import { m } from "../../mappings/mappings" import { numberWithCommas } from "./numberUtils" let SoopyV2Forge = Java.type("me.soopyboo32.soopyv2forge.SoopyV2Forge").INSTANCE let LASTEST_SOOPYFORGE_VER = "1.0" let canUseForgeRendering = net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.isModLoaded("soopyv2forge") && SoopyV2Forge.getVersion() === LASTEST_SOOPYFORGE_VER let ArrayList = Java.type("java.util.ArrayList") let Vec3 = Java.type("net.minecraft.util.Vec3") let Vector2f = Java.type("javax.vecmath.Vector2f") let RenderPointsC = Java.type("me.soopyboo32.soopyv2forge.RenderTypes.Points") let RenderWorldTextC = Java.type("me.soopyboo32.soopyv2forge.RenderTypes.WorldText") let RenderBeaconC = Java.type("me.soopyboo32.soopyv2forge.RenderTypes.Beacon") let HudPointsC = Java.type("me.soopyboo32.soopyv2forge.RenderTypes.HudPoints") let HudTextC = Java.type("me.soopyboo32.soopyv2forge.RenderTypes.HudText") if (!global.soopyv2RenderWorldThings) global.soopyv2RenderWorldThings = new Set() if (!global.soopyv2RenderHudThings) global.soopyv2RenderHudThings = new Set() register("gameUnload", () => { global.soopyv2RenderWorldThings.clear() SoopyV2Forge.setRenderWorldList(new ArrayList([])) global.soopyv2RenderHudThings.clear() SoopyV2Forge.setRenderHudList(new ArrayList([])) }) class RenderWorldAble { startRender(isBatched) { if (!canUseForgeRendering) return if (global.soopyv2RenderWorldThings.has(this.javaObj)) return this global.soopyv2RenderWorldThings.add(this.javaObj) if (!isBatched) SoopyV2Forge.setRenderWorldList(new ArrayList([])) return this } stopRender(isBatched) { if (!canUseForgeRendering) return if (!global.soopyv2RenderWorldThings.has(this.javaObj)) return this global.soopyv2RenderWorldThings.delete(this.javaObj) if (!isBatched) SoopyV2Forge.setRenderWorldList(new ArrayList([])) return this } } class RenderHudAble { startRender() { if (!canUseForgeRendering) return if (global.soopyv2RenderHudThings.has(this.javaObj)) return this global.soopyv2RenderHudThings.add(this.javaObj) SoopyV2Forge.setRenderHudList(new ArrayList([])) return this } stopRender() { if (!canUseForgeRendering) return if (!global.soopyv2RenderHudThings.has(this.javaObj)) return this global.soopyv2RenderHudThings.delete(this.javaObj) SoopyV2Forge.setRenderHudList(new ArrayList([])) return this } } export class Points extends RenderWorldAble { constructor(points, r, g, b, a, thickness, depth) { this.javaObj = new RenderPointsC(new ArrayList( => new Vec3(...a))), r, g, b, a, thickness, depth) } setPoints(points) { this.javaObj.points = new ArrayList( => new Vec3(...a))) return this } setRGBA(r, g, b, a) { = r = g = b this.javaObj.alpha = a return this } setThickness(thickness) { this.javaObj.thickness = thickness return this } setDepth(depth) { this.javaObj.depthtest = depth return this } setDisableCullFace(disable) { this.javaObj.disableCullFace = disable return this } setGLMode(glMode) { this.javaObj.glmode = glMode return this } } export class FilledPoints extends Points { constructor(points, r, g, b, a, thickness, depth) { super(points, r, g, b, a, thickness, depth) this.setGLMode(GL11.GL_QUADS) this.setDisableCullFace(true) } } export class Box extends Points { constructor(location, size, r, g, b, a, thickness, depth) { super(Box.getPointsFromLocationSize(location, size), r, g, b, a, thickness, depth) } setLocationSize(location, size) { this.setPoints(Box.getPointsFromLocationSize(location, size)) return this } static getPointsFromLocationSize(location, size) { let [x, y, z] = location let [width, height, width2] = size return [[x + width, y + height, z + width2], [x + width, y + height, z], [x, y + height, z], [x, y + height, z + width2], [x + width, y + height, z + width2], [x + width, y, z + width2], [x + width, y, z], [x, y, z], [x, y, z + width2], [x, y, z], [x, y + height, z], [x, y, z], [x + width, y, z], [x + width, y + height, z], [x + width, y, z], [x + width, y, z + width2], [x, y, z + width2], [x, y + height, z + width2], [x + width, y + height, z + width2]] } } export class FilledBox extends FilledPoints { constructor(location, size, r, g, b, a, thickness, depth) { super(FilledBox.getPointsFromLocationSize(location, size), r, g, b, a, thickness, depth) } setLocationSize(location, size) { this.setPoints(FilledBox.getPointsFromLocationSize(location, size)) return this } static getPointsFromLocationSize(location, size) { let [x, y, z] = location let [w, h, w2] = size return [ [x + w, y + 0, z + w2], [x + w, y + 0, z], [x, y + 0, z], [x, y + 0, z + w2], [x + w, y + h, z + w2], [x + w, y + h, z], [x, y + h, z], [x, y + h, z + w2], [x, y + h, z + w2], [x, y + h, z], [x, y + 0, z], [x, y + 0, z + w2], [x + w, y + h, z + w2], [x + w, y + h, z], [x + w, y + 0, z], [x + w, y + 0, z + w2], [x + w, y + h, z], [x, y + h, z], [x, y + 0, z], [x + w, y + 0, z], [x, y + h, z + w2], [x + w, y + h, z + w2], [x + w, y + 0, z + w2], [x, y + 0, z + w2] ] } } export class WorldText extends RenderWorldAble { constructor(location, text, depth, scale) { this.javaObj = new RenderWorldTextC(new Vec3(...location), text, depth, scale) } setLocation(location) { this.javaObj.location = new Vec3(...location) return this } setText(text) { this.javaObj.text = text return this } setDepthtest(depthtest) { this.javaObj.depthtest = depthtest return this } setScale(scale) { this.javaObj.scale = scale return this } setShadow(shadow) { this.javaObj.shadow = shadow return this } } export class Beacon extends RenderWorldAble { constructor(location, r, g, b, a, depth) { this.javaObj = new RenderBeaconC(new Vec3(...location), r, g, b, a, depth) } setLocation(location) { this.javaObj.location = new Vec3(...location) return this } setRGBA(r, g, b, a) { = r = g = b this.javaObj.alpha = a return this } setDepthtest(depthtest) { this.javaObj.depthtest = depthtest return this } } export class HudPoints extends RenderHudAble { constructor(points, r, g, b, a, thickness) { this.javaObj = new HudPointsC(new ArrayList( => new Vector2f(...a))), r, g, b, a, thickness) } setPoints(points) { this.javaObj.points = new ArrayList( => new Vec3(...a))) return this } setRGBA(r, g, b, a) { this.javaObj.colorR = r this.javaObj.colorG = g this.javaObj.colorB = b this.javaObj.colorA = a return this } setThickness(thickness) { this.javaObj.thickness = thickness return this } setGlmode(glmode) { this.javaObj.glmode = glmode return this } } export class HudText extends RenderHudAble { constructor(text, x, y, shadow) { this.javaObj = new HudTextC(text, x, y, shadow) } setText(text) { this.javaObj.textLines = text return this } setX(x) { this.javaObj.x = x return this } setY(y) { this.javaObj.y = y return this } setScale(scale) { this.javaObj.scale = scale return this } setShadow(shadow) { this.javaObj.shadow = shadow return this } } export class Waypoint extends FilledBox { constructor(x, y, z, r, g, b, { name = "", showDist = !!name, phase = false }) { this.rendering = false let distToPlayerSq = (x - Player.getRenderX()) ** 2 + (y - (Player.getRenderY() + Player.getPlayer()[m.getEyeHeight]())) ** 2 + (z - Player.getRenderZ()) ** 2 let alpha = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, 1 - (distToPlayerSq - 10000) / 12500)) super([x - 0.001, y - 0.001, z - 0.001], [1.002, 1.002, 1.002], r, g, b, 0.25 * alpha, 1, !phase) this.params = { x, y, z, r, g, b, name, showDist, phase } this.outLine = new Box([x - 0.002, y - 0.002, z - 0.002], [1.004, 1.004, 1.004], r, g, b, alpha, 3, !phase) this.beam = new Beacon([x, y + 1, z], r, g, b, Math.min(1, Math.max(0, (distToPlayerSq - 25) / 100)) * alpha, true) let distToPlayer = Math.sqrt(distToPlayerSq) let distRender = Math.min(distToPlayer, 50) let loc5 = [Player.getRenderX() + (x + 0.5 - Player.getRenderX()) / (distToPlayer / distRender), (Player.getRenderY() + Player.getPlayer()[m.getEyeHeight]()) + (y + 2 + 20 * distToPlayer / 300 - (Player.getRenderY() + Player.getPlayer()[m.getEyeHeight]())) / (distToPlayer / distRender), Player.getRenderZ() + (z + 0.5 - Player.getRenderZ()) / (distToPlayer / distRender)] let loc6 = [Player.getRenderX() + (x + 0.5 - Player.getRenderX()) / (distToPlayer / distRender), (Player.getRenderY() + Player.getPlayer()[m.getEyeHeight]()) + (y + 2 + 20 * distToPlayer / 300 - 10 * distToPlayer / 300 - (Player.getRenderY() + Player.getPlayer()[m.getEyeHeight]())) / (distToPlayer / distRender), Player.getRenderZ() + (z + 0.5 - Player.getRenderZ()) / (distToPlayer / distRender)] this.textLine1 = new WorldText([loc5[0], loc5[1], loc5[2]], "§a" + name, false, distRender / 12) this.textLine2 = new WorldText([(name ? loc6[0] : loc5[0]), (name ? loc6[1] : loc5[1]), (name ? loc6[2] : loc5[2])], "§b(" + numberWithCommas(Math.round(distToPlayer)) + "m)", false, distRender / 12) } update() { let { x, y, z, r, g, b, name, showDist } = this.params let distToPlayerSq = (x - Player.getRenderX()) ** 2 + (y - (Player.getRenderY() + Player.getPlayer()[m.getEyeHeight]())) ** 2 + (z - Player.getRenderZ()) ** 2 let alpha = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, 1 - (distToPlayerSq - 10000) / 12500)) this.setRGBA(r, g, b, 0.25 * alpha) this.outLine.setRGBA(r, g, b, alpha) this.beam.setRGBA(r, g, b, Math.min(1, Math.max(0, (distToPlayerSq - 25) / 100)) * alpha) if (name || showDist) { let distToPlayer = Math.sqrt(distToPlayerSq) let distRender = Math.min(distToPlayer, 100) let loc5 = [Player.getRenderX() + (x + 0.5 - Player.getRenderX()) / (distToPlayer / distRender), (Player.getRenderY() + Player.getPlayer()[m.getEyeHeight]()) + (y + 2 + 20 * distToPlayer / 300 - (Player.getRenderY() + Player.getPlayer()[m.getEyeHeight]())) / (distToPlayer / distRender), Player.getRenderZ() + (z + 0.5 - Player.getRenderZ()) / (distToPlayer / distRender)] let loc6 = [Player.getRenderX() + (x + 0.5 - Player.getRenderX()) / (distToPlayer / distRender), (Player.getRenderY() + Player.getPlayer()[m.getEyeHeight]()) + (y + 2 + 20 * distToPlayer / 300 - 10 * distToPlayer / 300 - (Player.getRenderY() + Player.getPlayer()[m.getEyeHeight]())) / (distToPlayer / distRender), Player.getRenderZ() + (z + 0.5 - Player.getRenderZ()) / (distToPlayer / distRender)] this.textLine1.setLocation([loc5[0], loc5[1], loc5[2]]).setScale(distRender / 12) this.textLine2.setLocation([(name ? loc6[0] : loc5[0]), (name ? loc6[1] : loc5[1]), (name ? loc6[2] : loc5[2])]).setScale(distRender / 12).setText("§b(" + numberWithCommas(Math.round(distToPlayer)) + "m)") } } startRender(isBatched) { if (this.rendering) return this this.rendering = true super.startRender(true) this.outLine.startRender(true) this.beam.startRender(true) if ( this.textLine1.startRender(true) if (this.params.showDist) this.textLine2.startRender(true) if (!isBatched) SoopyV2Forge.setRenderWorldList(new ArrayList([])) return this } stopRender(isBatched) { if (!this.rendering) return this this.rendering = false super.stopRender(true) this.outLine.stopRender(true) this.beam.stopRender(true) this.textLine1.stopRender(true) this.textLine2.stopRender(true) if (!isBatched) SoopyV2Forge.setRenderWorldList(new ArrayList([])) return this } } register("worldLoad", () => { if (!net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.isModLoaded("soopyv2forge")) {"&1" + ChatLib.getChatBreak("-").trim())"§cWARNING: You dont have the forge mod for soopyv2 installed")"§cWARNING: -> almost nothing can be rendered") new TextComponent(" &e[CLICK] &7- Download").setHover("show_text", "&2Download").setClick("open_url", "").chat()"&1" + ChatLib.getChatBreak("-").trim()) } if (SoopyV2Forge.getVersion() !== LASTEST_SOOPYFORGE_VER) {"&1" + ChatLib.getChatBreak("-").trim())"§cWARNING: Your forge version of soopyv2 is outdated")"§cWARNING: -> almost nothing can be rendered") new TextComponent(" &e[CLICK] &7- Download").setHover("show_text", "&2Download update").setClick("open_url", "").chat()"&1" + ChatLib.getChatBreak("-").trim()) } })