From 431e4fc9d1657a50ebc34b8ac24f9bfaea06417f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Soopyboo32 <>
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2022 19:39:05 +0800
Subject: Initial move to babel + change fetch to use async/await
features/dataLoader/index.js | 281 --------------------------------------
features/dataLoader/metadata.json | 8 --
2 files changed, 289 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 features/dataLoader/index.js
delete mode 100644 features/dataLoader/metadata.json
(limited to 'features/dataLoader')
diff --git a/features/dataLoader/index.js b/features/dataLoader/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 23cf744..0000000
--- a/features/dataLoader/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-import Feature from "../../featureClass/class";
-import socketConnection from "../../socketConnection";
-import { fetch } from "../../utils/networkUtils";
-class DataLoader extends Feature {
- constructor() {
- super()
- }
- onEnable() {
- this.initVariables()
- this.stats = {}
- this.area = undefined
- this.areaFine = undefined
- this.isInSkyblock = false
- this.dungeonPercentCleared = 0
- this.registerStep(true, 2, this.step)
- this.registerStep(false, 170, this.loadApiStepThing)
- this.registerStep(false, 60 * 5, this.step_5min)
- this.registerEvent("worldLoad", this.worldLoad)
- this.api_loaded_event = this.createCustomEvent("apiLoad")
- this.checkingPing = false;
- this.lastPingCheck = 0;
- this.lastPings = [undefined, undefined, undefined];
- = 0;
- this.pingI = 0;
- this.registerChat("&b&bYou are currently connected to server &6${*}&r", (e) => {
- if (this.checkingPing) {
- this.lastPings[this.pingI % 3] = - this.lastPingCheck;
- cancel(e);
- this.checkingPing = false;
- if (this.lastPings.includes(undefined)) {
- = this.lastPings[this.pingI % 3];
- } else {
- = [...this.lastPings].sort((a, b) => a - b)[1];
- }
- this.pingI++;
- }
- });
- this.lastServer = undefined
- this.lastSentServer = 0
- this.currentMayorPerks = new Set()
- this.loadedApiDatas = {}
- this.partyMembers = new Set()
- this.partyMembers.add(Player.getName())
- this.lastApiData = {
- "skyblock": undefined,
- "player": undefined,
- "skyblock_raw": undefined, //the _raw is loaded from hypixel api instead of soopy api
- "player_raw": undefined
- }
- this.worldLoaded = true
- this.loadApi()
- this.step_5min()
- this.firstLoaded = false;
- ["You are not currently in a party.", "You have been kicked from the party by ${*}", "You left the party.", "The party was disbanded because all invites expired and the party was empty", "${*} &r&ehas disbanded the party!&r"].forEach(m => this.registerChat(m, () => {
- this.partyMembers.clear()
- this.partyMembers.add(Player.getName())
- }));
- ["${mem} &r&ejoined the party.&r", "${mem} &r&einvited &r${*} &r&eto the party! They have &r&c60 &r&eseconds to accept.&r", "&dDungeon Finder &r&f> &r${mem} &r&ejoined the dungeon group! (&r&b${*}&r&e)&r"].forEach(m => this.registerChat(m, (mem) => {
- this.partyMembers.add(ChatLib.removeFormatting(mem.trim().split(" ").pop().trim()))
- }));
- ["${mem} &r&ehas been removed from the party.&r", "${mem} &r&ehas left the party.&r", "${mem} &r&ewas removed from your party because they disconnected&r", "Kicked ${mem} because they were offline."].forEach(m => this.registerChat(m, (mem) => {
- this.partyMembers.delete(ChatLib.removeFormatting(mem.trim().split(" ").pop().trim()))
- }))
- this.registerChat("&eYou have joined &r${mem}'s &r&eparty!&r", (mem) => {
- this.partyMembers.clear()
- this.partyMembers.add(Player.getName())
- this.partyMembers.add(ChatLib.removeFormatting(p = mem.trim().split(" ").pop().trim()))
- })
- this.registerChat("&eYou have joined &r${mem}' &r&eparty!&r", (mem) => {
- this.partyMembers.clear()
- this.partyMembers.add(Player.getName())
- this.partyMembers.add(ChatLib.removeFormatting(mem).trim())
- })
- this.registerChat("&eYou'll be partying with: ${mem}", (mem) => {
- mem.split(",").forEach(p => {
- this.partyMembers.add(ChatLib.removeFormatting(p.trim().split(" ").pop().trim()))
- })
- })
- this.registerChat("&eParty ${type}: ${mem}", (type, mem) => {
- if (type.toLowerCase().includes("leader")) this.partyMembers.clear()
- ChatLib.removeFormatting(mem).split("●").forEach(p => {
- if (!p.trim()) return
- this.partyMembers.add(p.trim().split(" ").pop().trim())
- })
- })
- this.registerCommand("pmembdebug", () => {
-[...this.partyMembers].join(" | "))
- })
- }
- getPing() {
- if ( - this.lastPingCheck > 60000 * 30 || ( - this.lastPingCheck > 60000 && this.lastPings.includes(undefined) && this.bloodX !== -1)) {
- this.lastPingCheck =;
- ChatLib.command("whereami");
- this.checkingPing = true;
- }
- return || 0
- }
- step_5min() {
- fetch("").json(data => {
- if (!data.success) return
- this.mayorData =
- this.currentMayorPerks = new Set( =>
- })
- }
- worldLoad() {
- this.area = undefined
- this.areaFine = undefined
- this.dungeonFloor = undefined
- this.loadApiData("skyblock", false)
- }
- loadApiStepThing() {
- this.loadApiData("skyblock", false)
- }
- loadApi() {
- fetch("" + Player.getUUID().replace(/-/g, "")).json(data => {
- if (!data.success) return
- this.api_loaded_event.trigger(data, "skyblock", true, true)
- this.lastApiData.skyblock = data
- })
- }
- loadApiData(type, soopyServer) {
- if (this.FeatureManager.features["globalSettings"] === undefined || this.FeatureManager.features["globalSettings"].class.apiKeySetting === undefined) {
- return
- }
- let key = this.FeatureManager.features["globalSettings"].class.apiKeySetting.getValue()
- if (!key) return
- if (this.loadedApiDatas[type] !== undefined) {
- if ( - this.loadedApiDatas[type] < 5000) return
- }
- this.loadedApiDatas[type] =
- if (soopyServer) {
- } else {
- if (type === "skyblock") {
- fetch("" + key + "&uuid=" + Player.getUUID().replace(/-/g, "")).json(data => {
- if (!data.success) return
- this.api_loaded_event.trigger(data, "skyblock", false, true)
- this.lastApiData.skyblock_raw = data
- })
- }
- }
- }
- step() { //2fps
- if (!this.firstLoaded) {
- if (!(this.FeatureManager.features["globalSettings"] === undefined || this.FeatureManager.features["globalSettings"].class.apiKeySetting === undefined)) {
- this.loadApiData("skyblock", false)
- this.firstLoaded = true
- }
- }
- this.isInSkyblock = Scoreboard.getTitle()?.removeFormatting().includes("SKYBLOCK")
- if (!this.isInSkyblock) {
- this.stats = {}
- this.isInDungeon = false
- this.dungeonFloor = undefined
- return
- }
- this.stats["Area"] = undefined
- this.stats["Dungeon"] = undefined
- if (World.isLoaded() && TabList.getNames()) {
- TabList.getNames().forEach(n => {
- n = ChatLib.removeFormatting(n)
- if (n.includes(": ")) {
- if (n.includes('Secrets Found')) {
- if (n.includes('%')) {
- this.stats["Secrets Found%"] = n.split(": ")[1]
- } else {
- this.stats["Secrets Found"] = n.split(": ")[1]
- }
- } else {
- this.stats[n.split(": ")[0].trim()] = n.split(": ")[1].trim()
- }
- }
- })
- }
- if (this.stats["Dungeon"]) {
- this.stats["Area"] = this.stats["Dungeon"]
- this.isInDungeon = true
- } else {
- this.isInDungeon = false
- }
- this.slayerXpToSpawn = undefined
- Scoreboard.getLines().forEach(line => {
- let name = ChatLib.removeFormatting(line.getName()).replace(/[^A-z0-9 \:\(\)\.]/g, "")
- if (this.isInDungeon) {
- if (name.includes("The Catacombs (")) {
- this.dungeonFloor = name.split("(")[1].split(")")[0].toUpperCase()
- }
- }
- if (ChatLib.removeFormatting(line).startsWith(" ⏣ ")) {
- this.areaFine = ChatLib.removeFormatting(line).split(" ⏣ ")[1].replace(/[^A-z0-9 \:\(\)\.\-]/g, "")
- }
- if (name.startsWith("Purse: ")) {
- this.purse = parseInt(name.split("Purse: ")[1].split(" ")[0])
- }
- if (name.startsWith("Bits: ")) {
- this.bits = parseInt(name.split("Bits: ")[1].split(" ")[0])
- }
- if (name.startsWith("Cleared: ")) {
- this.dungeonPercentCleared = parseInt(name.split(" ")[1]) / 100
- }
- if (name.endsWith("Combat XP")) {
- this.slayerXpToSpawn = ChatLib.removeFormatting(name).split("(")[1].split(")")[0].split("/").map(parseInt)
- }
- })
- this.area = this.stats["Area"]
- if (this.lastServer !== this.stats.Server || - this.lastSentServer > 60000 * 5) {
- this.lastServer = this.stats.Server;
- this.lastSentServer =
- socketConnection.setServer(this.stats.Server, this.area, this.areaFine);
- }
- }
- initVariables() {
- this.stats = undefined
- this.isInDungeon = false
- this.dungeonFloor = undefined
- this.area = undefined
- this.areaFine = undefined
- this.bits = undefined
- this.purse = undefined
- this.lastApiData = undefined
- this.isInSkyblock = undefined
- }
- onDisable() {
- this.initVariables()
- }
-module.exports = {
- class: new DataLoader()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/features/dataLoader/metadata.json b/features/dataLoader/metadata.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4953f99..0000000
--- a/features/dataLoader/metadata.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- "name": "Data loader",
- "description": "Loads data",
- "isHidden": true,
- "isTogglable": false,
- "defaultEnabled": true,
- "sortA": 0
\ No newline at end of file