/// /// import Feature from "../../featureClass/class"; import { drawBoxAtBlock, drawBoxAtBlockNotVisThruWalls, drawCoolWaypoint, drawLine } from "../../utils/renderUtils"; import { calculateDistanceQuick } from "../../utils/utils"; import SettingBase from "../settings/settingThings/settingBase"; import ToggleSetting from "../settings/settingThings/toggle"; class Events extends Feature { constructor() { super() } onEnable() { this.initVariables() this.burrialData = { points: [], locations: [], historicalLocations: [] } this.lastWorldChange = 0 this.lastRequest = 0 this.potentialParticleLocs = {} this.showingWaypoints = false this.lastPath = [] this.updatingPath = false this.hudElements = [] this.lastPathCords = undefined this.loadFromParticles = new ToggleSetting("Load burrials from particles", "Will load particles from burrows in the world", true, "burrial_from_partles", this) this.showBurrialGuess = new ToggleSetting("Estimate burrial location from ability", "Will show a line + box where it thinks the burrial is", true, "burrial_guess", this) new SettingBase("NOTE: You must have music disabled for burrial guessess to work", "/togglemusic", false, "burrial_guess_into", this).requires(this.showBurrialGuess) this.shinyBlocks = [] this.lastDing = 0 this.lastDingPitch = 0 this.firstPitch = 0 this.lastParticlePoint = undefined this.particlePoint = undefined this.guessPoint1 = undefined this.guessPoint = undefined this.guessPoint2 = undefined this.dingIndex = 0 this.shinyBlockOverlayEnabled = new ToggleSetting("Shiny blocks highlight", "Will highlight shiny blocks in the end", false, "shiny_blocks_overlay", this) this.registerEvent("worldLoad", this.worldLoad) this.registerEvent("spawnParticle", this.spawnParticle) this.registerEvent("renderWorld", this.renderWorld) this.registerEvent("renderOverlay", this.renderOverlay) this.registerStep(true, 2, this.step) this.registerStep(false, 5, this.step_5s) this.registerEvent("soundPlay", this.playSound) this.registerChat("&r&eYou dug out a Griffin Burrow! &r&7(${*}/4)&r", this.burrialClicked) this.registerChat("&r&eYou finished the Griffin burrow chain! &r&7(4/4)&r", this.burrialClicked) } renderOverlay() { for (let element of this.hudElements) { element.render() } } renderWorld(ticks) { this.shinyBlocks.forEach(([loc]) => { drawBoxAtBlockNotVisThruWalls(loc[0], loc[1], loc[2], 0, 255, 0, 0.1, 0.1) }) if (this.showingWaypoints) { if (this.guessPoint && this.showBurrialGuess.getValue()) { drawCoolWaypoint(this.guessPoint[0] - 0.5, this.guessPoint[1] - 0.5, this.guessPoint[2] - 0.5, 0, 255, 0, { name: "Guess" }) drawLine(this.guessPoint1[0], this.guessPoint1[1], this.guessPoint1[2], this.guessPoint2[0], this.guessPoint2[1], this.guessPoint2[2], 0, 255, 0) } this.burrialData.locations.forEach((loc, i) => { let typeReplace = [ "Start", "Mob", "Treasure", "Finish", "Unknown" ] if (!loc.clicked) { blue = false if (loc.lastPing && Date.now() - loc.lastPing < 500) { blue = true } let name = "" if (loc.fromApi) { name = (loc.nearest ? "§c" : "§a") + "(" + (loc.chain + 1) + "/4) " + typeReplace[loc.type] + " burrial" } else { name = (loc.nearest ? "§c" : "§a") + typeReplace[loc.type] + " burrial" } drawCoolWaypoint(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 0, blue ? 100 : 255, blue ? 255 : 0, { name: name }) } }) } } sortBurrialLocations() { let sorted = [...this.burrialData.locations] sorted.sort((a, b) => { let aDist = calculateDistanceQuick([Player.getX(), Player.getY(), Player.getZ()], [a.x + 0.5, a.y + 2.5, a.z + 0.5]) let bDist = calculateDistanceQuick([Player.getX(), Player.getY(), Player.getZ()], [b.x + 0.5, b.y + 2.5, b.z + 0.5]) return bDist - aDist }) this.burrialData.locations = sorted } step() { if (!Player.getInventory()) return hasDianaShovle = false let slots = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] slots.forEach(a => { item = Player.getInventory().getStackInSlot(a) if (!item) return if (ChatLib.removeFormatting(item.getName()) === "Ancestral Spade") { hasDianaShovle = true } }) let showingWaypointsNew = (this.lastWorldChange + 5000 < Date.now() ? hasDianaShovle && this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.area === "Hub" && this.loadFromParticles.getValue() : this.showingWaypoints || (hasDianaShovle && this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.area === "Hub" && this.loadFromParticles.getValue())) this.showingWaypoints = showingWaypointsNew this.shinyBlocks = this.shinyBlocks.filter(([loc, time]) => { return time > Date.now() - 5000 }) if (this.lastParticlePoint && this.showBurrialGuess.getValue() && Date.now() - this.lastDing > 500 && Date.now() - this.lastDing < 100000) { // console.log(this.firstPitch, this.lastDingPitch, this.lastDingPitch / this.firstPitch) this.lastDing = 0 let distance1 = 142.837 / ((this.lastDingPitch / this.firstPitch) - 0.984354) - 57.1417 let distance = 142.837 / ((this.lastDingPitch / this.firstPitch + 0.025) - 0.984354) - 57.1417 let distance2 = 142.837 / ((this.lastDingPitch / this.firstPitch + 0.05) - 0.984354) - 67.1417 // this.lastParticlePoint = undefined // this.particlePoint = undefined let lineDist = Math.hypot(this.lastParticlePoint[0] - this.particlePoint[0], this.lastParticlePoint[1] - this.particlePoint[1], this.lastParticlePoint[2] - this.particlePoint[2]) let changes = [this.particlePoint[0] - this.lastParticlePoint[0], this.particlePoint[1] - this.lastParticlePoint[1], this.particlePoint[2] - this.lastParticlePoint[2]] changes = changes.map(a => a / lineDist) let finalPoint1 = [this.particlePoint[0] + changes[0] * distance1, this.particlePoint[1] + changes[1] * distance1, this.particlePoint[2] + changes[2] * distance1] this.guessPoint1 = finalPoint1 let finalPoint = [this.particlePoint[0] + changes[0] * distance, this.particlePoint[1] + changes[1] * distance, this.particlePoint[2] + changes[2] * distance] this.guessPoint = finalPoint let finalPoint2 = [this.particlePoint[0] + changes[0] * distance2, this.particlePoint[1] + changes[1] * distance2, this.particlePoint[2] + changes[2] * distance2] this.guessPoint2 = finalPoint2 if (this.showingWaypoints) Client.showTitle("&cGo!", "", 0, 20, 20) } } step_5s() { this.sortBurrialLocations() } worldLoad() { this.burrialData.points = [] this.burrialData.locations = [] this.burrialData.historicalLocations = [] this.lastDing = 0 this.lastDingPitch = 0 this.firstPitch = 0 this.lastParticlePoint = undefined this.particlePoint = undefined this.guessPoint1 = undefined this.guessPoint = undefined this.guessPoint2 = undefined this.dingIndex = 0 this.lastPath = undefined this.lastPathCords = undefined this.lastWorldChange = Date.now() } playSound(pos, name, volume, pitch, categoryName, event) { if (!this.showBurrialGuess.getValue()) return // if (pos.getX() === Math.floor(Player.getX() * 8) / 8 && pos.getZ() === Math.floor(Player.getZ() * 8) / 8) return if (name !== "note.harp") return if (this.lastDing === 0) { this.firstPitch = pitch } this.lastDing = Date.now() this.lastDingPitch = pitch } spawnParticle(particle, type, event) { if (this.showingWaypoints && this.showBurrialGuess.getValue() && particle.toString().startsWith("SparkFX,")) { let run = false if (Math.abs(particle.getX() - Player.getX()) < 3 && Math.abs(particle.getY() - Player.getY()) < 3 && Math.abs(particle.getZ() - Player.getZ()) < 3) { run = true } if (this.particlePoint && !run && Math.abs(particle.getX() - this.particlePoint[0]) < 2 && Math.abs(particle.getY() - this.particlePoint[1]) < 0.5 && Math.abs(particle.getZ() - this.particlePoint[2]) < 2) { run = true } if (run) { this.lastParticlePoint = this.particlePoint this.particlePoint = [particle.getX(), particle.getY(), particle.getZ()] Client.showTitle("&cStand still...", "", 0, 20, 20) } } if (this.shinyBlockOverlayEnabled.getValue() && this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.areaFine === "The End") { if (particle.toString().startsWith("EntitySpellParticleFX,")) { if (particle.getUnderlyingEntity().func_70534_d() === particle.getUnderlyingEntity().func_70535_g()) { let arr = [particle.getX(), particle.getY(), particle.getZ()] if (arr.map(a => Math.abs(a % 1)).includes(0.25) || arr.map(a => Math.abs(a % 1)).includes(0.75)) { this.shinyBlocks.push([[particle.getX(), particle.getY(), particle.getZ()], Date.now()]) } } } } if (this.showingWaypoints && this.loadFromParticles.getValue()) { let foundEnchant = false let foundCrit = false let foundStep = false let isMob = undefined if (particle.toString().startsWith('EntityEnchantmentTableParticleFX, ')) { foundEnchant = true } else if (particle.toString().startsWith('EntityCrit2FX, ')) { foundCrit = true isMob = particle.getUnderlyingEntity().func_70534_d() > 0.5 //mob) } else if (particle.toString().startsWith('EntityFootStepFX, ')) { foundStep = true } else if (particle.toString().startsWith('EntityCritFX, ')) { let locstr = Math.floor(particle.getX()) + "," + Math.floor(particle.getY() - 1) + "," + Math.floor(particle.getZ()) let removed = false this.burrialData.locations.filter((loc, i) => { if (!loc.clicked && loc.x + "," + loc.y + "," + loc.z === locstr) { loc.clicked = true removed = true this.lastPathCords.shift() } }) if (!removed) return; this.burrialData.locations = this.burrialData.locations.filter(a => { if (!a.clicked) return true if (calculateDistanceQuick([a.x, a.y, a.z], [Player.getX(), Player.getY(), Player.getZ()]) < 15 * 15) return true; this.burrialData.historicalLocations.unshift(a) return false }) if (this.burrialData.historicalLocations.length > 10) this.burrialData.historicalLocations.pop() return; } if (!foundEnchant && !foundCrit && !foundStep) return; let locstr = Math.floor(particle.getX()) + "," + Math.floor(particle.getY() - 1) + "," + Math.floor(particle.getZ()) let locarr = [Math.floor(particle.getX()), Math.floor(particle.getY() - 1), Math.floor(particle.getZ())] let found = false this.burrialData.locations.forEach((loc) => { if (loc.x + "," + loc.y + "," + loc.z === locstr) { found = true loc.lastPing = Date.now() } if ((loc.x + 1) + "," + loc.y + "," + loc.z === locstr) { found = true loc.lastPing = Date.now() } if ((loc.x + 1) + "," + (loc.y + 1) + "," + loc.z === locstr) { found = true loc.lastPing = Date.now() } if ((loc.x + 1) + "," + (loc.y - 1) + "," + loc.z === locstr) { found = true loc.lastPing = Date.now() } if ((loc.x - 1) + "," + (loc.y + 1) + "," + loc.z === locstr) { found = true loc.lastPing = Date.now() } if ((loc.x - 1) + "," + (loc.y - 1) + "," + loc.z === locstr) { found = true loc.lastPing = Date.now() } if ((loc.x - 1) + "," + loc.y + "," + loc.z === locstr) { found = true loc.lastPing = Date.now() } if (loc.x + "," + loc.y + "," + (loc.z + 1) === locstr) { found = true loc.lastPing = Date.now() } if (loc.x + "," + loc.y + "," + (loc.z - 1) === locstr) { found = true loc.lastPing = Date.now() } }) if (this.burrialData.historicalLocations) { this.burrialData.historicalLocations.forEach((loc) => { if (loc.x + "," + loc.y + "," + loc.z === locstr) { found = true } }) } if (found) return; if (!this.potentialParticleLocs[locstr]) this.potentialParticleLocs[locstr] = { enchant: 0, crit: 0, step: 0, isMob: 0, timestamp: Date.now() } if (foundEnchant) this.potentialParticleLocs[locstr].enchant++ if (foundCrit) this.potentialParticleLocs[locstr].crit++ if (foundStep) this.potentialParticleLocs[locstr].step++ if (foundCrit && isMob) this.potentialParticleLocs[locstr].isMob++ if (foundCrit && !isMob) this.potentialParticleLocs[locstr].isMob-- this.potentialParticleLocs[locstr].timestamp = Date.now() if (this.potentialParticleLocs[locstr].enchant > 1 && this.potentialParticleLocs[locstr].step > 3) { this.burrialData.locations.push({ "x": locarr[0], "y": locarr[1], "z": locarr[2], "type": this.potentialParticleLocs[locstr].isMob > 1 ? 1 : (this.potentialParticleLocs[locstr].crit > this.potentialParticleLocs[locstr].enchant / 20 ? 0 : 2), "tier": -1, "chain": -1, "fromApi": false }) World.playSound("note.pling", 100, 2) } } } burrialClicked() { if (!this.showingWaypoints) return let nearestBurriali = undefined let nearestBurrialDist = Infinity this.burrialData.locations.forEach((loc, i) => { let dist = calculateDistanceQuick([loc.x, loc.y, loc.z], [Player.getX(), Player.getY(), Player.getZ()]) if (dist < nearestBurrialDist) { nearestBurrialDist = dist nearestBurriali = i } }) if (nearestBurriali === undefined) return; this.burrialData.locations[nearestBurriali].clicked = true this.burrialData.locations = this.burrialData.locations.filter(a => { if (!a.clicked) return true if (calculateDistanceQuick([a.x, a.y, a.z], [Player.getX(), Player.getY(), Player.getZ()]) < 15 * 15) return true; this.burrialData.historicalLocations.unshift(a) return false }) if (this.burrialData.historicalLocations.length > 10) this.burrialData.historicalLocations.pop() if (this.lastPathCords) this.lastPathCords.shift() } initVariables() { this.burrialData = undefined this.potentialParticleLocs = undefined this.showingWaypoints = undefined this.lastPath = undefined this.updatingPath = undefined this.hudElements = undefined this.lastPathCords = undefined } onDisable() { this.initVariables() } } module.exports = { class: new Events() }