path: root/features
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-08-12use nbt thingsEmeraldMerchant
2022-08-12fix 2Soopyboo32
2022-08-12Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Soopyboo32/SoopyV2Soopyboo32
2022-08-12fix bugSoopyboo32
= moved some functions to below to make it easier to read + thunder bottle charge display + thunder bottle fully charged warn + thunder/jawbus sea creature alert + vanquisher alert
2022-08-11forgot somethingEmeraldMerchant
+ fixed opening gui twice sets the variable to false
2022-08-11changed how inGui thing worksEmeraldMerchant
2022-08-11bug fixesEmeraldMerchant
+ fixed it sometimes bypasses clearLog when warping frequently + prevent dying/revived in dungeons making it go brrr
2022-08-11Update index.jsEmeraldMerchant
2022-08-11actually fixing a bugEmeraldMerchant
actually fix it saying 0 items gained
2022-08-11fix EmeraldMerchant
fix not being able to record negative amount cuz it got returned
2022-08-11remove unused functionEmeraldMerchant
2022-08-11this.todoPickUpLog array -> objectEmeraldMerchant
so i can merge the same items into the same line
2022-08-11+worldLoad for pickup logEmeraldMerchant
only doing 1-8 hot bar slots
2022-08-11wrong thingEmeraldMerchant
math is fun!
2022-08-11Update index.jsEmeraldMerchant
10s -> 12.5s nvmm i think it needs longer
2022-08-11small fixEmeraldMerchant
+ 2 registerChats to prevent pickup log going brrr after warping into a different lobby (yes its 10s ish after i tested)
2022-08-11added checkEmeraldMerchant
+ added a check for pickup log to exclude sbmenu and armor pieces so it doesnt go brrr when u open menu/ switch armor with wardrobe
2022-08-11small salvaging fixEmeraldMerchant
+ fixed salvaging something making the pickup log saying -0x Epic Dreadlord Sword (don't need to put this in changelog)
2022-08-11fixes & updateEmeraldMerchant
+ fixes using old master stars itemName making sba go brrr (requires new feature below) + added SBA's item pick up log (exactly same with sba, but fixes ^) (please use these 2 features together, either use both of them or don't, also please turn "Item Pickup Log" in SBA off)
2022-08-10fix enchant thing + tall gui + metaSoopyboo32
2022-08-10merge conflictSoopyboo32
2022-08-10Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Soopyboo32/SoopyV2Soopyboo32
2022-08-10Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Soopyboo32/SoopyV2Soopyboo32
2022-08-10Merge pull request #40 from EmeraldMerchant/patch-40Soopyboo32
Added Bozo Mask Features
2022-08-10+ f3/m3 guardian hp displaySoopyboo32
2022-08-10fixed ice spray chat msgEmeraldMerchant
2022-08-10+ hecatomb and champion info in loreSoopyboo32
2022-08-10old master starsEmeraldMerchant
2022-08-10change bonzo mask cooldown checkEmeraldMerchant
change bonzo mask cooldown check to 30s step
2022-08-10update yesEmeraldMerchant
mb i forgot to import textsettings
2022-08-10Added Bozo Mask FeaturesEmeraldMerchant
+ Bonzo Mask Timer (in dun) + Fragged Bonzo Mask Timer (in dun) + Spirit Mask Timer (in dun/ in+out dun toggleable)
2022-08-09start of show f3/m3 guardian hp'sSoopyboo32
2022-08-09fix gyro timer on master modeSoopyboo32
2022-08-08ff timer 2Soopyboo32
2022-08-08fire freeze timerSoopyboo32
2022-08-06increase stat next to name loading speedSoopyboo32
2022-08-06+ fix spirit leap overlay buttons not working (oops)Soopyboo32
+ hopefully fix boxes not correct color sometimes
2022-08-06custom friends menu overhaul + metaSoopyboo32
2022-08-06add dark theme toggle to first load pageSoopyboo32
2022-08-04item worthSoopyboo32
2022-08-03small changes to first load pageSoopyboo32
2022-08-03small fixesSoopyboo32
2022-07-29+ fix mine waypointsSoopyboo32
+ add load all button in friends gui (i got too lazy to add more stuff)
2022-07-28fix friend remove thingo stacking buttonsSoopyboo32
2022-07-28fix soopy wings not hiding essentials wings since essentials updateSoopyboo32
2022-07-26remove ping display as it was somehow causing ping spikesSoopyboo32