import { f, m } from "../../../mappings/mappings" import DungeonMapRoom from "./DungeonMapRoom" import DungeonRoomStaticData from "./DungeonRoomStaticData" const Color = Java.type("java.awt.Color") const BufferedImage = Java.type("java.awt.image.BufferedImage") let DEFAULT_DOOR_COLOR = new Color(Renderer.color(114, 67, 27, 255)) let PUZZLE_DOOR_COLOR = new Color(Renderer.color(178, 76, 216, 255)) let MINIBOSS_DOOR_COLOR = new Color(Renderer.color(229, 229, 51, 255)) let BLOOD_DOOR_COLOR = new Color(Renderer.color(255, 0, 0, 255)) let TRAP_DOOR_COLOR = new Color(Renderer.color(216, 127, 51, 255)) let WITHER_DOOR_COLOR = new Color(Renderer.color(0, 0, 0, 255)) let mapDataScale = { "E": 22, "1": 22, "2": 22, "3": 22, "4": 20, "5": 20, "6": 20, "7": 20 } // let TabOverlayListField = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiPlayerTabOverlay").class.getDeclaredField("field_175252_a") // TabOverlayListField.setAccessible(true) // let TabOverlayList = TabOverlayListField.get(null) let PlayerComparator = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiPlayerTabOverlay").PlayerComparator let c = PlayerComparator.class.getDeclaredConstructor() c.setAccessible(true); let sorter = c.newInstance() let nethandlerplayclient = Player.getPlayer()[f.sendQueue.EntityPlayerSP] class DungeonMapData { constructor(floor) { this.floor = floor this.roomScaleMap = mapDataScale[floor[floor.length - 1]] //how many pixels on the map is 32 blocks this.roomOffsetMap = [0, 0] //How offset is the map /** * @type {Map<String,DungeonMapRoom>} */ this.rooms = new Map() /** * @type {Map<String,Number>} */ this.doors = new Map() this.greenRoomCoords = undefined this.image = undefined this.oldImage = undefined this.renderTicks = false this.players = [] this.playersNameToId = {} } updatePlayers() { let pl = nethandlerplayclient[m.getPlayerInfoMap]().sort((a, b) =>, b)) let i = 0 for (let p of pl) { if (!p[m.getDisplayName.NetworkPlayerInfo]()) continue let line = p[m.getDisplayName.NetworkPlayerInfo]()[m.getUnformattedText]().trim().replace("♲ ", "") //TODO: Remove bingo symbol if (line.endsWith(")") && line.includes(" (") && line.split(" (").length === 2 && line.split(" (")[0].split(" ").length === 1 && line.split(" (")[1].length > 5) { let name = line.split(" ")[0] if (!this.players[i]) { this.players[i] = { name: "", x: 0, y: 0, rotate: 0, skin: undefined } } this.players[i].name = name this.players[i].skin = p[m.getLocationSkin.NetworkPlayerInfo]() this.playersNameToId[name] = i i++ } } } updatePlayersFast() { World.getAllPlayers().forEach(player => { let p = this.players[this.playersNameToId[ChatLib.removeFormatting(player.getName()).trim()]] if (!p) return p.x = player.getX() p.y = player.getZ() p.rotate = player.getYaw() + 180 }) } loadPlayersFromDecoration(deco) { let i = 0 deco.forEach((icon, vec4b) => { if (!this.players[i]) return let x = vec4b.func_176112_b() let y = vec4b.func_176113_c() let rot = vec4b.func_176111_d() x = x / 2 + this.roomScaleMap y = y / 2 + this.roomScaleMap rot = rot * 360 / 16 + 180 this.players[i].rotate = rot this.players[i].x = (x) / this.roomScaleMap * 32 - this.roomOffsetMap[0] this.players[i].y = (y) / this.roomScaleMap * 32 - this.roomOffsetMap[1] i++ }); } updateHotbarData() { let mapData try { let item = Player.getInventory().getStackInSlot(8) mapData = item.getItem()[m.getMapData](item.getItemStack(), World.getWorld()); // ItemStack.getItem().getMapData() } catch (error) { } if (mapData) { this.loadPlayersFromDecoration(mapData[f.mapDecorations]) let bytes = mapData[f.colors.MapData] if (!this.greenRoomCoords) return //30 = green //0 = transparent //66 = puzzle //34 = white let rx = 0 let ry = 0 for (let x = 0; x < 128; x += 5) { for (let y = 0; y < 128; y += 5) { if (bytes[x + y * 128] === 30 && bytes[x + 1 + y * 128] === 30 && bytes[x + 2 + y * 128] === 30 && bytes[x + 3 + y * 128] === 30) { rx = x ry = y while (bytes[(rx - 1) + ry * 128] === 30) { rx-- } while (bytes[(rx) + (ry - 1) * 128] === 30) { ry-- } break; } } if (rx) break; } rx += (this.roomScaleMap / 4 * 5) / 2 - this.roomScaleMap ry += (this.roomScaleMap / 4 * 5) / 2 - this.roomScaleMap this.roomOffsetMap[0] = -((this.greenRoomCoords[0]) / 32 * this.roomScaleMap + 2 * this.roomScaleMap - rx) / this.roomScaleMap * 32 this.roomOffsetMap[1] = -((this.greenRoomCoords[1]) / 32 * this.roomScaleMap + 2 * this.roomScaleMap - ry) / this.roomScaleMap * 32 console.log(this.roomOffsetMap.join(",")) let toMap = (x2, y2) => { return Math.round(((x2 + this.roomOffsetMap[0]) / 32 * this.roomScaleMap + 2 * this.roomScaleMap)) + Math.round(((y2 + this.roomOffsetMap[1]) / 32 * this.roomScaleMap + 2 * this.roomScaleMap)) * 128 } console.log(bytes[toMap(Player.getX(), Player.getZ())]) let loadRoomAt = (x, y) => { x = Math.floor((x + 8) / 32) * 32 - 8 y = Math.floor((y + 8) / 32) * 32 - 8 if (bytes[toMap(x + 16, y + 16)] === 30) { this.setRoomFull(x, y, 0, DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_SPAWN, DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X1, 0) } if (bytes[toMap(x + 16, y + 16)] === 66) { this.setRoomFull(x, y, 0, DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_PUZZLE, DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X1, 0) } if (bytes[toMap(x + 16, y + 16)] === 82) { this.setRoomFull(x, y, 0, DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_FAIRY, DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X1, 0) } if (bytes[toMap(x + 16, y + 16)] === 18) { this.setRoomFull(x, y, 0, DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_BLOOD, DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X1, 0) } if (bytes[toMap(x + 16, y + 16)] === 64) { this.setRoomFull(x, y, 0, DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_TRAP, DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X1, 0) } if (bytes[toMap(x + 16, y + 16)] === 63) { let width = 32 let height = 32 while (bytes[toMap(x, y + 5)] === 63) { x -= 32 width += 32 } while (bytes[toMap(x + 5, y)] === 63) { y -= 32 height += 32 } while (bytes[toMap(x + width, y + 5)] === 63) { width += 32 } while (bytes[toMap(x + 5, y + height)] === 63) { height += 32 } let shape = DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X1 let rotation = 0 if (width === height) { if (width === 64) { shape = DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_2X2 } } if (width > height) { if (width === 64) { shape = DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X2 } if (width === 96) { shape = DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X3 } if (width === 128) { shape = DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X4 } } if (width < height) { rotation = 1 if (height === 64) { shape = DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X2 } if (height === 96) { shape = DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X3 } if (height === 128) { shape = DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X4 } } this.setRoomFull(x, y, rotation, DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_NORMAL, shape, 0) } } for (let x = -200; x < 100; x += 32) { for (let y = -200; y < 100; y += 32) { loadRoomAt(x, y) } } } } setRenderTicks(val) { if (this.renderTicks !== val) { this.mapChanged() } this.renderTicks = val } setDoor(x, y, doorType, rotation) {//doorType 0=normal, 1=wither, 2=blood if (doorType === -1) { let id = World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x, 69, y)).getBlockId() if (id === 0) doorType = 0 else if (id === 97) doorType = 0 else if (id === 173) doorType = 1 else if (id === 159) doorType = 2 else return } if (this.doors.get(x + "," + y)?.join(",") !== doorType + "," + rotation) { this.doors.set(x + "," + y, [doorType, rotation]) this.mapChanged() } } setRoomFull(x, y, rotation, roomType, shape, checkedState) { let locstr = x + "," + y if (shape === DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_L && rotation === 2) { locstr = x + "," + (y + 32) } if (this.rooms.get(locstr) && this.rooms.get(locstr).type !== roomType) { this.rooms.get(locstr).type = roomType this.mapChanged() return } if (this.rooms.get(locstr) && this.rooms.get(locstr).checkedState !== checkedState) { this.rooms.get(locstr).setCheckedState(checkedState) this.mapChanged() return } if (this.rooms.get(locstr) && this.rooms.get(locstr).shape !== shape) { this.rooms.get(locstr).shape = shape this.mapChanged() return } if (this.rooms.get(locstr) && this.rooms.get(locstr).rotation !== rotation) { this.rooms.get(locstr).rotation = rotation this.mapChanged() return } if (this.rooms.get(locstr)) { return } let room = new DungeonMapRoom(roomType, shape, rotation, x, y, undefined) this.rooms.set(locstr, room) this.mapChanged() } setRoom(x, y, rotation, id) { let locstr = x + "," + y if (DungeonRoomStaticData.getDataFromId(id).shape === 'L' && rotation === 2) { locstr = x + "," + (y + 32) } if (this.rooms.get(locstr) && this.rooms.get(locstr).roomId !== id) { this.rooms.get(locstr).setId(id) this.mapChanged() return } if (this.rooms.get(locstr)) { return } let room = DungeonMapRoom.fromId(id, x, y, rotation) if (room.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_SPAWN) { this.greenRoomCoords = [x, y] } this.rooms.set(locstr, room) this.mapChanged() } getPlayers() { return this.players } roomSecrets(x, y, rotation, id, curr, max) { let locstr = x + "," + y if (DungeonRoomStaticData.getDataFromId(id).shape === 'L' && rotation === 2) { locstr = x + "," + (y - 32) } if (this.rooms.get(locstr)) { this.rooms.get(locstr).setSecrets(curr, max) } } destroy() { this.oldImage.getTexture()[m.deleteGlTexture]() this.image.getTexture()[m.deleteGlTexture]() this.oldImage = undefined this.image = undefined } mapChanged() { if (this.image) { if (this.oldImage) this.oldImage.getTexture()[m.deleteGlTexture]() this.oldImage = this.image this.image = undefined } } /** * @returns {Image} */ getImage() { if (!this.image) { this.image = new Image(this.render()) this.image.draw(0, 0, 0, 0) if (this.oldImage) return this.oldImage } return this.image } renderSecrets(size) { for (let data of this.rooms.entries()) { let room = data[1] if (room.maxSecrets === 0) continue let text = room.getSecrets() let text2 = "&0" + ChatLib.removeFormatting(text) let width = Renderer.getStringWidth(text) - 6 let location = room.getIconLocation() Renderer.drawString(text2, this.toImageX(location[0]) * size - width / 2 - 1, this.toImageY(location[1]) * size) Renderer.drawString(text2, this.toImageX(location[0]) * size - width / 2 + 1, this.toImageY(location[1]) * size) Renderer.drawString(text2, this.toImageX(location[0]) * size - width / 2, this.toImageY(location[1]) * size - 1) Renderer.drawString(text2, this.toImageX(location[0]) * size - width / 2, this.toImageY(location[1]) * size + 1) Renderer.drawString(text, this.toImageX(location[0]) * size - width / 2, this.toImageY(location[1]) * size) } } /** * @returns {BufferedImage} */ render() { //create 256x256 image let image = new BufferedImage(256, 256, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB) //create graphics rendering context let graphics = image.createGraphics() graphics.translate(256 - 32, 256 - 32) //render doors for (let data of this.doors.entries()) { let [location, [type, rotation]] = data location = location.split(",") let x = parseInt(location[0]) let y = parseInt(location[1]) let doorColor = type === 0 ? DEFAULT_DOOR_COLOR : (type === 1 ? WITHER_DOOR_COLOR : BLOOD_DOOR_COLOR) if (rotation === 0) { if (this.rooms.get((x - 15) + "," + (y + 1))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_BLOOD) { doorColor = BLOOD_DOOR_COLOR } if (this.rooms.get((x - 15) + "," + (y + 1))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_PUZZLE) { doorColor = PUZZLE_DOOR_COLOR } if (this.rooms.get((x - 15) + "," + (y + 1))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_TRAP) { doorColor = TRAP_DOOR_COLOR } if (this.rooms.get((x - 15) + "," + (y + 1))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_MINIBOSS) { doorColor = MINIBOSS_DOOR_COLOR } if (this.rooms.get((x - 15) + "," + (y - 31))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_BLOOD) { doorColor = BLOOD_DOOR_COLOR } if (this.rooms.get((x - 15) + "," + (y - 31))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_PUZZLE) { doorColor = PUZZLE_DOOR_COLOR } if (this.rooms.get((x - 15) + "," + (y - 31))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_TRAP) { doorColor = TRAP_DOOR_COLOR } if (this.rooms.get((x - 15) + "," + (y - 31))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_MINIBOSS) { doorColor = MINIBOSS_DOOR_COLOR } } if (rotation === 1) { if (this.rooms.get((x - 31) + "," + (y - 15))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_BLOOD) { doorColor = BLOOD_DOOR_COLOR } if (this.rooms.get((x - 31) + "," + (y - 15))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_PUZZLE) { doorColor = PUZZLE_DOOR_COLOR } if (this.rooms.get((x - 31) + "," + (y - 15))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_TRAP) { doorColor = TRAP_DOOR_COLOR } if (this.rooms.get((x - 31) + "," + (y - 15))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_MINIBOSS) { doorColor = MINIBOSS_DOOR_COLOR } if (this.rooms.get((x + 1) + "," + (y - 15))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_BLOOD) { doorColor = BLOOD_DOOR_COLOR } if (this.rooms.get((x + 1) + "," + (y - 15))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_PUZZLE) { doorColor = PUZZLE_DOOR_COLOR } if (this.rooms.get((x + 1) + "," + (y - 15))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_TRAP) { doorColor = TRAP_DOOR_COLOR } if (this.rooms.get((x + 1) + "," + (y - 15))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_MINIBOSS) { doorColor = MINIBOSS_DOOR_COLOR } } graphics.setColor(doorColor) graphics.fillRect(x + (rotation === 0 ? 0 : 1), y + (rotation === 1 ? 0 : 1), rotation === 0 ? 8 : 6, rotation === 1 ? 8 : 6) if (rotation === 0) { DungeonMapRoom.drawUnknownRoom(graphics, x - 15, y + 1) DungeonMapRoom.drawUnknownRoom(graphics, x - 15, y - 31) } if (rotation === 1) { DungeonMapRoom.drawUnknownRoom(graphics, x - 31, y - 15) DungeonMapRoom.drawUnknownRoom(graphics, x + 1, y - 15) } } //render rooms for (let data of this.rooms.entries()) { let room = data[1] room.draw(graphics, this.renderTicks) } graphics.translate(-256 + 32, -256 + 32) return image } toImageX(x) { return (x + 255 - 32) / 256 } toImageY(y) { return (y + 255 - 32) / 256 } } export default DungeonMapData