import renderLibs from "../../../../../guimanager/renderLibs.js"; import { f, m, m } from "../../../../../mappings/mappings.js"; import ToggleSetting from "../../../settings/settingThings/toggle.js"; import Cosmetic from "../../cosmetic.js"; const ModelDragon = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.model.ModelDragon") if (!GlStateManager) { // var GL11 = Java.type("org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11"); //using var so it goes to global scope var GlStateManager = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager"); } const Essential = Java.type("gg.essential.Essential") const EssentialCosmeticSlot = Java.type("gg.essential.cosmetics.CosmeticSlot") const FACING = Java.type("net.minecraft.block.BlockDirectional").field_176387_N let dragon = new ModelDragon(0) //too lazy to make my own model so i just yoink it from modelDragon lmfao let textures = new Map() let loadingTextures = new Set() function loadTexture(id) { new Thread(() => { loadingTextures.add(id) textures.set(id, renderLibs.getImage("" + id + "/img.png", true)) }).start() } loadTexture("classic") let wing = getField(dragon, f.wing) let wingTip = getField(dragon, f.wingTip) class DragonWings extends Cosmetic { constructor(player, parent) { super(player, parent, "dragon_wings"); this.animOffset = Math.random() * 20 * Math.PI this.lastRender = this.lastFlapSound = this.animOffset this.i = 0 this.flying = false if (!textures.has(this.settings.texture) && !loadingTextures.has(this.settings.texture)) { loadTexture(this.settings.texture) } } onRenderEntity(ticks, isInGui) { if (this.player.getPlayer()[m.isInvisibleToPlayer](Player.getPlayer()) || this.player.getPlayer()[m.isInvisible]()) { return } if (!textures.has("classic")) return let isSelfPlayer = this.player.getUUID().toString() === Player.getUUID().toString() let isInInv = isSelfPlayer && ticks === 1 let thirdPersonView = Client.getMinecraft()[f.gameSettings.Minecraft][f.thirdPersonView] if (!this.parent.firstPersonVisable.getValue() && thirdPersonView === 0 && isSelfPlayer && !isInInv) return // return; // wing.func_78785_a(1) let timeSince = ( - this.lastRender) / 1000 this.lastRender = let rotation = isInInv ? 0 : this.player.getPlayer()[f.prevRenderYawOffset] + (this.player.getPlayer()[f.renderYawOffset] - this.player.getPlayer()[f.prevRenderYawOffset]) * ticks // rotation += entity.field_70761_aq+(entity.field_70761_aq-entity.field_70760_ar)*ticks // console.log(rotation, entity.getEntity().field_70761_aq+(entity.getEntity().field_70761_aq-entity.getEntity().field_70760_ar)*ticks) let horisontalSpeed = Math.hypot((this.player.getPlayer()[f.posX.Entity] - this.player.getPlayer()[f.lastTickPosX]), (this.player.getPlayer()[f.posZ.Entity] - this.player.getPlayer()[f.lastTickPosZ])) let verticleSpeed = this.player.getPlayer()[f.posY.Entity] - this.player.getPlayer()[f.lastTickPosY] this.animOffset += Math.min(1, horisontalSpeed) * 10 * timeSince + 1 * timeSince let flapAmountMultiplyerNoEnd = 1 let flapAmountMultiplyer = 1 let wingEndOffsetThing = 0 flapAmountMultiplyerNoEnd += Math.min(5, (horisontalSpeed * 5)) let flapMainOffsetThing = 0 let wingBackAmount = 0 let shouldStandStillWingCurve = true if (this.player.getPlayer()[f.hurtResistantTime] > 17) { //damage tick this.animOffset += 25 * timeSince } // if((this.player === Player &&this.player.getPlayer().field_71075_bZ.field_75100_b) || (this.player !== Player && Math.abs(verticleSpeed)<0.2 && !this.player.getPlayer().field_70122_E)){//playerCapabilities.isFlying if (this.flying) { //flying shouldStandStillWingCurve = false this.animOffset += 5 * timeSince //flap in mid air flapAmountMultiplyer *= 1.75 //flap harder if (isSelfPlayer && thirdPersonView === 0) { if (!this.parent.lessFirstPersonVisable.getValue()) { flapAmountMultiplyerNoEnd += 0.4 flapMainOffsetThing = 0.3 } } else { flapAmountMultiplyer *= 1.25 flapAmountMultiplyer *= 0.9 flapMainOffsetThing = 0.1 wingEndOffsetThing += -0.1 } wingEndOffsetThing += -0.75 if (verticleSpeed > 0) { this.animOffset += verticleSpeed * 25 * timeSince //flap when flying upwards } } else { if (this.lastFlapSound < this.animOffset - this.animOffset % (Math.PI * 2)) { this.lastFlapSound = this.animOffset - this.animOffset % (Math.PI * 2) } } if (verticleSpeed < -0.5) { wingBackAmount = Math.min(1, (verticleSpeed + 0.5) * -1.5) //lift wings back further ur falling this.animOffset += (verticleSpeed + 0.5) * -3 * timeSince } GlStateManager[m.pushMatrix](); // pushMatrix Tessellator.colorize(this.settings.color.r, this.settings.color.g, this.settings.color.b); if (!isSelfPlayer) { Tessellator.translate( (this.player.getPlayer()[f.lastTickPosX] + (this.player.getPlayer()[f.posX.Entity] - this.player.getPlayer()[f.lastTickPosX]) * ticks) - (Player.getPlayer()[f.lastTickPosX] + (Player.getPlayer()[f.posX.Entity] - Player.getPlayer()[f.lastTickPosX]) * ticks), (this.player.getPlayer()[f.lastTickPosY] + (this.player.getPlayer()[f.posY.Entity] - this.player.getPlayer()[f.lastTickPosY]) * ticks) - (Player.getPlayer()[f.lastTickPosY] + (Player.getPlayer()[f.posY.Entity] - Player.getPlayer()[f.lastTickPosY]) * ticks), (this.player.getPlayer()[f.lastTickPosZ] + (this.player.getPlayer()[f.posZ.Entity] - this.player.getPlayer()[f.lastTickPosZ]) * ticks) - (Player.getPlayer()[f.lastTickPosZ] + (Player.getPlayer()[f.posZ.Entity] - Player.getPlayer()[f.lastTickPosZ]) * ticks)) } if (textures.get(this.settings.texture || "classic")) { Tessellator.bindTexture(textures.get(this.settings.texture || "classic")) //bind texture } else { Tessellator.bindTexture(textures.get("classic")) //bind default texture (classic) } if (this.player.getPlayer()[f.ridingEntity.Entity]) { rotation = this.player.getPlayer()[f.rotationYawHead] + (this.player.getPlayer()[f.rotationYawHead] - this.player.getPlayer()[f.prevRotationYawHead]) * ticks } if (!this.player.getPlayer()[m.isPlayerSleeping]()) { //dont rotate when in bed Tessellator.rotate((180 - rotation), 0, 1, 0) Tessellator.translate(0, 1.2, 0.1) if (this.player.getPlayer()[m.isSneaking.Entity]()) { //isSneaking Tessellator.translate(0, -0.125, 0) Tessellator.rotate(-20, 1, 0, 0) Tessellator.translate(0, 0, 0.1) if (isSelfPlayer && thirdPersonView === 0) { } else { Tessellator.translate(0, -0.125, 0) } } if (isSelfPlayer && !isInInv && thirdPersonView === 0) { //Make wings less scuffed when in first person looking down/up Tessellator.translate(0, 0.25, 0.003 * (this.player.getPitch())) } } //Higher = more elytra like wing[f.rotateAngleY] = 0.25; //rotateAngleY let shouldStandingStillWingThing = false let changeStandingStillWingThing = 0 if (horisontalSpeed < 0.01) { if (!(this.flying)) { //not flying let amt = (this.animOffset + Math.PI / 2) % (20 * Math.PI) if (amt < 1 * Math.PI) { this.animOffset += 2 * timeSince * Math.min(1, (amt / (1 * Math.PI)) * 2) flapAmountMultiplyer += (amt / (1 * Math.PI)) / 2 } else if (amt < 2 * Math.PI) { this.animOffset += 2 * timeSince * Math.min(1, (1 - (amt / (1 * Math.PI) - 1)) * 2) flapAmountMultiplyer += (1 - (amt / (1 * Math.PI) - 1)) / 2 } } if (this.player.getPlayer()[m.isSneaking.Entity]()) { //isSneaking if (this.player.getPlayer()[f.rotationPitch] > 20) { shouldStandingStillWingThing = true shouldStandStillWingCurve = false changeStandingStillWingThing = Math.max(0, this.player.getPlayer()[f.rotationPitch] / 600) } } } if (shouldStandingStillWingThing) { wing[f.rotateAngleY] = 0.25 + (changeStandingStillWingThing) * 3 } if (this.player.getPlayer()[m.isPlayerSleeping]()) { //player in bed try { //try catch incase no bed at that location let facing = World.getWorld().func_180495_p(this.player.getPlayer()[f.playerLocation])[m.getValue.BlockState$StateImplementation](FACING)[m.getHorizontalIndex]() //0-3 is S-W-N-E let rotation = 0 switch (facing) { case 0: rotation = 180 Tessellator.translate(0, 0, -0.5) break case 1: rotation = 90 Tessellator.translate(0.5, 0, 0) break case 2: rotation = 0 Tessellator.translate(0, 0, 0.5) break case 3: rotation = 270 Tessellator.translate(-0.5, 0, 0) break } // console.log(rotation) // console.log(World.getBlockAt(this.player.getX(), this.player.getY(), this.player.getZ()).getState().func_177229_b(FACING)) Tessellator.rotate(rotation, 0, 1, 0) } catch (e) { } Tessellator.translate(0, -this.settings.scale * 25, 0) wing[f.rotateAngleX] = 0; //rotateAngleX wing[f.rotateAngleZ] = (-0.45 + Math.sin(this.animOffset / 5) * 0.03); //rotateAngleZ wingTip[f.rotateAngleZ] = -2.5 + Math.sin(this.animOffset / 5) * 0.03 } else if (wingBackAmount === 0) { //tilt let wing_goback_amount = 0.15 / (Math.min(1, horisontalSpeed) * 3 + 0.25) let temp_wing_thing = 1 if (shouldStandingStillWingThing) { wing_goback_amount /= 1 + (changeStandingStillWingThing) / 50 flapAmountMultiplyer /= 1 + (changeStandingStillWingThing) / 50 temp_wing_thing += changeStandingStillWingThing * 50 } let wing_tilt_offset = -Math.min(0.8, horisontalSpeed * 3) + 0.3 //When go faster tilt wing back so its in direction of wind if (shouldStandingStillWingThing) { wing_tilt_offset += (changeStandingStillWingThing) * 4 } wing[f.rotateAngleX] = 0.85 - Math.cos(this.animOffset) * 0.2 + wing_tilt_offset - (flapAmountMultiplyer - 1) / 3; //rotateAngleX let temp_horis_wingthing = 0 if (shouldStandingStillWingThing) { temp_horis_wingthing = -(changeStandingStillWingThing) * 0.75 } wing[f.rotateAngleZ] = (Math.sin(this.animOffset) / temp_wing_thing + 0.125) * wing_goback_amount * (1 + (flapAmountMultiplyer - 1) * 1) * flapAmountMultiplyerNoEnd - 0.4 - wing_tilt_offset / 3 + temp_horis_wingthing + flapMainOffsetThing; //rotateAngleZ let standStillCurveThing = shouldStandStillWingCurve ? (2 - flapAmountMultiplyer) * 0.5 : 0 wingTip[f.rotateAngleZ] = standStillCurveThing - ((Math.sin((this.animOffset + 1.5 + (1 - temp_wing_thing) / 8.5)) / (1 + (temp_wing_thing - 1) / 3) + 0.5)) * 0.75 * (1 + (flapAmountMultiplyer - 1) * 1) / (1 + temp_horis_wingthing) - (1 - flapAmountMultiplyer) * 2 - (1 - temp_wing_thing) / 10 + wingEndOffsetThing; //rotateAngleZ } else { //tilt let wing_tilt_offset = -Math.min(0.8, horisontalSpeed * 3) //When go faster tilt wing back so its in direction of wind wing[f.rotateAngleX] = 0.75 - Math.cos(this.animOffset) * 0.2 + wing_tilt_offset - wingBackAmount / 2; //rotateAngleX wing[f.rotateAngleZ] = -wingBackAmount; //rotateAngleZ wingTip[f.rotateAngleZ] = -((Math.sin((this.animOffset)) * 0.5 + 0.3)) } GlStateManager[m.disableCull]() //disable culling let wing_center_dist = ((0 - Math.log(1000 * this.settings.scale + 0.01) - 2) - 100000 * this.settings.scale * this.settings.scale) / 1000 // GL11.glDepthMask(GL11.GL_FALSE); Tessellator.translate(-wing_center_dist, 0, 0) Tessellator.scale(this.settings.scale, this.settings.scale, this.settings.scale) wing[m.renderWithRotation](1) //render left wing Tessellator.translate(2 * wing_center_dist / this.settings.scale, 0, 0) Tessellator.scale(-1, 1, 1) wing[m.renderWithRotation](1) //render right wing if (this.player.getPlayer()[f.hurtTime] > 0) { //damage tick GlStateManager[m.pushMatrix](); // pushMatrix GlStateManager[m.depthFunc](514); GlStateManager[m.disableTexture2D](); GlStateManager[m.enableBlend](); GlStateManager[m.blendFunc](770, 771); GlStateManager.func_179131_c(1, 0, 0, 0.25); //m.color.glstatemanager.ffff Tessellator.scale(-1, 1, 1) Tessellator.translate(-2 * wing_center_dist / this.settings.scale, 0, 0) wing[m.renderWithRotation](1) //render left wing Tessellator.translate(2 * wing_center_dist / this.settings.scale, 0, 0) Tessellator.scale(-1, 1, 1) wing[m.renderWithRotation](1) //render right wing GlStateManager[m.enableTexture2D](); GlStateManager[m.disableBlend](); GlStateManager[m.depthFunc](515); GlStateManager[m.popMatrix](); // popMatrix } Tessellator.colorize(1, 1, 1) GlStateManager[m.enableCull]() //enable culling GlStateManager[m.popMatrix](); // popMatrix } testPlaySound() { if (this.player.getPlayer()[m.isInvisibleToPlayer](Player.getPlayer())) { return } if (!this.parent.ownCosmeticAudio.getValue()) { return } if (this.player.getPlayer()[m.isPlayerSleeping]()) return let horisontalSpeed = Math.hypot((this.player.getPlayer()[f.posX.Entity] - this.player.getPlayer()[f.lastTickPosX]), (this.player.getPlayer()[f.posZ.Entity] - this.player.getPlayer()[f.lastTickPosZ])) // if((this.player === Player &&this.player.getPlayer().field_71075_bZ.field_75100_b) || (this.player !== Player && Math.abs(verticleSpeed)<0.2 && !this.player.getPlayer().field_70122_E)){//playerCapabilities.isFlying if (this.flying) { //flying if (this.animOffset - this.lastFlapSound > 2 * Math.PI) { let dist = Math.hypot((Player.getX() - this.player.getX()), (Player.getY() - this.player.getY()), (Player.getZ() - this.player.getZ())) + 1 World.playSound("mob.enderdragon.wings", (this.settings.scale * 15) * Math.min(1, 50 / (dist * dist)), 1) this.lastFlapSound = this.animOffset - this.animOffset % (Math.PI * 2) } } if (horisontalSpeed < 0.01) { if (!(this.flying)) { //not flying let amt = (this.animOffset + Math.PI / 2) % (20 * Math.PI) if (amt < 1 * Math.PI) { if (amt > 0.65 * Math.PI && (2 * Math.PI + this.animOffset) - this.lastFlapSound > 2 * Math.PI) { let dist = Math.hypot((Player.getX() - this.player.getX()), (Player.getY() - this.player.getY()), (Player.getZ() - this.player.getZ())) + 1 World.playSound("mob.enderdragon.wings", (Math.max(0.005, this.settings.scale - 0.005) * 25) * Math.min(1, 50 / Math.min(1, dist * dist)) / 50, 1 - (Math.max(0.005, this.settings.scale - 0.005) * 25)) this.lastFlapSound = 2 * Math.PI + (this.animOffset) - this.animOffset % (Math.PI * 2) } } } } } onTick() { this.updateIfNotRendering() this.testPlaySound() } removeEssentialCosmetics() { if (!this.player.getPlayer() || !this.player.getPlayer().getEssentialCosmetics || !this.player.getPlayer().getEssentialCosmetics()) return let wingCosmetic = this.player.getPlayer().getEssentialCosmetics().get(EssentialCosmeticSlot.WINGS) if (wingCosmetic !== null) { if (this.player.getPlayer().getEssentialCosmeticModels().get(Essential.instance.getConnectionManager().getCosmeticsManager().getCosmetic(wingCosmetic))) { this.player.getPlayer().getEssentialCosmeticModels().get(Essential.instance.getConnectionManager().getCosmeticsManager().getCosmetic(wingCosmetic)).getModel().getModel().boneList.forEach(b => { b.isHidden = true this.parent.hiddenEssentialCosmetics.push(b) }) } } else { let fullBodyCosmetic = this.player.getPlayer().getEssentialCosmetics().get(EssentialCosmeticSlot.FULL_BODY) if (fullBodyCosmetic === "DRAGON_ONESIE_2") { if (this.player.getPlayer().getEssentialCosmeticModels().get(Essential.instance.getConnectionManager().getCosmeticsManager().getCosmetic(fullBodyCosmetic))) { this.player.getPlayer().getEssentialCosmeticModels().get(Essential.instance.getConnectionManager().getCosmeticsManager().getCosmetic(fullBodyCosmetic)).getModel().getModel().boneList.forEach(b => { if (b.boxName === "wing_left_1" || b.boxName === "wing_right_1") { b.isHidden = true this.parent.hiddenEssentialCosmetics.push(b) } }) } } } } updateIfNotRendering() { let verticleSpeed = this.player.getPlayer()[f.posY.Entity] - this.player.getPlayer()[f.lastTickPosY] this.flying = (verticleSpeed > -0.2) && !this.player.getPlayer()[f.onGround.Entity] let timeSince = ( - this.lastRender) / 1000 if (timeSince < 0.020) { return } this.lastRender = let horisontalSpeed = Math.hypot((this.player.getPlayer()[f.posX.Entity] - this.player.getPlayer()[f.lastTickPosX]), (this.player.getPlayer()[f.posZ.Entity] - this.player.getPlayer()[f.lastTickPosZ])) this.animOffset += Math.min(1, horisontalSpeed) * 10 * timeSince + 1 * timeSince if (this.player.getPlayer()[f.hurtResistantTime] > 0) { //damage tick this.animOffset += 5 * timeSince } // if((this.player === Player &&this.player.getPlayer().field_71075_bZ.field_75100_b) || (this.player !== Player && Math.abs(verticleSpeed)<0.2 && !this.player.getPlayer().field_70122_E)){//playerCapabilities.isFlying if (this.flying) { //flying this.animOffset += 5 * timeSince //flap in mid air if (verticleSpeed > 0) { this.animOffset += verticleSpeed * 25 * timeSince //flap when flying upwards } } if (verticleSpeed < -0.5) { this.animOffset += (verticleSpeed + 0.5) * -3 * timeSince } if (horisontalSpeed < 0.01) { if (!(this.flying)) { //not flying let amt = (this.animOffset + Math.PI / 2) % (20 * Math.PI) if (amt < 1 * Math.PI) { this.animOffset += 2 * timeSince * Math.min(1, (amt / (1 * Math.PI)) * 2) } else if (amt < 2 * Math.PI) { this.animOffset += 2 * timeSince * Math.min(1, (1 - (amt / (1 * Math.PI) - 1)) * 2) } } } } } export default DragonWings; function getField(e, field) { let field2 = e.class.getDeclaredField(field); field2.setAccessible(true) return field2.get(e) } let a = 0 register("command", (val) => { a = parseFloat(val)"Set a to " + a) }).setName("seta", true)