderEntityEvent = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ this.spiritBowPickUps = this.spiritBowPickUps.filter((pickUp) => Date.now() - pickUp < 20000);
+ if (this.spiritBowPickUps[0]) {
+ this.spiritBowDestroyElement.setText("&dBow Destroyed in: &c" + Math.round((this.spiritBowPickUps[0] + 20000 - Date.now()) / 1000) + "s");
+ } else {
+ this.spiritBowDestroyElement.setText("");
+ }
+ // this.spiritBowPickUps
+ if (this.bloodCampAssist.getValue()) {
+ this.todoE.forEach((e) => {
+ let en = new Entity(e);
+ // console.log(en.getName())
+ if (en.getName().trim() === getArmorStandName() && e[m.getEquipmentInSlot](4) && e[m.getEquipmentInSlot](4)[m.getDisplayName.ItemStack]().endsWith(getSkullName())) {
+ this.addSkull(en);
+ }
+ });
+ this.todoE = [];
+ if (Date.now() - this.lastPingCheck > 60000 * 30 || (Date.now() - this.lastPingCheck > 60000 && this.lastPings.includes(undefined) && this.bloodX !== -1)) {
+ this.lastPingCheck = Date.now();
+ ChatLib.command("whereami");
+ this.checkingPing = true;
+ }
+ }
+ let averageExp = this.lastDungExps.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / this.lastDungExps.length;
+ let averageLength = (this.lastDungFinishes[this.lastDungFinishes.length - 1] - this.lastDungFinishes[0]) / (this.lastDungFinishes.length - 1);
+ let runsperHour = (60000 * 60) / averageLength;
+ let expPerHour = averageExp * runsperHour;
+ if (Date.now() - this.lastDungFinishes[this.lastDungFinishes.length - 1] < 60000 * 5 || this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonFloor) {
+ if (this.lastDungFinishes.length > 1) {
+ this.runSpeedRatesElement.setText("&6Run speed&7> &f" + Math.floor(averageLength / 60000) + ":" + ((Math.floor(averageLength / 1000) % 60 < 10 ? "0" : "") + (Math.floor(averageLength / 1000) % 60)) + "\n&6Exp/hour&7> &f" + numberWithCommas(Math.round(expPerHour)) + "\n&6Runs/hour&7> &f" + Math.floor(runsperHour));
+ } else {
+ this.runSpeedRatesElement.setText("&6Run speed&7> &fLoading...\n&6Exp/hour&7> &fLoading...\n&6Runs/hour&7> &fLoading...");
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.runSpeedRatesElement.setText("");
+ }
+ }
+ initVariables() {
+ this.lividFindEnabled = undefined;
+ this.lividData = undefined;
+ this.hudElements = [];
+ }
+ onDisable() {
+ this.initVariables();
+ }
module.exports = {
- class: new DungeonSolvers(),
+ class: new DungeonSolvers(),
-function getSkullName(){
- if(translate){
- return translate.func_74805_b("item.skull.char.name")
+function getSkullName() {
+ if (translate) {
+ return translate.func_74805_b("item.skull.char.name");
- return "Head"
+ return "Head";
-function getPlayerHeadName(){
- if(translate){
- return translate.func_74805_b("item.skull.player.name")
+function getPlayerHeadName() {
+ if (translate) {
+ return translate.func_74805_b("item.skull.player.name");
- return "%s's Head"
+ return "%s's Head";
-function getArmorStandName(){
- if(translate){
- return translate.func_74805_b("item.armorStand.name")
+function getArmorStandName() {
+ if (translate) {
+ return translate.func_74805_b("item.armorStand.name");
- return "Armor Stand"
-} \ No newline at end of file
+ return "Armor Stand";