/// /// import Feature from "../../featureClass/class"; import ButtonSetting from "../settings/settingThings/button"; import TextSetting from "../settings/settingThings/textSetting"; import ToggleSetting from "../settings/settingThings/toggle"; import firstLoadPages from "./firstLoadPages"; import GuiPage from "../soopyGui/GuiPage" import SoopyTextElement from "../../../guimanager/GuiElement/SoopyTextElement"; import Notification from "../../../guimanager/Notification"; import logger from "../../logger"; const Files = Java.type("java.nio.file.Files") const Paths = Java.type("java.nio.file.Paths") const JavaString = Java.type("java.lang.String") class Hud extends Feature { constructor() { super() this.initVariables() } initVariables(){ this.apiKeySetting = undefined this.GuiPage = undefined } onEnable(){ this.apiKeySetting = new TextSetting("Api Key", "Your hypixel api key", "", "api_key", this, "Run /api new to load", true) this.verifyApiKey = new ButtonSetting("Verify api key", "Click this to make sure the api key is working", "verify_key", this, "Click!", this.verifyKey, undefined) this.newApiKey = new ButtonSetting("Run /api new", "This is here so u dont need to exit and re-enter", "api_new_command", this, "Click!", this.apiNewCommand, undefined) this.findApiKey = new ButtonSetting("Attempt to load api key from other mods", "This will scan other mods configs to attempt to find your key", "find_key", this, "Click!", this.findKey, undefined) this.notifyNewVersion = new ToggleSetting("Notify when there is a new update", "Will notify you when there is a new version of soopyv2 avalible for download", true, "notify_update", this) //TODO: Make false by default when uploaded on ct website this.reportErrorsSetting = new ToggleSetting("Send module errors to soopy server", "This will allow me to more effectivly fix them", false, "privacy_send_errors", this) this.sendChatSetting = new ToggleSetting("Send (hashed) chat messages to soopy server", "This will allow the hide spam feature to detect messages that are spam", false, "privacy_send_chat", this) this.privacySettings = [this.reportErrorsSetting, this.sendChatSetting] // this.GuiPage = new FirstLoadingPage(this) this.registerChat("&aYour new API key is &r&b${key}&r", this.newKey) // new Thread(()=>{ // Thread.sleep(1000) //TODO: DO ON 2nd WORLDLOAD // ChatLib.command("soopyv2 first_load_thing", true)//TODO: ONLY RUN ON FIRST INSTALL // }).start() } findKey(){ function verifyKey(key){ // console.log(key) if(key){ try{ var url = "https://api.hypixel.net/key?key=" + key let data = JSON.parse(FileLib.getUrlContent(url)) // console.log(data) if(data.success){ return true }else{ return false } }catch(e){ return false } }else{ return false } } new Notification("Finding key...", []) new Thread(()=>{ // NEU try{ let testKey = JSON.parse(new JavaString(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("./config/notenoughupdates/configNew.json")))).apiKey.apiKey if(testKey){ if(verifyKey(testKey)){ this.module.apiKeySetting.setValue(testKey) new Notification("§aSuccess!", ["Found api key in NotEnoughUpdates!"]) return; }else{ logger.logMessage("Found invalid key in NotEnoughUpdates", 3) } } }catch(_){} // SBE // try{ let testKey = JSON.parse(new JavaString(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("./config/SkyblockExtras.cfg")))).values.apiKey if(testKey){ if(verifyKey(testKey)){ this.module.apiKeySetting.setValue(testKey) new Notification("§aSuccess!", ["Found api key in SkyblockExtras!"]) return; }else{ logger.logMessage("Found invalid key in SkyblockExtras", 3) } } // }catch(_){} // SKYTILS try{ let testKey2 = new JavaString(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("./config/skytils/config.toml"))) let testKey = undefined testKey2.split("\n").forEach(line=>{ if(line.startsWith(" hypixel_api_key = \"")){ testKey = line.split("\"")[1] } }) if(testKey){ if(verifyKey(testKey)){ this.module.apiKeySetting.setValue(testKey) new Notification("§aSuccess!", ["Found api key in Skytils!"]) return; }else{ logger.logMessage("Found invalid key in Skytils", 3) } } }catch(_){} // SOOPYADDONS DATA try{ let testKey = FileLib.read("soopyAddonsData", "apikey.txt") if(testKey){ if(verifyKey(testKey)){ this.module.apiKeySetting.setValue(testKey) new Notification("§aSuccess!", ["Found api key in old soopyaddons version!"]) return; }else{ logger.logMessage("Found invalid key in soopyaddonsData", 3) } } }catch(_){} // HypixelApiKeyManager try{ let testKey = JSON.parse(FileLib.read("HypixelApiKeyManager", "localdata.json")).key if(testKey){ if(verifyKey(testKey)){ this.module.apiKeySetting.setValue(testKey) new Notification("§aSuccess!", ["Found api key in HypixelApiKeyManager!"]) return; }else{ logger.logMessage("Found invalid key in HypixelApiKeyManager", 3) } } }catch(_){} new Notification("§cUnable to find api key", []) }).start() } apiNewCommand(){ ChatLib.command("api new") } verifyKey(key){ if(key){ try{ var url = "https://api.hypixel.net/key?key=" + key let data = JSON.parse(FileLib.getUrlContent(url)) if(data.success){ return true }else{ return false } }catch(e){ return false } } if(this.module.apiKeySetting.getValue() == ""){ new Notification("§cError!", ["You need to set an api key first!"]) return } new Thread(()=>{ try{ var url = "https://api.hypixel.net/key?key=" + this.module.apiKeySetting.getValue() let data = JSON.parse(FileLib.getUrlContent(url)) if(data.success){ new Notification("§aSuccess!", ["Your api key is valid!"]) return }else{ new Notification("§cError!", ["Your api key is invalid!"]) return } }catch(e){ new Notification("§cError!", ["Your api key is invalid!"]) return } }).start() } newKey(key, event){ ChatLib.chat(this.FeatureManager.messagePrefix + "Copied api key!") this.apiKeySetting.setValue(key) } onDisable(){ this.fpsEnabledSetting.delete() this.initVariables() } } class FirstLoadingPage extends GuiPage { constructor(mainThing){ super(-10) this.showBackButton = false this.name = "First load thing" this.mainThing = mainThing this.pageThings = [] firstLoadPages.forEach((page, i)=>{ let newPage = this.newPage() newPage.addChild(page) page.setLoc(i!==0, i!== firstLoadPages.length-1) page.guiPage = this this.pageThings.push(newPage) }) this.pageNum = 0 this.finaliseLoading() } nextPage(){ this.pageNum++ this.goToPage(this.pageNum) } prevPage(){ this.pageNum-- this.goToPage(this.pageNum) } onOpen(){ this.pageNum = 0 firstLoadPages.forEach((page, i)=>{ page.load() }) } } module.exports = { class: new Hud() }