import Feature from "../../featureClass/class";
import { toMessageWithLinks } from "../../utils/utils";
import ToggleSetting from "../settings/settingThings/toggle";
import TextSetting from "../settings/settingThings/textSetting";
class Guild extends Feature {
constructor() {
onEnable() {
this.bridgeBots = new Set()
fetch("http://soopy.dev/api/soopyv2/gbots.json").json().then(bots => {
bots.forEach(b => this.bridgeBots.add(b))
this.shortenPrefix = new ToggleSetting("Shorten guild message prefix", "from Guild > to G > ", false, "shorten_prefix", this)
this.guildBot = new TextSetting("Bridge bot ign", "", "", "guild_bot_ign", this, "", false)
//&r&2Guild > &6[MVP&0++&6] zZzSNOW &e[STAFF]&f: &r@niftynathan7, niftynathan7's weight: 20 087 (#1 198) (Skill: 8 771, Slayer: 1 263, Dungeons: 10 053) ,.,,,..,.,,.,,,....,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,..,,,..,,,.,,.,,.,..,,....,,....,,..,.&r
//&r&2Guild > &6[MVP&4++&6] Soopyboo32 &e[STAFF]&f: &rasd&r
//&r&2Guild > &6[MVP&1++&6] niftynathan7 &e[E]&f: &r@Soopyboo32, Soopyboo32's networth: $8 424 131 866 (#2 592) ,..,...,....,.,,,....,,,...,,,,,,,..,,.,,..,,.,.,,,.........,.....,,,,.....,..,,...,.,.,...,.,&r
let ev = this.registerChat('&r&2Guild > ${player}&f: &r${msg}&r', (player, msg, event) => {
if (msg.includes("[ITEM:")) return
if (player.includes(":")) return; //stop people sending weard messages to troll using this
//player = &6[MVP&0++&6] zZzSNOW &e[STAFF]
let [_, rank, ign, grank] = player.match(/(&7|&[0-9a-fmnl]\[\w+(?:&[0-9a-fmnl]\+*&[0-9a-fmnl])?\] )(\w+)( &[0-9a-fmnl]\[\w+\])?/)
let message = ""
if (this.bridgeBots.has(ign) || ign.toLowerCase() === this.guildBot.getValue().toLowerCase()) {
let [name, other] = msg.split(/ ?[\>\:\»] /g)
if (other) {
message = `&2B${this.shortenPrefix.getValue() ? "" : "ridge"} > &b${name.split(" replying to ").reverse().join(" &7⤷&b ").trim()}&f: ${msg.replace(name, "").replace(/^ ?[\>\:\»] /, "").trim()}`
} else {
if (msg.includes("---------------------------------------------") || msg.includes("You have 60 seconds to accept. Click here to join!")) {
return //bridge bot bug
message = `&2B${this.shortenPrefix.getValue() ? "" : "ridge"} > &7⤷&f ${msg.trim()}`
} else {
if (msg.match(/^@\w+, [\w\W]+[,.]+$/)) {
let [_, name2, reply] = msg.match(/^@(\w+?), ([\w\W]+?)[,.]+$/)
message = `&2B${this.shortenPrefix.getValue() ? "" : "ridge"} > &b${name2} &7⤷&f ${reply.trim()}`
} else {
message = `&2G${this.shortenPrefix.getValue() ? "" : "uild"} > ${rank}${ign}${grank || ""}&f: ${msg}`
onDisable() {
module.exports = {
class: new Guild()