/// /// import Feature from "../../featureClass/class"; import SettingBase from "../settings/settingThings/settingBase"; import ToggleSetting from "../settings/settingThings/toggle"; class FragBot extends Feature { constructor() { super() } onEnable(){ this.initVariables() this.hostingFragBot = false this.fragBotQueue = [] this.commandQueue = [] new SettingBase("To host a fragbot use /fragbot", "", undefined, "host_fragbot_info", this) this.uploadToWebsite = new ToggleSetting("Advertise fragbot status", "Will show up as a fragbot in other peoples fragbot lists", true, "advertise_fragbot", this) this.registerCommand("fragbot", this.fragbotCommand) this.registerStep(false, 5, this.step) this.registerStep(true, 2, this.step2) this.registerChat("&9&m-----------------------------&r&9\n&r${player} &r&ehas invited you to join their party!\n&r&eYou have &r&c60 &r&eseconds to accept. &r&6Click here to join!&r&9\n&r&9&m-----------------------------&r", this.recievedPartyInvite) } step(){ if(!this.hostingFragBot) return if(this.fragBotQueue.length > 0){ let player = this.fragBotQueue.shift() if(player){ this.commandQueue.push("/party leave") this.commandQueue.push("/party accept " + player) } } } step2(){ if(!this.hostingFragBot) return if(this.commandQueue.length > 0){ let command = this.commandQueue.shift() if(command){ ChatLib.say(command) } } } recievedPartyInvite(player){ if(!this.hostingFragBot) return player = ChatLib.removeFormatting(player).split(" ").pop() this.fragBotQueue.push(player) } fragbotCommand(...args){ if(this.hostingFragBot){ this.hostingFragBot = false ChatLib.chat("&aFragbot has been disabled") }else{ this.hostingFragBot = true ChatLib.chat("&aNow acting as a fragbot, run /fragbot again to disable") } } initVariables(){ this.hostingFragBot = undefined this.fragBotQueue = undefined this.commandQueue = undefined } onDisable(){ this.initVariables() } } module.exports = { class: new FragBot() }