path: root/src/features/specialMining/index.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/features/specialMining/index.js')
1 files changed, 571 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/features/specialMining/index.js b/src/features/specialMining/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e548b87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/features/specialMining/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
+import Feature from "../../featureClass/class";
+import SettingBase from "../settings/settingThings/settingBase";
+import { numberWithCommas, timeNumber } from "../../utils/numberUtils";
+import HudTextElement from "../hud/HudTextElement";
+import LocationSetting from "../settings/settingThings/location";
+import ToggleSetting from "../settings/settingThings/toggle";
+import { delay } from "../../utils/delayUtils";
+import TextSetting from "../settings/settingThings/textSetting";
+import { drawBoxAtBlock, drawFilledBox } from "../../utils/renderUtils";
+import RenderLib2D from "../../utils/renderLib2d";
+import { f, m } from "../../../mappings/mappings";
+class PowderAndScatha extends Feature {
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ }
+ onEnable() {
+ this.initVariables();
+ new SettingBase("Chest Miner", "Powder mining feature here are made mainly for powder chest grinding", undefined, "chest_mining_info", this);
+ this.compactedChat = new ToggleSetting("Compact Powder Messages", "same as the one in skytils but support following setting", false, "compact_powder_chat", this)
+ this.fixChatForDoublePowder = new ToggleSetting("Fix Chat Messages During Double Powder", "so it's the correct amount of powder you received during the event", false, "fix_chat_dpowder", this)
+ this.fixChatForDoublePowderSuffix = new TextSetting("Suffix of previous message", "(so you can tell whether it's 2x powder) change it yourself!", "&a(&b2X Powder&a)", "chat_dpowder_suffix", this, "(none)", false).requires(this.fixChatForDoublePowder);
+ this.PowderElement = new ToggleSetting("Powder Mining Info Hud (MAIN TOGGLE)", "This will show your current powder mining section (only in CH)", true, "powder_mining_hud", this).contributor("EmeraldMerchant");
+ this.PowderOverlayElement = new HudTextElement()
+ .setText("")
+ .setToggleSetting(this.PowderElement)
+ .setLocationSetting(new LocationSetting("Powder Mining Info Hud Location", "Allows you to edit the location of Powder Mining Info Hud", "powder_mining_hud_location", this, [10, 50, 1, 1]).requires(this.PowderElement).editTempText(`&b2x Powder: &cINACTIVE\n&aChests: &b32\n&bMithril: &d12,768\n&bGems: &d21,325`).contributor("EmeraldMerchant"));
+ this.hudElements.push(this.PowderOverlayElement);
+ this.PowderOverlayElement.disableRendering()
+ new SettingBase("/resetpowderdata", "to reset powder mining data", undefined, "reset_powder_data_command_info", this).requires(this.PowderElement);
+ this.powderPerHour = new ToggleSetting("Mithril & Gemstone Powder/h", "should it show powder per hour on hud?", false, "powder_per_hour_toggle", this).requires(this.PowderElement);
+ this.chestsPerHour = new ToggleSetting("Chests/h", "should it show chests per hour on hud?", false, "chests_per_hour_toggle", this).requires(this.PowderElement);
+ this.resetPowderWhenLeaveCH = new ToggleSetting("Reset Powder When Left CH", "Should it reset powder hud whenever you left ch", false, "reset_powder_when_left_ch", this).requires(this.PowderElement);
+ this.resetPowderWhenLeaveGame = new ToggleSetting("Reset Powder When Left Game", "Should it reset powder hud whenever you left game", false, "reset_powder_when_left_game", this).requires(this.PowderElement);
+ this.chestUncoverAlert = new ToggleSetting("Alert When You Dug a Chest Out", "so you don't miss it", false, "chest_uncover_alert", this).requires(this.PowderElement);
+ this.chestUnlockHelper = new ToggleSetting("Chest unlock helper", "so you don't miss it", true, "chest_unlock_help", this).requires(this.PowderElement);
+ this.chestUncoverAlertSound = new ToggleSetting("Alert Sound for Chest Alert", "should the alert also play a sound? (sound: levelup)", false, "chest_uncover_alert_sound", this).requires(this.chestUncoverAlert);
+ this.hideGemstoneMessage = new ToggleSetting("Gemstone Messages Hider", "like: &r&aYou received &r&f16 &r&f❈ &r&fRough Amethyst Gemstone&r&a.&r", false, "gemstone_message_hider", this).requires(this.PowderElement)
+ this.showFlawlessGemstone = new ToggleSetting("Gemstone Messages Hider Show Flawless", "should the hider ^ ignore flawless gemstones?", false, "gemstone_show_flawless", this).requires(this.hideGemstoneMessage)
+ this.hideWishingCompassMessage = new ToggleSetting("Wishing Compass Message Hider", "like: &r&aYou received &r&f1 &r&aWishing Compass&r&a.&r", false, "compass_message_hider", this).requires(this.PowderElement)
+ this.hideAscensionRope = new ToggleSetting("Ascension Rope Hider", "like: &r&aYou received &r&f1 &r&9Ascension Rope&r&a.&r", false, "ascension_rope_hider", this).requires(this.PowderElement)
+ this.showAreaTreasure = new ToggleSetting("Show Area Treasure", "whether or not to show each sub zone's treasures from chests", false, "show_area_treasure", this).requires(this.PowderElement)
+ this.tempLoot = { global: {}, Jungle: {}, Goblin_Holdout: {}, Precursor_Remnants: {}, Mithril_Deposits: {} }
+ this.tempLocation = undefined
+ //this will add the treasure and switch display location to it (it's from the most recent location)
+ this.addTreasure = (Area, treasure, amount) => {
+ if (amount < 0 || !amount) return
+ if (this.tempLoot[Area][treasure]) this.tempLoot[Area][treasure] += amount
+ else this.tempLoot[Area][treasure] = amount
+ if (Area !== "global") this.tempLocation = Area
+ }
+ this.treasureColored = {
+ Sludge_Juice: "&aSludge Juice",
+ Oil_Barrel: "&aOil Barrel",
+ Jungle_Heart: "&6Jungle Heart",
+ Green_Goblin_Egg: "&aGreen Goblin Egg",
+ Red_Goblin_Egg: "&cRed Goblin Egg",
+ Yellow_Goblin_Egg: "&eYellow Goblin Egg",
+ Blue_Goblin_Egg: "&3Blue Goblin Egg",
+ Goblin_Egg: "&9Goblin Egg",
+ Control_Switch: "&9Control Switch",
+ FTX_3070: "&9FTX 3070",
+ Electron_Transmitter: "&9Electron Transmitter",
+ Robotron_Reflector: "&9Robotron Reflector",
+ Synthetic_Heart: "&9Synthetic Heart",
+ Superlite_Motor: "&9Superlite Motor",
+ Treasurite: "&5Treasurite",
+ Pickonimbus_2000: "&5Pickonimbus 2000",
+ Prehistoric_Egg: "&fPrehistoric Egg"
+ }
+ //&r&aYou received &r&f1 &r&a&r&aGreen Goblin Egg&r&a.&r
+ this.registerChat("&r&aYou received ${thing}&r&a.&r", (thing, e) => {
+ if (this.hideGemstoneMessage.getValue() && thing.endsWith("Gemstone") && (this.showFlawlessGemstone.getValue() ? !thing.includes("Flawless") : true)) {
+ cancel(e)
+ if (thing.includes("Amethyst")) this.tempLocation = "Jungle"
+ if (thing.includes("Sapphire")) this.tempLocation = "Precursor_Remnants"
+ if (thing.includes("Amber")) this.tempLocation = "Goblin_Holdout"
+ if (thing.includes("Jade")) this.tempLocation = "Mithril_Deposits"
+ }
+ if (this.hideWishingCompassMessage.getValue() && thing.endsWith("Wishing Compass")) cancel(e)
+ if (this.hideAscensionRope.getValue() && thing.endsWith("Ascension Rope")) cancel(e)
+ if (this.showAreaTreasure.getValue()) {
+ let treasure = undefined
+ let amount = Math.floor(Number(thing.split(" ")[0].removeFormatting()))
+ //jungle
+ if (thing.endsWith("Sludge Juice")) treasure = "Sludge_Juice"
+ if (thing.endsWith("Oil Barrel")) treasure = "Oil_Barrel"
+ if (thing.endsWith("Jungle Heart")) treasure = "Jungle_Heart"
+ if (treasure) {
+ this.addTreasure("Jungle", treasure, amount)
+ return
+ }
+ //goblin holdout
+ if (thing.endsWith("Goblin Egg")) {
+ if (thing.includes("Green")) treasure = "Green_Goblin_Egg"
+ else if (thing.includes("Red")) treasure = "Red_Goblin_Egg"
+ else if (thing.includes("Yellow")) treasure = "Yellow_Goblin_Egg"
+ else if (thing.includes("Blue")) treasure = "Blue_Goblin_Egg"
+ else treasure = "Goblin_Egg"
+ }
+ if (treasure) {
+ this.addTreasure("Goblin_Holdout", treasure, amount)
+ return
+ }
+ //&r&aYou received &r&f1 &r&9Superlite Motor&r&a.&r
+ //precursor city
+ if (thing.endsWith("Control Switch")) treasure = "Control_Switch"
+ if (thing.endsWith("FTX 3070")) treasure = "FTX_3070"
+ if (thing.endsWith("Electron Transmitter")) treasure = "Electron_Transmitter"
+ if (thing.endsWith("Robotron Reflector")) treasure = "Robotron_Reflector"
+ if (thing.endsWith("Synthetic Heart")) treasure = "Synthetic_Heart"
+ if (thing.endsWith("Superlite Motor")) treasure = "Superlite_Motor"
+ if (treasure) {
+ this.addTreasure("Precursor_Remnants", treasure, amount)
+ return
+ }
+ //mithril deposits
+ if (thing.endsWith("Treasurite")) treasure = "Treasurite"
+ if (treasure) {
+ this.addTreasure("Mithril_Deposits", treasure, amount)
+ return
+ }
+ //global
+ if (thing.endsWith("Pickonimbus 2000")) treasure = "Pickonimbus_2000"
+ if (thing.endsWith("Prehistoric Egg")) treasure = "Prehistoric_Egg"
+ if (treasure) {
+ this.addTreasure("global", treasure, amount)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ this.registerStep(true, 1, () => {
+ if (this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.area === "Crystal Hollows") {
+ if (!this.leftCH && !this.inCrystalHollows) {
+ this.foundWither = false
+ this.inCrystalHollows = true
+ }
+ } else if (this.inCHfromChest) {
+ this.inCrystalHollows = true
+ this.dPowder = 0
+ this.inCHfromChest = false
+ }
+ })
+ this.dPowder = 0;
+ this.sL = Renderer.getStringWidth(" ")
+ this.overlayLeft = []
+ this.overlayRight = []
+ this.leftCH = false;
+ this.registerEvent("worldLoad", () => {
+ if (this.inCrystalHollows) {
+ this.leftCH = true;
+ this.inCrystalHollows = false;
+ if (this.resetPowderWhenLeaveCH.getValue()) {
+ this.resetMiningData("powder")
+ }
+ this.chests.clear()
+ } else this.leftCH = false
+ })
+ this.miningData = {}
+ this.saveMiningData = () => {
+ new Thread(() => {
+ FileLib.write("soopyAddonsData", "miningData.json", JSON.stringify(this.miningData));
+ }).start();
+ }
+ this.miningData = JSON.parse(FileLib.read("soopyAddonsData", "miningData.json") || "{}") || {}
+ if (!this.miningData.powder) this.miningData.powder = { chests: 0, mithril: 0, gemstone: 0 }
+ this.expRateInfo = []
+ this.mythrilRate = 0
+ this.gemstoneRate = 0
+ this.chestRate = 0
+ this.saveMiningData();
+ this.registerCommand("resetpowderdata", () => {
+ this.resetMiningData("powder");
+ ChatLib.chat(this.FeatureManager.messagePrefix + "Successfully reset powder data.")
+ }, this)
+ this.registerChat("&r&aYou uncovered a treasure chest!&r", (e) => {
+ if (!this.inCrystalHollows) {
+ this.inCrystalHollows = true
+ this.inCHfromChest = true
+ }
+ if (this.chestUncoverAlert.getValue()) Client.showTitle("&aTreasure Chest!", "", 0, 60, 20);
+ if (this.chestUncoverAlertSound.getValue()) World.playSound("random.levelup", 1, 1);
+ })
+ this.registerChat("&r&r&r${space}&r&b&l2X POWDER ${status}!&r", (space, status, e) => {
+ if (status.removeFormatting() === "STARTED") {
+ this.dPowder = Date.now() + 15 * 1000 * 60
+ } else this.dPowder = 0
+ })
+ this.inCHfromChest = false;
+ this.registerChat("&r&6You have successfully picked the lock on this chest!&r", (e) => {
+ this.miningData.powder.chests++
+ delay(100, () => {
+ this.expRateInfo.push([Date.now(), this.miningData.powder.mithril, this.miningData.powder.gemstone, this.miningData.powder.chests])
+ if (this.expRateInfo.length > 20) this.expRateInfo.shift()
+ let [time, mythril, gemstone, chest] = this.expRateInfo[0]
+ this.mythrilRate = (this.miningData.powder.mithril - mythril) / (Date.now() - time)
+ this.gemstoneRate = (this.miningData.powder.gemstone - gemstone) / (Date.now() - time)
+ this.chestRate = (this.miningData.powder.chests - chest) / (Date.now() - time)
+ })
+ })
+ this.lastPowderReceived = { mithril: 0, gemstone: 0 }
+ this.lastPowderReceivedExecuted = false;
+ this.registerChat("&r&aYou received &r&b+${amount} &r&aMithril Powder&r", (amount, e) => {
+ let p = (this.dPowder ? 2 : 1) * parseInt(amount)
+ this.miningData.powder.mithril += p
+ if (this.compactedChat.getValue()) {
+ cancel(e)
+ this.lastPowderReceived.mithril += p
+ return
+ }
+ if (this.fixChatForDoublePowder.getValue() && this.dPowder) {
+ cancel(e)
+ let suffix = "";
+ if (this.fixChatForDoublePowderSuffix.getValue() !== "") suffix = this.fixChatForDoublePowderSuffix.getValue()
+ ChatLib.chat(`&r&aYou received &r&b+${2 * amount} &r&aMithril Powder&r ${suffix}`)
+ }
+ })
+ this.registerChat("&r&aYou received &r&b+${amount} &r&aGemstone Powder&r", (amount, e) => {
+ let p = (this.dPowder ? 2 : 1) * parseInt(amount)
+ this.miningData.powder.gemstone += p
+ if (this.compactedChat.getValue()) {
+ cancel(e)
+ this.lastPowderReceived.gemstone += p
+ return
+ }
+ if (this.fixChatForDoublePowder.getValue() && this.dPowder) {
+ cancel(e)
+ let suffix = "";
+ if (this.fixChatForDoublePowderSuffix.getValue() !== "") suffix = this.fixChatForDoublePowderSuffix.getValue()
+ ChatLib.chat(`&r&aYou received &r&b+${2 * amount} &r&aGemstone Powder&r ${suffix}`)
+ }
+ })
+ this.registerStep(true, 5, this.compactPowderChat)
+ this.chests = new Map()
+ this.registerEvent("renderOverlay", this.renderOverlay)
+ this.registerEvent("renderWorld", () => {
+ if (!this.inCrystalHollows || !this.chestUnlockHelper.getValue()) return
+ let del = []
+ for (let key of this.chests.keys()) {
+ let pos = this.chests.get(key)
+ let size = 0.2
+ let { x1, y1, x2, y2 } = RenderLib2D.calculateBoundingBox(new net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB(pos[1] - size / 2, pos[2] - size / 2, pos[3] - size / 2, pos[1] + size / 2, pos[2] + size / 2, pos[3] + size / 2))
+ let hovered = (x1 < Renderer.screen.getWidth() / 2 && x2 > Renderer.screen.getWidth() / 2 && y1 < Renderer.screen.getHeight() / 2 && y2 > Renderer.screen.getHeight() / 2)
+ drawFilledBox(pos[1], pos[2] - size / 2, pos[3], size, size, hovered ? 0 : 255, hovered ? 255 : 0, 0, 1, false)
+ if (Date.now() - pos[0] > 5000) {
+ del.push(key)
+ }
+ }
+ del.forEach(k => this.chests.delete(k))
+ })
+ this.registerEvent("spawnParticle", this.spawnParticle)
+ //==============================================Scatha=Feature=Below================================================================
+ if (!this.miningData.scatha) this.miningData.scatha = { total_worms: 0, worms: 0, scathas: 0, rare: 0, epic: 0, legandary: 0, since_scatha: 0, since_pet: 0 }
+ this.saveMiningData();
+ this.scathaMain = new ToggleSetting("SCATHA!", "This is the main toggle of Scatha Feature", false, "scatha_main", this);
+ this.scathaCounter = new ToggleSetting("Scatha Counter Hud", "This will show your scatha mining progress (only in CH)", false, "scatha_mining_hud", this).requires(this.scathaMain).contributor("EmeraldMerchant");
+ this.scathaCounterElement = new HudTextElement()
+ .setText("")
+ .setToggleSetting(this.scathaCounter)
+ .setLocationSetting(new LocationSetting("Scatha Counter Hud Location", "Allows you to edit the location of Scatha Counter Hud", "scatha_mining_hud_location", this, [10, 50, 1, 1]).requires(this.scathaCounter).editTempText(`&6Scatha Counter\n&bKills: 1,000\n&bWorms: 800\n&bScathas: 200\n&bSince Scatha: 10\n&9Rare Scatha Pets: 5\n&5Epic Scatha Pets: 3\n&6Leg Scatha Pets: 1\n&bSince Pet: 20`));
+ this.hudElements.push(this.scathaCounterElement);
+ this.wormEntity = undefined;
+ this.scathaHealth = new ToggleSetting("Scatha Health Hud", "This will show worm/scatha mob HP on screen", false, "scatha_hp_hud", this).requires(this.scathaMain).contributor("EmeraldMerchant");
+ this.scathaHealthElement = new HudTextElement()
+ .setText("")
+ .setToggleSetting(this.scathaHealth)
+ .setLocationSetting(new LocationSetting("Scatha Health Hud Location", "Allows you to edit the location of Scatha Health Hud", "scatha_hp_hud_location", this, [10, 50, 1, 1]).requires(this.scathaHealth).editTempText(`&8[&7Lv5&8] &cWorm &e5&c❤`));
+ this.hudElements.push(this.scathaHealthElement);
+ new SettingBase("/scathaset <thing> <value>", "This command will change values in the counter", undefined, "scatha_cmd", this).requires(this.scathaMain);
+ new SettingBase("/ss <thing> <value> works too", "you can press TAB for <thing> auto-complete", undefined, "scatha_cmd2", this).requires(this.scathaMain);
+ this.scathaCmdComp = ["worms", "scathas", "rare", "epic", "legandary", "since_scatha", "since_pet"]
+ this.registerCommand("scathaset", (thing, value) => this.scathaCmd(thing, value), this.scathaCmdComp);
+ this.registerCommand("ss", (thing, value) => this.scathaCmd(thing, value), this.scathaCmdComp);
+ this.wormSpawnedWarn = new ToggleSetting("Worm/Scatha Spawned Alert", "make a title and a sound when a worm/scatha spawned", false, "worm_spawned_alert", this).requires(this.scathaMain);
+ this.registerChat("&r&7&oYou hear the sound of something approaching...&r", this.wormSpawning);
+ this.wormSpawnedChatMessage = new ToggleSetting("Worm/Scatha Spawned Chat Message", "if a chat info should be sent when a worm/scatha spawned", false, "worm_spawned_chat_message", this).requires(this.scathaMain);
+ this.petDroppedAlert = new ToggleSetting("Pet Dropped Alert", "Big title when a scatha pet dropped", false, "scatha_pet_dropped_alert", this).requires(this.scathaMain);
+ this.colorToRarity = { 9: "rare", 5: "epic", 6: "legandary" }
+ //&r&6&lPET DROP! &r&9Scatha &r&b(+&r&b291% &r&b✯ Magic Find&r&b)&r
+ this.registerChat("&r&6&lPET DROP! &r&${rarity}Scatha &r&b(+&r&b${mf}% &r&b✯ Magic Find${end}", (rarity, mf, end, e) => {
+ let r = this.colorToRarity[rarity]
+ this.miningData.scatha[r]++
+ this.miningData.scatha.since_pet = 0
+ this.saveMiningData()
+ if (this.petDroppedAlert.getValue()) {
+ World.playSound('note.pling', 1, 1);
+ Client.showTitle(`${rarity}${r.toUpperCase()} SCATHA PET!`, ChatLib.getChatMessage(e), 0, 100, 10);
+ }
+ })
+ this.registerStep(true, 2, this.step2fps);
+ this.registerStep(true, 3, this.wormStep);
+ this.registerStep(true, 5, this.scathaHP);
+ }
+ spawnParticle(particle, type, event) {
+ if (this.inCrystalHollows && this.chestUnlockHelper.getValue() && particle.toString().startsWith("EntityCrit2FX,")) {
+ if (World.getBlockAt(particle.getX() + 1, particle.getY(), particle.getZ()).type.getID() === 54
+ || World.getBlockAt(particle.getX() - 1, particle.getY(), particle.getZ()).type.getID() === 54
+ || World.getBlockAt(particle.getX(), particle.getY(), particle.getZ() + 1).type.getID() === 54
+ || World.getBlockAt(particle.getX(), particle.getY(), particle.getZ() - 1).type.getID() === 54) {
+ this.chests.set(Math.floor(particle.getX()) + "," + Math.floor(particle.getY()) + "," + Math.floor(particle.getZ()), [Date.now(), particle.getX(), particle.getY(), particle.getZ()])
+ cancel(event)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ resetMiningData(type) {
+ if (type === "powder") {
+ Object.keys(this.miningData.powder).forEach(thing => this.miningData.powder[thing] = 0)
+ this.expRateInfo = []
+ this.tempLocation = undefined
+ this.tempLoot = { global: {}, Jungle: {}, Goblin_Holdout: {}, Precursor_Remnants: {}, Mithril_Deposits: {} }
+ } else if (type === "scatha") {
+ Object.keys(this.miningData.scatha).forEach(thing => this.miningData.scatha[thing] = 0)
+ }
+ }
+ renderOverlay() {
+ if (this.PowderOverlayElement.isEnabled()) {
+ let width = Renderer.getStringWidth("&b2x Powder: &cINACTIVE")
+ let x = this.PowderOverlayElement.locationSetting.x
+ let y = this.PowderOverlayElement.locationSetting.y
+ let scale = this.PowderOverlayElement.locationSetting.scale
+ Renderer.retainTransforms(true)
+ Renderer.scale(scale)
+ Renderer.translate(x / scale, y / scale)
+ this.overlayLeft.forEach((l, i) => {
+ Renderer.drawStringWithShadow(l, 0, 10 * i)
+ })
+ this.overlayRight.forEach((l, i) => {
+ Renderer.drawStringWithShadow(l, width - Renderer.getStringWidth(l), 10 * i)
+ })
+ Renderer.retainTransforms(false)
+ }
+ }
+ step2fps() {
+ if (!this.foundWither) {
+ World.getAllEntitiesOfType(net.minecraft.entity.boss.EntityWither)?.forEach(e => {
+ if (e.getName().startsWith("§e§lPASSIVE EVENT §b§l2X POWDER §e§lRUNNING FOR §a§l")) {
+ this.dPowder = Date.now();
+ let time = ChatLib.removeFormatting(e.getName()).split("RUNNING FOR ").pop()
+ let [m, s] = time.split(":")
+ this.dPowder += 1000 * parseInt(s)
+ this.dPowder += 60 * 1000 * parseInt(m)
+ };
+ this.foundWither = true;
+ });
+ }
+ this.overlayLeft = []
+ this.overlayRight = []
+ if (this.PowderElement.getValue() && this.inCrystalHollows) {
+ this.overlayLeft.push(`&b2x Powder:`)
+ this.overlayRight.push(this.dPowder ? "&a" + timeNumber(Math.max(0, this.dPowder - Date.now())) : "&cINACTIVE")
+ if (this.miningData.powder.chests) {
+ let c = this.miningData.powder.chests
+ this.overlayLeft.push(`&aChests:`)
+ this.overlayRight.push(`&b${numberWithCommas(c)}`)
+ }
+ if (this.miningData.powder.mithril) {
+ let m = this.miningData.powder.mithril
+ this.overlayLeft.push(`&bMithril:`)
+ this.overlayRight.push(`&d${numberWithCommas(m)}`)
+ }
+ if (this.miningData.powder.gemstone) {
+ let g = this.miningData.powder.gemstone
+ this.overlayLeft.push(`&bGems:`)
+ this.overlayRight.push(`&d${numberWithCommas(g)}`)
+ }
+ if (this.powderPerHour.getValue()) {
+ if (this.mythrilRate) {
+ this.overlayLeft.push(`&bMithril/h:`)
+ this.overlayRight.push(`&d${numberWithCommas(Math.round(this.mythrilRate * 1000 * 60 * 60))}`)
+ }
+ if (this.gemstoneRate) {
+ this.overlayLeft.push(`&bGems/h:`)
+ this.overlayRight.push(`&d${numberWithCommas(Math.round(this.gemstoneRate * 1000 * 60 * 60))}`)
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.chestRate && this.chestsPerHour.getValue()) {
+ this.overlayLeft.push(`&bChests/h:`)
+ this.overlayRight.push(`&d${numberWithCommas(Math.round(this.chestRate * 1000 * 60 * 60))}`)
+ }
+ if (this.showAreaTreasure.getValue()) {
+ if (Object.keys(this.tempLoot.global).length > 0) {
+ Object.keys(this.tempLoot.global).forEach(t => {
+ if (this.tempLoot.global[t] > 0) {
+ this.overlayLeft.push(`${this.treasureColored[t]}&b:`)
+ this.overlayRight.push(`&b${numberWithCommas(this.tempLoot.global[t])}`)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ if (this.tempLocation && Object.keys(this.tempLoot[this.tempLocation]).length > 0) {
+ Object.keys(this.tempLoot[this.tempLocation]).forEach(t => {
+ if (this.tempLoot[this.tempLocation][t] > 0) {
+ this.overlayLeft.push(`${this.treasureColored[t]}&b:`)
+ this.overlayRight.push(`&b${numberWithCommas(this.tempLoot[this.tempLocation][t])}`)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.scathaCounter.getValue() && this.inCrystalHollows) {
+ let tempText = `&6Scatha Counter\n&bKills: ${this.miningData.scatha.total_worms}\n&bWorms: ${this.miningData.scatha.worms}\n&bScathas: ${this.miningData.scatha.scathas}\n&bSince Scatha: ${this.miningData.scatha.since_scatha}\n`
+ if (this.miningData.scatha.rare > 0) tempText += `&9Rare Scatha Pets: ${this.miningData.scatha.rare}\n`
+ if (this.miningData.scatha.epic > 0) tempText += `&5Epic Scatha Pets: ${this.miningData.scatha.epic}\n`
+ if (this.miningData.scatha.legandary > 0) tempText += `&6Leg Scatha Pets: ${this.miningData.scatha.legandary}`
+ if (this.miningData.scatha.rare + this.miningData.scatha.epic + this.miningData.scatha.legandary > 0) tempText += `&bSince Pet: ${this.miningData.scatha.since_pet}`
+ this.scathaCounterElement.setText(tempText)
+ }
+ }
+ compactPowderChat() {
+ if (this.lastPowderReceived.mithril > 0 && this.lastPowderReceived.gemstone > 0 && !this.lastPowderReceivedExecuted) {
+ this.lastPowderReceivedExecuted = true
+ delay(300, () => {
+ let m = this.lastPowderReceived.mithril
+ let g = this.lastPowderReceived.gemstone
+ let msg = ""
+ if (g > 0) msg += `&r&aYou received &r&b+${g} &r&aGemstone `
+ if (m > 0) {
+ if (!msg) msg += `&r&aYou received &r&b+${m} &r&aMithril `
+ else msg += `and &r&b+${m} &r&aMithril `
+ }
+ msg += `Powder&r`
+ if (this.dPowder) {
+ let suffix = "";
+ if (this.fixChatForDoublePowderSuffix.getValue() !== "") suffix = this.fixChatForDoublePowderSuffix.getValue()
+ ChatLib.chat(`${msg} ${suffix}`)
+ } else ChatLib.chat(msg)
+ this.lastPowderReceived = { mithril: 0, gemstone: 0 }
+ this.lastPowderReceivedExecuted = false
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ scathaCmd(thing, value) {
+ if (!this.scathaCmdComp.includes(thing) || parseInt(value) === NaN) {
+ ChatLib.chat(this.FeatureManager.messagePrefix + "Invalid inputs! Usage: /scathaset <thing> <value>")
+ return
+ }
+ let v = parseInt(value);
+ this.miningData.scatha[thing] = v;
+ this.miningData.scatha.total_worms = this.miningData.scatha.worms + this.miningData.scatha.scathas
+ ChatLib.chat(this.FeatureManager.messagePrefix + "Successfully set " + thing + " to " + v + "!")
+ this.saveMiningData();
+ }
+ wormSpawning() {
+ if (this.wormSpawnedWarn.getValue()) {
+ World.playSound('note.pling', 1, 1);
+ Client.showTitle("&cWorm Spawning", "", 0, 20, 10);
+ this.wormSpawned = true
+ }
+ }
+ wormStep() {
+ if (!this.inCrystalHollows || !this.scathaMain.getValue()) {
+ this.scathaCounterElement.setText("")
+ return
+ }
+ if (!this.wormSpawned) return
+ World.getAllEntitiesOfType(net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityArmorStand).forEach(entity => {
+ let name = entity.getName()
+ //§8[§7Lv5§8] §cWorm§r §e5§c❤
+ if (name.startsWith("§8[§7Lv5§8] §cWorm")) {
+ if (this.wormSpawnedChatMessage.getValue()) ChatLib.chat("&c&lWorm Spawned. (Since Scatha: " + (this.miningData.scatha.since_scatha + 1) + ")");
+ if (this.wormSpawnedWarn.getValue()) Client.showTitle("&c&lWorm Spawned!", "", 0, 20, 10);
+ this.miningData.scatha.total_worms++;
+ this.miningData.scatha.worms++;
+ this.miningData.scatha.since_scatha++;
+ this.saveMiningData()
+ this.wormSpawned = false;
+ if (this.scathaHealth.getValue()) this.wormEntity = entity
+ }
+ if (name.startsWith("§8[§7Lv10§8] §cScatha")) {
+ if (this.wormSpawnedChatMessage.getValue()) ChatLib.chat("&c&lScatha Spawned.");
+ if (this.wormSpawnedWarn.getValue()) Client.showTitle("&c&lScatha Spawned!", "", 0, 20, 10);
+ this.miningData.scatha.total_worms++;
+ this.miningData.scatha.scathas++;
+ this.miningData.scatha.since_pet++;
+ this.miningData.scatha.since_scatha = 0
+ this.saveMiningData()
+ this.wormSpawned = false;
+ if (this.scathaHealth.getValue()) this.wormEntity = entity
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ scathaHP() {
+ let tempText = ""
+ if (this.scathaHealth.getValue()) {
+ if (this.wormEntity && this.wormEntity.getEntity()[f.isDead]) {
+ this.wormEntity = undefined;
+ }
+ } else if (this.wormEntity) {
+ this.wormEntity = undefined;
+ }
+ if (this.wormEntity) {
+ tempText = this.wormEntity.getName()
+ this.scathaHealthElement.setText(tempText)
+ } else {
+ this.scathaHealthElement.setText("")
+ }
+ }
+ initVariables() {
+ this.hudElements = [];
+ this.inCrystalHollows = false;
+ this.foundWither = true;
+ this.dPowder = 0;
+ this.wormSpawned = false;
+ this.wormEntity = undefined;
+ }
+ onDisable() {
+ this.hudElements.forEach(h => h.delete())
+ this.saveMiningData();
+ if (this.resetPowderWhenLeaveGame.getValue()) {
+ this.resetMiningData("powder");
+ }
+ this.initVariables();
+ }
+module.exports = {
+ class: new PowderAndScatha(),
+}; \ No newline at end of file