path: root/features/slayers
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-06-08Make eman hype hits number parsing more lenientSoopyboo32
2022-06-07+ fix slayer exp getting multiplied by 1.25 every bossSoopyboo32
2022-06-04add Aatrox Slayer XP Buff to slayer exp trackerSoopyboo32
2022-06-04Capitilise slayer exp type on slayer exp hud elementSoopyboo32
2022-06-03+ fix there being multiple of the same hud element in the edit gui locations ...Soopyboo32
2022-06-03fix voidgloom seraph heads showin other bosses' heads sometimesSoopyboo32
2022-06-02asd fix fixSoopyboo32
2022-06-02fix enderman beacon alert alerting for beacons across the mapSoopyboo32
2022-06-02+ change colors of current slayer exp overlay to match rest of gui elementsSoopyboo32
2022-06-02+ shorten some text in hyp hits left setting input so its slightly more readableSoopyboo32
2022-06-02Update index.jsjakeQT
2022-05-29more forge side rendering changesSoopyboo32
2022-05-29first part of supporting java side renderingSoopyboo32
2022-05-19smol changesSoopyboo32
2022-05-18changes + updatejakeQT
2022-05-18clean up rcmDaeAxeSupport a bitSoopyboo32
2022-05-18Update index.jsjakeQT
2022-05-07+ remove update button patcher module (removed soopyv2 from ct website)Soopyboo32
2022-05-06+ Many performance improvementsSoopyboo32
2022-05-05+ waypoints for hostage rescueSoopyboo32
2022-05-01update server every 5mins incase of server restartSoopyboo32
2022-05-01clear waypoints after a deathSoopyboo32
2022-05-01clear boss waypoints on world loadSoopyboo32
2022-05-01make beacon dinkdonk only trigger if u actually have setting enabledSoopyboo32
2022-04-25+ option to disable scanning pets menu for pet (causing lag for some people)Soopyboo32
2022-04-25update dulkir thingoSoopyboo32
2022-04-23fix dulkir thingSoopyboo32
2022-04-23+ dulkur thingoSoopyboo32
2022-04-22Burrial location estimationSoopyboo32
2022-04-19+ Score calculations take into account spirit petSoopyboo32
2022-01-18aaaaaaaa (also idk why it screwed the formatting)Soopyboo32
2022-01-16add slayer exp/hour (similar to dungeons exp/hour)Soopyboo32
2022-01-11+ Warning message when cannot connect to soopy serverSoopyboo32
2021-12-25fix not in skyblock detectionSoopyboo32
2021-12-25add CI warning for entity attack eventSoopyboo32
2021-12-25fix ct 2.0 supportSoopyboo32
2021-12-25this should perpusly break CISoopyboo32
2021-12-25fix ci?Soopyboo32
2021-12-25this should break CI and is a test of thatSoopyboo32
2021-12-25CI 2Soopyboo32
2021-12-24fix potential bug when loading slayerSoopyboo32
2021-12-23small optimisationSoopyboo32
2021-12-19potential fixSoopyboo32
2021-12-12Added guild event thing for sbgSoopyboo32