/// /// class SoopyAddons { constructor() { this.FeatureManager = require("./featureClass/featureManager.js") this.FeatureManager.parent = this } } if (FileLib.read("soopyAddonsData", "deletesoopyv1please.txt") === "true") { new Thread(() => { Thread.sleep(2000) const File = Java.type("java.io.File") FileLib.deleteDirectory(new File("./config/ChatTriggers/modules/soopyAddons")) FileLib.write("soopyAddonsData", "deletesoopyv1please.txt", "false") ChatLib.command("ct reload", true) }).start() } else { if (FileLib.read("soopyAddonsData", "firstload.txt") !== "true") { new Thread(() => { ChatLib.chat("&7Loading SoopyV2 required modules...") //idk what to say to chat, but it requires an extra ct load after starting to load stuff like mappings (maby this should be part of mappings module, but i put it here so it doesent try to load the first load page thingo) FileLib.write("soopyAddonsData", "firstload.txt", "true") Thread.sleep(2000) ChatLib.command("ct reload", true) }).start() } else { let a = register("worldLoad", () => { new SoopyAddons() a.unregister() }) } }