path: root/features
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Diffstat (limited to 'features')
4 files changed, 240 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/features/dataLoader/index.js b/features/dataLoader/index.js
index 6f71f08..23cf744 100644
--- a/features/dataLoader/index.js
+++ b/features/dataLoader/index.js
@@ -30,6 +30,27 @@ class DataLoader extends Feature {
this.api_loaded_event = this.createCustomEvent("apiLoad")
+ this.checkingPing = false;
+ this.lastPingCheck = 0;
+ this.lastPings = [undefined, undefined, undefined];
+ this.ping = 0;
+ this.pingI = 0;
+ this.registerChat("&b&bYou are currently connected to server &6${*}&r", (e) => {
+ if (this.checkingPing) {
+ this.lastPings[this.pingI % 3] = Date.now() - this.lastPingCheck;
+ cancel(e);
+ this.checkingPing = false;
+ if (this.lastPings.includes(undefined)) {
+ this.ping = this.lastPings[this.pingI % 3];
+ } else {
+ this.ping = [...this.lastPings].sort((a, b) => a - b)[1];
+ }
+ this.pingI++;
+ }
+ });
this.lastServer = undefined
this.lastSentServer = 0
@@ -93,6 +114,15 @@ class DataLoader extends Feature {
+ getPing() {
+ if (Date.now() - this.lastPingCheck > 60000 * 30 || (Date.now() - this.lastPingCheck > 60000 && this.lastPings.includes(undefined) && this.bloodX !== -1)) {
+ this.lastPingCheck = Date.now();
+ ChatLib.command("whereami");
+ this.checkingPing = true;
+ }
+ return this.ping || 0
+ }
step_5min() {
fetch("http://soopy.dev/api/v2/mayor").json(data => {
if (!data.success) return
diff --git a/features/dungeonSolvers/index.js b/features/dungeonSolvers/index.js
index 144951a..cc7de31 100644
--- a/features/dungeonSolvers/index.js
+++ b/features/dungeonSolvers/index.js
@@ -241,11 +241,6 @@ class DungeonSolvers extends Feature {
this.totalPuzzleCount = 0;
this.completedPuzzleCount = 0;
- this.checkingPing = false;
- this.lastPingCheck = 0;
- this.lastPings = [undefined, undefined, undefined];
- this.ping = 0;
- this.pingI = 0;
this.ezpz = false
this.arrows = [];
@@ -341,20 +336,6 @@ class DungeonSolvers extends Feature {
this.firstDeath = false
this.firstDeathHadSpirit = false
- this.registerChat("&b&bYou are currently connected to server &6${*}&r", (e) => {
- if (this.checkingPing) {
- this.lastPings[this.pingI % 3] = Date.now() - this.lastPingCheck;
- cancel(e);
- this.checkingPing = false;
- if (this.lastPings.includes(undefined)) {
- this.ping = this.lastPings[this.pingI % 3];
- } else {
- this.ping = [...this.lastPings].sort((a, b) => a - b)[1];
- }
- this.pingI++;
- }
- });
this.registerForge(net.minecraftforge.event.entity.EntityJoinWorldEvent, this.entityJoinWorldEvent).registeredWhen(() => this.isInDungeon() && !this.inBoss);
@@ -754,12 +735,13 @@ class DungeonSolvers extends Feature {
let endPoint2 = this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].endPointLast;
let endPointUpdated = Math.min(Date.now() - this.eMovingThing[skull.getUUID().toString()].endPointUpdated, 100);
if (!endPoint2) return;
+ let ping = this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.getPing()
let endPoint = [endPoint2[0] + ((endPoint1[0] - endPoint2[0]) * endPointUpdated) / 100, endPoint2[1] + ((endPoint1[1] - endPoint2[1]) * endPointUpdated) / 100, endPoint2[2] + ((endPoint1[2] - endPoint2[2]) * endPointUpdated) / 100];
- let pingPoint = [startPoint[0] + xSpeed2 * this.ping, startPoint[1] + ySpeed2 * this.ping, startPoint[2] + zSpeed2 * this.ping];
+ let pingPoint = [startPoint[0] + xSpeed2 * ping, startPoint[1] + ySpeed2 * ping, startPoint[2] + zSpeed2 * ping];
renderUtils.drawLineWithDepth(startPoint[0], startPoint[1] + 2, startPoint[2], endPoint[0], endPoint[1] + 2, endPoint[2], 255, 0, 0, 2);
- if (this.ping < time) {
+ if (ping < time) {
renderUtils.drawBoxAtBlockNotVisThruWalls(pingPoint[0] - 0.5, pingPoint[1] + 1.5, pingPoint[2] - 0.5, 0, 255, 0);
renderUtils.drawBoxAtBlockNotVisThruWalls(endPoint[0] - 0.5, endPoint[1] + 1.5, endPoint[2] - 0.5, 255, 0, 0);
} else {
@@ -1219,12 +1201,6 @@ class DungeonSolvers extends Feature {
this.todoE = [];
- if (Date.now() - this.lastPingCheck > 60000 * 30 || (Date.now() - this.lastPingCheck > 60000 && this.lastPings.includes(undefined) && this.bloodX !== -1)) {
- this.lastPingCheck = Date.now();
- ChatLib.command("whereami");
- this.checkingPing = true;
- }
let averageExp = this.lastDungExps.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / this.lastDungExps.length;
diff --git a/features/events/index.js b/features/events/index.js
index 6a19f94..d0edeb2 100644
--- a/features/events/index.js
+++ b/features/events/index.js
@@ -146,21 +146,23 @@ class Events extends Feature {
this.locs = []
- this.predictions = []
- this.registerEvent("renderWorld", () => {
- for (let loc of this.locs) {
- drawBoxAtBlock(loc[0], loc[1], loc[2], 255, 0, 0, 0.05, 0.05)
- }
- for (let loc of this.predictions) {
- drawBoxAtBlock(loc[0], loc[1], loc[2], 0, 255, 0, 0.05, 0.05)
- }
- })
- this.registerCommand("clearlocs", () => {
- this.locs = []
- this.predictions = []
- ChatLib.chat(this.FeatureManager.messagePrefix + "Cleared all locs!")
- })
+ // this.predictions = []
+ // this.predictionsOld = []
+ // this.registerEvent("renderWorld", () => {
+ // for (let loc of this.locs) {
+ // drawBoxAtBlock(loc[0], loc[1], loc[2], 255, 0, 0, 0.05, 0.05)
+ // }
+ // for (let loc of this.predictions) {
+ // drawBoxAtBlock(loc[0], loc[1], loc[2], 0, 255, 0, 0.05, 0.05)
+ // }
+ // })
+ // this.registerCommand("clearlocs", () => {
+ // this.locs = []
+ // this.predictions = []
+ // // this.predictionsOld = []
+ // ChatLib.chat(this.FeatureManager.messagePrefix + "Cleared all locs!")
+ // })
step_1fps() {
@@ -216,7 +218,14 @@ class Events extends Feature {
if (this.showingWaypoints) {
if (this.guessPoint && this.showBurrialGuess.getValue()) {
let warpLoc = this.getClosestWarp()
- drawCoolWaypoint(this.guessPoint[0], this.guessPoint[1], this.guessPoint[2], 255, 255, 0, { name: "§eGuess" + (warpLoc ? " §7(" + warpLoc + ")" : "") })
+ if (this.guessPoint2) {
+ let gY = 131
+ while (World.getBlockAt(this.guessPoint2[0], gY, this.guessPoint2[2]).getType().getID() !== 2 && gY > 70) {
+ gY--
+ }
+ drawCoolWaypoint(this.guessPoint2[0], gY, this.guessPoint2[2], 255, 255, 0, { name: "§eGuess" + (warpLoc ? " §7(" + warpLoc + ")" : "") })
+ }
+ // drawCoolWaypoint(this.guessPoint[0], this.guessPoint[1], this.guessPoint[2], 255, 255, 0, { name: "§7OLD Guess" + (warpLoc ? " §7(" + warpLoc + ")" : "") })
this.burrialData.locations.forEach((loc, i) => {
@@ -394,33 +403,48 @@ class Events extends Feature {
this.lastParticlePoint2 = undefined
this.lastSoundPoint = undefined
this.firstParticlePoint = undefined
+ this.distance = undefined
+ this.locs = []
+ // this.predictionsOld = this.predictions
if (this.lastDingPitch === 0) {
this.lastDingPitch = pitch
+ this.distance = undefined
this.lastParticlePoint = undefined
this.lastParticlePoint2 = undefined
this.lastSoundPoint = undefined
this.firstParticlePoint = undefined
+ this.locs = []
+ // this.predictionsOld = this.predictions
if (this.dingIndex > 1) this.dingSlope.push(pitch - this.lastDingPitch)
- if (this.dingSlope.length > 15) this.dingSlope.shift()
+ if (this.dingSlope.length > 20) this.dingSlope.shift()
let slope = this.dingSlope.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / this.dingSlope.length
// console.log(this.dingSlope.join(","))
this.lastSoundPoint = [pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ()]
this.lastDingPitch = pitch
if (!this.lastParticlePoint2 || !this.particlePoint || !this.firstParticlePoint) return
- this.distance = Math.E / slope - Math.hypot(this.firstParticlePoint[0] - pos.getX(), this.firstParticlePoint[1] - pos.getY(), this.firstParticlePoint[2] - pos.getZ())
+ this.distance2 = Math.E / slope - Math.hypot(this.firstParticlePoint[0] - pos.getX(), this.firstParticlePoint[1] - pos.getY(), this.firstParticlePoint[2] - pos.getZ())
// console.log(this.dingIndex + " " + this.dingSlope / this.dingIndex + " " + pitch + " " + (pitch - this.lastDingPitch))
let lineDist = Math.hypot(this.lastParticlePoint2[0] - this.particlePoint[0], this.lastParticlePoint2[1] - this.particlePoint[1], this.lastParticlePoint2[2] - this.particlePoint[2])
- let distance = this.distance
+ let distance = this.distance2
let changes = [this.particlePoint[0] - this.lastParticlePoint2[0], this.particlePoint[1] - this.lastParticlePoint2[1], this.particlePoint[2] - this.lastParticlePoint2[2]]
changes = changes.map(a => a / lineDist)
this.guessPoint = [this.lastSoundPoint[0] + changes[0] * distance, this.lastSoundPoint[1] + changes[1] * distance, this.lastSoundPoint[2] + changes[2] * distance]
+ // let minD = Infinity
+ // for (let i = 0; i < this.predictions.length; i++) {
+ // let p = this.predictions[i]
+ // let d = (p[0] - this.guessPoint[0]) ** 2 + (p[2] - this.guessPoint[2]) ** 2
+ // if (d < minD) {
+ // minD = d
+ // this.guessPoint2 = [Math.floor(p[0]), 255, Math.floor(p[2])]
+ // }
+ // }
@@ -428,9 +452,6 @@ class Events extends Feature {
* returns [a, b, c]
solveEquasionThing(x, y) {
- let x = [2, 5, 9]
- let y = [0.20408243164745452, -0.327863161630501, -0.40346259488011876]
let a = (-y[0] * x[1] * x[0] - y[1] * x[1] * x[2] + y[1] * x[1] * x[0] + x[1] * x[2] * y[2] + x[0] * x[2] * y[0] - x[0] * x[2] * y[2]) / (x[1] * y[0] - x[1] * y[2] + x[0] * y[2] - y[0] * x[2] + y[1] * x[2] - y[1] * x[0])
let b = (y[0] - y[1]) * (x[0] + a) * (x[1] + a) / (x[1] - x[0])
let c = y[0] - b / (x[0] + a)
@@ -440,48 +461,133 @@ class Events extends Feature {
spawnParticle(particle, type, event) {
if (this.showingWaypoints && this.showBurrialGuess.getValue() && particle.toString().startsWith("EntityDropParticleFX,")) {
- // {
- // let currLoc = [particle.getX(), particle.getY(), particle.getZ()]
- // {
- // let lastPos = this.locs[this.locs.length - 1]
- // console.log(Math.hypot(...currLoc.map((l, i) => {
- // return (l - lastPos[i]) ** 2
- // })))
- // }
- // this.locs.push(currLoc)
- // if (this.locs.length > 4) {
- // let slopeThing = this.locs.map((a, i) => {
- // if (i === 0) return
- // let lastLoc = this.locs[i - 1]
- // let currLoc = a
- // return y = Math.atan((currLoc[0] - lastLoc[0]) / (currLoc[2] - lastLoc[2]))
- // })
- // let [a, b, c] = this.solveEquasionThing([1, 2, 3], [slopeThing[1], slopeThing[2], slopeThing[3]])
- // // console.log(a, b, c)
- // this.predictions = []
- // let lastPos = [this.locs[4][0], this.locs[4][1], this.locs[4][2]]
- // for (let i = 3; i < 50; i++) {
- // let y = b / (i + a) + c
- // let xOff = 2 * Math.sin(y)
- // let zOff = 2 * Math.cos(y)
- // lastPos[0] += xOff
- // lastPos[2] -= zOff
- // this.predictions.push([...lastPos])
- // }
- // // console.log(this.predictions[1].join(" "))
- // }
- // }
let run = false
if (this.lastSoundPoint && !run && Math.abs(particle.getX() - this.lastSoundPoint[0]) < 2 && Math.abs(particle.getY() - this.lastSoundPoint[1]) < 0.5 && Math.abs(particle.getZ() - this.lastSoundPoint[2]) < 2) {
run = true
if (run) {
+ if (this.locs.length === 0 || particle.getX() + particle.getY() + particle.getZ() !== this.locs[this.locs.length - 1][0] + this.locs[this.locs.length - 1][1] + this.locs[this.locs.length - 1][2]) {
+ let currLoc = [particle.getX(), particle.getY(), particle.getZ()]
+ let distMultiplier = 1
+ {
+ if (this.locs.length > 2) {
+ let predictedDist = 0.06507 * this.locs.length + 0.259
+ let lastPos = this.locs[this.locs.length - 1]
+ let actualDist = Math.hypot(...currLoc.map((l, i) => {
+ return (l - lastPos[i])
+ }))
+ distMultiplier = actualDist / predictedDist
+ }
+ // if (this.locs.length > 2 && !this.distance) {
+ // let lastPos = this.locs[this.locs.length - 1]
+ // let dist = Math.hypot(...currLoc.map((l, i) => {
+ // return (l - lastPos[i])
+ // }))
+ // let lastPos2 = this.locs[this.locs.length - 2]
+ // let dist2 = Math.hypot(...currLoc.map((l, i) => {
+ // return (lastPos[i] - lastPos2[i])
+ // }))
+ // // console.log("------")
+ // // console.log(dist - dist2)
+ // this.distance = 20 / (dist - dist2) - (dist - dist2) * 80
+ // console.log(this.distance)
+ // // this.distance -= Math.hypot(this.firstParticlePoint[0] - particle.getX(), this.firstParticlePoint[1] - particle.getY(), this.firstParticlePoint[2] - particle.getZ())
+ // // console.log(Math.sqrt((Player.getX() - this.firstParticlePoint[0]) ** 2 + (Player.getZ() - this.firstParticlePoint[2]) ** 2))
+ // }
+ }
+ this.locs.push(currLoc)
+ if (this.locs.length > 5 && this.guessPoint) {
+ let slopeThing = this.locs.map((a, i) => {
+ if (i === 0) return
+ let lastLoc = this.locs[i - 1]
+ let currLoc = a
+ return Math.atan((currLoc[0] - lastLoc[0]) / (currLoc[2] - lastLoc[2]))
+ })
+ let [a, b, c] = this.solveEquasionThing([slopeThing.length - 5, slopeThing.length - 3, slopeThing.length - 1], [slopeThing[slopeThing.length - 5], slopeThing[slopeThing.length - 3], slopeThing[slopeThing.length - 1]])
+ // console.log(a, b, c)
+ let pr1 = []
+ let pr2 = []
+ let start = slopeThing.length - 1
+ let lastPos = [this.locs[start][0], this.locs[start][1], this.locs[start][2]]
+ let lastPos2 = [this.locs[start][0], this.locs[start][1], this.locs[start][2]]
+ let distCovered = 0
+ // this.locs.forEach((l, i) => {
+ // if (i === 0) return
+ // distCovered += Math.hypot(this.locs[i][0] - this.locs[i - 1][0], this.locs[i][1] - this.locs[i - 1][1], this.locs[i][2] - this.locs[i - 1][2])
+ // })
+ let ySpeed = (this.locs[this.locs.length - 1][1] - this.locs[this.locs.length - 2][1]) / Math.hypot(this.locs[this.locs.length - 1][0] - this.locs[this.locs.length - 2][0], this.locs[this.locs.length - 1][2] - this.locs[this.locs.length - 2][2])
+ for (let i = start + 1; i < 100; i++) {
+ let y = b / (i + a) + c
+ let dist = distMultiplier * (0.06507 * i + 0.259) //This is where the inaccuracy's come from
+ //dist = distance between particles for guessed line
+ let xOff = dist * Math.sin(y)
+ let zOff = dist * Math.cos(y)
+ let dencity = 5
+ for (let o = 0; o < dencity; o++) {
+ lastPos[0] += xOff / dencity
+ lastPos[2] += zOff / dencity
+ lastPos[1] += ySpeed * dist / dencity
+ lastPos2[1] += ySpeed * dist / dencity
+ lastPos2[0] -= xOff / dencity
+ lastPos2[2] -= zOff / dencity
+ pr1.push([...lastPos])
+ pr2.push([...lastPos2])
+ // distCovered += Math.hypot(xOff, zOff) / dencity
+ distCovered = Math.hypot(lastPos[0] - this.lastSoundPoint[0], lastPos[2] - this.lastSoundPoint[2])
+ if (distCovered > this.distance2) break;
+ }
+ if (distCovered > this.distance2) break;
+ }
+ // this.predictions = [...pr1, ...pr2]
+ // let minD = Infinity
+ let p1 = pr1[pr1.length - 1]
+ let p2 = pr2[pr2.length - 1]
+ let d1 = (p1[0] - this.guessPoint[0]) ** 2 + (p1[2] - this.guessPoint[2]) ** 2
+ let d2 = (p2[0] - this.guessPoint[0]) ** 2 + (p2[2] - this.guessPoint[2]) ** 2
+ if (d1 < d2) {
+ this.guessPoint2 = [Math.floor(p1[0]), 255, Math.floor(p1[2])]
+ } else {
+ this.guessPoint2 = [Math.floor(p2[0]), 255, Math.floor(p2[2])]
+ }
+ // for (let i = 0; i < this.predictions.length; i++) {
+ // let p = this.predictions[i]
+ // let d2 = (p[0] - this.guessPoint[0]) ** 2 + (p[2] - this.guessPoint[2]) ** 2
+ // let d = Math.abs(this.distance ** 2 - (p[0] - this.firstParticlePoint[0]) ** 2 + (p[2] - this.firstParticlePoint[2]) ** 2)
+ // if (d < minD && d2 < 50 ** 2) {
+ // minD = d
+ // this.guessPoint2 = [Math.floor(p[0]), 255, Math.floor(p[2])]
+ // }
+ // }
+ // console.log(this.predictions[1].join(" "))
+ }
+ }
if (this.lastParticlePoint === undefined) {
this.firstParticlePoint = [particle.getX(), particle.getY(), particle.getZ()]
@@ -492,7 +598,7 @@ class Events extends Feature {
if (!this.lastParticlePoint2 || !this.particlePoint || !this.firstParticlePoint || !this.distance || !this.lastSoundPoint) return
let lineDist = Math.hypot(this.lastParticlePoint2[0] - this.particlePoint[0], this.lastParticlePoint2[1] - this.particlePoint[1], this.lastParticlePoint2[2] - this.particlePoint[2])
- let distance = this.distance
+ let distance = this.distance2
let changes = [this.particlePoint[0] - this.lastParticlePoint2[0], this.particlePoint[1] - this.lastParticlePoint2[1], this.particlePoint[2] - this.lastParticlePoint2[2]]
changes = changes.map(a => a / lineDist)
this.guessPoint = [this.lastSoundPoint[0] + changes[0] * distance, this.lastSoundPoint[1] + changes[1] * distance, this.lastSoundPoint[2] + changes[2] * distance]
@@ -647,6 +753,9 @@ class Events extends Feature {
burrialClicked() {
+ this.locs = []
+ // this.predictions = []
+ // this.predictionsOld = []
if (this.inquisWaypointSpawned) {
socketConnection.sendInquisData({ loc: null });
this.inquisWaypointSpawned = false
diff --git a/features/nether/index.js b/features/nether/index.js
index 97f9678..9c346f6 100644
--- a/features/nether/index.js
+++ b/features/nether/index.js
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import ToggleSetting from "../settings/settingThings/toggle";
const MCBlock = Java.type("net.minecraft.block.Block");
const ArmorStand = Java.type("net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityArmorStand")
const MCItem = Java.type("net.minecraft.item.Item");
+const EntitySkeleton = Java.type("net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntitySkeleton")
let locationData = {
barbarian: {
@@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ class Nether extends Feature {
this.speedNextBlock = new ToggleSetting("Show next block to stand on for dojo swiftness", "", true, "dojo_swiftness", this)
this.tenacityLine = new ToggleSetting("Show line for fireball in dojo tenacity", "This may help you to dodge the fireballs", false, "dojo_tanacity", this)
this.disciplineOverlay = new ToggleSetting("Show overlay for zombies in dojo discipline", "", true, "dojo_discipline", this).contributor("Empa")
+ this.controlHelper = new ToggleSetting("Shows where you actually have to look for", "control dojo task (accounts for ping)", true, "control_helper", this)
this.hostageWaypoints = new ToggleSetting("Show hostage waypoints", "Waypoint for location of hostage in rescue missions", true, "hostage_waypoint", this)
this.slugfishTimer = new ToggleSetting("Show timer over rod", "This may help with fishing slugfish", false, "slugfish_timer", this)
@@ -76,6 +78,14 @@ class Nether extends Feature {
this.rescueMissionType = undefined
this.lastBlock = undefined
this.hookThrown = 0
+ this.controlSkeleton = undefined
+ this.controlLocLast = undefined
+ this.controlLoc = undefined
+ this.registerChat(" Test of Control OBJECTIVES", () => {
+ this.controlSkeleton = undefined
+ this.controlLocLast = undefined
+ this.controlLoc = undefined
+ })
let packetRecieved = this.registerCustom("packetReceived", this.packetReceived).registeredWhen(() => this.isInDojo())
@@ -107,6 +117,10 @@ class Nether extends Feature {
this.inSwiftness = false
this.lastBlock = undefined
this.inDiscipline = false
+ this.controlLocLast = undefined
+ this.controlLoc = undefined
+ this.controlSkeleton = undefined
this.registerChat("You completed your rescue quest! Visit the Town Board to claim the rewards,", () => {
@@ -159,11 +173,32 @@ class Nether extends Feature {
this.todoE2 = this.todoE
this.todoE = []
+ if (this.controlHelper.getValue() && this.controlSkeleton) {
+ let ping = this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.getPing() / 1000
+ let e = this.controlSkeleton
+ let x = e.getX() + (e.getX() - e.getLastX()) * (20 * ping)
+ let y = e.getY() + (e.getY() - e.getLastY()) * (20 * ping)
+ let z = e.getZ() + (e.getZ() - e.getLastZ()) * (20 * ping)
+ if (x === e.getX() && y === e.getY() && z === e.getZ()) return
+ while (World.getBlockAt(x, y, z).getType().getID() !== 0) { y += 0.2 }
+ if (this.controlLoc) this.controlLocLast = [...this.controlLoc]
+ this.controlLoc = [x - 0.5, y, z - 0.5]
+ } else {
+ this.controlLocLast = undefined
+ this.controlLoc = undefined
+ }
entityJoinWorldEvent(event) {
if (this.tenacityLine.getValue() && event.entity instanceof ArmorStand) this.todoE.push(event.entity)
if (this.disciplineOverlay.getValue() && this.inDiscipline && event.entity instanceof ArmorStand) this.todoF.push(new Entity(event.entity))
+ if (event.entity instanceof EntitySkeleton && !this.controlSkeleton) this.controlSkeleton = new Entity(event.entity)
packetReceived(packet, event) {
@@ -262,6 +297,10 @@ class Nether extends Feature {
Tessellator.drawString(((Date.now() - this.hookThrown) / 1000).toFixed(1) + "s", x, y + 0.5, z, Renderer.color(0, 255, 50), false, 0.025, false)
+ if (this.controlLoc && this.controlLocLast) {
+ drawBoxAtBlock(this.controlLoc[0] * ticks + this.controlLocLast[0] * (1 - ticks), this.controlLoc[1] * ticks + this.controlLocLast[1] * (1 - ticks), this.controlLoc[2] * ticks + this.controlLocLast[2] * (1 - ticks), 255, 0, 0, 1, 2)
+ }
step1S() {